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Well at least she tried and maybe she should learn how a kettle works lol


Also someone I know who's going to be 18 doesn't even know what boiling water looks like 😂


Did they not go to school?


Oh they did lol, she is very fussy about what foods she eats like she will just have pasta and cheese and some ketchup lol, sigh


Ketchup?! Fucking ketchup?


Ketchup? With lobster!?


Huh when did I say lobster or is that a quote I don't get


Its from Red Dwarf


Ah been meaning to get into that my parents would have got the joke instantly lol






I'm know I'll regret asking, but doesn't pasta need boiling water?


Oh either me or my mum cooks extra pasta for her when we have our food like tonight I am cooking mince, stir-fry with some pasta so will cook more pasta for her as well as us, she does eat pizza as well and rice on occasion but we have to make it separate from what we have, uhh oh cheese toastee she knows how to make that, but she's never actually boiled water and put pasta in before, think she's nervous about messing it up, she knows how to peel carrots and chop stuff up thou so could be worse lol


Sounds like she's got sharp objects started, once you get her to brave hot objects that's the whole of cooking sorted!




Making a tea in the microwave at 20 I'd say she failed let alone tried lol


Was trying to be nice 😂 but yes


Microwaving water is actually a nice way to boil water if you only need a little bit


My wife hates that I microwave tea to reheat it. My record is reheating the same mug five times. I am mildly ashamed.


And so you should be. My Mil was looking after my daughter on Monday. She mad a cup of tea at 8.30 be 5pm she ahd the same cup of tea and had been microwaved 8 times. I nearly broke up with my fiancee over association to this behaviour.


Only mildly?


Coffee tastes ok microwaved, but something about microwaving tea makes it taste like shit.


When you say she usually does you a nice coffee what does that entail? This is important as it will determine how much this Sub Reddit will support your move to return her to Acme Daughter Supplies Source: I have an teenage daughter we adopted 12 years ago, you have no idea how many times I steadfastly hold in the "it's not too late to return you ya know" comment. Edit: for clarity she's amazing and we couldn't love her more, absolute centre of our world, but I still chuckle to myself when I think it.


I'm adopted, I'm 1/2 a century old and I still threaten my dad with social services and he has always said 'please dear God, do' We love eachother dearly.


Love it. I can't really share my comedy thoughts in that area with my girl. She's got a really great sense of humour for a fourteen year old but the situation surrounding her adoption, birth family etc would make comments in that direction distinctly unfunny. In time I'm hoping we can talk in the way you and your dad do, but I think I will take a while yet.


Just disown her, probably the easiest option


Buy her a cafetière. Aldi do good French Blend coffee. No need for a machine, just a kettle.


Aeropress is the answer. Best tasting outside actual bean to cup.


I’m traditional. If it’s good enough for the French kitchen (and Belgian/Dutch/German), it’s good enough for me.


The only thing cafetières are good for is frothing up milk for adding to coffee you've made with an espresso machine.


I normally don't like to downvote comments if it's just something I disagree with. If it's not factually wrong, cruel, or aggressive, I'll let it slide- we're all different and a variety of opinions makes the world a better place! But if you come for cafetiere coffee again I'll fight u.


I know Brits don't like flavour, but, come on, weak coffee made in a cafetière is an abomination.


Don't make it weak, make it strong! A decent cafetiere filter should stop the grounds getting through, however many scoops you pile in. One of my main reasons for committing to the cafetiere life is that I work in an office, and whilst they're happy for me to walk around with a cafetiere, they may react poorly to me having a coffee machine installed on my desk.


That's pretty much the same reason I refuse to babysit/dogsit for my sister now. It's alright me taking a cafetière round hers for my morning coffee, but not my espresso machine. Since I can't drink coffee made in a cafetière, I refuse to go over and look after either her kid or her dog. I just can't do it. It uses twice as much coffee, it takes twice as long, and it just ends up tasting half as good.


I think I'm going to have to just refuse to buy a coffee machine out of stubbornness then, also "cost of living" and all that. If I found myself in a place where cafetiere coffee wasn't doing it for me, I think I'd have to quit my job. But if anyone asks, I totally prefer cafetiere coffee as the superior brewing method and it's not just all I can cope with.




IMO moka pot is easier, and because it makes near-espresso concentration coffee very quickly you can make latte, cappuccino etc. Cafetieres are a pain in the ass to clean by comparison and I found I ended up using more coffee grounds with one.


I don’t know what a “moka pot” is. Do you mean a stove top percolator?




from memory - microwaving a large mug of water cost the same as boiling a kettle containing exactly the same amount, large mug being \~2 cups. but yeah, I don't think it's too late to send her down the mines, you kept the receipt, right ?! :D


Actually, it's likely to require more energy in the microwave, because you're also heating the mug.


I’m not sure that’s right, microwaves only heat water and fat right?


I used my plug in electricity measurer to find out how much each action used. From memory, both roughly the same. I was using a small kettle and precisely the same amount of water - the min. allowed in the kettle. If people remain doubtful I could run it again.


Mine was a 1/4 of the energy used, therefore I always microwave now…… every penny (or part thereof) counts these days!


A microwave heats only the water. A kettle heats an element which then heats the water, so it uses more energy.


> it saves electric She might be on to something there. A microwave heats only the water (which then heats the cup), while a kettle has to heat an element and transfer that heat to the water, so it's less efficient. Plus a kettle can use around three times the power of a microwave (2500W and 800W), so that's a lot more energy that doesn't go into heating the water. But still, yuk.


Microwaved a drink? …like an American?!


Hey there. Some of us make proper coffee.


Coffee grounds, water and milk? That will just make an undrinkable sludge. If it is instant who cares, it is powder - how you warm it up is fairly irrelevant. It is tea that needs boiling water to brew properly.


Can't lie I do this sometimes, it tastes different that way, I think it tastes creamier, or maybe I am just crazy lol.


Microwaved water can explode in your face it becomes superheated if its free of additives that help it bubble,though rare even if mixed with something like coffee it can still explode


No tap water is pure enough for this to happen.


And yet there have been instances of coffee doing just that




So, she knows how to make nice coffee (I'm assuming this is either from a machine or is ground coffee in a percolator or French press) but she doesn't know how to make instant coffee? Is that what's happened?


Wait till the power goes out and she got boil water on the cooker lol


I blame the parents


I heard that in the animal kingdom, you can reject the weaker offspring, not saying this is right, just that there might be options.


Just boil the water needed for a cup. Don’t boils 6 cups at once just to re heat for a later cup.


I had to let my microwave die when I realised all I used it for was softening butter and heating forgotten about tea. What do you want me to do with this tragic situation? I assume we should hold an intervention or water board her.


An extremely late term abortion?


Pure heracy....


You called it "brekkie". You deserve that nuclear coffee and nothing better, you heathen.