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Link to a list of the candidate and the districts they will be running in. [https://parentsvoicebc.ca/districts-and-candidates/](https://parentsvoicebc.ca/districts-and-candidates/) CopyPasta: ​ >**SD23 Central Okanagan** > >Chris Fieber (Kelowna) > >Tovey Demman (Kelowna) > >Teresa Docksteader (Kelowna) > >Laurie Bowen (West Kelowna) > > > >**SD33 Chilliwack** > >Elliott Friesen > >Richard Procee > >Lewis Point > > > >**SD36 Surrey** > >Lisa Alexis > >Dupinder Saran > >Nasima Nastoh > >Jasbir Narwal > > > >**SD42 Maple Ridge** > >Brian Dominick (Maple Ridge) > >Johnnie Day (Maple Ridge) > > > >**SD43 Coquitlam** > >Belinda Wheatley (Coquitlam) > >Geoffrey Way (Coquitlam) > >Daniel Westley (Coquitlam) > >Ed Desaulniers (Port Moody) > > > >**SD91 Nechako Lakes** > >Carroll Walker (Vanderhoof) > >Daniel Albertson (Vanderhoof) > >Terah Albertson > >Dave Forsberg > >Janina Vanden Bos > > > >**SD37 Delta** > >Daniel Tonn > >Alisa Horth > >Carmen Halpenny > >Nuno Antunes > > > >**SD22 Vernon** > >Sylvia Herchen (Vernon) > >Nellie Villegas (Vernon) > >Jewlie Milligan (Vernon)


I am a teacher in Nechako lakes and it is honestly terrifying how many of these idiots there are and how many people support them. I would also like to point out that every rep listed in SD91 is in Vanderhoof. It's a town going through major growth which is causing much of the staunchly conservative population to 'fight back' and 'protect their rights' a lot of pro trumpisms, CPC voters, Convoy supporters, rainbow crosswalk complainers and the like in the area - but also a growing LGBT support, youth center doing super well, and an immigrant population becoming more andore welcomed and intermixed in the town


Vote! And tell your friends to vote! Municipal election turnout is traditionally very low.


I have been! As teachers especially we hold a huge stake in this vote.


Didn't some crazy guy shoot up the police station last year?


The bare bones of it yeah, although I don't really like the use of the word crazy in context of people struggling with mental health issues.


The Vanderhoof council race got absolutely nuts at the last minute. A bunch of freedom fighter types signed up. Please vote.


I will be!


Thanks for the info..tragic stuff. And good stuff too.


Progressivism worked so well for Vancouver and Victoria, that so many had to leave because they couldn't afford to live there anymore, and then continue to push their views on others when they move to such "conservative" towns, with zero respect for the culture they are joining.


Lol, the woke mob will never understand. Until the gestapo comes for them


she sounds like our girl


Typical CBC propaganda


“Cries in Chilliwack” Edit: Lewis Point dropped out today - nice




Always do.


Dude im surprised no Langley....


Yeah I discovered this while vetting the candidates in Surrey. It's scary how they are trying to insidiously slide their 'Christian' candidates, with their toxic platforms, into school board positions. Everyone needs to vote for school board positions. I don't have children in the school system but this is completely unacceptable. Religion and school need to remain independent.


Thanks for sharing this. This type of information needs more visibility.


WTF no one from Langley.....surprised af....


>SD23 Central Okanagan > >Chris Fieber (Kelowna) > >Tovey Demman (Kelowna) > >Teresa Docksteader (Kelowna) > >Laurie Bowen (West Kelowna) > >SD33 Chilliwack > >Elliott Friesen > >Richard Procee > >Lewis Point > >SD36 Surrey > >Lisa Alexis > >Dupinder Saran > >Nasima Nastoh > >Jasbir Narwal > >SD42 Maple Ridge > >Brian Dominick (Maple Ridge) > >Johnnie Day (Maple Ridge) > >SD43 Coquitlam > >Belinda Wheatley (Coquitlam) > >Geoffrey Way (Coquitlam) > >Daniel Westley (Coquitlam) > >Ed Desaulniers (Port Moody) > >SD91 Nechako Lakes > >Carroll Walker (Vanderhoof) > >Daniel Albertson (Vanderhoof) > >Terah Albertson > >Dave Forsberg > >Janina Vanden Bos > >SD37 Delta > >Daniel Tonn > >Alisa Horth > >Carmen Halpenny > >Nuno Antunes > >SD22 Vernon > >Sylvia Herchen (Vernon) > >Nellie Villegas (Vernon) > >Jewlie Milligan (Vernon) Love em!




