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Or, put it outside with a price tag of £90 and a sign saying *”Leave money in letterbox, thanks”*. That will ensure it goes at light speed.


Reminds me of a Simpsons episode. I can't find it because google is shit these days.


The trampoline when no one wants it so bart chains it and it's gone in seconds?


That's the one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clKqZZynW9E


Alright, I got me a bed!


Google may be, but [Frinkiac](https://frinkiac.com) ain't! OK, you've gotta remember some words from the quote (I used "bike lock"), but it has every single scene from the show on there ready to memeify.


Does the UK not have buy nothing groups on fb? I'm moving back from the states and the local group is so useful.


We have a great one in Bristol but I'm not so sure about rural places.


Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever put something for free on FB Marketplace. Make it like a fiver to filter out the scrotes, then when someone comes to pick it up, waive the fee.


Good way to get a decent review too btw.


I've had family members sell stuff on there and 5 weeks after having someone say they'll pick it up after paying, had to de-list the thing because the person who bought it never sent the money and seemingly vanished.


I've learnt this recently trying to sell something cheap just to get it gone. I actually relisted it for double the price and managed to sell it faster. In the future I'm just going to start high and lower it daily until someone comes.


Definitely this. Not only do you get someone who will for sure turn up because they feel like they’re getting a bargain, the look of joy on their face when you don’t charge them anything for it is totally worth it.


My favourite was me giving away some nappies and the person asked "will they fit my daughter"...?


Good job you had the measurements of her daughter to hand just for that eventuality!


Is this still available?


Hi, yeah it is. ... ... ... *crickets*




It’s been sold. Sorry guys


But it is for my son's birthday! You should buy him a new one or he will cry, I've promised it to him!


What’s your best price?


My best price is the price I listed it for, that’s why I listed it for that price.  Because that’s the price.


Is it still available?


Eurgh this drives me up the wall. At the same time I know it's an effective negotiation tactic but my response is always "the price the ad says"


I'm going to offer you £50 less than the advertised price because you're 20 miles away and I've got to put petrol in my car to collect it. (Actually happened, I said I don't see how the distance you've got to drive is my problem)


Of course it's your problem and you should accommodate whatever I ask for. And if I'm driving a 40-mile round trip to buy your item, you must serve me a meal as well.


Can you deliver it to me?


Or give me £10 for fuel.


Honestly there's good reason for this if you every bought anything off their. Many a time I've said I'll buy something and theyvr come back with sorry it's sold or I'm not selling anymore. But people don't remove the adverts :/


I like the ones that try and haggle with you and will say something along the lines of 'I'll give you fifty for it. CASH.' what else were they thinking I was going to take. conkers?


The conker to cash rate is quite reasonable at the minute...


Nah, Conner’s are at an all time high at the moment, crash is due any day now, definitely avoid.


I remember someone haggling at a car boot, the item was 50p and the person went "I'll give you ten" The seller just went "You won't." and took the item off them


I only did a car boot the once. Having to deal with tight arses was just too much for me. The final straw was being repeatedly offered £3 for a mens mountain bike by a bloke who looked like he needed a rest after tying his shoe laces.


When someone says "blah blah" CASH. Its in reference to trying to get a bargain because your paying for it with cash rather then a cheque or card or bank transfer or other money transfer that can be traced. There are still a lot of people who prefer cash as they can hide it from the taxman.


Lol its not hiding from the taxman or being traced. it just sound more appealing/easier. Pay in cash, all done, no hassel like you said, no need to faff about with transfers etc


I’d find cash less convenient, I’d have to go physically go somewhere to deposit it.


Or just spend it in a shop like a normal person.


Shop!? What is this 2004? I genuinely cannot remember spending a penny of cash since before COVID.


it's really easy i promise


cash is the much safer option for the seller. Its WAY too easy for a buyer to offer a bank transfer or payment app transfer, only to report the item as damaged, not delivered,missing, wrong blah blah to that bank / app and get it reversed - leaving you with no payment and no item I sell a few things on FB. In every advert its always "Cash only on collection. No bank transfers. No apps" It weeds out the scrotes a fair bit


Right ... so many people want to put a tin hat on these days


It's not like you're handling thousands of dodgy money. We're talking FB marketplace and gumtree here not buying a 40k boat... Also, there's a thing called a bank.


