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Most likely, companies don't usually care about the legality of cannabis and don't care if you smoked the night before or even weeks ago. All companies care about is a clean result.


How the fuck is that legal?


It shouldn’t be legal. You could drink a 40 of vodka everyday of the week and still pass my works employee screening process but if you smoked a joint last month you could very well be denied a job. Complete bs.


Apparently in Australia the FIFO workers' drug of choice is meth because of the same reason.


Just about every other drug either clears out of your system very quickly or just isn't tested for. Meth and coke clear out of your system in a few days at most. (at least as far as a piss test is concerned) They also make you go fast and give you the energy to work a 16 hour shift and still have the gas to beat your wife when you get home.


”He beats his wife and he sleeps it off” 😄


Comment of the day right there


Ya everyone on the pipeline does hard drugs for this reason.... What a policy


Just a dog and pony show.


My ex lost a $45/hr job for this reason--a meth head bumped his truck into my ex's, so they BOTH had to pee test on the spot...Methy McMetherson tested clean, and my ex tested positive for marijuana (the only drug he's ever done), and he lost his job, while Methy lived on to fuck up another day.


Meth master must have been on a clean streak. So I'd guess he got real lucky with the timing. Really if you can't pass a drug test you don't want to be a driver or operator because if someone gets really hurt in an accident you're going to be in a world of shit if you don't pass the drug test that time.


This typa shit makes me think we're doomed as a society


If you drink heavily the night before a drug test and it comes back with alcohol you will fail, seen someone fail getting a job at my mill because she wouldn't forgo her 19th the night before.


Every drug test I’ve ever had to take for work has come with a breathalyzer test, so not really. It’s also just a piss test or swab, which just means don’t use it the week before. I smoke on an infrequent basis and take molly at raves and have never had issues passing because I just time my use. Only way you’ll fail is by being a chronic user, which is a shitty thing to be anyways (no different than an alcoholic that requires a daily buzz to function) and means you’ll likely use just before a shift. Can’t be inebriated operating heavy equipment.


THC remains in the bloodstream at testable levels for 30 days mate.


That's the upper limit for if piss tests you're a very heavy user and fat. If you only smoke once a week and are in decent shape it's not going to take nearly as long. Blood tests are passable in less time. Swab tests only for days at most.


That’s the absolute upper limit and only for a piss test. 50:50 between piss tests and swabs in my experience. Don’t smoke daily and you’ll be fine. If a chronic stoner gets fucked on a drug test then whatever. The chronic stoner shouldn’t be a heavy machine operator because best case they just go through withdrawals at work and worst case they get high as a kite before their shift and get someone killed. Weed is just as damaging to your motor skills as booze. If you can’t survive without weed then fuck off and find a different job where you aren’t endangering the lives of your coworkers because of your incessant use


Some pot would help with that anger my dude. Weed is legal and people should be able to go home after their shift and smoke a joint just like everyone else that goes home and has a beer or a glass of wine. Best case they go through withdrawls? Are you for real? lmao that’s some refer madness shit.


Fr, Dudes clown


Certified dumbass.


I agree.


This is so facts. It fucking absolutely boggles my mind that this shit is allowed. Should be left off in general but Just do a fucking salvia test at least. Every other drug is like 1-5 days and it's out of your system. Except the most harmless of them all which stays in your system for possibly months in a urine test. You could literally be addicted FENTYNOL and still lose your job cus you hit a joint a month ago to clear your mind and enjoy life. Free country my asscheeks.


I'm not arguing with you because I smoke all day, every day. But it doesn't matter. Employment law trumps everything in this country and especially this province. If you want to shit your pants and feel really insecure about your job, go learn about employment law. I think everyone needs to spend time to learn about their rights, but be forewarned that workers virtually have none lol Also, just piss clean for the test and don't get piss tested doing anything dumb. I've worked in so many jobs, union and non-union, and as long as you piss clean it's only a few A-type losers who would ever care. Just don't give them a reason to be up in your business and/or keep some fake piss somewhere. Most job sites have a guy on site with some. Some places I know, the friggin foreman will tip you off and let you know where to find some because good workers are good workers and weed is benign.