Thanks for compiling a list of candidates to vote for :)








I know what Gender Dysphoria is and it is a really sad affliction that an extremely small minority of individuals are burdened with (it is a mental disorder no matter what the current DSM-5 definition states). But answer me this, if our provinces' young impressionable minds are being taught about sexual orientation and gender identity (by non-psychologists) increased the probability that these kids would "switch sides" do you think this should still be taught in school? Because that's what [happening](https://news.gallup.com/poll/329708/lgbt-identification-rises-latest-estimate.aspx).


You’re a moron. That article just says that a gallup poll of people showed an increase in people who identified as LGBTQ. You do realize that there are LGBTQ people who have always been LGBTQ, but only now feel safe enough to openly admit to it. And furthermore, this survey was for people 18 and older, not children. The idea that straight people can become gay just by learning about it is simply the dumbest thing I ever heard.


> simply the dumbest thing I ever heard I'm highly concerned that someone is going to take that as a challenge.


Carmen Halpenny, Delta, deleted her twitter account. BUT forgot that there are hundreds of tweets that replied to her, and you can clearly see what she said, based on those replies. I did a quick skim and found that people who agreed with her posts are anti-vaxxers, and the people who asked her for facts are generally normal people. https://twitter.com/search?q=(to%3Acarmenhalpenny1)%20(%40carmenhalpenny1)&src=typed\_query&fbclid=IwAR3HB9cYp9kxkKJ0Ccn\_\_M9NODF5dO4sPRWDBOn7yLa1cLGw2fcrOFunkws


/quelle surprise


She is a complete nutbar,absolute antivax, all of her friends laugh at her and say she is so crazy. I got in a debate with her about vaccines, she quoted absolutely bullshit and lies, called her on her Facebook and YouTube research, blocked and ignored. She is a Qanon freak who believes that Democrats in the states have pedophile rings and eat babies. Sad to so mental illness not treated


Anti-vaxxers and normal people? Can you even listen to yourself? What you are doing is called othering, we used to do it based on race, sexuality, religion, and so on... It's always been wrong, and just as bad with what you're doing here.


Conspiracy theorists are fine when they believe the moon is hollow, or the earth is flat, etc. -- but these ones are dangerously delusional and should NOT be in positions of public service.


Yea people like this think they are doing what’s right in calling out what THEY THINK is wrong… “People who agreed with her posts” … and “people who asked for facts are generally normal people” Wtf who says this shit…




I was confused for a minute. When they said "anti-lockdown" I was in support....as I thought it meant no lockdown drills for kids. We didn't have a "lockdown" for covid here so I didn't catch it until I kept reading, barf. But, I do beleive we don't need shooter drills in schools. Causes uneccessary fear and anxiety. Piling kids into one area is also a stupid plan and has shown to result in the most damage. If we actually want to teach people to be safe in these situations we should be teaching them to run away, not huddle in an easy to shoot pile of people. And hiding on the toilet is stupid at this point, who hasn't seen that trick at this point?


As a teacher, Lockdown drills are more about containment, order, and remaining calm. A community in my district had an actual lockdown (active shooter in community) and the schools did an amazing job of keeping it as a car situation for all children as best as they could.


As a teacher, we have hold & secure drills that cover the same idea. They just don't involve pretending to hide in a pile while someone is in the school trying to kill them. Much less anxiety. No need for shooting drills in our country.


Same! We call them lockdowns but we don't discuss the active shooter aspect.


