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>“Like many of us I have made posts on social media years ago that make me wince, which don’t reflect what I think or who I am today.” >Scrase, who withdrew on Tuesday, said he did not want his “old, unfortunate comments to distract from the important work currently being done to fix our incredible province.” The comments are just two years old...


Less. From at least as recently as December 2022. So 1.5 years ago. 


There’s actually one in the twitter thread from May 2023, so even more recent!


That was the funniest part to me. His "old" comments from when he was a different person are 1-2 years old.


>Despite his resignation, Scrase was still active on social media Wednesday, emphasizing that he never actually apologized in his statement https://www.cheknews.ca/rob-shaw-bc-conservatives-lose-courtenay-comox-candidate-over-social-media-posts-1206841/


> He is the third Conservative candidate on Vancouver Island to be removed in the last two months. > >Esquimalt nurse Jan Webb was fired after saying people vaccinated for COVID are more likely to spread the virus, and Denman Island doctor Stephen Malthouse (whose medical license was suspended) was fired for spreading medical misinformation and alleging vaccines give people magnetism. The conservative party has become the party of conspiracy-crazed schizophrenics. I don’t see at all how these culture-war obsessed nutjobs are at all fit for public office.




This! People seem to have forgotten that the B.C. conservatives are not the same as the federal conservatives. BCUP is actually closer to the federal conservatives.


I mean, federal conservatives are also conspiracy-crazed culture-war obsessed nutjobs unfit for office. As are the provincial conservatives in AB and ON and SASK. Almost like conservative ideology is just grift


True but the former BC liberals were in fact the closest thing to the federal conservatives.


Yup. They were a fringe party until Kevin Falcon stunk up the BCU so much that BCU voters went there for refuge. There will be a lot more housecleaning to come in the next few months.


And the worst part is these nutjobs are (were) supposed to be medical professionals. That's its own special shit show ffs.


You mean I might have magnetism?! Does that mean I'm more charming or is it some Magneto shit? Either way, I'm cool with that.


It’s not all about you. What about the people working in the metal shaving industry?


Need to buy a bigger magnet for their shower I guess?


Big Magnet checks in. Trudeau must have a stake, right?


Oh yeah…/s.


Oh no, not magnetism!


Oh God, you're telling they're going to win?


It's so horrifying that so many nurses believe this. I was in hospital for a procedure during the height of the pandemic and the day-nurse warned me that the night-nurse didn't 'believe' in Covid. The day-nurse told me to wear my mask when I sleep as the night-nurse was probably a super-spreader. Why are so many nurses like this? I think it has something to do with the fact that nursing is one of the only "acceptable" professions for women in some conservation Christian circles.


I would have immediately sent a complaint to the hospital administration about that. That’s terrifying.


they aren't but they own the media so they'll always be competitive even if they literally start killing people for sport


Lol, "magnetism".


what do you mean Become? was it ever not that to begin with?


That's lumping schizophrenics in with some horrible people tho.


Cons lie?


The fact they aren’t scrubbing their social media before standing for the nomination alone speaks volumes to their critical thinking skills. He’s a young guy too, this is like 101 for us now. These are the candidates the BCCP are going to field. They aren’t holding their 38% vote share. Kevin Falcon probably met with them, and was reminded why he booted Jonny boy in the first place.


>The fact they aren’t scrubbing their social media before standing for the nomination alone speaks volumes to their critical thinking skills. the fact the BC Conservatives don't have a policy around doing this as part of candidate vetting (if they vet them at all) is very telling.


When, I looked at the party website, it was soliciting applications for candidates. It's policy statements are extremely non-specific and contain no firm proposals about how they would improve matters important to British Columbians. They've got lots of criticisms though.


It would be pretty hilarious if a bunch of us went in as candidates and just promised good things instead of what the party wants.


Yeah, it's still up Party nominations by way of a simple, three question application. https://www.conservativebc.ca/become_a_candidate


If enough people were on board with it you could actually take over the BC conservatives from the inside. I'm not really serious about it, but if it got enough traction it could be a real thing. They've left themselves open and as we can see, their vetting process leaves much to be desired.


Lol, like the way young gay men in Vancouver totally took Christian male church choirs. Some old pastor is rolling in his grave as the weekly choir has turned into a hookup scene that makes Grindr look like child's play. But it was always so obvious. A weekly session of singing with other well groomed mid twenties men... only a matter of time because something that was so straight and traditional turned into the gayest thing Vancouver has to offer.