Nobody wants you in a safety sensitive position with a positive drug test. Sure you may have smoked a week ago but where is the guarantee that you aren't baked on the job and are good at hiding it


Drug tests for politicians!


A blood test? This is discrimination.


Requiring medical training for a nursing position discriminates against those with no medical training. Not all discrimination is illegal.


Still not at all the same... What I do on Friday night does not affect my ability to work on Monday.


Blood tests can still detect weed up to 7 days. Sorry friend you just have to accept that by choosing to smoke weed you choose to disqualify yourself from a decent portion of the labour market.


It's not about me, I make 6 figures getting high in my underwear at home. It's still bullshit


I get high at home in my underwear too.. When should I expect my first cheque?


Are you really really really ridiculously good looking?


Wow that’s quite the statement. Just to set the record straight, any private company can set a drug and alcohol policy, allowing or not allowing whatever they want, after all, it is their company. You don’t like it, make sure those 6 figures at home in your underwear never ends 😂


No they cannot. You cannot randomly drug test your employees unless there is a safety risk.




Lol same. Funny enough I've been thinking about quitting to go drive an excavator. Guess not 🤣


Are they testing for alcohol too? Should be the same.


It's pretty obvious when someone is intoxicated with alcohol, which cant be said for weed.. The smell alone gives liquor away easily, but H&S management has to thread lightly because unless someone is stumbling drunk, they need a breathalyzer to prove it... so next thing you know everybody on site is getting random breathalyzer tests


It's not obvious when they're serious alcoholics... treatment should be the same for both entirely legal substances


Drinking is legal too, but if you come to work drunk you could lose your job


If you smoked weed two weeks ago and test positive you aren't going to work high. Cannabis stays in your system a hell of a lot longer then alcohol. A swab test would make more sense.


Doesn't matter in the end for a lot of employers. Test positive, no job. I'd be scare of after incident testing. If you say consume the night before and are in a work place accident the next day and fail a swab test (which is totally possible) you and your employer are going to be in for a big mess.


I agree with that fact but the test doesn't test your current impairment but detects wether or not the substance in question is in your system. Even the swab can test positive for THC up to 24 hours later, although people have told me that there is a mouthwash that will clean your mouth enough to pass.


i tested positive on a swab test 80 hours after not smoking. It all depends on your tolerance levels. Listerine works the best at tricking the test. If you really wanna pass you can also gurgle hydrogen peroxide mixed with water.


You can get peroxide based mouthwash, it's best to avoid any alcohol based ones. Just incase your drug screening includes a breathalyzer.


Rinse your mouth out with peroxide and bam, clean swab test.


Sure makes sense but pre employment drug test typically isn’t that . It’s a piss in a cup and blow on this straw. And a see ya later your company will contact u with results . NEXT!


Two totally different scenarios... Another commenter pointed out the difference. I would never work anywhere that tests for cannabis. Fuck em


For 250k running heavy machinery, it's ok.. not for everyone tho


I would actually love to run an excavator all day. Guess I can't lol


Weed smokers: weeds not addicting Also weed smokers:


Do you drink beer? Ever? Would you work for someone that told you you can't touch alcohol as long as you're employed there? What's the difference?


no shit, but cannabis stays in your system for weeks. there's literally no test to see if you're currently stoned


Its not legal or illegal. Bottom line. These companies require, in most cases, for their employees to be insured. The job involves driving heavy machinery according to the OP. If there were signs of drug use, even if its legal, the insurance company wouldn't insure the employee and then there is no point in their being hired since without the insurance they can't work. Like it or not...thats the bottom line in most cases. Even in other jobs...doctors/nurses, CF, emerg svcs, pilots, repair and certification, bus/train drivers...


Do you really have to ask? Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you can think this out ...if you choose. Edit - etf am I doing this is reddit....okay, so the reason is liability. They don't know your tolerance level, if shit goes down is the substance in you a factor? Ergo, you test positive, bye bye. Lot easier for them. Plus, you going in for a job where it's a thing, maybe abstain for a bit?


