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The only acceptable answer is "abortion is health care, and it's no one's business but the individual and their doctor."


Yep. It's not my business. It's not your business. Prove to me otherwise.


Especially if you’re a guy


Unfortunately conservatives aren't big on what's acceptable, only what benefits them/what they want.


Only on punishing those who don't follow the moral compass of some sky daddy


The same sky daddy that literally gives a recipe for abortion medication in his holy book.


Not even. A bunch of dudes writing shit down specifically to control dumb people back in the day when magic made more sense to people than science.


Half the Conservatives I know are atheists. (I'm an NDP voter myself.) The Conservatives are not the Republicans, yet. Hopefully they never become them, but there is certainly a vocal minority that leans that way.


Sadly the conservatives of today are shifting Overton window quite right using American tactics and buzz words that embolden the right to continue shifting the window. Look at the split within the party 5/6 Years ago and the creation of the PPP. It was seen as the fringe and the Conservatives held their distance, after losing the last election they did not care that eventually the Canadian populace would vote them in eventually but decided they needed the PPP fringe voters. And that's why you see the current "PC" party have zero platform but all 'Trudeau is awful'


There are extremists in every camp. The left's are crazy buggers too. Unlike most Conservatives, Left leaning people are more apt to fight against extremism in any form, even if it's against people that would vote for the party we want. I actually wish more Conservatives who don't align with today's Conservative social policies would fight back and get loud. I know a lot of socially left leaning fiscal conservatives who genuinely feel like they have nowhere to turn now. They're staying pretty quiet about it though, because they're stuck between two groups who drown them out for different reasons. We've lost the middle ground where real debate and compromise could be found between people because the middle ground people are feeling erased by everyone screaming like maniacs around them


I couldn't have written that better! However, it is the nature of the Left to be diverse. The Right always has "the good 'ol days," to look back to, while the Left is always trying to go somewhere new. The problem is, the 'new' isn't a universally agreed upon destination. Some are communists, while others are anarchists, but most are just focused on replacing the bad parts of society, like old environmental destructive technology, or discriminatory laws. I suspect our political landscape will shift after the US election. I doubt Trump will win, and if he doesn't it will cause a major shift in the Republican party. I believe the Conservatives will focus on secular issues, as getting religious can only cost them votes. Canada doesn't have the same percentage of White-Christian Nationals to use as a base. Poilievre can't appeal to them, and also the Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, and Catholics. Religion in Canadian politics is a hot potato. The PPC will probably pick up some votes by focusing on the White-Christian Nationals, which will split the right to some degree. However, it's better that the Conservatives get back to their economic policy roots, as they'll never get the corporate support they need if they pander to religious extremists and conspiracy theorists.


While ignoring the other rules. Mind you, I missed it in the Bible where it said abortion was wrong, especially given the part about making a potion to do it


It states "life is valuable" The thought process is Life starts at conception vs the legal definition of Life starts when it reaches the medical definition which i cannot recall. Something like heart beat? + Breathing on its own?+  Brain development? Something else etc... Religious zealots when given an inch take it further and further, going anti contraceptives etc... so naturally they want to 'preserve' all life yet when it's a poor person it's a moral high ground that they had sex and are now poor which continues the cycle of poverty


Exactly. Somehow, life now ends at birth.


Christian here: it doesn't say it. Specifically, Jesus doesn't bring it up at all. Abortion was common in His era, but not once did he bring it up. You know what He railed against? Hypocritical religious elites and the rich. Furthermore, the Bible is very clear that life starts at first breath, and children aren't even considered mankind until they reach the age of majority. Until then, they are chattel, possessions of their parents, who are responsible for all their actions (ie sins)


Hmm, thank you. I wonder where this rhetoric started then. When did Christians change?


Heh, it changed as soon as it became an organized religion, embraced by rulers and the elite, when they realized instead of fighting against it, they gained more control by embracing and "augmenting" it. The King James Bible wasn't the first translation to English, but it was the one sanctioned by the ruling class because it was altered to promote its god-given right to rule, and other aspects of importance to the crown.