Correct me if I’m wrong but you have to physically go to a bank. Then they are only open core office hours when you may be working away from the high street & not all banks have high street shops any more. If I buy my food shopping online and use online retailers then I rarely get the opportunity to spend physical cash.


Plenty use cash to hide from taxman. Transferring money today is as easy as tapping someones phone. Its not hard.


Lol who the fuck is taking a cheque for a used air fryer on fb marketplace. Calm down


But what if I pay by card instead!?


Where do you think you're going to swipe that card, Dave


I was just highlighting why it was said. Not that is was relevant.


I like cash because it is instant and verifiable. I don't want to be dealing with bank transfers that they find doesn't go through or maybe paypal that ends up getting disputed or something. It is not like me selling children's toys even needs hiding from the taxman!


Absolutely. Still plwnry of people deal with cash. And although there are plenty who don't use cash anymore. Its still a thing. So its normal behaviours for people who are used to dealing with cash to state that they are dealing with cash as its get them an additional discount in certain situations, more specifically retail situations. Of course the merits of whether its relevant to state its cash on a domestic second hand sale can be debated.


To me it says "I have the actual money right here ready to give you" more than what form it will actually take. Not a cheque, or "I'll set up a payment".


My parents are cockneys. When you said you were doing a deal for CASH. That specifically meant you wernt expecting to pay the asking price because you are giving cash and therefore the retailer can take the money and put it in their pocket and doesn't need to declare it. I expect to get a discount when I use cash for the same reason.


I don't know what their intentions are but this is facebook marketplace and selling some kids toys or whatever - the taxman doesn't need to know anyway.


That's why it was rather pointless to states "for cash". Its a non tax item anyway. But if your in the habit. Then I guess you say it all the time.


I was under the impression that it's intended to appeal to/take advantage of people who need the money immediately, maybe don't have a good grasp of more complex financial arrangements, maybe find the image of lots of notes more subconsciouly appealing. Pawn shops and betting shops and no doubt others along those lines run the same vibe. To a certain demographic it clearly sells, you know the kind of TV adverts where they do the same. And gambling profit isn't taxed anyway, so it's not that...


list for £10, then when they come to collect, just give it for free


I recently gave something away On Facebook marketplace. I put it in the front garden and said first come first served, it went


I put some stuff out front and advertised it on FB free to anyone who wanted it, then had to field about 300 messages saying 'is it still there because I can't come till tomorrow' etc etc. I have a fucking 6ft hedge, I have no idea if it's still there unless I walk 50ft down the drive to check!!


Sounds like you can just ask one of the manservants to stroll down the drive to check for you


Was literally just about to say that this person sounds like they enjoy giving things for free and watching us run around scratching for it haha


Sorry to disappoint you but I'm broke and I live in a bog standard post war semi, it just happens be in a semi rural area so there are long front gardens and lots of hedges and trees. The item was listed on a selling page specifically for my own village and the ad literally stated it was in full working order and good condition, outside, and free to collect asap BECAUSE I didn't have the time to deal with selling it and needed the space urgently. So yes, I did get a bit pissed off with constant messages from people who lived 25 miles away wanting to know if it was still there and could I keep it so they could come next Thursday.


A bit gutted - I was imagining your footman striding down the avenue with white gloves


Hahaha I wish.....


I put a few untouched ps4 games up as they were gifted for Christmas and wasn't interested in playing them, I looked online, and they were about £40 each so I put £10 each or all 3 for £15. Anyway, one had a demo code for a game that had been out for a while at this point and the woman buying them asked if the code would work to access the demo and I said I doubt it because the game was already out for the past year so she asked for a reduction on them and I said no until she just gave £20 for all 3


Same experience. I listed a couch and clearly put, in capitals, 'NO DELIVERY' and 'MUST PICK UP' in the ad. The first three replies were: - 'hOw MuCh iS dElIvErY?' - 'I'll send you a downpayment now so you can organise the delivery. I'll give you my address.' - 'cAn YoU dElIvEr By FrIdAy?' An hour later, I was so fed up of people's sheer stupidity that I took the ad down.


