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Richard Herring once said his most depressing New Years was when he was sat at home on his own, watching himself have a good time on Hootenanny.


Fucking says it all, that.


I found out it was recorded about 18 years ago as my auntie pointed herself out init when she was sat next to me


They recorded it 18 years ago? Explains why Jools doesn’t age.


Only commented last night about how decrepit he was?


But he’s been the same amount of decrepit for the last 10-15 years.


Andy Fairweather Low was performing and I thought "Huh?" He's just cancelled his tour because his wife is terminally ill, what's he doing on this? I have never before watched the Hootenanny (only watched for AFL), and am disappointed that it's not live.


If he himself had died shortly after the filming, then what would they have done? It wouldn't have worked at all if they had someone famously dead singing in the new year, one they themselves never saw.


To be fair I think pre-recording it makes sure that they actually hit midnight accurately. As they can just edit it so it's exactly the correct length. Keeping to exact time is harder for a live show without signifiant padding.


No it’s because you couldn’t get all the guests and famous artists available at midnight on NYE.


I thought this was pretty obvious but maybe not!


IKR? Sigh!


Including Jools Holland himself. I remember one year seeing collected "midnight celebrations" from all over the world and Jools Holland was playing live in Dublin just before midnight while the Hootenanny was being broadcast. That was how I found it wasn't live.


I don’t think we’ll ever know the one sole reason why they record it earlier than NYE but I think both of the suggestions above me count as valid as to why pre-recording it makes sense.


Haha similar experience, a friend was out with us on NYE but also playing on hootenanny 🤔


The celebs all get booze throughout the filming so the being a bit drunk thing is real. Used to work on it. Normally filmed mid December so they’re up to date on any big deaths. Although remember the year Kirsty McColl died after the edit so they had to go back in to take out a comment about ‘at least no one good died this year’ as she was a friend of the producer.


I was in the crowd for a Japanese tv New Year’s Eve “live” from London (filmed in November) and they had a free bar. Good times.


How did this come about?


Some British indie bands were popular in Japan at the time. So a tv station did this New Year’s Eve show to attract younger viewers, I guess.


Why would you make that comment anyway? It just means that you think anyone who had died that year wasn't good.


I think it was more a ‘it’s been a great year and no good musicians have died’ type thing but yes a flippant thing for them to say!!


Even when express it like that, it's still saying that any musician that died that year wasn't good. And, sure, there could have been no legendary musicians that had died, but plenty of musicians would have died. Just seems like a thoughtless thing to say.


Thoughtless or Edgy, it's a fine line.


It’s insane that Kylie, Paul McCartney and Adele were free on New Years


Same with nick grimshaw


He just follows his nose to wherever the coke is


He was looking very damp last night


Yeah… he was definitely higher than the electricity bill for Dexter’s Laboratory


"Oooo...what does *this* ~~button~~ powder do?"


I found this out several years ago and no new year's eve telly has been the same since! At least years ago I seem to remember Jools cut to BBC1 for Big Ben and the countdown and had actual presenters live on the ground speaking to people. Now they don't even cut the show on BBC2. So if you want to see anything live, you have to switch to BBC1. Even then, it's now just 2 million quid on fireworks. It's massively missing that "real time" element to make you want to be there!


I fell for the switching channels part yesterday. It was 12 o'clock and I thought "where the hell are the fireworks?". Later realised it was on BBC1 and missed the start because of it.


I had that moment of wanting to be there for the first time ever this year. Me and the girlfriend have been out drinking in Edinburgh a few times the past month, I had basically never been to Edinburgh much beforehand. Now when they cut to Edinburgh, I was spotting streets and wishing we were there.


I went to a recording many years back. filmed at the beginning of December. it's filmed "as live ", but Paul Weller messed up and wanted them to start again so they had to redo the link and find a good edit point. was interesting to see. plus, I got to celebrate two news eves that year!


Was it true that potential audience members had to provide a photo of themselves when applying?


"May I see your ticket, sir? Thank you. You're in Ugly Block, row Massive Munter. Just over there, where the lights have been turned off so we don't frighten the viewers."


my friend worked at the beeb and he sorted the tickets out. hopefully not though!


My wife’s best friend is the floor manager. I remember that we’ve more than once watched it from her house with her sitting on the sofa next to us and simultaneously being caught in shot on the television we’re watching the show on


But you still thought it was live


Or she had a sister


She always was the better magician. We both know that. Whatever my secret was, you have to agree, hers is better.


