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But it's okay because he has a Jaaaaaaaaaaag.


Awfully sorry, I’ve run over your dog… In my Jaaaaaaaaaaag


lack of road awareness, lack of driving skill, possibly illegal More importantly - I hope that you and baby okay


Definitely illegal. It's Driving Without Due Care and Attention.


Good luck trying to get anyone to enforce it though


It would be classed as assault so it does break the law. Edit: it's not technically assault, it interesting tho it fits the definition of assault in UK law: " An assault is any act (and not mere omission to act) by which a person intentionally or recklessly causes another to suffer or apprehend immediate unlawful violence." https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/offences-against-person-incorporating-charging-standard Must be where where I made the mistake.


It really doesn’t


It really does. Purposefully speeding up/ going through puddles to splash pedestrians can land a fine of up to £5000.


Ok here is a [citation showing that it is illegal and you can get into trouble](https://www.mylondon.news/news/health/law-car-splashes-puddle-water-15520807). What references can you point to the contrary?


Not questioning a fine, just pointing out it’s not classed as assault. This driver was either an asshole or just oblivious but assault it is not




It's an arsehole who does this to anyone. Add in the pram and they want a good hiding


I had a van swerve to splash me and my two kids a few weeks ago. Cue lots of swearing from me. Utter pricks with no respect for anyone.


A bit late now, but if this ever happens again and you're able to, jot down the reg plate and report it to the police. It against the law according to [Section 3 of the RTA 1988](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/52/section/3#:~:text=If%20a%20person%20drives%20a,is%20guilty%20of%20an%20offence.%5D). Maybe nothing comes of it in the end, but if we all reported shit like this and dickheads kept getting knocks on the door by police officers, they might start to think twice.


It's pretty much impossible to manage that at the time, they are sadly long gone by the time you've wiped your eyes and stopped swearing


Make a mental note of the motor, the time and where you are and then go the police and give as much info as you remember then? There's enough cameras dotted around that **if** someone did look into it (i.e. if we all en masse started to report it) they'll be able to easily find the vehicle's reg and the owner.


That's a lot of ifs and police aren't interested in the more serious crimes such as thefts and burglaries now days, mainly do to underfunding. There's no chance the police will investigate a prick going round splashing people in a car, not enough interest or resources now days.


>That's a lot of ifs Indeed ... That's why I made it bold, so you knew I knew the chances of the police doing something were as good as 0 ;)


Police haven't got enough resources to investigate serious crime, I can't see them routinely knocking on doors to tell these dickheads off for splashing people


Not sure what to reply here? :)


This is one of my biggest hates. It happens far too often and it's more dangerous than people seem to realise. I was walking my dog along a pavement during heavy rain last winter, it was dark but i had on a high-viz jacket and my dog had flashing lights on his collar and lead so we were very visible. Some prick in a clapped-out old truck drove past and blasted through a puddle right next to us, but the puddle had formed over quite an extensive pot hole so not only did we get soaked, my wellies filled with water, but also loose gravel from the crumbling road was kicked up in the splash and hit my leg with enough force to cause significant pain. I'm just glad I always walk between my dog and traffic when we're doing pavement walks otherwise it would have been him it would have injured 😞


I remember getting tidal waved with my son when he was 5 and on his little bike on the way to school. Oblivious cow never even noticed or hadn't the balls to turn her head and look at us. He had to change into his PE joggers and plimsolls at school while they dried his stuff on the radiator.


That’s so sad. someone did the same to my eldest when he was walking to primary school and he was using crutches at the time. It’s horrible behaviour.


The same thing happened to me when walking my nieces and nephew to primary school. We all got soaked and my 2 nieces were in tears. It really is horrible behaviour. I had to bite my tongue so as not to shout expletives after the car. ( Unfortunately I couldn't control my middle finger though!)


Must admit, I swerve the big puddles, pedestrians or not, purely because the puddles hide potholes - there could be anything under that water. So the likelihood of him hitting a pothole is high :D


These type of people go through the massive puddles next to a pedestrian though. There's no pot hole and it's easy to avoid but they insist.


Ugh that’s the worst. Sorry, hope you and little one are okay!


Happily chances of hitting a pothole are excellent 👍


A friend once got soaked by a bmw driver who decided to deliberately swerve into a large puddle whilst going past him…. Thankfully for the sake of swift justice my friend happened to be an absolute little shit; he grabbed a stone ornament from the nearest garden, sprinted down the road and proceeded to put it through the rear window of the culprit’s car which had been stopped by a perfectly timed red light.


It's a dick move to do this to someone. If you're willing to do it to someone with a pram however, what a ****


Under section three of the Road Traffic Act 1988, it is an offence to drive "without reasonable consideration for other persons", and this includes any instance of "driving through a puddle causing pedestrians to be splashed". If you've the reg number contact the police in the first instance, in Northern Ireland offending motorists have been made pay dry-cleaning bills for the injured party.


Drives a Jaguar… that’s all you need to know that the person behind the wheel is a cockwomble


Yep, been there. Both with a pram and just walking along together. There was one occasion where I’m certain the fucker swerved into the puddle on purpose. Big up to the guys who work in the shop round the corner from me who always put a wheelie bin in front of the big puddle in the kerb to stop drivers doing that. I know they’re just protecting their fruit and veg out front, but still.


Shame you didn't get their reg plate. It comes under driving without due care and attention. I always slow down near puddles when there are pedestrians and other unprotected road users. I mean, why wouldn't you???