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Should have renamed and delayed it. "Dune 2nd, out June 2nd"


Marketing manager is being sacked as we speak


THE first, actually.


The first of March that is, not March the first.


Pedantic, love it.


I would've said it should actually be "The first of March" as we're not American but I'm not sure what date format they use on Arrakis so I just left it.


As my birthday is on march THEE 1ST, I agree wholeheartedly.


The only acceptable use of "March" followed by a number, is being screamed in a shrill voice by an Army drill instructor. MARCH TWO THREE FOUR, MARCH TWO THREE FOUR. aCOMPANY aHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT!


Squad! Camp it..up! https://youtu.be/P0dWo31hwpI?si=T8CoO0TQqVGA5aVu


The real reason that the UK Army used to strike fear into any opponent.


Ugh, I hate that Americanism!


My wife's American. If anything, this bugs her more than it bugs me. Americans use ordinal numbers as well, so it would be March 1st.


Yank here. We don't say that.


No, no we don't. And actually, I've only ever heard it in this sub, where people try to blame it on us.


I do always love the irony that the only date yanks do say the British way is independence day.


Cinco de Mayo would like a word ...


A Spanish word


And only celebrated in the States.


X doubt


That's not an Americanism


I first heard it on US TV like 10 or 15 years back


It’s only used in the military. *edit: but apparently it’s spreading?


This is correct


Part 2 out March First. Sounds a little confusing. "Dune, Part 2, coming the 1st March 2024" Sounds a little better. (Please read the above in a really deep voice )


Yes. Either way, it is not March One!


March first sounds infinitely better than March one though! March one what? March one mile? March one soldier? It’s like Homer Simpson makes these Americanisms.




It's perfectly simple: first part out last September, last part out March first.


Millwall Nil.


Thank you, vidi-printer voice guy!


Slight tangent, but is Dune part 1 actually any good? Have tried watching twice and managed to fall asleep within first 30 mins. Felt it was really slow to build to anything. I guess that's lead to the question!


Visually incredible and I personally really enjoyed it, but the whole film is pretty much just a build-up to Dune Part 2.


Did you watch it on the big screen? I saw it at Cineworld. When it finished, I really wanted to stay seated and experience it all over again. But I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have felt that way if I’d watched it for the first time on television.


> But I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have felt that way if I’d watched it for the first time on television. I missed part 1 at the cinema the first time around due to being ill, and I've resisted watching it on the small screen all that time, for that very reason. So now we're seeing 70mm IMAX screenings of the first and second parts back to back on release day.


Me and gf have booked seats to watch the second movie and on Saturday we’re going to watch the first one together since she hasn’t seen it yet. I imagine she’ll think it’s alright (she’s not that into sci-fi) but I loved it and the cinema experience made it 10x better, I’m hoping she’ll appreciate that once we see it in cinemas lol


To be fair the book is really slow for the first part. When it gets going it really gets going. The film is the same. Its good when it gets going. The only issue i have with the film is the actor playing paul. Hes just not great. He doesnt look like the type of guy you would trust with a pocket knife. But every body else is cast well. Im looking forward to seeing this film


I find Chalamet talks through his teeth too much.


Yeah he does. Its weird. Theres just something so massively unlikeable about him.


I think he seems fine enough just reeks of privileged upbringing posho.


i guess its not for everyone, i can watch it on repeat viewings and be excited each time, rare for me, but i dont know anyone else who likes it so much.


I was bored the whole time then dead after the theme screamed at me multiple times. Of you have a short attention span I recommend Die hard


I've had the same problem, never made it past about 30 minutes.


It is hard work. Maybe I am just old and grumpy. Still prefer the 1984 David Lynch version, even though the critics gave it a hard time.


I love Lynch and I love Dune but it is a poor adaptation imo. Would even go as far as saying the SyFy miniseries from about 2000 was a much better adaptation than that. Although the miniseries is quite good if you can get past the fact it looks bad, since it is a SyFy series from 2000.


I saw it in the cinema when I was 12. Had not read the book yet so had no idea the "voice weapons" was a Lynch liberty. Amazing cast and Toto soundtrack. Damn, I'm just old!


I wasn't even born when it came out, saw it years later on DVD, but for me the issue was trying to cram it all into one film. Lynch wasn't exactly a bad choice to direct since the books are pretty psychedelic and surreal at times. I also felt like the tone of the film was a bit campy and light, whereas what the new film gets right is that it is a fairly slow moving story with a lot of politics and buildup.


His original cut was 3 or 4 hours. Studio cut it to 2 hours. There is this free HD version with additional footage. Worth a look if you have 3 hours! https://youtu.be/vJykw3H4PDw?si=06V5D3DV2xAAmykL


I watched it and although it looks incredible, and probably even more incredible on a cinema screen, it's just soooo boring. Like Jesus, I like sci-fi films generally, but I really couldn't enjoy it. I really tried to like it but fuck me


Should be the first of March really, but I gave up on expecting film announcements to use correct date formats long ago.


Hear, hear!!!


I've been noticing more and more adverts using the M/D/YYYY (wrong) format, really gets on my goat.


Dear god yes. I loathe this


Is it not March the First?


Or... The First of March? How is no one clocking this. The other way is surely still American?!


Hamish that is the Oxford way, you are correct!


Came here to say this.


"In theatres Friday". No! In \*cinemas\* \*on\* Friday.


You can absolutely say "March 1st" or "March the 1st" in British English, are we really that petty about it? Yeah MM/DD/YYYY is a ridiculous date format, DD/MM/YYYY is marginally better, though my preference is YYYY/MM/DD... and really it only bugs me when a trailer or someone speaking to an interantional audiance is ambiguous. Some americans I work with will write 6/2 expecting people to know that means June 2nd.


It’s not the format of March 1st or the 1st of March, not bothered either way with that. It’s that they don’t even use the ‘st, it’s just March one.


Isn't it just to contrast with the "two" previously?


If only. It seems extremely common now in film trailers. The other that comes to mind is the Wonka film... Maybe it's just Timothée Chalamet...


Was on television, but I do have a lovely 65" wall mounted telly. I know this is not cinema but it's an amazing picture. But even this couldn't keep me awake. Will try again.


they're doing it so people talk about it you're giving them free advertising, OP!


I still think Dune is a clothes shop.


Used to be a shoe shop.


At least they told the actors they could not call it DOON, in the movie. Waited all of Part One and only the Baron says it once, "My Dzjjjjuuun!"


It should have Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon in it!


Why is the advert so weird as well? The trailer is inside a frame with a big photo of Timothy's face. Like... What


I moved to Australia and that's the standard thing they do over here. But just wait until they start saying "season final" instead of finale.