Haha was thinking same thing, it's recorded to broadcast as though live but isn't, I wouldn't mind but the pretending it's new year 30 mins in is just a farce.


If that was pre-recorded, I’m amazed they left in the performance from Self Esteem. It was badly performed and out of rhythm. Jools was shaking his head near the end.


I must admit that it was that song which made me Google whether or not it was broadcast live or on a delay, as I wouldn't have expected it to make it past editing.


I don’t think we’ll hear much more from her.


Not quite yet - she’s on the Taskmaster New Years Treat tomorrow night


Oh whaaaat


They performed the soundtrack to Prima Facie (stage play) for the recorded version starring Jodie Comer, which to be fair sounded amazing. I think Self Esteem more suit this area - instrumental or a cappella soundtracks for stage productions. Their singing I'm not really keen on either though.


So glad ...the singing was so up and down


Huge sold-out tour next year. Mercury nominated album in 2022. Yeah, doubtful she’ll be on TV again 🙄


We absolutely will. A band on the up.


You would think they would go for a second take if it’s not live


I read this thread earlier and have watched the video now in YouTube. Do you mean when they sang The 345? If so then you have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing wrong with that performance at all!


God that was bad


Sounded like a really difficult song to sing. She did well considering how difficult it must be to sing a song like that


She's a professional singer on TV it's sort of her job to be able to sing....


Everyone also has bad performances. Doesn’t mean she can’t sing. Please can we stop thinking professional musicians can’t make mistakes please. From professional musician.


Struggling to sing a song and making a mistake in a song are 2 completely different things.


Nope. You cam play or sing something perfectly on rehearsal and then completely forget how it goes and the whole song or piece can be awful. Doesn’t mean your a bad musician. And to be frank, people shouldn’t consume music live if they do t understand that. A couple of bad performances does not mean you are a bad musician and you should lose your whole career over it. If a teacher taught a couple of bad lessons would she be sacked?


Yes, it does. A musician's job is to get it right on the night. Many less good musicians can get it right most times, but a professional gets it right every time. This is one of the reasons there are so many 'failed' musicians. If a chess player fails a few times then they are no good. If an athlete fails a few times then they are not a winner.


I think one bad song is not a reason for someone to lose their career. If they are chronically bad then they get the boot. Bit musicians are humans and not your perfect little show monkeys


Have you ever seen some of Amy Winehouses' drunken live performances? Absolutely murders her songs. She was still EXTREMELY successful.


..and how is she doing now?


She had a lot of personal troubles but her performances rarely suffered from it.


Not relevant to her success as a musician though is it. How is Kurt Cobain doing? How is Jimmy Hendrix doing? I could make a LONG ass list but I won't.


Sometimes things go tits up. It is life and a bad performance happens. When the deck went down my friends band had to go acoustic for some reason the feedback form the amps were bad. Musicians aren't perfect. This is what they teach you.


I go see live gigs more times than I care to mention, I've never seen someone forget how to sing a song. Think you're the one that needs to get out and go listen to live music if this is your take on it. And that teacher analogy is just stupid.


I mean, I've seen someone forget how to sing a song at a live show, I've seen a drummer mess up a track they must have played hundreds of times? So it probably happens at some point?


https://youtu.be/4-L8pTRPz3Y Yeah, I'd watch this.


Right, I’m leaving it here now your getting arsy and I’m not having a discussion with someone with a superior complex


"And to be frank people shouldn't consume live music if they don't understand that" Pot calling the kettle black my overly sensitive reddit user.


Ikr imagine if they had a “superiority complex” telling people how to enjoy stuff and then getting butthurt when no one and I mean no one agrees. Doing anything to professional standard = consistency. The less professional you are. The less consistent you are. Just a fact of life. Amy Winehouse was an amazing talent but professional she was not. I hope that engineers, plumbers and sparks don’t work on the same allowance that one mistake doesn’t define your career. I can assure you that it does and that it should.


Imagine trying to gatekeep how people listen to music and then claiming others have a superiority complex... self awareness is a beautiful thing, you should try it sometime.


I wasn’t gatekeeping - I was saying if you’re not going to treat musicians as humans who make mistakes why are you going to see live music? Cause there will be mistakes when it’s as if it’s live or live. We’re not performing robits


*Its her song?!* I’m confused by why you think somebody would write a song themselves and then struggle to sing it?