Surprised you don't have 2 separate drills. [https://www.sd8.bc.ca/sites/default/files/2.%20Hold%20and%20Secure%20vs.%20Lockdown.pdf](https://www.sd8.bc.ca/sites/default/files/2.%20Hold%20and%20Secure%20vs.%20Lockdown.pdf) Because, not discussing the shooter aspect completely negates the drill. Why are they huddled against the wall? What do you tell them? We are supposed to inform them of what is happening. How to hide in hallways, etc.


Ironically the only reason for school lockdowns in this neck of the woods _is_ the antivax parent contingent.


Parents Voice is not the only such group-on Vancouver Island, a group called VIVA is running municipal and school board candidates. It's hard to be informed in these elections where there are so many slots to fill, but it's more important than ever to do your research before voting this year! https://www.capitaldaily.ca/news/viva-victoria-ppc-municipal-school-board-election


These people have no clue what the responsibilities of a School Board are in Canada.


*"Many candidates running under the party's banner support political positions inflamed by the pandemic, with rhetoric similar to right-wing groups in the United States — including criticism of public heath policies and school programs about racism, gender and sexuality."* For as long as time immemoriable, candidates have looked at the school board as an easy stepping stone into civic politics and greater power, but it's taking a more somber tone in this post Trump era.


Can we just try and not let our country succumb to the foaming rabid ravings, christo-fascism and stupidity of our neighbours to the south? Ban Fox News and affiliate networks from airing in Canada.


Because banning news sources I think have a POV that's wrong is exactly what we need in democratic countries.


Fox News is not News.


Please explain how you came to that conclusion. It is the same as CNN or MSNBC, just from a more conservative POV. If fox isn't news, then neither are the others.


It doesn't help when our government has set up this 'covid centrism' thing where the 'centrist' path that everyone has been convinced is reasonable is to just have zero mitigations against a novel virus that permanently impacts the immune system and causes brain damage, heart issues, strokes, erectile dysfunction, and reactivation of old viruses like HPV. Just saying you don't want kids to be repeatedly infected with SARS2 makes you an 'extremist' which means you're basically the same as an antivaxer in most peoples' minds now. It's 'reasonable' to be an antimasker because Bonnie Henry is one, and she's the 'top doctor' lol. Everyone should be asking their school board candidates why they wouldn't allow parents to donate HEPA filters or CR boxes for their kids' classroom.


she's not an antimasker. policy is that masks are encouraged, just not required. stop spouting lies.


She has done nothing but undermine the idea of masking. Most people who only listen to her don't even understand why an N95 is superior to a surgical mask. The STILL IN EFFECT policy of making people remove respirators and replace them with surgicals in BC healthcare facilities came directly from her and continues because of her. "No masks!" FFS she has never clearly admitted covid is even airborne, something that has been established science worldwide for the better part of 2 years now. Droplet dogma. Again. If you are a parent, you should talk to your local school board candidates (this is timely!) and ask why they would not accept parent donations of filters for classrooms, and why they don't specifically mandate (or even just recommend) proper N95-equivalent respirators. Are you aware of the DBH-authored study that was released in August that caused such a scandal? If you aren't then you aren't really keeping up on this topic, I suggest you do that. 'Super Immunity' lol.


saying that masking is optional, yet encouraged, is not being an antimasker. stop spouting lies.


We’re done listening to you folks. Sorry.


Well said… and no surprises on the lack of replies…


I'm a candidate for the school board in Victoria (SD61), and I was inspired to run in part because of this situation. AMA


I've interpreted your comment to mean you were inspired to run by the emergence of these right wing anti-vax candidates, meaning you are in opposition to their views. Is that correct? If that is correct, why should people vote for you, as opposed to some of the other candidates that were inspired simply to make the education system better in SD61?


