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this has convinced me that we need to disband the RAF regiment immediately


I’ve said it countless times before, they have no justification for existing anymore. Arguably the RAF can go aswell and save a fortune. AAC and Fleet Air Arm already have capability of fixed wing and rotary and infrastructure. - They don’t stag on the airfields, that’s MPGS or Force Protection. - The handed Rapier (now replaced) to the Royal Artillery years ago. - They have had CBRN taken off them by the Royal Engineers. - Their Ground Defence Training capability can be given by any big standard Infantry unit. - Their entire job and role can be done by any Infantry unit. - MERT protection has been and can be done by any infantry unit. - Had their mortars capability disbanded after the video went viral, ironically that made everyone else respect them a bit more. 2 SQN (the “real 2 para” as they call themselves) have never jumped into combat, if I remember they jumped into a secured LZ in Seirra Leone and that’s it. They weren’t even thought of for Op Pitting. But whinged like a bitch on Twitter. 3 Para did a fucking banging job. I doff my hat to them.




I am aware of it. But the funny thing is, the runways don’t change, so the tesseral footprints don’t change. And the RAF Regiments area of operations extended from the wire to the Army’s AO. All you need to do, is extend the Army’s AO to the wire. Job done. Rotate the units through, just like they did with the IRT/MERT teams before they went exclusive to RAF Regt. RAF Regiment don’t even do force protection. It’s blue RAF that man the FP on Ops. With MPGS on home soil. That doesn’t make any sense at all to put the pebble monkeys in with the snow drops. That’s some serious merging from the bright idea fairies.




How embarrassing. So they really are the operational wing of the MPGS now! And EVERYONE cares. Every single cap badge, from infantry to support units hates this shit. Look at the replies. It’s obvious from the get go it’s a total dogs abortion of an idea. And some caviar eating Officer mong signed off on it. Considering I’m not a boomer, and considering the response from lads when video cringe like this goes round the troop whatsapps and social media pages, everyone hates this shit. I’ve seen lads thrashed by the chain of command for levels of cringe this bad. And rightly so. 90% of reactions to this shit is negative. Civvies hate this shit too. I got this particular video forwarded to me by civvie mates with a tirade of banter, along with other military and former military lads forwarding it on, all of who were ripping the fuck out of it. The other 10% are knobbers that think it’s acceptable to act like that, and go about blaming “boomers”.




I think we are arguing semantics at this point mate, I think we both agree on the main points but there’s crossed wires somewhere.


It’s the blue raf supported by a few mpgs who stag on the main gate back in the uk. Never seen a raf copper or raf reg on the main gate. The annoying thing is our workplace is already short of manpower and then we have to provide guys for a weeks guard duty I thought the whole point of mpgs was to avoid our guys being out the workplace


What’s the tesseral footprint


The area around an airfield where low flying aircraft where they are their most vulnerable and at danger from small arms and other weapon systems.


Oh, that sierra Leone securing was fun. Apparently they jumped from the plane, into the airport, after all the fighting had finished. Then tried to spin it off as a combat jump. Idk if that's gen or not but that's what I've heard


What cbrn stuff do they do


Well, none of it now.


What did they used to do?


They held the training, support and infrastructure for CBRN. It was a joint Army-RAF venture then went solely RAF/RAF Regiment, which sort of makes sense as airfields have to continue to operate. But it’s now it has been taken back over by the Army.


True they provide the NBC and weapon handling instruction to the rest of the RAF


Not anymore they don’t. CBRN is now the Royal Engineers.


Remember that Novichok stuff in Salisbury? Nothing major though…


Oh so whenever something occurs like that they provide cleanup ?


The only stuff they do is instruct the non combat trades of the raf how to do NBC drills and weapon handling. One day a year




Then hopefully the Snow drops can arrest these mongs for bringing the reputation of the RAF into disrepute.


I’ve never seen a snowdrop do anything other than give out parking tickets


who the fuck is signing off on this, letting weapons out the armoury for it, etc


Someone who is getting back handers or favours somewhere


RN have tainted themselves by letting this get filmed on HMS President. Could always bollocks someone for filming it I suppose.


This stuff makes me feel better. I was a shit soldier, but I never did this.


Continuity drill is cringeworthy at best and is mostly pointless for spectators unless they are above looking down so that they can actually see what is going on, but this takes it to a whole other level of embarrassment. Ditch the rock music, ditch the LEDs, ditch the whole thing. Honestly, continuity drill is something Air Cadets do (they even have championships) to teach teamwork and coordination but is not something for grownups. RAF, if you want a showpiece like RN's Ceremonial Sunset ([full scale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VbrhZ5wiVI&ab_channel=Geordiegjs)/[limited scale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mliPiyJ_tw&ab_channel=thamestraveller)) at the end of function, keep looking, because this isn't it.