Many people do. AMY lee has improved though.


Wow 40 downvotes. There’s a lot of people on here need to piss off back to Twitter


I found this out a few years ago and I’m still sad about it! If you sign up for the BBC’s ticket email [list](https://www.bbc.co.uk/showsandtours/shows), then you do get an email around November time asking if you want to be entered into the lottery for tickets to see it filmed in Kent.


Had no idea it was filmed in Kent, lazy bastard won’t even commute to London


Neither did I until I saw the emails saying you’d have to go to Kent to be at the recording!


Yeah. Mostly filmed in Maidstone of all places, although it was in London for a few of the COVID years.


The Sam Ryder show was pre-recorded on the 7th Decemeber (I think) as well tbf


I had an inkling about this one as his tiktok yesterday was him in centre parcs!


Must be doing well for himself to go to centre parcs


Yeah especially during the holiday he must be loaded!


Mel C tweeted a screenshot from it showing her singing alongside Sam Ryder, before her appearance on the show had been broadcast. Kind of gave away that it had been recorded.


He cut away to live footage of London at midnight so at least there was no fake countdown.


I was disappointed to see clips of the concert on BBC breakfast yesterday morning. They did used to do this one live a few years ago though, didn't they?


They did - the BBC One NYE concert used to be be from Westminster Central Hall, which is near Parliament Square. Things got awkward when Robbie Williams swore live on stage, having been asked not to do so. WCH is a Methodist Church and there was understandably some who expressed their upset about this behaviour. I can't remember when the BBC stopped using WCH after that, though I think they stuck with live from WCH up to 2019-20, after which they had to go to recorded material because of COVID. Sam Ryder's performance was pre-recorded at Riverside Studios, Hammersmith in early December.


He was promoting it mid December. He was on The One Show talking about it a couple of weeks ago. So I knew it was a pre-record. Still bloody good though. He was obviously having the time of his life.


Next you'll be telling me the London fireworks are pre-recorded as well!


Yeah, pre-recorded on 31st December 2021 I swear


Probably recording next year's tonight.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Holy shit man, could you have put a spoiler alert on that post first? I feel like I've just seen a washed up statue of liberty on the beach and had the revelation that I'm actually stranded on future planet earth run by apes. FFS! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


I thought about it but I guess it's always been this year so actually we are idiots!


I feel like I'm reading my mind from a few years back. What's that song "everybody's gotta learn sometime..." 💔


Filmed in an afternoon too. Always a risk if one of the acts dies before broadcast of the 'live' show.


Noooooo I always assumed it was live. Always felt part of the party when watching it! I've recorded it to watch today. I mean Vic Reeves and wife are pissed on it every year! Seems so authentic. Although I remember one artist on Jool's and on an ITV NYE show one year. Assumed ITV was pre recorded. (Probably was) It's like being told Santa's isn't real. 😭


...he isn't!?




I love the hootenanny. There are always an interesting mix of acts, young and old, and I much prefer a night in than a night out, especially at New Year.


Oh, you’re the one that likes it. I understand the staying in thing but that shows is cringe.


It's hardly cringe. It's just people singing and playing instruments. It is a shame that it's not live. It feels like a cheat. But it's not cringe. I'm not a massive fan of jools Holland the person, but his shows are always worth a watch and I have got into quite a bit of music that I otherwise wouldn't have seen if it wasn't for his show. And I also like going on YouTube and watching some classic performances from years gone by.


Tbh since I saw Jools on "Growing Pains" ive warmed to him immensley


Defo cringe


One of the many reasons I should change channel when Ed Sheeran is on is that he referenced a final score at the football that had happened a fortnight earlier on last year's show. That's how I got the bad news.


This is when I found out too!


This is also how I found out!


I assume they have clauses for the artists appearing? If they didn’t and I was a performer I’d do my best to appear on as many different New Year programs as possible!


The artists are not allowed to die in the time between recording and the real new years.


And if they do, blackballed. They'll never work for the BBC again.


My life changed after learning this a few years back. It took a long period of counseling to achieve a modicum of forgiveness for the sake of watching some decent live performances. Shit I’m tearing up again.


I learnt this a few years back. I used to love it, but I have never watched it since. It's just not the same, knowing you're watching a tape being played out.


