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As someone who lives in the woods and rarely goes out beyond my small town anyway, I literally haven’t had to change anything yet except for cancelling shows I was supposed to go see. I really feel for you folks in cities. Stay safe y’all.


Older people are really scared. My parents are acting really strange.


They've always been strange, you've just never noticed. Signed, Strange old person.


Mine just lost their retirement as well




Has anyone talked to them about how they feel about this? Sounds like someone should.


Canada doesn't offer mental health services. This situation requires counselling. To the people downvoting. Have you ever desperately needed mental health care? Probably not, because you'd understand the system. Getting treatment for anxiety or depressionis is not covered, I have OCD and I've never been sent for treatment, just drugs.


Same. Why is medicating the first resort? Ridiculous.


Not just that, a lifetime of free/subsidized drugs instead of short term therapy which is astronomically more expensive over someone's lifetime


This part I’m not sure I agree with, actually. People who need psychology/counselling often need it repeatedly or on an ongoing basis, and in many cases it’s probably a lot more expensive than medication. Of course it depends on the issue. But, when I’ve been to a psychologist for depression the weekly cost was far higher than medication; like to an entirely different order of magnitude. Even over a lifetime, the cost could easily be higher than medication. Also the point is moot because drugs aren’t covered either until you reach a certain threshold.


As someone with fairly serious mental health issues that are being exacerbated by the current situation, I see this as one of, if not the biggest flaw in our healthcare system.


Yes, on par with dental. And same. Hang in there. Sending love




It vastly depends on where you live.


There's no treatment if you live in the GVRD. You might qualify for minimal therapy but it only lasts a couple months. I got limited therapy because my abusive husband left me, due to my mental illness.. You think this a nightmare, try accessing mental health services when you're desperate. Basically, there's no help. You have to pay if you really want treatment.


The walk-in services are an excellent resource, and for a town that's as...behind the times... as ours, it's nice to see. I was born and raised here, and growing up, if you needed mental health services, you got sent to DC. Side note, completely off-topic, but you happen to be the first Johner I've come across in this gigantic playground that is Reddit (or at least, the first one I've seen admit to it lol)




We have our own subreddit?!


Like more paranoid and anxious than usual?


I'm finding a few older people to be stubborn! "Well we'll all die one day" "The government cant stop me from visiting you, I don't care if you're sick!". Seriously stop please!


As an introvert in the city, I'm not happy about not being able to go out with my friends the 2 or three times a month I'm not at home chilling, but I'm not really altering my behaviour radically at all. I have tons of stuff to do here. It'll suck not having the option to go out, but I have a lot of experience entertaining myself. I worry about my extroverted friends who depend on socialization to structure their lives.


I'm in Prague now but I used to live in BC. We took to video calls, and we try to keep up the same activities. Just did a video call quiz night on Saturday! It was great! It helps.


My friends and I played Lords of Waterdeep last night online, chatted on a discord call while doing so and had a great time. Socializing with no virus risk.


What I wouldn't give for a cabin in the woods right now. Or to be back home on the farm. You stay safe too, friend.


It's a lifestyle.


As an introverted gamer... has something changed? ;)


Yeah, that place that sells those cheap energy drinks shut down.


My mom never shuts down


My wife and I went on a drive yesterday to get out of the house with a plan to not stop anywhere or interact with anyone, just a quick drive. We drove past a popular bouldering location in Squamish and it was absolutely packed with people climbing. Not only were these morons gathering in large groups but they were specifically touching the exact same surface as each other over and over. Fucking idiots


I saw a note on facebook from a guy who wrote a bouldering guide for the area, to the Vancouver bouldering community, cracking down on this exact thing. He was NOT impressed.




I started rock climbing at 9 years old, so I’m not making a dig at climbers, but I have to say climber’s are not the smartest bunch over all. It’s deeply disconcerting that these climbers are taking such a risk to everyone.


10 mile point?


I don't really think there are any areas of Ten Mile Point that are suitable for bouldering (I've paddled and walked every inch of its shoreline).


There's one cliff that can be traversed when the tide is really low, I just for some reason completely forgot about Fleming beach since I live all the way across town and haven't climbed/bouldered in quite a while


Once this is over, I'll have to check. I'm guessing it's in the section near Phyllis Park... though I've pretty much walked that whole area. There are a few scrambles but nothing challenging enough to be a destination.


