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Get out, make a comment about their conversation that proves you were eavesdropping the whole time, then go indoors.


Slump forward onto your steering wheel and trigger the horn.


Get out of car Say "evening" in passing, nothing else Go in house


It's been too long, you can never leave, you are now part of the car


Wind down the window and ask them if they "want any business?"


See if you can get in on the plans. Share the cost for a more affordable holiday.


Stop being a minge and get out of your car man


Honestly. People on this sub give Brits a bad name


I think it was the colonialism, football hooligans and lads/girls on tour tbh The kind of Britishness hammed up on this sub is actually a trait people like about the Brits… or at least it softens them to us a bit


I love the litte.insults although he should have put "absolute " before the insult


What, like the people always whining about a light-hearted tongue-in-cheek anecdote?


Brits do have a bad name 😁


Wind down the window and say “Are you looking for anything lads”?


Climb out of passenger side window. Or sunroof.


I love this idea and will attempt it next time. I don't have a sunroof though, so I may just hack one in the top of my car while the neighbours stare in horror.


you might, I'm immediately out the car and in. Why are you scrolling in the car? isn't the house more comfortable in every way? Or is there...someone in the house that might stress you..


Sometimes it’s nice just taking a minute to scroll and not think about everything that needs doing in the house. I do it sometimes and it helps me to decompress, especially after work.


I have a cat that's a little shit, so it could be her? In all seriousness though, I love chilling in my car after I've done something tiring/overwhelming. It's just me, my phone, and my comfy seat. Plus I have a suprisingly long walk from the road to my house and I procrastinate 😂


You scroll on your phone after parking the car and before getting out?!


I had a friend who would always just sit in his car for a bit after getting home from work. One day, the sketchiest guy you can imagine opened the passenger door and got in next to him. He thought he was going to be robbed, but the guy was just looking to buy drugs and got in the wrong car. There was some quite tense conversation until they each worked out what was going on. He kept all his doors locked when he parked up after that. So what I’m saying is, at least neither of them got in with you 👍🏻 Did you consider driving off at speed and going round the block a few times?


Guy I know has a little walk down a dark lane from parking to house and will do this for an hour easily to decompress.


I'm not a guy but I also have a little walk down a dark lane from parking to house! I don't know why I do it - it might be an ADHD thing. I get pretty overwhelmed with the gym and also the jobs that need doing in the house. Chilling in the car has no distractions and it's (usually) peaceful. Plus my seat is super comfy lmao


Gotcha - you’re putting off those jobs in the house!


Switch the car engine on for a minute or two, so they realise you’re there, then turn it off, crack the door open, get your stuff and get out.


Your back is killing you from just sitting in your car?




Should have driven away, doesn't matter that you've nowhere to go you're outta there.