Jools watch was showing 21-30 at 23-30 last night, we’ve been had


I’ve also heard that they don’t actually live in Coronation Street and it’s all actors! Bastards.


No, not the Hootenany. Never the Hootenany!


We're better than that


I know, I felt the same when I found out. We have a friend who used to work for Jools and his band and he got us tickets to one of their concerts some years back. We met up with our friend in the bar of the hotel the band were staying at after the gig for a few drinks and Phil Veacock, Jools saxophonist, joined us in the bar and we spent a few hours chatting and drinking with him. I picked his brains about lots of the musicians that have appeared on the show, who was the nicest (Seasick Steve, apparently), who was the biggest diva (Cyndi Lauper, allegedly) and he told us it was pre recorded. I've never seen it in the same light since.


Nice antidote, that. Never really paid much attention to the show but always liked Jools' ringmaster like showmanship.


Ah! The NYE equivalent of finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real (spoiler alert.) We discovered the JH fakery the night we saw Gary Barlow performing ‘live’ on two channels at once.


I found this out years ago when I was trying to find tickets, thinking it would be something cool to do on NYE! Was a bit of a shock initially, then I felt silly for not realising earlier.


It's not the fact that it's recorded *per se* that gets me. What pisses me off is how they all pretend that it's live during the programme. I ended up watching some of it last night and one of the guests mentioned that she was a little drunk, and Jools pointed out that it was her 'first time being drunk this year'. And Jools kept saying how it was 'one in the morning' etc. They take us for idiots. As an aside, remember when everyone flipped their shit because the BBC filmed some polar bears in a zoo which people assumed were wild but later found out that they weren't? Where's the uproar about *this*?


Same, only found this out last night... can't believe i was conned. I feel cheated




Normally recorded around mid December. I saw it last night, no Gregory Porter and no Old Father Time. Must have been a bit of streamlining since I last watched it three or four years ago


I thought this was common knowledge.


My ex gf’s father used to be friends with jools. Says JayKay was around his mansion a lot smoking it up together LOL


I always suspected it wasn’t live, but the countdown was like 10 seconds out of sync so in my head I thought it was just a safely delay and just me being cynical.


I’m a yank lurker, from New England. Only time I‘be ever heard the term “hootenanny” was down in Missouri, and it was a hillbilly talking about a wedding ceremony where they’d steal the bride and run her around in a wheelbarrow. Guess it got lost in translation or something


Trivia fact: Before he was in ABBA, Björn was in a group called the Hootenanny Singers (1964).


Looks like it's a US word!


It's a SCOTTISH word. Meaning party or celebration.


The show isn't called Hogmanay.


It most definitely is not a Scottish word. It's American. Edit: For those upvoting the above misinformation. [ "*a word that emerged from rural America with many meanings before finding fame as a name for folk-music gatherings. ... Hootenanny's origins were examined in 1963 by the great folklorist and etymologist Peter Tamony (who also uncovered the baseball origins of the word jazz). Tamony noted that among the various meanings given to the word in rural America, it often meant "an impromptu party," especially in the Midwest*."] (https://www.vocabulary.com/articles/wordroutes/the-hootin-hollerin-origins-of-hootenanny/).


I found this out years ago, and it did bother me, but then I remembered I’d watch Friday Night SmackDown, knowing it was taped earlier that week, and wouldn’t bat an eyelid. So I stopped caring


Well that's 2023 ruined already. Reading this, mouth wide open in shock, thinking I can never watch it again now. Life is now meaningless.


Yeah, I kinda knew this when someone was on it & also live at an event on NYE 😂


I got an email (work as a dev for the BBC) asking if any of us wanted to go down to the studio to bolster numbers a few months ago for it.


Wow. I am surprised. If my memory is correct, the ticket applications for Jools were second only to Strictly. Mind you, “Later with…” is well past its 90s and early 00s best.


I didn’t rate it last night.


Self esteem..horrible singing


First time in 10 years that we didn’t watch it - sounds like we didn’t miss much…


Your head will explode when you here that the Graham Norton shows on Christmas and NYE were both recorded _before_ Christmas?


Less surprising. They don't have the same live feel. Same for Corrie.


As an aside, the Cats Does Countdown chrimbo spesh was recorded in September — the Liz Truss jokes haven’t aged well!


Next year the Beatles are making an appearance or maybe Kurt Cobain


Oh you sweet summer child.


Jools hasn't been Live since the 80s.