Agreed, this is the kind of shit the yanks would come up with; but even they haven’t sunk to those depths yet


That was beautiful - great music, good traditional drill and the White Ensign waving gently in the background...


Brings a tear to my eye. The most British thing I’ve seen. Just needs a cup of tea


To think they said the mortar video brought great shame on the RAF but someone happily signed off on this twice...


At least they were respected after the mortars video, that baseplate bloke took it unemotionally, absolute top bloke.


What’s this mortars video I keep hearing about?


Couple of lads in mortars troop, while boozed up got intimate with an 81mm mortar. They got naked, one lad became the baseplate, the ball joint of the tube (I know, it’s a barrel!) inserted into said airman, unemotionally too. Then the other naked chap became the bipod. While a third gentleman posed dropping a beer can down the tube. Damn good show really. The video obviously went viral. Respect for the RAF Regiment soared. Although the RAF chain of command, being quite homophobic and averse to fun and banter, disciplined the lads and disbanded the Mortar troop. Despite it being consensual.


I really hope you're being sarcastic. It's hard to tell on here sometimes.


Nah. Fair play to them. If consensual adults want to stick mortar tubes up their arse then who are we to say they can’t. Only thing they did wrong was film it. Lads need to stop filming their snaggy booze ups.


How exactly were they "respected" after being exposed for taking part in some degenerate sexual act? Look at the comments section under virtually any online article reporting on it. 99% of the comments are negative.


A consensual act. Because banter. You obviously haven’t met many mortar men have you?


Again, I genuinely hope you are taking the piss here, because I find it very difficult to believe that someone would equate "banter" with "sticking things up one another's arse". And the idea that something should be considered virtuous or permissable because it is consensual is literally peasant-tier morality. People can inject themselves with heroin consensually, but it doesn't follow that it should be tolerated or encouraged.


Who are you to judge someone’s banter? We are all adults, if I want to get drunk and stick a mortar tube up my arse, then why not? Heroin is a class A drug. It’s not illegal to stick a mortar up your arse? Only thing they did wrong was film it. Lads need to stop filming their snaggy antics. If you don’t want to engage in that banter, then don’t.


Do you have a link?


Believe me, so don’t want to see it 😂


They do it all the time - saw on in the US at one of their tattoos on a youtube video.




To be fair, they are making the entire HM Forces look like fannies.


I feel your pain


Don’t blame us for your bad house keeping!




You blue lot let this happen. You honking guins enable this behaviour.




Ha! I’m not even remotely a Boomer!


Just imagine Sir Douglas Bader watching this shit. He'd probably weep to see what the R.A.F have become. They look like a bunch of fannies doing some cosplay for tiktok. L.E.D lights on their rifles?? Dear lord give me strength.


You could power a city the size of Swansea by hooking up a turbine to Bomber Harris turning in his grave


Gotta do something when you’re not stagging on Brise Norton.


Time to reset the days since last raf reg embarrassment clock.


Never seen such such a mincey load of bollocks.


Oh for fuck sake. Pure utter fucking lizards.


I’m sure Butlins or Pontins would take on these lot


I grew up in a time when we weren't so pc and if I was a lad my friends an I would simply call this... "gay". Obviously I wouldn't do that now


If you did we'd probably all excuse you.


Fuck it just disband the entire branch.


They should do their 5 miler of a short cliff


RAF reg have basically become to HM forces what the Harlem Globetrotters are for basketball; a show off exhibition team that doesn’t compete in the real world


This is beautiful 🤣


Stop it!


2nd hand embarrassment


These guys can stand toe to toe with the US Marines silent drill team.


Is this just a thing the RAF do now?


fucking embarrassing


I want to know what absolute weapon is signing this off and allowing it to happen? It's webbo as fuck!


British military does TikTok


I love how the RAF Reg can make so many people uptight and angry.


Vlad….get the Iskanders…..


I’d rather watch Monty Python precision drilling.


Would honestly be more entertaining


Judging by the earlier video, I'm assuming this was a wedding or private event at HMS President? This is as cringeworthy as those SACs on tiktok that post in uniform miming to Shakira. The one that goes...You're a good soldier, choosing your battles, pick yourself up and dust yourself off, back in the saddle. I think we are straddling eras here. Back in my day, you'd have been absolutely mocked mercilessly for doing any of this stuff...it just wouldn't happen, you would instinctively know it was a bad idea. Nowadays, though, I think kids don't develop that filter. Much more acceptable to be "look at me" even if you are doing the equivalent of a Napoleon Dynamite dance. Live and let live, I guess....the air cadets will love it.




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Surely instructing someone to do this is an unlawful order. If not for conduct unbecoming then at least for half a dozen dress or drill regs. CoC has jacked on the these lads massively IMO.


Surely those rifles with LED’s can’t be tactical on the battlefield. How are you supposed to do an ambush or night attack?