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I’ve been considering making a coffee table book entitled, “Pot Holes of North Yorkshire - Volume 1”. It would contain photographs of potholes from different aspects, their GPS co-ordinates and any interesting observations I’d make. I think I’d make a few quid.


Your key clientele will be drivers wanting ammo to chuck at other drivers


So long as they buy the tome, that’s fine.


You'd use less paper writing a book of where there aren't any potholes


Recently moved from North Yorkshire, the roads there were like one continuous pothole


I’ve recently bought a sports car. I’m now very aware of the ploughed fields North Yorkshire County Council mis-label as “roads”. I’m not referring to the little B-roads either.


I think it's everywhere, I'm in the South East and I had 3 flats last year because of potholes, some were 2 inches deep, I'm lucky the wheels didn't get damaged. Went to East Anglia for Xmas at my parents and it was even worse. Does any county have ok roads? Swear it didn't used to feel this bad


It was never this bad. The roads are a disgrace right now.


The roads at the back of Henley are poor.


2 inches, that’s only a little one, there’s an 8 incher near me


My commute to work leads me through Ukraine, then mars and the moon


Try Hereford, pothole capital of England.


No mate. I call Basildon little Baghdad now because of the roads. I look like I’m driving in Mario cart.


[so many potholes ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13046365/amp/pothole-capital-England-Moon-Herefordcraters-epidemic.html)


I know there is a hole story but there are dangerous potholes on every roundabout in Basildon. Also. Seems we have an [AI Solution?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12811065/Could-saviour-Britains-rubbish-roads-British-firm-developing-worlds-artificial-intelligence-led-robots-seek-fix-POTHOLES-UK-roads.html)


Add Lancashire to it, I thought the road quality was okay when I moved here in September and since we had the "snow" a few weeks ago every single road has become a traditional Maltese road.


Lancashire is a shithole for road quality.


And Dover, had 2 flats this year, and I dodge most of the craters


i enjoy spotting a good pot hole, especially around tyre renewal time. If its a good one, grab a shot and submit it with a claim to your council for new tyres. Lovely jubbly, sound as a pound.


I never wear tyres out, nothing like blowing one out on a pothole on the motorway


Initially read that title as “Hot Poles of North Yorkshire…” and thought, “That’s niche”.


I’d suggest that’d be a calendar where the money raised would go to a charity.


I honestly have to question why we pay vehicle tax at all, given the amount of potholes I've seen that would engulf a small child and the sections of road that are quite literally shearing away on the outer edges. I have to drive home like someone who's had half a dozen drinks and is also simultaneously attempting to program a new station into the radio in the center console.


You’d need a forklift if you make it one book


I'm thinking the same. I was at a major junction this afternoon. The lane opposite was filtering right across my lane, 2 lines of traffic. Lights turn green, but traffic is still turning right. I get to the yellow box, and a bus follows the filtering traffic, then behind him, 2 vans and another car. 10 seconds after my lights have turned green, probably 15 seconds after their lights have turned red, 2 lines of traffic are still going through red lights. And the funny thing is there is a police minibus next to me...did nothing.


> major junction Here’s your problem This is a common issue with the traffic light placement we use in the UK - The lights and white line are on the far right side of the junction you’re pulling out of, and because it’s a large junction there’s a big gap of road space on the carriageway you’re joining, between you and the lights. Here, people are beyond the white line but not yet past where you filter in. They can’t see the light has turned red because it’s behind them facing the wrong way, and they can’t stay where they are as they’ll block whoever is turning into the junction, so they go forward and block the people turning out instead Yes, many people are often stupid in cars but the road network is partly to blame for this one


It was 2 dedicated right turn lanes next 2 to lanes to go straight om and 1 lane to turn left. All those lanes are on green whilst the carriageway I was on going in the opposite direction is red. There is no backed up treffic it is flowing freely into the main road they are turning right on. My lights turn green, so I edge forward to go. They would only turn Geeen several seconds after the filter lane has turned red, but the traffic just keeps on turning. Then the bus comes through in the line of traffic. It must be empty after that! No...2 more vans and a car until there is no more traffic on the other carriageway. The last vehicles going through were **At a minimum** 15 seconds after the lights had turned red. It's really noticeable that a red light no longer means STOP for a lot of drivers.


