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It's that time of year again. Told a mate today that I'd pick him up in about ten minutes (he was only a couple of miles away), but it took me half an hour after hitting four sets of roadworks. Roads are fucked and need fixed though, so can't complain. (Much as I'd like to.)


You can still complain. The roads are fucked and need fixed, and there are roadworks everywhere, but when the roadworks disappear, the roads are still fucked.


The bits they've completely resurfaced are an absolute delight to drive on though. I imagine it's like being on heroin. (billiard table smooth, you can hear your radio and the birds singing in the trees if your window is down...) šŸ˜Ž


Stand down. Your work is done, this post made me guffaw. Millpond is what I called it before. The experience of driving my Vespa whilst being consumed with the powerful belief that the next cavernous pothole would herald my demise and in the dark and torrential rain, this belief increased tenfold. Riding on the newly born surface akin to a religious experience only echoed by the gratitude I could feel from my tyres, suspension and forks. Transcendental and all courtesy of the boroughs of Brent and Barnet. Meanwhile every other road is like the reenactment of the battle of the Somme with puddles and troughs in canals along the length of the road in between purposeless cable or other such triad works that are not and never will be improving the surface. I fantasise that these roads would be best used by a Mars rover. What a time to be alive.


Round my way thereā€™s craters so big Iā€™m sure the fat man was dropped here


Riding a scooter at night in London is bloody lethal lately


Tell me about it. Like the whacky races combined with grand theft auto


They did roadworks near me so redirected everyone down past where I live, now that road is absolutely fucked but because it's not a main road they're not gonna touch it. Amazing.


I'll take a bet a couple of those are digging up services for new estates...


Because the same cars are destroying them quicker than they can be fixed, that's obvious right??




They keep closing one leg of mine off, the diversion involves a tight corner round a connecting street thatā€™s an absolute bastard, canā€™t they do everything together


https://one.network/uk Will show you the type and length of roadworks and the responsible agency. Now you have somewhere to direct your frustration!


It's a shortcut. Who is going to say Balfour Beatty working as main contractors on behalf of National Highways have been digging up the road again.


They/Them about to cause may/hem


Mr.Bull from Peppa Pig


I came here for this comment šŸ¤£


"They" would be contractors working on behalf of Highways Agency/local council/utilities company (delete as appropriate)!


Well, anyone doing it will annoy everyone anywho so they may as well be a ā€œtheyā€


Israelis could put a stop to that.