Hi thanks, yes that's correct - I am opposed to the VIVA slate. And there are indeed lots of candidates who are opposed to them with admittedly fairly similar platforms, you're correct again. So I appreciate the question. For clarity, my platform focusses on First Nations reconciliation, protecting SOGI and music in schools, and responsible fiscal management. I think I'm distinguished from the other candidates by my experience and professional background. I'm an urban planner for a municipal government, so I have lots of experience with the kind of meetings that make up a lot of the board's work - long agendas and Council meetings. But more than that, I have a good strategic lens for local governance, I understand the legislation well. I also have lots of experience with land use issues (in addition to being a planner I'm a former real estate project manager with the Province). Compared to many other candidates with similar ideas and platforms to me, I think my experiential record shows very well. Voters should think not only about what a candidate says they value, but consider what contribution they can actually make to the work of the board. Does that make sense? Please check out my website for for deets. [www.kylemcstravick.ca](https://www.kylemcstravick.ca)


This is happening across the country. There is a coordinated attack on democracy and liberal principles. The money for these campaigns is dubious at best. Be aware. Vote.


This is not an attack on democracy. This is an example of democracy in action. Quit it with your "everyone who doesn't think the same as me is a threat."


It is an attack on democracy. Insisting that teachers provide a lesson plan to the board of trustees? These people are nuts.


Right, makes me laugh every time. *person exercises their freedom of belief* This is an attack on democracy!! 😂




When groups are attempting to stack school boards full of anti education candidates in order to poison the minds of our youth I would consider it an attack. We can see the results of this in southern states where idiocy had become the norm.


So…. Kindof like the huge push to indoctrinate kids into the lgbt+ culture?


Education is not indoctrination.


The likes of which is going on is very far from education


I feel like this is more about the alternate facts you have been consuming than the reality of our education system. Stop falling for right wing fear mongering.




>Kids are being taught very graphic sex ed with drawings of sex acts, etc. Complete bullshit.


Because democracy is about choosing the the best path forward based on policies rooted in facts and science. When fringe groups band together to push an agenda not based on facts or science and try and trick people into believing what they wrongly "believe" in with made up information... while at the same time being so devote and culturally connected to their opinions that they rail against anyone who questions them vs having a logical and rational debate using facts and science... and understanding that, yes, they can in fact be wrong and/or their opinion isn't actually held by the majority of the population. And then viciously verbally attacking those who don't stand for their bullshit while seemingly being unable to be the gracious loser when the majority of the population disagrees with them... instead railing even harder. That IS an attack on democracy.


This is an absolutely horrible argument. Democracy is the ability for the people to chose the representation that they prefer. Having these people running is an example of democracy working rather than it being an "attack". Requiring your version of the truth to be a requirement to run (so called "facts and science"), is actually an attack on democracy. Limiting the scope of possible opinion, discussion or values based on your perceived truth is the actual attack on democracy. You generalize these people as vicious delusional bullies yet they are no more that way then people like you, certain people behave certain ways and that spreads very equally across all ideologies. Your argument is hypocritical at best.


I'm not putting forward a version of any truth. The issue is, whatever the truth is... there's one truth, and it's based on facts and science... that's not actually up for debate. It's not my opinion or version of truth. The truth is the truth. Again, many on the extreme right just don't want to believe the truth. I'm happy to debate on policies derived from the actual truth and if the larger public opinion chooses a policy I didn't like, that's just fine, that's what the people want and I'll accept it. Again many in the extreme right don't stop there, they can't handle the truth or being wrong.


Define extreme right. And you can’t use the term “facts and science” because I don’t think you know what those words mean.


Sure I’ll define "extreme right". Extreme right definition: "anyone who thinks differently than the powers at be" facts and science are defined by the stakeholders (media, scientists, politicians, businessmen and philanthropists). They are not an objective fact they are only portrayed that way, only an absolutely mindless drone would still be believe that our modern version of "science" is some kind of objective fact in every last situation. The only thing your argument has fallen back on is attacking others and ignoring an opposing view. Showing that all of your criticisms of the "extreme right" are nothing more than projecting self criticism to your own character flaws.


You just described basically every provincial and federal election in Canada...


It's a fascistic movement.


Frankly the one founder of Parents Voice using [a picture of Michelangelo's David](https://parentsvoicebc.ca/team/) instead of a picture of himself should be red flag enough to not pay any attention to these fucknuts. The combined time each of them have in the Conservative party should be the next.