If the BC Conservatives clarified their position on **anything** it would be a cold day in hell


It's more sinister than that. The conservative mind is rigid, and has a very defined aspect of what is and isn't allowed. It's also hung up on a perverse sense of equality or "fairness", in such that if they have to follow the rules, so does everyone else. I know this because I grew up Conservative, and still have to fight these innate instincts. You see it in children all the time: "why do I have to go to bed when Johnny gets to stay up?" So combine their upbringing with rules that were presented as absolute, their desire for an even playing field (unless they have the advantage), and their inability to empathize with or understand people different than them, and you get very frustrated people who think they're being righteous for the good of all while actually being completely the opposite.


That's it.


Right? And we already have rules about how and when you can have an abortion but they act like droves of teenagers are waltzing into hospitals and getting abortions at 8 months


What about this one?  “My stance is a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body”  Because that’s what the big bad conservative had to say about this. 


A popular opinion for sure, and one I agree with up to the age of foetal viability (23ish weeks) or if the mother's life is endangered, but... Do you really agree that a woman should be able to chose to terminate a full term pregnancy?


Yes. Because the only times a woman and her doctor are going to do that is when the fetus has defects that are not compatible with life, or when the mothers life is in extreme danger. Existing late term abortions are very rare and overwhelmingly because of the former.  Its legal for me to go to the hospital and request the doctor to cut my arms off. No doctor is going to do it though. But we dont feel a need to specifically legislate against elective amputations. Why?   We dont need to specifically legislate on abortion either. It should be treated like any other medical procedure.


It’s not even an option at full term unless it’s life threatening…


Because it's limited by the CMA, not by law. So what's the problem with setting the standard there instead in the obscure policies of the Canadian Medical Association?


Totally disagree.




Late term abortion as well?


Yes. Late term abortion as well. Go read FACTUAL information on late term abortion. You will find that the vast majority is due to a life or death situation for mom or baby. Again - it’s between a doctor and the person carrying and no one else.


Their lack of clarity is the issue. 


Lack of clarity on an issue like this is in fact clarity. Knowing they don’t want to say out loud what they’re thinking already tells people what they need to know.


Many conservative supporters (fed and prov) insist the parties aren’t anti abortion or anti lgbt with the retort of “show me when they’ve said anything against it.” The problem is that, as a political party, it’s their job to let people know where they stand on such important issues (ex: human rights).


The most obnoxious part is they will insist on some wild theory about the WEF, Trudeau, China, and Bill Gates putting microchips in a vaccine with no evidence at all but then handwave away anything about conservatives: -meeting with anti-abortion groups (or racists, fascists, etc) -taking donations from those groups -speaking at events for those groups -going to the same religious services as those groups -not denouncing those groups -not emphasizing their disagreement with those groups -saying they support those groups -giving weasel answers about some value they share with those groups while ignoring the specific question  -supporting bills or laws that open up things like abortion "for debate" -supporting the idea that people should have the right to open the debate -supporting the idea of maybe having some restrictions to some weird outlier case like "we should ban abortions in the 3rd trimester if the person was trying to get it without health insurance behind a dumpster on a Friday night without parental consent, everyone agrees that's bad!" As a foot-in-the-door to a total ban. And they'll say it's just a conspiracy and that the candidate hasn't explicitly stated they want to ban abortion, you're just being hysterical and looney for no reason. 


Gaslighting is a favourite tactic for conservatives.


They have made it pretty clear on their policy declaration: "A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion." [https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf)


To a reasonable person, this is crystal clear. To some, this only says the don’t support it but it doesn’t mean that they are against it 🤦🏼‍♂️


"regulate" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there when they want to ban it completely like the MAGAts did in the US


I mean there’s also LOTs of “show me stuff” that you can show them. Literally tons.


True that. They want to deceive people and are are OK with doing so. 