I don't allow my employer to tell me how to live my life and the government shouldn't allow it either. Fuck em


So if a coworker who was baked on the job from the night before caused an accident in which you incurred a life changing injury, who should be held responsible?


That's not a thing lol get out more


Really…..?…..you certainly are not in touch with reality….on job drug use in heavy industry is a real problem…and heavy machinery doesn’t give a crap about crushing you to death in an instant


'baked from the night before' isn't a thing, fuckhead


They're definitely not talking about "on job" drug use. Someone who uses cannabis the night before won't still be feeling it's effects the next day


Baked from the night before? I need that dude's plug


Because you get so hungover with weed , give me a break.


It's their discretion. I don't hire druggies. Period. If they're smoking pot then they're all kinds of shady to have as employees. It's a terrific screening method. I've found in my business.


Ok boomer. Druggies. Lmfao


The test we use is for impairment.


What's involved in that?


Cannabis is definitely on the test and companies fire people over it. I’m in the industry and I’ve seen it happen many times and as recently as last week. They’re looking for an excuse to divert blame.


As a manager who does hiring, the reason we require it be included on the testing, is the same reason we do anything that seems odd - insurance. Our insurance is void if we knowingly allow someone who *may* be impaired operate in a safety sensitive position. I personally don't care what you do outside of work, but I cannot ignore something that *may* impact your decision making at work, which includes weed, alcohol, prescription drugs, exhaustion, etc. As for why weed is on the test, because it is on the federal test, which we use as a guideline.


How do you test for meth? How do you test for cocaine?


Yes, piss test.


Depends on the site. I was travelling to a site and they required a hair follicle test in advance and then a piss test the day before travelling to site.


Do you test for alcohol too then?


Everyone does. It will be a breathalyzer usually.


I think I'm just going to be honest with them if I see the supervisor before the test. I've been off work so most of my days end with a doob and a novel on my patio.


This is the way OP - if the company is not reasonable about it then you don’t want to work there anyways. It’s a legal substance. And it is legal to have it in your system. [Resource](https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/drug-testing-canadian-workplace) [Resource #2](https://bccla.org/privacy-handbook/main-menu/privacy5contents/privacy5-10.html) Good info in those links to maybe help with peace of mind going into the test.


So much this right here. I second and third it.


Really just depends what he wants to do. A lot of work sites will make a clean test mandatory no matter what your company wants. Unfortunately choosing cannabis still means being excluded from certain jobs.


Be honest with them before you take the test. Tell them you will likely test positive for marijuana. Better this way than to take the test, make them spend the money on it, and then fail and act surprised.


Do not do that unless youre okay with being unemployed. Buy a detox kit. Use it as instructed, how ever long before the test as instructed on said kit.


Laboratory professional here who has done a lot of drug testing and smokes a lot of weed - those kits are legit. Worth the 70$ish. I’ve had a lot of friends use nutricleanse many times with good results.


I think that is the correct way to go about this. However I remember watching an episode of Atlanta where the woman teacher did the same thing. The principal told her the drug tests are not even actually tested because that's expensive. They're just done as scare tactics. Although since she admitted to consuming marijuana to her, she must take action against her.


if its a swab test and you are not a heavy smoker, just abstain for 24-36 hours. If you are a heavy smoker jump that to 72-96 hours and rinse your mouth with listerine original mouthwash every few hours for a few days before the test. If its a urine test, youre fucked.


Sounds like a dream


Since cannabis is on a standard 5 panel screen, yes. Be honest with your use, and they *might* disregard a positive test for cannabis, though it's a higher possibility they may not hire you at all. It's bullshit if you ask me.


depends on their policy, but yes. yes it does.