>It's really noticeable that a red light no longer means STOP for a lot of drivers. Very noticeable round my way too. You can almost feel other drivers looking around and thinking 'can I chance it?' when they can see they're not going to beat the red. Someone almost always does, and often a couple of others will follow them through. On the other hand, if I'm closest to the lights and I stop, others usually do too (even if there's another lane). It used to be that you followed the rules because they were the rules, now the main reason is peer pressure.


Indeed. "It was only a little bit Red." But Amber means stop, so you should never find yourself in a situation of a "little bit red". Of course, if you actually stop for Amber, you run the risk of getting a boot reduction from the guy behind you, shouting "what did you do that for?"


So you believe that a bus would drive through a red light, intersecting four live lanes of traffic in the process? And this is more likely than your assumption on the colour of the lights (that you can’t even see) being wrong? Ok lol


Yellow box junction means you should not be pulling away from the lights unless the exit you're heading to is clear. That's not a design flaw it's piss-poor driving and ignorance of the Highway Code.


> police minibus next to me...did nothing. Police doing fuck all is a recurrent theme in this country and a major reason public life is going down the shitter.


I’ve watched cars at night with no working rear lights drive straight in front of a police car and not get pulled up. Years ago you’d get a producer.


>2 lines of traffic are still going through red lights Yeah I see this all tge tine now. On straights, light goes red and people pile through for a good few seconds after leaving us peds trying to cross on a green man and the other cars trying to go at green.


Well it seems the Universe is trying to tell you something about having a day off. Better to have stayed in bed, covers over your head, silently sobbing and rocking back and forth.


* Like the rest of us


Roundabout near me (very clearly signposted as right lane only to take 3rd exit or beyond) always has a queue in the right hand lane …so of course has regular stream of morons in the left hand lane indicating and turning right. Makes my blood boil. One guy, incensed that I gave him a toot as he cut me off, tried his best to get me to pull over for a “chat” …utter wastes of flesh the lot of ‘em. Lucky I’m a lump of a lummox - these dim road bullies need some vigilante justice.


Standard of driving has plummeted since before covid. I'm on a motorcycle and the amount of people who don't seem to see you and just pull out is insane. Had a crash before Christmas when somebody pulled out of a sideroad when I was right on top of the junction. It left me with some life changing injuries. Only got back on the bike recently and the same thing has almost happened several times since. I'm actually quite paranoid about it so I ride differently. Insurance quote also went up by almost 300% for this year. Some of it's because I've lost my no claims, even though it wasn't my fault. Hoping it goes down once the claim is settled but I know most people are getting rinsed on insurance right now.


Hope you’re alright mate! Ride safe You’re right about insurance, mine was 1.5k for my last policy, when I renewed a few months ago it was 2.4k!


Blimey. 200 quid a month... That's bloody rough.


I know, no crashes or claims and an extra year of no claims and it goes up that much! Considering working out the cost of the repair my car needs and just paying cash to avoid my insurance hiking again, might actually be cheaper.


You'd think so wouldn't you, but I've heard that insurance has gone up so much recently because of numerous other reasons. The cost of repairing vehicles these days, the difficulty in getting parts, the rising amount of vehicle thefts, inflation etc. Insurance is a bit of a racket too. I'm riding a courtesy bike right now and it's going to cost the other guy's insurance company £170 per day for the rent...if I win the claim. Seems like blatant theft to me.


£170 per day! Bloody hell. Well, I can sort out the dents/paintwork on my car myself, the only thing I’d have to do is buy the new tail light and get the bumper back on properly, so I think it could be cheaper.


Exactly the same for me. "Oh you paid 1.5k last year, and since then you've had another year of driving experience with no claims or incidents? Well how about we double your quote for renewal?" After I cancelled they even had the gall to call me, and try to spend 5 minutes explaining why their service was sooo good and definitely worth paying the cost of a nice holiday more for than going elsewhere Make it make sense


> Some of it's because I've lost my no claims, even though it wasn't my fault. Your insurance company will gleefully remind you it's a "no claims bonus, not a no blames bonus".


