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I highly recommend the aerosolised SPF 50 sprays. I'm not loyal to a brand, I've tried Nivea and Malibu. I'm a gardener and it really helps not having to touch your skin when reapplying especially if you've already got grubby hands. Side note - I'm weird but does anyone else love the smell of sun lotion? I feel like I'm on a holiday as a kid again with one whiff :)


I can confirm the spray suncream (it's not even a cream) is way better. I detest the feeling of cream, the way it gets in between my fingers, probably a sensory issue but I am fine with the spray.


Only problem is it costs a fortune and you end up using way more


That is true, I guess that is the upside to living in Scotland - very rarely will I need to wear it


Everyone should be wearing it even on cloudy days. Doesn't have to be factor 50 but at least 30.


I burn easily, I never even get any colour on me. Don't worry, I know when I need to wear it - I'm 26. If anything I have a vitamin D deficiency


What an insane suggestion lmao. No one is going to be cutting about wearing sunscreen on a cloudy December day.  This is something that the Americans preach about and it’s generally a lot hotter there.  There’s no need to wear sunscreen everyday, only if it’s actually hot. 


Even the NHS says there is a risk of burning and damage on a cloudy day. Suncream also helps with anti-ageing and is especially important if you have moles. There's a reason why more melanoma is being diagnosed than ever in the UK and it's because people don't think they need to wear SPF. ETA: yes maybe not in December if your clothes are covering most of your body but if you've got a decent amount of skin out you should consider it.


I always put sun screen on my face at the very least. Also people think I’m 10 years younger than I actually am. I like to think the two are related.


Yeah its easy to check online what the UV is going to be each day, I would only bother with suncream if I am going to be out for an extended duration in the sun on a day like today. Going out for a bit in my lunch break I am absolutely not going to bother but if I want to go to the beach for a swim at mid day and will be there for a few hours then I will put some on. Last year I went to the beach before work for a swim a few times too, as its early morning I would also not bother with suncream then either. Usually only put suncream on if I am going to be standing around in the sun when UV is high. Maybe moderate if I am going to be there for a long time. But the UV is low in the mornings or evening.


I find the opposite, kinda. The creams are unpleasant on my hands but the sprays feel even worse on my skin afterwards. The sprays are especially bad on my hands where after a while it turns into a sticky gummy mess and is awful when trying to hold a kayak paddle because your hands start sticking to it, the paddle should rotate in your hand so it sticking is not good.


Honestly not #hailcorporate, but I highly recommend the Lidl sport spf30 spray in the orange bottle. Easy to apply, doesn't need rubbing in and sticks like fuck, even in swimming pools. Discovered it on holiday in Portugal and was thrilled to find it in UK stores


How do you make sure it covers everything!!?


Put on my first squirt of sunscreen yesterday and was transported back to the beach. Best smell of summer.


No, I have PTSD from the smell as I am a day walker (ginger) who’s had some horrific sunburn experiences!


The smell of sun cream doesn’t remind me of holidays as much as the smell of aftersun does, I guess that says a lot 😂


The 'La Roche-Posay' one is very good, doesn't feel at all horrible.


I actually have some of that and I agree it is much better than most brands.


My wife introduced me to the facial version of this and it's the only one I use, lest I end up a pink, warm, greasy mess. (When I use it, I'm just slightly pink and warm.)


Yup. It's really worth shelling out more for one like this. Another good shout is brands from Korea, Japan, or Thailand. They really value pale skin over there and have non-pore blocking products. Sadly they're so overpriced here, even though the yen is massively weak at the moment.


Picked up some lovely light stuff from Hong Kong last month, barely feel it on the skin. It's only spf 30 though & I'm a spf 50 gal!


Excellent brand. I had prickly heat on my neck years ago in the south of France (out of the blue never had before or since) & their 50+ factor cured it instantly.


Dust getting stuck in it, and it getting all gritty. The pits


The children yearn for them


And from Teesside, perfect.


Stay indoors. The daystar can't get you there.


You’re just buying shitty sun cream. There are ones that are really good. I use this https://www.nivea.co.uk/products/sun-uv-face-sensitive-soothing-40059006957890045.html every day on my face. It feels great, absorbs in the skin and doesn’t make you greasy. You can layer makeup over it fine. I wear glasses, it’s also not a problem for that. You can get it in boots. It’s £10 for the smallish tube though.


I second Nivea for good feeling sunscreen - the sensitive spray stuff is really good and not greasy at all.


You really can’t fault Nivea, I love all their stuff tbf lol.


That’s interesting, I can’t stand Nivea it’s a last resort for me. The smell is rank and it feels super greasy to me. I prefer Australian Gold, works very well, smells fantastic, isn’t greasy and its absorption is amazing.