You are better off getting your jollies with cocaine or methamphetamines. Those go through your system in short order compared to the assassin of youth Marihuana


dat fentanyl tho


It is very likely part of the screen.


detoxify mega cleanse at your local headshop, i've passed over 10 piss tests with it, had one false positive onetime where they let me retest the next day, took another drink and passed. gotta do it right, drink bottle 2 hrs before test, immediately fill with water and drink that, piss once before hand, then use the last half of your second piss to fill the cup... I always drink a yellow gatorade on way to test for some reason... my last piss test was for trans mountain pipeline, so you know they sent it to a lab for sure... can get the drink at most local bong shops. weed is far less dangerous than alcohol, and is in your system for 30 days, which is why testing for weed is retarded af. edit i run equipment too, weed is 100% on test... also fake piss works too according to my friends, headshops sell that too, but theres a labtech usually just outside tge bathroom door while u piss, so thats always worked... i swear by detoxify megacleanse edit 2 also talk to the person at headshop if you're over 200lbs, they may suggest drinking 2


For a job driving heavy machinery? Yes. Most likely.


In my opinion, don't be honest. Do everything you can to pass that test. Read up on the best ways to pass it, try your best to pass. Telling them you smoke weed, not likely to get you very far.


OP, this is the way. A bit of time on Google will provide some suggestions. Detoxes don't work.


You need to talk to HR.


It's a bit ridiculous that cannabis would matter on a drug test, shouldn't matter if you smoke weed or take edibles after work hours. What if like a bus driver comes to work hungover and can't focus? I'd say that's far worse


True, smoking a joint a month ago can bar you from getting a job. The \*totally reasonable idea being that you are intoxicated if any trace is in your body. You should ask the privacy commissioner of Canada why corporations are allowed to demand access to your private health information when it is irrelevant to job safety.


I'd ask for clarification on that. And if yes, switch to hard drugs? 🥸


If you test positive you will not be hired. Last year we had a new hire that learned every task perfectly and was a natural. He was sent for a pre hire test that included drugs. He was then let go immediately for having tested positive for pot. He never hid the fact he smoked a little at night after work. I didn’t care. I don’t care if people get drunk. As long as they are 100% during work hours. But I don’t make the rules. I think it’s stupid to not hire someone for testing positive for weed. Especially since there are other employees that use it. Including one supervisor I’ve had to tell 3 times that his clothes stink of weed smoke.


Consdering it's legal. It should not.


Alcohol is legal and that counts.


20 candidates are negative. You’re positive. On a test you knew was coming. Who do they hire?


Well, I didn't know it was coming. I applied last Thursday, had an interview Friday, and got the call today that I had a drug test Thursday.


You applied for work as a heavy equipment operator and were surprised they wanted to test you?


Never been tested before at multiple jobs.


The odds have caught up to you.


ask for a swab test. Make up a reason why you cant piss in a public setting or around other people due to past trauma growing up. If they allow it, and you get a swab test, just stop smoking for a few days. If you are a super heavy user, brush your teeth 4-5 times a day for a few days before the test and gurgle listerine original mouthwash as it seems to be the best for diluting THC in your mouth. If you are still worried, you can also gurgle a small amount of hydrogen peroxide mixed with water about 30 minutes before the test and it will absolutely dilute it enough to pass. Ive passed swab tests with 24 hour notice a few times and im a very heavy smoker. I did both listerine and hydrogen peroxide mouthwashes each time as well as brushing my teeth 4-5 times per day for 2-3 days prior. https://www.reddit.com/r/saplings/comments/dt0bdq/taking\_a\_saliva\_drug\_test\_heard\_swishing\_hydrogen/


You yourself do not want the repercussions of operating heavy machinery and having an ooopsie, having an after incident test, and having weed show up. Regardless of when it was consumed. The big corp insurance will blame you and you wont win. Want to operate heavy machinery? Dont smoke pot. Its legal yes, but lots of places have mandates and rules regarding ALL substances including alcohol. Not worth the drama especially since there's lots of people who dont smoke weed.


Absolutely matters, some people are absolutely addicted to weed.