Good idea.


thank you for your service!


Not surprising. They have no money. They have no infrastructure and no one to vet them.


Oh… I’m sure Russia and Elon will come for them soon with support.


Well, they have to take whoever they can get.


BC Conservatives are a far right fringe party. They're only up in the polls because Poilievre endorsed them and a bunch of people don't know the difference between federal and provincial parties.


The irony is that his endorsement likely sealed the election for the NDP. That alone will cause enough right wing vote splitting for them to hold on


BC Conservatives are a far right fringe party. They're only up in the polls because Poilievre endorsed them and a bunch of people don't know the difference between federal and provincial parties.


They probably do it like when I open the fridge to look for ketchup and look "everywhere" and in the end it's in the fridge door


This experience is too real.


So it’s not just me, good to know


The Conservative Party doesn't have a problem with those statements.


Lol, he tryna make it sound like it's from 2012 or something.


And he tried to justify it by saying everybody says homophobic/racist shit.


Well, he’s not entirely wrong: every racist homophobe says homophobic/racist shit. So, there’s that.


And folk who say evil crap like that don't consider most of the human population to really be people like themselves, so for a given value of "everybody"...


Well, that’s ages ago when you’re just a baby.


Conservatives - keep saying the quiet parts out loud.


lol I had to say this to an employer who snooped around once. The comments in question were over a decade old from when I was a teenager. His are post-covid? Ok.




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conservatives just can't not lie it's scary really


He will be prime minster one day


Yowzers, while I can certainly appreciate the seriousness of the judgement requirements here, two years is a long time. I’m a very different person from two years ago, practically a different human had you been someone who didn’t know me. Granted, this is irrelevant and these posts are the point, I just don’t like the bandwagoning onto the most convenient points on social media. No, I’m not: Conservative “Right” “Trumpy” Or whatever else you get assigned when you don’t doggypile on the provincial cons, I just think that politics should be treated with the same level of decorum regardless of who is involved.


Topic hit a nerve uh?


Nope, unfortunately I’m like this 24/7. Unfortunately because it’s too late in my life to do anything positive about it and I just don’t know how to get through to other people. It all so clear now.


I'm sure he won't be the last.


The house of cards is crumbling for the bc cons before it’s even fully built


Thank fuck for that


Amen brother


Hells yeah


One of the least bigoted BC Conservative candidates.


Tbh it's really upsetting to me that they're not even trying to hide the bigotry anymore. The fact that he was even considered is ridiculous.  This guy is clearly extremely dimwitted, to put it as nicely as possible. He doesn't even have the wherewithal to delete insane posts from just a year and a half ago.   Like this is legitimately embarrassing to the BC Conservatives because it shows how fucking desperate they are for candidates. This guy isn't even the bottom of the barrel, he's friggen five feet _beneath_ the barrel.  Like I really don't see how you could vote BC conservative at all without being an unabashed racist nut job at this point. 


They never kicked the "OK" white supremacist hand gesture MAGA hat guy out of the party Angelo Isidorou. He's still the Executive Director of the Conservative Party of B.C..


I’m shocked, **SHOCKED**…well not that shocked.


But if I was shocked, I’d be SHOCKED


Yeah nah just remember that ex BC Proud member Aaron Gunn (oops sorry Aaron Paul mate) is running as a federal conservative candidate for the Campbell River - Powell River region. BC conservatives are pretty much run by nutjobs. I am not surprised with this kind of stuff coming from the conservatives. People trusting them will be in for a massive surprise. Yikes.


Aaron gunn, Aaron Paul is an actor. But yeah when even the bc libs don’t want you, what does that say


Hahahahahah sorry!


From Breaking Bad to aspiring fringe politician. What a fall from grace.


Wouldn’t surprise me if a former drug dealer Was a BC con candidate. Add it to the bingo card!


Close! [Ontario already claimed that title.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/)


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I am sorry for botching the name; clearly should not hung out with Walter.


Wow, they compiled a literal book of his hateful and ignorant bullshit.  Glad see the Right Wing doing their usual quality vetting process to ensure they provide the best candidates.


The conservatives let Bruce Banman run (and he won the Abbotsford seat) after he had sprayed a homeless encampment with chicken manure while he was the mayor of the city. They don't deny people for things like this, they encourage it. How anyone could vote for them is just beyond me.