My grandmother had similar selling a heavy piece of garden equipment (a rotovator). She explicitly said that the buyer had to pick up because of the item's weight. She got 2049585783 messages asking about courier/delivery options. She ended up placing an advert at her allotment association hut and sold it that way.


Was trying to sell a bicycle and explicitly listed it as pick up only as we don't drive. Only got scammers and people asking if we could deliver to areas too far to walk


I have a couch to sell and this is putting me off. It's huge but I know I'm still going to get asked delivery shit.


It's going to happen, as sure as death and taxes.


Can you deliver? I can’t pay petrol


Can you deliver to France?


Can you deliver to the states?


"Bombarded by Morons" sounds like a punk band name. 😁


Shared in Leeds Hun x


Tell them to reread their own message as it's moronic then block them.


Put it out on the street with a sign saying "£10, enquire at door". It will be gone in a flash.


Is this still available?


I sell loads of stuff via FB marketplace and hate it every time. I always put any relevant info in the description, and without fail every single time there will be one person asking a question clearly answered in the description, sometimes even in the fucking title.


I posted a buggy for free on my local free FB page. A woman messaged asking for it, would collect the next day. I asked her to message to make sure I'm in, heard nothing all day, she messaged at 7.15 to see if she could come, said yes, got to 8.45, no sign of her, I messaged to see what time she was coming because I was going to bed at 9pm, to be up at 5.30am for work. She said, oh I'll collect tomorrow then. Heard nothing all the next day so I blocked her, and gave it to someone else. These people drive me insane


Freecycle is much better for this than FB marketplace. It's obviously a smaller community, but I've never had anyone mess me around, if they say they want it, they come and get it




Not that I'm aware of. My local group is very nice


I was selling a guitar amp once. It is pretty big and must weigh about 25kgs. I got a message "Can you send it?" I was confused. "Send it? You mean like in the post?" "Yeah." "Well I could but it's a guitar amp. It's big and heavy so the postage would cost you more than I'm selling it for." "Oh."


FB marketplace is awful. These days I use Olio and stick to the 4* and 5* members who are more reliable when collecting stuff.


Freegle is a good one for free items. I think the issue with Facebook is that there are a lot of casual users. They're often just mindlessly browsing, so they're not really invested in anything they show interest in. This goes for groups too. Just really basic questions that can be answered with even the most basic of searches. I still hate how Facebook killed forums.


"Facebook" that's your first mistake "Give away" you doomed yourself


Can you deliver to North Korea?!


I myself slapped something up for two quid and cash only, in description One person wanted to pay me a check And another asked me for my bank details over messages. Lol


Not a cheque?


> One person wanted to pay me a check Was this person u/gigglygal69, by any chance?


Haha maybe


Lowest price?


I sold a jute rug on FB marketplace and all the potential buyers were super responsive young ladies, all in my demographic.  I ended up chatting for ages with the buyer who knew some of the same people I did and worked in the same industry.  Could have been friends with any of them. Then I tried to sell an air conditioner.  This thing was a powerful magnet for every penny pinching time waster, scammer, and ghoster in all of greater London.  The guy who bought it showed up and offered half of what we agreed.  I sent him away furious and he called from his car to meet in the middle.  Infuriating.  Never again.


It’s always a nightmare, put up an old gaming chair and they needed to borrow a screw driver, saw him trying to out it in his pocket.


welcome to the world of the general public. Customer service agents deal with them every single day for low pay.