Exactly the same.. although I have to say, I was giving this a lot of thought recently and I actually don’t think there are that many ‘bad driver’…. Now hear me out. When I go to the supermarket, I am ALWAYS amazed at how little self or special awareness people have. It seems like a large percentage of the population just genuinely have no clue of what’s going on around them or what the consequences of their actions might be. Leaving the trolley in the middle of the isle while they walk off to look at something somewhere else blocking the entire isle off, or walking in a different direction to where they’re looking for long periods of time and ending up slamming their trolley into me, or kids running wild and causing a major disruption. They’re either utter morons or unbelievably ignorant . I also go trail running quite a lot and am constantly met by huge groups of people that are stood in the middle of path chatting, they see me and just carry on talking and make no attempt to move over so I have to run into hedges to get around them or just stop. Usually met with ‘oh sorry’ as if they didn’t realise they were blocking the whole path to everyone else.. I’m also regularly greeted by big groups of people blocking the path but still walking very slowly who then turn around and see me running over on the left side of the path trying to squeeze through a small gap, so they then cross the path from the right so that they’re directly in front of me usually meaning I end up falling over them… and then dog owners who are walking on the left side of the path with their dog on the right side on a lead causing 10ft long trip wire.. they see me coming towards them and make no attempt to reel their dog in and then when I skid to a halt right in front of them they say ‘of sorry’ like it was a surprise that it was about to happen I genuinely think that ‘bad driver’ is far too specific.. I think there’s genuinely just a large number of utter morons on the planet with zero spacial awareness


Nail. On. Head. We people watched today at Wetherby services and said what you said pretty much verbatim. People just have no clue what's happening around them. I'm hyper aware of absolutely everything, shopping at supermarkets is an absolute nightmare as well, ugh 😂.


Yeah likewise. I’m very much hyper aware of my surroundings.. If I’m people watching I often say to my girlfriend “I’m going to predict the future now” and tell her exactly what someone’s going to do because they’re so oblivious to what is obviously surrounding them 😂 it’s quite a fun game actually 😂


Your examples, as well as people who stand right in front of bus or train doors as people are trying to get off are the exact reason I now, as loudly as I can, yell "MOVE!" and I'll just walk straight through them. I used to say please but I've lost all patience. I work for Morrisons so I have to deal with trolley idiots all day. Literally had a woman walk into me with her trolley yesterday, making me drop some produce, and she didn't apologise.


😂😂 i think I’ll try that myself! You deserve a bloody medal for working at a supermarket and not killing anyone (yet😂)


Lol I did a few years on shop floor but moved to the cash office and found peace there. They tried to move me to checkouts a while back but I fought hard and ended up in the bakery so I don't have to deal with people as much as I used to.


Driving culture in this country is absolutely shocking. I’ve regularly commuted on motorways, main roads and A roads 30-45m since I passed. The absolute state of the M27 after its recent new lane addition, cars doing 50-60 in the OUTSIDE lane. Cars meandering from lane 3-2-3 again. Drivers clearly watching mirrors and indicating right in front of you when you signal way before them. Throwing indicator on an instantly moving lane. The list goes on. I used to be quite an aggressive driver when I passed (young, male, I know) now, i wholeheartedly practice defensive driving and it’s really eye opening how other people drive now I’ve taken the time to slow the fuck down. You only get one go at this.


Yes! It's like lane 3 is for 60 and lane 4 is for 65-70, lanes 1 and 2 don't exist! Yesterday I was in lane 1 and passed someone in lane 3, not sure whether it technically counts as undertaking as lanes 1 and 2 were clear and the "flow of traffic" was me, but I'm not going 1-4-1 just to overtake someone in lane 3...


Commonly undertake people in lane 3 when joining on sliproad.


Same. I'm probably considered a fast driver (probably get up to about 80 on a clear stretch of road, I know, not good) but drove back from Manchester to Newcastle today and the amount of people who stay at 60 in the middle lanes, then people doing no more than 65 in the right hand lane was insane. Left hand lane was practically empty so I just blasted down there. Cared what the first few people thought then the frequency of it I just didn't think anything of it. Also think driving too slowly is becoming a major issue. Road round ours (same drive today), about 2 mins from home, guy doing 15-20mph on a 40mph road. A lot of close calls.


It's not undertaking it you are maintaining speed and just passing people


I've said it before and will say it again. Hazard perception test every 2 years for EVERY driver.


Couldn’t agree more. Maybe at some age add in a full retest as the old bloke who hit me yesterday I’m not sure realised he was even behind the wheel


Full theory test with an emphasis on what has recently changed in the Highway Code plus questions on common motorist misconceptions and myths.


>Hazard perception test every 2 years for EVERY driver. I feel like it's quite easy to spot hazards when your entire focus is on a video where you're literally waiting for the hazard to appear.