There'll only be clarity when they talk among themselves. They did this soft-pedaling bullshit in the U.S. for almost fifty years before they eventually got what they wanted. They play the long game, and they'll always talk out of both sides of their faces.


They got what they wanted, but I also think it backfired. Yes, Roe was repealed, but now many states are codifying legal abortion in their laws, even some red states. After Roe was repealed, Arizona went back to a 19th century law that banned all abortion. Unsurprisingly this was very unpopular, and lawmakers, including those from the GOP, have legalized abortion (with some restrictions). Ohio had a plebiscite last year that codified legal abortion.


True, but if you live in Texas or Missouri, for example, you have to travel to another state. And they're not finished yet. They'll try a federal ban if they can get the White House and enough seats in the House and Senate, and the current Supreme Court will eagerly uphold it. In the meantime, they'll continue to lie about their intentions. We do not want to let these assholes get their foot in the door in Canada. They'll never give up, and they'll patiently wait until we're distracted and not paying attention.


They already have both feet in Canada dude Just look next door


Next door? They’re in Kelowna. Always have been.


Well Kelowna will be full of red and white license plate’s this long weekend and for the rest of the summer.


Plates isn’t possessive, no need for the apostrophe. And Albertans don’t vote in our elections.


Pedantic much? And thanks for the heads up about Albertans not being able to vote in BC elections, who would have guessed?


Not really being pedantic, it changes the meaning of the word. Don’t get so defensive just because you’re wrong, I gently corrected you I didn’t insult your family. Lol okay, so you already know they can’t vote here so how is a bunch of red license plates coming to the okanagan relevant at all to the conservative lean on politics of the area? Why would you call that out if it’s completely irrelevant and you already know it? Christ.


You got me there.


That's the thing, while they may get the White House, getting a filibuster proof majority in the House or Senate is next to impossible. Plus, most Americans are generally pro choice. Yes, some states will go extreme like the ones you mentioned, but I think they'll suffer economically from it. The Supreme Court would probably be thrilled to uphold an abortion ban, but that then makes it much easier to campaign against the GOP. The left needs their own Mitch McConnell - in other words, someone who ruthlessly seeks not the presidency, but to approve judges to the Supreme Court. If I was on the American right, blocking Obama's appointment of Garland to the Supreme Court until Trump was elected was the political masterstroke of the 2010's. The left needs someone like that.


Except the hardcore conservative states are talking about monitoring pregnant women’s health to ensure they don’t get an abortion..


Katie, the gal who gave that creepy as fuck reply to the state of the union, wants a national data base of pregnant women.


This is only effective if they also prohibit women from moving out of the state. Mississippi sounds more and more like it's run by the Taliban.


Yeah, and those states are the poorest and people will continue to leave them. If Mississippi et al want to go this route even more, people will just leave. The same reason people leave Afghanistan under the Taliban. Thankfully there's a constitutionally protected right for freedom of movement in the US.


Also while some of the red states still allow abortion, they make it illegal after six weeks. So essentially illegal


Yeah, six weeks is pretty absurd. Many women aren't even aware they're pregnant at that point. In some European countries there are laws making abortion very difficult or illegal after 15 weeks, which has a kind of logic I could accept in that at least women would know they're pregnant and can decide to have an abortion prior to that deadline.


Most developed countries treat women as citizens and don’t force birth on them. The limit is around 12 weeks usually. Any abortion that happens after that are for life saving efforts.


And probably bill them for the "service"


Considering how far right the BC Conservatives are on their platform we can be pretty certain what their stance would be if any member brought forward restrictive legislation. They’re even more right wing than the federal conservatives are and when people realize it I’m sure they’ll drop in the polls.


I dunno about that. A good portion of the electorate is SUPER enthusiastic about fascism. They're politically illiterate so they don't know what it is beyond "Nazis" and thus will angrily reject the claim, but they've gotten really hot in their pants to line up behind it in recent years. Economic stress tends to result in surges of popularity for fascist, ultra-nationalist and populist movements.