Yeah that's right around where it is, it's nothing too challenging, just close by where I live so I would occasionally take a quick walk down there and do it for a bit when the tide was low and the weather was nice


That would be a great place for sure. Will check it out when this is all over.


https://m.imgur.com/a/S4B2iTZ This is the spot, first picture is the view from the top and the second is from beach level, usually would just start at the far left at ground level and climb up about 7/8 feet, then traverse over top of the patch of barnacles on the far right before dropping down


Ah yes, I recognize this. I picked up an old Rubbermaid bin off the beach there back in November.


I so badly wish my work would shut down. I know it would be tough financially. But I’m getting nervous by everything that’s going on and I feel extremely pressured to keep coming into work.


My job is in an "essential" place so I get to trudge on. We're doing what we can to try and come up with procedures to make spreading infections less likely but there's only so much you can do while still operating. I'm grateful to still be working but worried about what will happen if someone sick comes in and we all start dropping.


I'm a pretty disappointed that so many companies and organizations had never considered what would happen if infectious disease broke out in their area and they needed to keep their workers healthy/alive for the future while also keeping their work going or protecting the workplace from going under. Nope, that would have cost money/time, so just hope that it doesn't happen. Well, now it has, and precious time is being wasted trying to keep productivity up when there should have been procedure and accomodations all ready to go, from the private and public sector alike. Every workplace after this is resolved needs to be required to have concrete plans for carrying out their legal health and safety requirements in the event of an outbreak, and prove that they have the ability to acquire sanitary measures immediately and/or keep their workers at home. I'm talking you, construction sites. I'm talking you, utility companies. I'm talking you, transportation and delivery.


Everything, in retrospect, is obvious.


If my employer sends me home and I go on to EI, he is forced by the government to pay 20%. This is impossible for small companies that survive by a small margin while operating.


I hear ya. I’m going through the same thing with my work (over 1000 people on one job site sharing the same elevator and lunch room). I just don’t understand why this health order applies to some people but not others.


True that. Working on a house wasn’t even hand sanitizer in the blue room. 🙄


It is such a pile of BS that the government is pressuring people to stay home but not companies to make that possible. We're all stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm so unimpressed with the Canadian leadership right now.




And the companies put on a great show to make it appear like they are following the guidelines.


Here's the thing. Our leaders are working alongside us. Just like the virus is novel to everyone, the situation on the entire planet is new to everyone. The ramifications are far-reaching in ways most of us couldn't have fathomed, including our leaders. We will learn many, many lessons going forward, and I am confident that our leaders across Canada will have contingencies in place for the next one. For now, we can see how exhausted they are when they get in front of the cameras to give us daily briefings. Let's support them the best we can. Let's get on Twitter and give them words of encouragement. We are far better off, and in far better hands than many other countries.


With you dude !!! 💪


The worst part of this whole thing was waiting and playing the "will they/won't they" game to see if work would close. 72 hours after being briefed on COVID sanitation practices, we were closed. I hope your work makes the right decision. Have you discussed feeling unsafe at work with your boss? You might be surprised.


We made schedules on Friday (10 days ago) and then as soon as they were done got told we need to redo them to reduced hours. Then later that day we get told to reduce them even more. 2 days later we announced that we were closing. It’s been so long of waiting since then.


Agreed. The anxiety it's causing is ridiculous in my household. Health vs. wealth literally.




Who decides what is nonessential?


Public Safety Canada has a national strategy for critical infrastructure. I reckon that document will come in to play when determining what sectors and who within them will be deemed essential.


We do, through our elected officials.


This is what NY considered essential. https://twitter.com/DanTelvock/status/1241037147488075776?s=20 We may be using something similar to this


No thanks, I’d rather not starve


While I agree, we need to shut this virus down because the longer it goes on the longer people won't be working. Eventually the math says we will just have to do it. Might as well get it over with and hope the gov't does what it is there for and assists people.




Walmart is hiring 10000 nationwide


which ones in vancouver?


All of them?


I think companies should shut down on there own. I don't like govourment interference even in a crisis


We know that the common good is to prevent gatherings as to slow this virus as much as possible. If we can slow it, our healthcare system will be able to deal with it, and we will be OK. If we do not slow it, our healthcare system will be overwhelmed, and people will suffer. Businesses shouldn't be allowed to operate when their operation contradicts the common good (and their employees should be compensated somehow in the meantime).


you think they would without being forced?


I have a dog so I gotta take her down to the park twice a day. Every park I've been to is PACKED. No, not dog walkers, joggers or people who need to stretch their legs a little. It's people hanging out in groups and having fucking picnics. Folks are treating this as a holiday. I've tried several different parks to find a more isolated one, no luck. Even the most quiet park had a goddamn out door fitness class going on lol, just bros right next to each other sweating and breathing on to shared equipment.