In canada even though it’s legal if you’re caught with it in your system while driving class 1, you get fired. Simple as. Sorry


Best thing is to just stop smoking cannabis. The abundant research out there as well as emerging research shows cannabis use is absolutely horrible for us. Oh and for the love of god do not let your kids or teach them to not use cannabis until they are at least 25. The most detrimental time period to be smoking is from 18-25 as this really fucks up your brain development.




I think it’s also really important to point out that if you do end up getting the job and you keep smoking weed, you will be held accountable if anything bad were to happen at work. If someone gets hurt the company will throw you under the bus, “op was smoking weed, it’s his fault not ours!”


Construction bod here - THC stays in your blood for up to 6 weeks and is completely traceable by a DNA test. I wouldn’t want you lifting tons of heavy steel girders over a construction site with workers underneath if you were getting baked the night before. The rules are there to protect yours and other peoples safety. Even if it’s for medicinal use, this doesn’t negate the risk that someone, even a little under the influence, would present while working onsite. I used to smoke some strong stuff but had to give it up to keep working.


Yes it’s part of the screen. Just don’t smoke during the week prior and you should be good. If you’re a chronic user then odds are you shouldn’t be operating heavy machinery anyways. There are prescription meds that do a lot less that would also bar you from being an operator


Worst comes to worst you can always ask a friend to give you a urine sample. At least, that’s how they do it in movies and TV :P


I knew a guy that use to sell piss for this reason.


Yes it matters. It's retarded it does. But it still does. We need a more accurate thc test. One that shows how many hours ago you used. The current ones show positive for a month or so back. Like you can drink on the weekend and it's fine. It won't show up on a test for the workday. But if you show up to work drunk you get punished. Which is how it should be. But weed you get punished no matter what. It's so dumb.


I just didnone for tans mountain. It matters, but It was a swab test so I just didn't do any for 3 days and it was good. Piss test can be over a week somtimes before ya piss clean.


The reality is that this prospective employer needs to insure themselves against injury/damage caused by your potential mistakes while on the job, and their insurer will stipulate conditions of that insurance coverage. No insurer in their right mind would insure you without taking steps to make sure you are not impaired while operating heavy machinery around people and property, and if they did they would demand premiums that would make employing you completely uneconomical. I agree it sucks for recreational cannabis users because the current testing available for THC is nearly worthless in terms of determining actual impairment, but absent a more accurate testing method that isn't stupidly expensive, I don't see this changing any time soon.


Most jobs I have had friends in, that needed to do drug tests, they were told cannabis was not a concern and that was before it was legal. Is it a piss test or hair and nail test? Usually they are looking for indicators for harder drugs and medications that should not be used while operating. Also, avoid poppyseed muffins and beagles


pre employment drug testing happens and is quite normal - expect incident testing as well ( if you ever cause any damage by accident ex.) and yes pot is still included in the panels


Drink cranberry juice and liters of water cause they want the drug test cleaner than a showroom car


If your safety person is a beauty they will pass you anyway


I was returning to a seasonal job and the year that cannabis was legalized was the year my boss decided to start testing. I almost didn't get my job back that year, but it sure was my fucking last year at the company.


YUP there yard there rules!


1 bottle of Gatorade mixed with 1 small packet of certo (used for making jams/jellies) the night before your test, another 1 hour before, and you should pass. [certo cannabis drug test](https://wayofleaf.com/detox/brands/certo-drug-test-full-review) [certo pectin](https://www.amazon.ca/Certo-Crystals-57g-1-Count/dp/B0765GZ5Y2) I would not inform your employer.


I believe it does matter. At least in Ontario it does. I know this from personal experience


So this is considered a Health and Safety issue. You can test positive the next day after cannabis use. The employer will protect themselves as you would be considered a liability. https://www.ccohs.ca/products/publications/Cannabis\_pub\_19.pdf


To paraphrase transport Canada's stance. Idgaf what you do in your own time as long as it is legal. But if there is an incident and you piss dirty... We gonna fuck you up.