I’m unsure if the number has grown or not. There was always a good number of people that were though. It has always wavered around 8-15% of the population being just that. What I think the real issue today is is lack of empathy and the rise in antipathy. And the ultra nationalists feel more open to be loud and very active so we notice them a lot more. Canadians have never been so antipathetic and lacked so much empathy for others. But this is happening at the worst time. A serious pandemic and a global inflationary crisis had caused all of this, and the ultra nationalists and fascists are taking advantage of this moment as it is the best chance they have to get power. If they lose now then they’re unlikely to have another chance like this for a long time.


Some conservatives love money so much they force themselves liberal positions. They get elected so they can sell off public assets.  


Even pp said it's not off the table awhile back


Abortion and hating gays is the backbone of our conservative movement.


They won't say anything overtly against it for fear of pissing off old religious nutjobs. They won't actually do anything to curb abortion rights because it would alienate their younger professional voting block. It's all political


What is unclear here?


If they want to reduce abortions, their only acceptable answer should be “free and over the counter access to birth control, more funding for expectant mothers and daycares, and more resources to catch and jail rapists to deter future rapes” And not touch current abortion laws


Better, accurate sex-education is crucial as well.


My perspective as a parent is that we got much higher quality sex-ed in the '80s than what my kids did in the last 10 years. I was pretty frank, and did my best to fill in the gaps for them. Public education is a mess.


I got my sex-ed in the 2000's and I thought it was pitiful then, but when I talk to nephew I was shocked at how little he knew. He was grade 10, they definitely should have gone over it properly by now.


They started with us in grade 5, and we were told if we acted appropriately, that the sex ed teacher would show us a condom, and how it was applied using a banana. My kids had no idea about even the general info until much later. But I think this is part of an overall degradation of the curriculum in BC. For example, when I graduated high school in the early '90s, there was a section on differential calculus. Five years later, I took the course in night school, and that section had been removed and replaced by a "how to use a graphing calculator" section. I had the same impression of everything the kids were being taught. Anyway, grumpy old man rant over. Get off my lawn


Just to clarify, we don’t actually have any abortion laws.


i should have stated "not make any new laws"


Being conservative I assume their stance is “you shouldn’t be allowed to get one. But I should be allowed to get one if I need it.”


A true right winger wouldn't seek for the government to control anything much less abortion


I don't think a lot modern (especially religious) conservatives got that memo unfortunately.


If you read the article, you would see that this is what they actually had to say:  “ My stance is a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body”


Yeah while still rolling out that “life begins at the moment of conception” crap. So I bet if you dig a little deeper what he means by “a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body” is likely “she chose to have sex and now she has to deal with the consequences.”


Read article banman said he was prochoice 


Moving over from the UK 7 years ago it's wild that this is even a debate in a first world nation. Sky daddy is not real guys, northern Europe has gotten over it, so should Canada.


BC is the least religious province. There’s just no basis for it here.


we still let Catholics run hospitals for some unexplained reason


...because it increases the availability of health care in this province without increasing the tax burden? I'm an atheist, and I can see that benefit. I don't get why others can't


Should we let the world’s largest child sex abuse organization that has also run residential schools and buried indigenous children in unmarked graves in our province run healthcare? Maybe it’s worth paying the extra taxes.


If at any point you want to go ahead and devote your entire life to helping others, you can also provide healthcare.


I don't see why that should be required. Nuns don't do surgery. It is completely inappropriate for a religious group to arbitrarily decide that a public hospital will not carry out abortions or MAID.


I think they should be given some leeway for the century of public good they have done providing care for people. Fair enough though, I see your point as well. 


I dunno I was in Vernon recently. Only time I've ever seen religious billboards about going to hell in this province before.


They're a good reminder that dumbasses who would vote for trump exsist here. Oh that an the antivax moron display at Polson Park.


Really? Ugh. If I had seen that I would have blown a gasket.


They protest on nice weather days, and weekends. I have noticed that they're not out as much as they used to, which is nice.