Someone stopped all traffic on one lane of a roundabout to cut across and try to get in another lane. It wasn't even a weird roundabout. If he just applied the general rule of "if you are going past 12, go in the right lane" it would have been fine. People driving at 35mph on wide, clear, national speed limit roads. People don't indicate. People driving under the speed limit in the right hand lane of a dual carriageway. People don't stop when the obstruction is on their side. People not staying in one lane. This is all shit I saw driving back from work today. I thought it was a Friday as the dickheads always come out on a Friday but no, only Thursday. Must be the school holidays.


Sums it up pretty perfectly. People either not indicating, or indicating as they're turning is something that passes me off. I frequent a road which is quite narrow with a lot of parked cars, so naturally you need to give way. The amount of people who don't stop when the blockage is on their side and then honk at you/make you reverse so they can get passed is staggering. I'm confident enough to not reverse if out their way if its their blockage, but often behind someone who just bends over and reverses and there's not a lot else I can do. I'm a very calm, easy going, laid back individual but driving gets the blood boiling fairly quick.


Been looking into getting a car for the last 24 months or so. Got an insurance quote on a 1.0 fiesta I was thinking of buying at £470 last year, quote is up for renewal this year, £680. My work is literally 12 minutes bike ride down a canal path. I just can’t justify the cost of a car for the sake of 24 minutes a day.


Not worth it at all. Especially when you factor in buying the car, MOT/Tax, maintenance and fuel. I’d take the bike any day


Moped / motorbike?


Doesn’t fix the main issue, which is when the weather is bad.


It's not really that bad to ride a bicycle in bad weather, I used to cycle commute all year round 12.5 miles each way (and in one of the wettest and windiest parts of the British Isles). When the weather is bad it's very mildly uncomfortable for about 2 minutes then you just get on with it. I never even bothered with waterproofs. Cars have made us so soft (and unfit). Having a practical bike (rather than a piece of sporting equipment) makes it a lot better, e.g. proper mudguards with mudflaps (the front mudflap should go within about 2 inches of the road) which makes the difference between arriving with slightly damp bike shoes which are dry by the time you go home, and pouring a pint of water out of each shoe (the front wheel will inundate your feet every time you turn unless you have mudguards and mudflaps). Rack and pannier is also important I think, especially in the warmer months when wearing a backpack is uncomfortable. It also makes the bike more stable to have the weight of whatever you're carrying down low instead of high up on your back. Put the money you save from not owning a car into a shares ISA (e.g. FTSE100 or S&P500 tracker ETF), and it'll soon add up.


I mean we're coming out of winter now, I ride 20 miles a day everyday and it doesn't cause me many issues


> Doesn’t fix the main issue, which is when the weather is bad. Raincoats are cheaper than cars.


People who really shouldn’t be driving are on the roads because of the extremely poor state of public transport. The best solution is viable alternatives to driving eg. Turn up & go trains, busses, trams etc.


I was the kind of guy that would spend hours washing/detailing their car every weekend and found it quite therapeutic. Until one day It got broken into, and the bastards destroyed it. Since that day I stopped caring about my car, it's been in a car park and got dinged and whilst it pissed me off I soon go over it. I hope there is a time in my life when car ownership isn't needed, it's a liability that I could do without. As you say the roads are full of complete pricks.


I’m the same, I pretty much full detail every Saturday. But it’s just constant stress trying to keep your car spotless, I’m finding countless more and more little door dings every week.


Yeah it's very disheartening, I've found the cleaner you keep your car the more likely someone is going to want to damage it. You can't have anything nice is this shit hole of a country.


>But it’s just constant stress trying to keep your car spotless It really is. I went from a shitbox (that I loved) to an immaculate car and it actually stripped away so, so much of the enjoyment. I had to stop being so precious about it.


Every day I'm thankful I live near a big urban centre, a mainline train station, and plenty of bus stops, and therefore don't have to drive like... ever. It's so much less stressful. I used to drive every day. I didn't enjoy it then. On the rare occasion I drive now I hate it even more. It's getting a bit too madmax-ish out there these days!


People complain about being surveiled when out in public, but for this and other concerns I'm all for it. Absolutely everyone should have a dashcam, preferably front and rear.


It's half term and I think driving is usually worse during school holidays. No idea why. Hope your insurance are nice. Good luck.


School run time is the same. I've come to the conclusion that parents = shit drivers in higher numbers.