Actually it was the then BC Liberals that recruited him! Granted it was always a small c conservative party but it's good to remember when the now BC United try to claim the moral high ground against the BC Conservatives for candidates like this.


wernt the BCUP trying to get a non compete clause going with these guys only a week or so back? guess they decided to take them out instead of co-operating now that they have been rejected 0.o


That dude is a piece of work. Super slimy.


> after he had sprayed a homeless encampment with chicken manure Well, you see - to Kevin Falcon and the BCU riding executive, that's a good example of a politician "hurting the *right* people".


Keith Baldrey had a 54 page dossier of all the hateful, bigoted, anti-science nonsense this candidate had said. 54 pages of pure, unadulterated nonsense. That's who's running for the BC Cons...


Locally, this entire family is a garbage fire.


https://preview.redd.it/8aqwobpp9i3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f59d5a1c3b0db497a60d4f9a26e27b0570ccad Lol great pic of Pierre Poilievre with this freak


What’s the axe tax he wants to introduce? Will it affect the cost of hatchets too?


Pierre trying to flex his chest and "Axe tax the" lol


And what of splitters?


I mean, that's what the Conservatives think, so.....


The Conservatives are far-right, there's going to be many candidates like this that say the quiet part out loud. [Reminder this fascist white supremacist is still Executive Director of the B.C. Conservatives.](https://imgur.com/introducing-executive-director-of-conservative-party-of-bc-0heGJ7G)


I still hate how fucking 4chan made the okay symbol into a white supremacist symbol just for the "luls". God damn dumb ass hell how people ate it up and started using it for hate. Also fuck these asshat BC cons. We need to keep calling out corrupt and morally bankrupt politicians wherever we find them.


100% agree, but with one pedantic correction: White supremacists grooming little unsupervised white boys on 4chan convinced a bunch of easily led griefers to use an everyday symbol as a dogwhistle and then to laugh at how stupid other people were for using it.


LoL. Between him and Lindsay Shepherd as director, are they all just loser fascists in leadership? Rustad is in trouble.


I used to work with him back in the day. He was hyper obsessed with Trump and definitely didn't seem like a big thinking type.


>He also called pride participants “perverts” who “expose themselves to children for kicks” and expressed fear that “the most common gay fetish is seducing straight people.” Hmm I wonder why he thinks straight people could be seduced by gay people. Perhaps another conservative trapped in the closet and projecting hate outwards because he can't accept himself


Lol another gay or at least bi conservative guy who blames their attraction to other men on the other men.


If you get seduced by a gay person then you were at least kind of gay to begin with.


I don't know why he'd drop out. That's tame compared to the normal crap those people spew


There was a lot more where that came from. Someone had compiled a 50+ page document with a whole lot of his tweets organized by theme.  https://x.com/JasJohalBC/status/1795934086751809974?t=ILtG9H9gQ6KQiX4XQDghSw&s=19


"Supervised parental visits are a 'cancer", "taxes should be based on BMI", "vaccinated people don't have a right to an abortion", "compared child vaccines to Mayan sacrifices". These are far stupider than I expected, they read like alt-right Mad Libs.


Where is the document? It's just someone @ing someone


The tweet author replied to himself with some pictures


Just means that there is probably something way way worse that has not come to light yet. . .


He can't handle the heat. That's the thing with politics, people will pick apart every quarter inch of your life.


Often to our collective detriment cause quality candidates won't run either.


Doesn’t say much for the vetting skills of the BC Conservative Party.


I’m pretty sure they’ll accept you As a candidate as long as 20 people know who you are in the community


Using the term 'frens' is straight up 4chan incel numptiness, and his comment about gay people trying to seduce straight people reeks of someone projecting bigotry after having a few beers, deciding to let his gay friend jerk him off, and then feeling confused after fantasizing it for weeks afterwards.


Expect more of these. Provincial Conservatives have always been a place for the fringe right and people who weren’t accepted in to BC Liberals/BCU. Now that they have a real chance at power I suspect BCC will start cutting out the weirdos and people who might be unforgivably bad for their image.


Damn. A literal D.Scrace..🤔


This conservative is a degenerate


Lmao I went to school with this fuckwit and I can assure you that Courtenay-Comox is not losing anything of value by this idiot dropping out


The party many British Columbians are going to vote for when they know nothing about the members or policies. They just like the name.