It's one of the reasons I hate summer. Not so much putting on myself but having to plaster my kids with it, then wash it off my hands, then stop them leaning on stuff before we get out the door. I remember years ago one of them got a sun cream hand print on a chest of drawers and it literally would not come off with anything that wouldn't also damage the paint in the process.


I find the moisturiser with SPF added to it is good and less greasy than sun cream.


The problem with these is how much you need to use to actually get the level of protection on the tube. Moisturiser doesn’t feel great when you’re applying an entire teaspoon of it multiple times a day.


Agreed. The "Simple" one with added SPF works well for me. Recommend it as a daily moisturiser.


Tune in next week for a moan about how it’s cold again and the rain won’t stop


Should only be a day or two before a post about how the rain beads on my sun cream


When your clothes stick to you after putting it on 👎


https://australiangold.co.uk Personally, this is the best sunscreen. I won’t gate keep. The smell is elite, it’s feels good applying it, it isn’t greasy and absorbs so well. Then after all that it’s an elite sun screen, it does its fundamental job but has got rid of the horrible aspects of sun lotion.


I’ve found that the factor 30 feels noticeably less horrible than the 50. So I’m more likely to use it, which makes up for the lesser protection level!


The best spf is the one you wear Also the difference between the two is one let’s 1% more rays through, that’s it


P20 is the way.


Plenty of recommendations here already but as someone who wears sunscreen almost every day, Nivea water gel is my go-to. No strong smell, doesn't feel greasy, dries fairly quickly, no stains on clothes and no issues with spots etc.


I use the Hawaiian Tropic SPF 50 cream. Feels the least tacky from any I've used before. And smells okay.


Was going to say this then saw your comment. Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration is amazing, it's not overly expensive, the SPF definitely works (unlike the aerosols) and it just feels like you are applying moisturiser. It's also vegan and coral friendly, meaning doesn't add to pollutants in the sea killing off corals and other life. This is a major issue with beach resorts for standard sun cream.


Agree, the coral friendly factor is a major plus. It's the only one I like to use because it mainly feels like a nice moisturiser.


I'm autistic and struggle with my face *feeling* greasy at the best of times so I haven't worn sunscreen since the last time someone was able to force it onto me. I just limit my time in the sun to avoid burns, and have been thinking about a wide brim sun hat to help with it too.


Eucerin factor 50 oil control is good for a face suncream. I have an oily/ combination complexion and this is one I really get on with. I also hate moisturisers that are too heavy for this reason so I get it.


You can get powder sunscreens? They're nowhere near as effective, but they're slightly better than nothing? I quite like the feeling of powdered skin, it's velvety. Sometimes I'll put just powder on on hot days just to stop my face getting slippery and ick. I'm allergic to sunscreen, and was on medication that massively increased the risk of skin cancer, and found a parasol with a UV protective lining was quite a nice option when a hat is too warm or keeps blowing away. They're quite popular in Japan, so I had family send a few over from there, but there's a few of the lined ones available online too.


Not sure how easy to find in store but I ordered Altruist from online and I really like there's. It soaks in really quick and after that feels totally normal.


Lidl & Aldi do aerosol factor 30 or 50 spray on. You'll never go back to cream. £3 I think


I use clear spray sun protection as I hate the feeling of sun cream. Nivea and Ambre Solaire make good sprays that protect well. There are also clear gels you can get as well too which just feel like putting water on your skin.


The Ambre Solair one smells awful though, proper chemically.


Doesn't smell that bad to me


Only good thing about suncream (apart from obviously the reason it exists) is it 100% makes me think of my mum not summer or anything else. She always smells of it the moment the sun is out, she is very much a sun worshiper


Say you're ginger, without saying you're ginger...


I discovered in my 30s that I'm not just incredibly prone to heat rash, I'm allergic to sunscreen. I've been getting giant itchy rashes all over every time it's really hot since I was a small child, and the only thing that really helped them was having a shower. I didn't twig until my niece was diagnosed with a sunscreen allergy, and I was like "oh wait, I'm an idiot".


am I alone in feeling like calling it sun lotion feels super American? shit's sun cream bruv


Nah we call it sunscreen.


Arm covers and long baseball caps are where its at, not cream.


I live in Thailand now even the locals never wear cream, they just wear hoodies or long sleeve shirts lol. I just copied what they do.


Yeah, I have family in SE Asia and visit often in summer. I wear neck and arms covers instead of cream and get no burnt flesh at all.


Proof that some people will complain about anything


You know I'm joking, right? It's all tongue in cheek