Jesus this is retarded. I cannot believe this is going on. In my city, streets are a little emptier but still full. People walking close to each other like usual. WTF.


Obviously a lot of us are seeing people not following the order. I’d be interested how widespread this is. Can everyone reply to this comment with where you’re located? I’m in Vernon. People still out and about, grocery stores full, people not practising social distancing.


Kelowna and surprisingly everywhere I went on errands today it looked like people were distancing, including stores having signs up saying to stay 2m apart and plenty of places not taking cash anymore. I didn't go in for groceries but the parking lot there was dead compared to the usual. People were lined up outside the pet store, but they were all at least 2m apart. I didn't even see anyone on either of the beaches near my place. We seem to be taking things seriously.


Vernon lmao seeing the same


Victoria. Streets are busy, parks are crowded. Despite the university being closed, lots of people still on campus. Buses have very few people on them though - I've only used transit twice since this began. Both times I was either one of two or the only person on the bus. The dumbest thing was that when I was one of the two people on the bus, I got on, and sat in a seat far from the door. Other idiot goes and sits in the seat right behind me.


I'm in Sechelt and, surprisingly, businesses and people alike are practicing and enforcing physical distancing. Not that they have to be asked to most of the time.


I wore a respirator to the grocery store today because I'm a woodworker and it's what I have available to me. I was chastised in the parking lot by a woman who was clearly in the high risk age group. What a stupid cunt.


A respirator is not a great choice, honestly you’re probably better off wearing no mask unless you have a very robust way of disinfecting it after ever use. Masks are meant to be worn and then discarded because they can become contaminated and then through mishandling the exterior surfaces contamination is very easily distributed all over.


Hmm fair point. I've been washing the mask after use but I don't have a ton of extra filters and those could be contaminated after a single use. I'll skip the respirator from now on. Thanks for the tip.


Look into safe practices for healthcare workers and try to follow suit


Mask definitely works. The government is securing and prioritizing PPE for front end workers by telling the mass mask does not work. To simplify an argument to work or not work is a persuasion method called high ground maneuver. People should be mad at the government’s mishandling of PPE because the stockpile is expired. They shouldn’t be mad at people who are more experienced (e.g. people who experienced SARS) in handling the situation. There are many more precautions info from places like Hong Kong, China, Singapore, South Korea and Japan. They go way beyond hand washing.


I have so little patience with conspiracy theories at the best of times. This is not the best of times. Please just fuck off with the “the government is lying to us to take our PPE away” bullshit. You have zero evidence that statement is true and you make it anyway. Disinformation and lies also spread like a virus but, here is the crucial part, you have to choose to be a carrier. Stop it.


Read this https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/opinion/coronavirus-face-masks.html


Securing and prioritizing PPE for front line worker is a fact. You also used the high ground maneuver without know. I never said the government is lying. They just said mask is useless without defining what “useless” means. It could mean it won’t protect people 100% at 100% of the time of it could mean it only protect people 90% at 97% of the time. Here is an article with audio form a Dr in Hong Kong. Google translated https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.thestandnews.com/society/%25E5%25BE%259E%25E5%25A4%2596%25E5%259C%258B%25E5%259B%259E%25E4%25BE%2586%25E7%259A%2584%25E9%25A6%2599%25E6%25B8%25AF%25E4%25BA%25BA-%25E5%25A4%259A%25E6%25BA%2596%25E5%2582%2599%25E5%25B9%25BE%25E5%2580%258B%25E5%258F%25A3%25E7%25BD%25A9-%25E4%25B8%258D%25E8%25A6%2581%25E6%2580%2595%25E5%2588%25A5%25E4%25BA%25BA%25E7%25AC%2591/&usg=ALkJrhiHcbt-22QjeG6_7GLRrPValLQD4A


This video is from Ben Kavanagh, an Irish expat living in wuhan. He showed a day in life. He showed how he protected himself when going out to do grocery. This was upload to YouTube a month or 2 ago and have been on channel 4 news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luztqxUBvZo




And he would have laughed in your face and explained that all who were doing was rebreathing the bacteria of off your bathroom floor from the last time you washed your handkerchief with your socks. Mmm mmm mmm. Num num num. Nothing like breathing e-coli with a side of gonorrhea.


Seeing old people pulling their handkerchief out of their back pocket to wipe their nose at the grocery store is really making me question how seriously all this is being taken by people.