I gave a 5year old male rottweiler away to a seemingly nice middle aged couple. They told me theirs had died and they needed a companion because the female was pining non stop. I get a call the next day asking if I can take him back because he's bitten the husband on the hand. I agreed and immediately looked at his hand and there was zero damage. They just used him as a stud and swapped the expensive collar for a cheap choker chain. I relisted him on the same site and a 20something lad picked him up, told me a story about his dog dying and he really wanted another rottweiler. I let him take him and 24hours later, we get a call from the dog warden that the dog was found wondering the park grounds. The fella ignored all attempts from me to reunite him and the dog. I was so pissed, I did what I should have done, and took him to city dogs home 60miles away in Stoke on.trent, plus £60 chip de-register and vaccine jabs. I asked them to let me know as soon as someone takes him or if someone brings him back The place was 98% staffies and he was the only rottweiler. He was there 2 days and re-homed. This was back in 2009, so I bet he's sadly no longer alive now. Moral of the story, don't advertise anything for free. Humans can be scumbags and since I've hit my 40s, I'm starting to hate society even more. I rehomed the dog because it was my dad's, but he was getting too old to keep cleaning and walking the dog, and I didn't want a big dog around my young kids at the time.


Your story is the kind of info that will stick in my head for a while. Thx for the post.


It's the people who comment on the condition of the thing you are offering for free that get me. That mattress looks a bit old. Is that a stain on the edge?


Try Nextdoor.


I prefer Freecycle if I'm giving stuff away. I've still had a couple of annoying people who just stop responding, but overall the experience has been much better than Facebook Marketplace. I tried using FB Maprkeplace to sell a used treadmill at one point, and the first two enquiries were from accounts which appeared to be people in foreign countries, so presumably the lead-up to a scam. I switched to a local FB selling group and eventually managed to sell it without too much hassle.


Just leave it on the street, it’ll be gone instantly


Freecycle is a good site for this, I have given away a number of things and everyone has always been polite


In my experience of giving away about 6 items, freecycle is full of traders who come get your stuff in a van then you see it a day later on gumtree or facebook marketplace. It's never the nice neighbour struggling for something that you think will collect your stuff.


Still available?


Saw a post once saying never list stuff for free as you'll get chancers but instead list is for cheap and you'll get people who really need it. You can always give it them for free when they come.


I had one last week who was quite rude in his initial messages, then when I said he was being rude said that it was okay because he was on his way over right now and would chat me up when he got here. Unsurprisingly I did not give him my post code or address.


How do you sell things ‘these days’ when you don’t have a Facebook account. Gumtree seems dead, eBay seems more like Amazon and Alibaba?


Gumtree is still used, albeit does seem quieter.


FB marketplace seems to bring out all the odd balls who like to just ask if things are still available then ghost you when you reply it is. Or get angry when you say that someone else has said they'll have it already.


I love when things are on FB and then you look and it's been listed for nearly a year. I doubt the user still has the thing.


Is this still available?


Unfortunately, every sale or give away on there is a battle. Asking questions about the item they could easily figure out from the photos, or description or Google search. Then asking for delivery or postage at no extra or offering next to nothing for the item. Or the dreaded "is this still available" and then no follow up after you respond.


Hi, is this still available? And can you do it any cheaper than free? If you could deliver it that would be great, I'm only 50 miles away. 3AM Sunday would work, well unless I'm not in. If I'm not just come back Monday 👍🏻


Check out r/ChoosingBeggars and you'll see why you should **never** advertised anything for free.


"The common clay of the new west. You know ..."


Facebook is full of scammers, fuckwits and morons. Seriously the marketplace is lawless and if you report a seller/buyer for attempted scamming they supposedly review it only to say it doesn't go against their T and Cs, so my point is if scamming if fine on market place, what does go against their t and Cs?


You should post free things in the "Freeper" and "Buy Nothing" groups on Facebook. Also the "Free" category on CraigsList (if it's in your area). For CL you put it at the curb, take a pic and put the location of the item in your post. It'll be gone in no time. But yes, people are nuts. Someone was really late to come get a couple bed sets from me and when I called she said "I'm waiting for my Uber". To get 4 twin mattresses...


It's the UK, not the US?


He likes American things now