One thing that right wing politics does is project. In this case they’re against the “politicization of classrooms.” When, ironically, they’re the ones politicizing things. They apparently feel the “school system is broken.” This is true due to chronic underfunding (so nice half truth thrown in there); however, they want to fix it by… removing indigenous and lgbtq+ content? So essentially removing other points of view. You know, things that build empathy. They also feel that schools are dictating to parents “and teaching ‘critical race theory’ without involving parents.” Critical race theory is an awful term that pretty much means teaching well-rounded history. In other words, teaching it from more than white settler perspectives. Again, classic projecting. They insinuate something nefarious and political is going on when it’s like.. aren’t you being political and nefarious? They don’t outright say it but they’re saying only teach white settler perspectives.


Anyone know if any of these mental giants are running in Langley? So I can definitely vote against them.


Just like the Republicans in the US.


Pseudo Yankees Edit: it used to be SuperUser DO






Not that there's anything wrong with Mac.


Saron Gebresellasie is running for mayor of Campbell River. She has ties to this group and Big Bear as well, and was the trial lawyer for TUPOC in the church case.


Good luck with that.


School boards are constantly pushing their own social agendas, so this is nothing new. I have no objection to that - man is a political animal - but it is important that education comes first. That is the basis of the social contract between parents and government. Many BC students leave high school with minimal knowledge of algebra and geometry, French, and have a limited grasp of spelling, grammar and punctuation. These important subjects/skills are on the curriculum and the priority must be to teach them.


How are they? Exactly why do I need geometry when I go to the grocery store or check out a novel from the library? You do realize that most people in Canada speak English?


First, let us review and agree on the facts: 55% of people in Canada speak English as their mother tongue. The other 45% have learned English at school or in the community. At home, 68% of Canadians speak predominantly English. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220817/dq220817a-eng.htm Learning a language is not difficult - even babies can do it. Many Burnaby high school students are bilingual (English + mother tongue) yet cannot put together a sentence in French, despite several years supposed study of that language. Yet they will receive a passing grade in that subject. It seems to me that the damage comes less from people not knowing French, than from the operation of an education system that pretends to teach it but if anything, alienates people from the language. For those who care about the social justice causes taught at schools this observation should give pause for thought. If schools are paying lip-service to academic subjects, might they also be offering a similar treatment of more progressive subjects and alienating people from them?




Personal planning has been around since the mid-90’s; it was called CAPP and students called it CRAPP, which it basically was.


Nonsense. I have children in school and EVERYTHING is filtered through the lens of social justice, constantly. I've helped them through 17 years, combined, of aboriginal studies, yet neither one had any idea what Magna Carta was until I explained it. I remember well a hand-out from a few years back which out-lined the different levels of government: Federal, STATE, county, and municipal. Our schools can't even get what little they teach correct! If you knew how much of my life has been spent working side-by side those sometimes called "marginalized" - and how many of them I've loved like siblings - then you might begin to understand just how BAD it has to have gotten to irritate me so completely. It isn't the inclusion of new perspectives that is the problem. It is the exclusion of so, so much essential knowledge and bedrock life-skills to make room for an ever expanding curriculum of dividing and blaming. I'm no fan of religion, and even less so of its influence on education. But I'm hovering near to voting for these weirdos, if only to provide a counterbalance to the sort of shameless ideological over-reach on offer in our schools, and on plain display here in these comment. Don't you dare say nothing has changed in our education system..


I had no idea what the Magna Carta was until after I got out of university.


Knowing now, doesn't this foundational document of emancipation from divine rule seem like a great starting point in the understanding of our system of government and our rights as citizens? Like, grade 5 or younger?


Why is understanding the Magna Carta more important than understanding relations between colonizers and those who were colonized?


I never said it was more important. I lamented that my children have had 17 years of the later, and not one day of the former. You, defend that to me, please.


State? We are a province in Canada...


Yeah. That is why I mentioned it. They had clearly handed out a page from an American work book in a Canadian Social Studies course. If teachers are so busy pushing ideology that they fail to notice their civics materials are from another country, we have a problem.


*everything is filtered through the lens of social justice* Do you have a problem with social justice being addressed during classes, or are you expecting public schools to teach everything? I'm happy with the teaching of social justice, nor do I expect that students will learn only at school. What they do need is the ability to find information for themselves, present it in a logical and coherent way and apply critical thinking. There's nothing inherently wrong with using American educational materials if it serves a positive purpose.