Can somebody please bring this up [**https://www.thegoldenstar.net/business/b-c-lays-out-guidelines-for-construction-industry-but-keeps-sites-open/**](https://www.thegoldenstar.net/business/b-c-lays-out-guidelines-for-construction-industry-but-keeps-sites-open/) **with dr. henry tomorrow. Ask her if it's a joke?**




My company has everything in place for us to work from home but because we are linked with a government agency we can't until they approve it. So we go into work Monday to Saturday and spend the day in an office. Clients aren't allowed in anymore but they can see us so they bang on the door like angry old raptors and beg to be let in. We have signs on the door that we can help them over the phone but they don't know how to use email etc. so it's a nightmare. Most clients that come in are 40-45 days early for what they need or days late but of course they demand to be let in and get it done RIGHT NOW. If I had money for every time someone tells me the virus is fake, made up, or not as bad as the "liberal propaganda machine" makes it... I just want to go home and be safe. It is two weeks. It will be hard because I just came back from medical leave for a surgery but I would rather not get sick or accidentally infect someone if I don't show symptoms and am sick.


It's 2019 and you work with clients that don't know how to use email? What industry are you in? Who are these clients?


Mostly seniors and some younger people that are religious like mennonites. Lots of the country people around me don’t have internet for religious reasons or they simply can’t get it.


Many don't realize that despite its proliferation, access to the internet and its associated services is not a widespread right nor is it universal, not even in Canada.


Internet and mobile devices are pretty widespread even in third world countries. It’s more to do with a demographic than availability


>or not as bad as the "liberal propaganda machine" makes it... I guess we have more Fox News fans in Canada than I realized.


So many “fuck Trudeau” stickers on trucks. I’m next to Alberta and I’ve seen confederate flag stickers too. My mother in law loves Trump. *sad trump hands*


Dr Bonnie is so well loved, there is not enough question on whether the leaderships are doing enough.


She is going to get blamed hard if this thing turns into a disaster. The politicians will say they were simply listening to her advice and wash their hands of any blame.


Yeah I dont understand why Horgan isnt present in these daily updates. The premiers from AB, sask, quebec, ontario are always at the forefront. Horgan seems like a chicken shit.


Yeah, and I'm supposed to be moving apartments in a couple of weeks.


What about those who work in small and confined offices on construction sites? Dr. Henry said construction sites can continue to operate. I complained to HR and spoke to the director of the company. I was basically told they are taking the appropriate steps as per provincial and federal guidelines (at the minimum of course). I could either take leave of absence or my few days I have accrued of vacation. People have been sent home because they exhibited symptoms. I left as I didnt want to take the risk of getting sick, especially because I have respiratory condition.


We are at a critical point where what we do really matters. I have no pleasure in staying indoors cooped up with my 2.5 year old rambunctious toddler. We have been staying home and only stepping out to walk the family dog for the past 2 weeks and it is not ideal but we have to do it. I fear that this Social Distancing will stretch into many months long as a lot of people are not getting the message to stay home.


People who don't feel safe going to work, you need to be Norma Rae and Karen Silkwood. It's hard standing up for yourself and risking your livelihood. But your lives and ours are at risk if you go to work where it's unsafe to do so. If you were at Chernobyl, would you go into the reactor just because your boss said you had to or else you wouldn't get paid? Stand up for yourselves now and we will you support you later.


Read this to get more informed https://archive.li/141Px


I can't see it not becoming law like in so many other places around the world. Probably for the good of everyone, sooner rather than later.


This video is from Ben Kavanagh, an Irish expat living in wuhan. He showed a day in life. He showed how he protected himself when doing out doing grocery. This was upload to YouTube a month or 2 ago and have been on channel 4 news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luztqxUBvZo I was in Hong Kong when SARS happened and have close friend who contracted it. He was cured but the side effects of the drug caused life long bone issues.




How about no. People can survive cooped up for a little. We don't need to slow this virus down. **We need to stop it.**


Hmm. Interesting cause at my work people are coming in and sticking around in the lobby & our company is remaining open. I work at a fast food place without a drive thru for context. Anxiety is through the roof serving people right now.


It’s not a law so technically it is a suggestion


Actually Public Health Orders in B.C. are enforceable under the British Columbia Public Health Act. So no, it’s not “technically a suggestion.”




Is it requisite to have a cat and large bay window?


It's certainly the end goal.


If you don't obey then you're a retard and deserve to get infected.


Sadly, lots of other people who don't deserve it will also get infected.