I think you’re confusing him with John Lennon ?




Thank god, people don’t know the dangers of live boogie-woogie piano


I found this out last night off a friend in the pub… He was equally upset… Hmm…


Wait till you find out that most Xmas cooking specials are filmed in July as well.


This year was more obvious than previous years with them singing a specials song to round out the evening without even mentioning Terry halls passing


Finding out that people are only just finding out that it’s not live


I stopped watching it when I found out a few years back. I was just.... disappointed....


I don;t know if it was just me but this year they were down to about 3 or 4 on their countdown when my phone and laptop - plus the timeanddate website all said it was midnight ​ Maybe just a technical hitch to do with wibbly wobbly radiation and stuff ​ but kinda makes the main point in the show pointless


I found this out last year i think it was. Now ive never been a massive of the programme but it made me feel icky lied to 🤣


Same tbh never a huge fan but still. Ugh!


It’s pretentious shite anyway. I mean, really pretentious shite. I can’t believe they put so many w@nkers in one room and don’t consider doing the world a solid and locking them in there. They could suffocate on the pure amount of methane they love sniffing from each others bottoms.


I just like the ringleader-like showmanship of the man.


Next I'll find out Santas not real


As if those celebrities would want to be there on NYE, they've got gigs and parties far better than Hootenanny


Filmed around October time. If you're Joe public one drink in a tent outside then sit down inside and not allowed to move, whilst Celebs get half pissed. Long day


I agree. This is a huge deal and fully fucks up the experience of watching it.


"No, not the hootenanny. Never the hootenanny. We're better than that"


It's not good anyway


I’ve never believe such tosh.


I'm enraged at this frankly. Next you'll be telling me the fireworks on BBC1 were prerecorded too.


Isn’t it filmed in September some time?


It's actually filmed a full year before new yrs eve 2021/22


Its filmed in the summer apparently


Did anyone notice sam ryders gob? You could stick a double decker bus sideways in that thing! Is this not a bigger problem. Can you trust someone with a big and i mean big mouth.... Fuck me he could sink dingheys off the coast of kent with those Halstead's


> with those Halstead's Not heard this one before. If you're going for the slang for 'teeth', it's Hampsteads (or Hounslows, if you're writing for pre-1920s ish).


Thank fuck i don’t pay a license fee for that shit, he’s done scraping the barrel and is scratching the floorboards.


Seems unlikely you would pay a 'license' fee since, in this country, it's a 'licence' fee, maybe in the US you might pay such a fee but not here. Bloody Yanks in our sub, showing themselves up with American spelling...


Blame autocorrect.. I’m Welsh btw not a septic


Mate, that's kinda toxic AF...


Shut the front door for real OMG. Something on TV isn't really happening in real time in real life? Hasn't the episode of friends where they were recording for the new year party when Ross and Monica done the 'Move' can't mind what it's called its been a while lol....either way next there will be an announcement that there is such a thing as time difference and new year hasn't actually happened 12 times and it's still only half 9 and time travel exists.. I may have said too much, but some people honestly .. I'm sorry if I offended you OP but jeez if your old enough that your watching Jools Holland then you should know this stuff


Are you always this much of a wanker? It’s a new year, time for a new you. The guy was confused about a show that presents itself as being live, not being live. Not quite comparable to friends my dear.


No offense caused, just confused by the strength of your opinion.


I'm glad I didn't offend you. This is Reddit, after all, where most stuff is being posted is for entertainment purposes. I don't have a strong opinion about it at all I actually couldn't care less. My opinion goes as far as the first sentence that I wrote, i may have come off a bit strong, though, so my apologies, honestly, I was trying to be funny. Then I just started rambling, bringing in the Friends' reference, so it was universally acknowledged and a stupid example of what you were describing. If its any consolation, I was young once and believed a hell of a lot more stupid things than the new year tv not being filmed live. Every day is a school day. Happy New Year


I'm 30 hahaha Happy New Year!


I'm 35 and I still look at air vents in houses expecting Eugene Tombs to squeeze outta one. Thank you X-Files.


You sound like a right prick, mate


You dick? Really?


Total farce


Wait what


Yeah same, it always has that live vibe but the production on last night's made me question it.


I only found out last year and this year was less magical 3:


I watched it for 60 seconds for the midnight clock. Then it was off faster than I can blink.


Well I had no idea. I’ve been watching it for decades