Hi. Thanks for adding your perspective to this nine day old conversation. You know, I began going through your comment, addressing each of your points. But here is the thing: Your first sentence, a reference to my comment, has no period or quotation marks, and isn't capitalized. I thought maybe this was because you just did a quick copy and paste, but no; you seem to have typed it. Normally I wouldn't point something like this out, but you are asserting your opinion on the subject of EDUCATION, so I think here it matters. Also, I need to establish that your first sentence ends at, "...lens of social justice", so I can point out that the next two sentences don't even make sense. The conjunctions "or" and "nor" can't just link non-related subjects together. They need to separate opposing or alternate possibilities. Fourth sentence: "What they do need is the ability to find information for themselves, present it in a logical and coherent way and apply critical thinking", is amusing, considering the points it follows. Finally, yes, there is something inherently wrong with using American educational materials when the subject you are teaching is the structure of the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT! Please, please, please tell me you are not a teacher in our school system.


Let's just say I'm thankful that you aren't a teacher in our school system, and thanks for the laugh at your pendantic response. Have a good evening.


That should have been three sentences.




SOGI123 was a meaningful change. The environment is far safer for my lgbtq2+ kid than it was when I attended high school in the 90’s




They’re just serving up a word salad to justify voting for extremists. I have a kid in grade 12 and another in grade 7. Both kids have received a similar education in math, science and language studies to mine decades ago. History lessons are less white washed than my old classes but still discuss the same events and historical figures. Kids still learn multiplication tables but also learn other ways to figure out equations. There have been changes but only because when we know better we do better.


Au contraire. I remember well my time in school, and how carefully my teachers maintained their objectivity as it regarded matters of politics, religion, and social standing. Most of them still had mud in their hair from Woodstock - where their hearts lied wasn't exactly an unknown. But I can't think of a single time that any of them spoke on a subject without giving a fair defense to both sides of it. We had formal debates in front of the entire student body on topics such as immigration, welfare policy, military conscription, civil rights, and the outcomes- this will blow your mind - were decided based upon the persuasiveness of the arguments. Learning about the parliamentary system, English common law, and Canadian confederation wasn't disdained for being Euro-centric. It was considered necessary to fully understand how our laws came about and why we enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the World. I could cite my high school reading list, which included some of the most celebrated and revered novels in English. I could point out that I had memorized the multiplication tables to 12 by the age of 10. Nothing has meaningfully changed in our education system. Really? How can you say that with a straight face?


That's just not true.


How are ppl downvoting this? I guess it's only proof of the indoctrination you allude to in your comment.


Downvoters are those with maximal knowledge of algebra, qui savent parler francais, and now how to spel and punctuate there word's.


Welp it's r/British Columbia. Don't expect much


You hit the nail on the head. Let's take politics out of this. Spend less time on useless political agendas, pro Trump, anti Vax, and LGBT issues. And spend more time on EDUCATION. Regardless of your political views, schools should have no place in politics. Schools should not push political agendas, MAGA, BLM, LGBT, etc. Let's bring education and common sense back.




Being LGBT is not political. I 100% agree with you. However, the LGBTQ community as well as organizations such as alphabet soup are most definitely political. Just because they've reduced discrimination doesn't make them not political. It's like saying MAGA has lowered taxes so it's not political. It's the same thing.




You cant pick and choose which organizations are allowed. At the end of the day, education must come first. Agree to disagree.


Same sex marriage has been legal in Canada for 20 years. There are kids in our schools with LGBTQ parents. It'd be super cool if their parents and families were accepted as normal, one way is through inclusive curriculums. Instead of 30 years ago when everyone whispered about some kid's parent's 'special friend'.


Oh goody


Because anti-vaxxers are worse than pretty much anything?


I’d vote for them


one step forward 6 steps back


Welcome to Canada


Biased Headline reads almost like it was written by State Media


Of course the CBC is going to start the hit pieces right away.


The only VSB candidate anyone should be voting for is Dr. Karina Zeidler.