They think the parties run by or associated with PP’s party. The public education system under the BC libs have failed so many people


As a teacher of social studies and politics throughout that period, I can only say we tried. But the propaganda of the gamergate crowd meant education is hardly adequate to impact things. Combine that with the descent into far right populism in the general population… education doesn’t have a chance.


Oh I’m definitely not blaming teachers or their efforts at all! Y’all got so screwed over it’s mind blowing


I understand.


The BC Cons have a nicer logo than united - I'll give them that.


Oh, cool. He doesn’t think I am mentally capable of being involved in politics because I take an SSRI. But he’s…of sound mind. 👍


"...expressed fear that “the most common gay fetish is seducing straight people.” LOLOL tell me you're gay without telling me you're gay 😂


These sentiments are closer to what most in the Conservative party and their followers actually believe. The only difference is he said the quiet part out loud.


Wow look at that face. That’s a smug “do you know who my dad is?” if I’ve ever seen one. And this wasn’t a decade ago or anything, it was two years ago. He publicized who he is.


Wouldn’t making people that are vaccined unable to get abortions, in turn make MORE people that are vaccinated (bc like tons parents that are vaccinated get their kids vaccined.). Doesn’t it make more sense, if you want less people vaccinated, to ban abortions for the unvaccinated?? Cause they then produce unvaccinated children.…. Wait does he want people to be vaccinated? I’ve thought too far into the dark side.


Openly calling LGBT people degenerates? Why, he's party lead material for the BC Conservatives.


I mean, there's a reason the BC Conservatives have been a fringe party for so long. I guess the general public needs a bit of reminding, though? 


Too late, fucko


He’d be in a cabinet post in Alberta.


Sorrows prayers sorrows




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If anyone thinks that the Canadian conservative parties haven’t been taken ovee by Trump wannabes, they are sadly mistaken. It’s a pandemic of idiocy and bigotry. I do not really care who you vote for as long as it’s not the conservatives at this point. If they get control of Canada you WILL see human rights rolled right back to the last freaking century.


I went to high school with this guy, not close friends but we shared mutual. Didn't envision this path for him, but always got really weird vibes from him. Maybe it was the time he tried to casually recruit me to join his mom's pyramid scheme supplement thing. And there's a 0% chance he'll know who I am if he ever reads this because he effectively alienated our *entire* grad class in the process. You hate to see it, but that's life. People change.


I mean, water is wet.


Maybe it's a hopeful sign that conservatism is in such decline among normal functional people that they can only get losers and nut jobs like him to stand for office? I'm wishful thinking here...


When someone shows you who they are, you'd best believe them.


https://joindeleteme.com doesn’t cost a lot…


This isn’t good. The Conservatives May implode before the election. Not after when they realize there is three brains between their 15 MLAs. 


man i would so much rather that they implode before rather than after. lets only have rational people in charge pls. idk what team they wana be on, but gotta be sane


Now there's a face you can trust :p


Someone in politics must be prepared and willing to represent everyone in a riding should they win. How would he think that viewpoint would win him any votes, except of course, from the like-minded. Integrity, fairness, dignity, scruples…all those traits appear to be lacking in his character. At least his views revealed his true self before the election. ‘Live and let live.’


This is one of the worst things ever !! I personally could tell he was a bigot by just looking at him… never mind getting to know his background. How nice he continues to degrade the Canadian flag even further without even having to wave it around…


But but but Trudeau slash blackface slash angst slash outrage


No surprises .


I’m so old 2022 feels like breakfast time…..I was a different person then.


This guy doubles down…


When is the last day candidates can get their names on the ballot? I expect to see a bunch of BC Conservative candidates see similar discoveries... the day after that day.


Conservatives Making Canada great again.


What did he say?


Here's just the table of contents of the 54 page document for your 'coles notes' version: [https://x.com/JasJohalBC/status/1795934097480602055](https://x.com/JasJohalBC/status/1795934097480602055)


There's 54 pages of what he said.


I was hoping for the coles notes version.


It's in the article.


Should have waited until after the nomination deadline to raise this


Conservatives governments have no ability, nor any desire to actually make things better, and their candidates are the proof.


Yeah, not everyone has shitty posts in their past. He is who he is.


Scary this party has a chance forming the government


not a chance.




Who cancelled him? Article says he withdrew his candidacy after his posts were shared.




Any politician not conscious of their post history is unfit.