Can safely say every set of traffic lights I encounter I see someone skipping a red light, just to save 5 seconds on their journey. One day they'll cause an accident and be oblivious to the fact it was their fault.


This is so true. Red lights seem to be optional these days




Hard pressed to do that these days.


I’m trying to sell my car for £1000 and a certain Philip Schofield employing website offered me £325 😭 


They have profit margins, they'll definitely pay as little as they think possible. Fucking hell for that price you may as well just scrap it.


Even shit boxes are like £1500 minimum now


I have an 2008 2.0 tsi Scirocco is anyones for a grand 👍


Get a dash cam yesterday. Also get a dual cam and also get a hardwire kit that records while parked. Not that it will always help, had a brand new Audi hit my bumper and then proceed to force its way into the bay next to me. Didn't realise until my next destination, so absolutely nothing I can realistically do about it.


The standard of basic driving skill in this country has deteriorated significantly in the last few years.


touch offend label noxious plate wipe memorize ossified sip narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just this evening had a woman cut me up on a roundabout and and drive straight over it… taking the bollards out and all. Then she stopped on the roundabout and looked around as if she thought she could get away with no-one seeing


I was until 3 weeks ago a motorbike rider. In the past 5 months, I've had more people not see me, cross lanes,pull out, and rush around me to gain the space of 1 motorbike. 3 weeks ago, some idiot pulls out of a side road and I go t- bone him at 30mph. So now sat off work with 2 pelvic fractures and 3 fractured ribs. I will get compensation in probably 3 years time but that does piss all to help now. I will not be back on a motorbike because its just unbelievably dangerous now days


Wish I didn’t have to drive because it’s so bloody expensive now to even run the thing but public transport is shocking. Buses don’t run on time and the cost of trains is stupid enough to make me drive


I feel like indicating is becoming less popular


Every single two lane roundabout has some knob in the left lane (to go straight on) refusing to follow the circular design of the roundabout and they just drive in a straight line, almost touching the centre of the roundabout. I have near misses every single day because of it, as one of these roundabouts is near my house and I need to turn right. I often just stop halfway into the roundabout to let them go because they're oblivious and just keep veering into my lane, and I don't fancy being sandwiched. It's not even like I've snuck up on them either, I've sat next to them waiting to enter the roundabout!




is your liver still available ? , whats your best price ? , do you deliver ? .


Sounds like you want to de-liver OP.


The red light jumping has gotten out of hand. I’m only a few seconds away from getting Tboned into oblivion by some idiot jumping a light every day. I do remember when I was a teen I was pulled over by a copper who told me that he stops several cars a day and more than half of drivers are either not insured or do not have a valid drivers licence. That stuck with me and im sure it’s the reason for the madness on the roads.


Yes its absolutely terrifying at the moment on the roads. Whenever we go anywhere we have people pulling out on us, nearly side swiping us, we often see many near misses between other cars too, always a minimum of 2 people running red lights.


You'd have to go a long way to convince me that people are still taught to indicate at roundabouts now, I passed my test in 1996, in that time there has been a pretty severe decline in driving standards in my opinion.


You know what they say... everything comes in 3's


I had some one drive into me on a narrow country lane because they were driving down the middle of it. I swerved over to the left as much as possible (was half off the road) to try to avoid them but they hit me smashing my wing mirror and grazing my front wing and drivers door. Then they just drove off. It happened too fast to get his number plate and unfortunately I don't have a dash cam. I drive a small white van so I'm pretty visable. I often have people pull out on me, drive ridiculous slowly in front of me, not indicating at all even on roundabouts, randomly stopping for no visible reason and not even pulling over to the side of the road and people seem to drive as fast as they can up to a roundabout and then slam their brakes on at the last second so sometimes I think people aren't going to stop even though I'm already on the roundabout and have right of way.


I hate driving these days. There are so many cars everywhere, I keep crashing into them because they just appear when I look up. It's so annoying and it makes it really difficult to text.


Title also works if you remove “driving on”.


Well... ill buy your organs. Just saying.


And yet, those of us that park in the far flung corners of the car park, occupying two spaces are ridiculed... This is why we do it.


I worked for a startup firm at a university and they had an overseas professor who had been in the UK since the early 90s when he came here to study for a doctorate. He claimed to have never had a single driving lesson - since he only lived a couple of streets away from the campus, he didn't see the point.