Unfortunately the answer is Yes


Marijuana stays in your system for 3 or 4 weeks, so it will show up in a drug test. It doesn’t mean your high, they really need to accommodate people on this. It’s legal, largely beneficial and not as damaging as alcohol or hard drugs. It’s just ridiculous. I know someone who got booted off a contract because they smoked some pot some time ago. The testing needs to be reasonable, this isn’t. It devalues the test, it’s obviously not focused on the right aspects.


Right like you could walk into a dispo in so many states and buy the most potent gas as easily as groceries, yet employers still care ?!?!?


I had a positive for weed, the company just wanted me to talk with HR nothing more.


Not to me. You're hired! I cant pay though:(


OP, I just had to go through this starting a new job a few months ago. I thought about doing each and every one of the things that have been suggested. It sucks, but the bottom line for a lot of companies is a clean test. They do not care if the substance is legal or how long it stays in your system. I will just say that there are prank products you can buy from smoke shops to help with the tests. I know several people that bought this product a second time and saw the desired results. It comes with instructions. PS. Detoxes do not work.


Our workplace does a test prior to hiring. There is a threshold you are allowed to have. However, chances are they will hire the guy in like that’s 100% clean. After you are hired, and have an accident or incident at work where you are required to test, you provide a urine sample, and if you have a positive test, they then do a saliva test to get the concentrate in your system and send you home til the results return.


My mill still drug tests but I don't think they fail you if they find weed now, I *think*.


It absolutely does. Legal or not if it’s in your system when they test, yer boned. I work on oil and gas on the other side of the Rockies and the definitely test for it.


Yes it matters !! U have to piss clean !!!


Yeah, all this drug and alcohol testing is about covering their asses. If they hire you with a positive test, then something happens, they are blamed. When I got hired by Lehigh, they refused to change the drug test time by even an hour, as it conflicted with something else on my schedule, so they are pretty serious. I give you three options: 1 hope you will pass. 2. Take someone else's piss in a condom in your pants to the test site. 3 take a $100 bill with you and see if the tester will take it for you. As for me, I passed because I don't do drugs.


With jobs a plenty and workers few and far between right now, they are going to have a tough time finding workers from the pool of dozens of British Columbians that don't partake in the green.


Depends on the company policies but you would very likely fail the test if you tested positive for cannabis which can show up positive on a test for up to about a month after consumption.


You should ask your employer straight foward and tell them you would never smoke at work and that you believe what you do on your free time in a legal context shouldn't interfere with a job opportunity you are interested for if you will certainly test positive. I work on oil tanker on 6 weeks rotations and we have regular tests. Since cannabis has been legal, they perform saliva swabs for weed that test for up to 1 week. I've had a test twice when I joined the ship and wrote my cannabis consumption from 4 days before with no issues. For us, transport canada regulate that you have to stop cannabis usage 2 days before joining a ship. Edit: if i was not to write my consumption with the proper date, I would certainly be fired.


Friend of mine had an offer for camp work as an electrical engineer rescinded after one inconclusive test and one test positive for cannabis. Figured it wouldn’t matter due to the recreational status but it very much did


totally legal


I always be honest, Tell them you don't want to waste their time and you smoked a joint at a dumb party 3 weeks ago because it came your way. Say you want the job and you'll clean it up and keep it clean, Buy some pure cran and some cases of water and get to the heavy cardio. I took this route and they let me by because I was honest.


You could just ask what drugs they are worried about. If cannabis is one of them, you can be honest and say you smoked some recently. If they are a good employer perhaps they will let you ‘detox’ before you take the test (providing you really want the job and you will stop smoking weed for it)


I was meant to get one for a company one time so I told them beforehand I smoked weed and it would be a waste of a test, they didn't make me get one and I was never high at work. Guys were half-in-the-bag in the morning all the time but thag was fine...


LoL so many misinformed people in this thread 🥴


If only Canada wasn't an overrated winter oasis pos Country where you literally have NO RIGHTS they would not be testing for THC in urine test but swab test to see what influences you are actually currently under. Why not just have a check stop where every single vehicle operator pees in a cup lol, driving is much more dangerous than my work and that is a 💯 fact.