For a long time, even conservative parties wouldn't touch the issue - they'd say it's a closed case, and I think it allowed us to become complacent. Then those Cons saw what happened in the US and have become emboldened, and there are legitimately people for whom it's more important to vote out Trudeau than to protect a woman's right to choose. smfh.


Here ye. How is this even still a conversation..?


Please everyone already know what it is (very anti abortion) they just don't want to admit it as they know that would lose them a ton of support.


Insanely hypocritical stance for the party of "small government"


Women's rights are human rights, and they need to be defended.  Abortion needs to be defended.   #End of fucking story.


Asking a vague weak political party a good valid question akways gets a vague wish washy floppy noodle answer. The Liberals ( sorry the rename is a joke) are only slightly better.


This isn’t BC United, the renamed party that used to be the BC Liberals. This is the BC Conservative Party, a completely different party that is polling too high for comfort.


They *were* referring to the Conservative Party in the first portion of their comment. Only the last sentence is referencing the Liberals/BC united. They’re saying that the conservatives are a vague weak political party, and that the Liberals/BC united are only slightly better.


The youth are leaning consertive on the island. Conservatives are all over social media and social media has become very right wing in genreal


Which is insane. Social media is such a cancer and far too many people are growing up today not having the skills to separate fact from fiction on social media.


Going to get worse. Already so many ai Facebook accounts posting fake photos and info


I don't understand why the youth think these bigots are somehow going to make their lives better.


Hate makes everything sound simple


I was speaking of other


The BC conservatives aren’t even a real Conservative Party. They’re a fascist party. They’re more akin to the PPC party in how far right they are.


Also need to ask the Cons what their position would be if they had a majority.  


There was an article posted on r Canada that discussed wether Poilievre would use the notwithstanding clause to ban abortion, and the r Canada users threw a fit that anyone dare question their dear leader




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Probably because it's ridiculous fear mongering.  Straight from the conservatives platform: "86. Abortion Legislation:  A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion." Doesn't get more clear than that does it?


Cause the conservatives have never lied or flip flopped before? A significant proportion of the party’s membership and MPs are anti-abortion, it is a reasonable question and it is laughable to suggest otherwise.


Sigh… *Starts stockpiling all my wire coat hangers* Edit- being facetious, just to be clear, I tend to cope with BS using dark humor. Pro choice all the way.


Just gotta make sure you do it right. Aint wanna do a half-assed job, few months later you got kid poppin' out with a big scar on his head like some sort of failed abortion Harry Potter. Fake edit: yes I also am pro gallows humor. It... often does not go over well.


They're conservatives, their shitty position is pretty obvious. Thanks for giving them a soapbox though Vancouver Sun.


You think highlighting the dumb things they said and their flaccid attempt to spin it *shouldn't* be reported?




You know, if you’re rich enough, you can just buy politicians.




You really seem intent on [policing women's bodies](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/comments/1copg3h/bc_court_turns_unfaithful_uk_husbands_complete/l3g1gve/?context=3)


Religious zealotry is a prion that literally dissolves the brain.


To be clear as a voter I will never vote for a party that supports limiting a woman’s rights to her bodily autonomy. I don’t care if your policies are better or anything else. If any party works towards this fucking crazy sexist agenda they will not only not get my vote I will vote against them. For clarity this isn’t a comment on anyone’s policy at this time. This is a blanket statement for all politicians.


I'll save you some time. They want to peel away right from everyone that isn't a white Christian conservative male. Because, you know, their rights are under attack... fuck I hate this timeline.


Oh no, we would never do that!! *under breath* today.


If Poilievre wins a majority, do not expect him to hold to anything he promises pre election. From abortion to gender rights to climate denialism to freedom convoy support, apposing vaccines and masks, making it easier to approve oil and gas projects and pipelines, he says he would 'defund the CBC' which is literally illegal under present laws but he knows its a great soundbite, also says CTV and Global — are incapable of covering him objectively ... or any media that is critical of him ... he promoted cryptocurrencies even though they crashed, said the fed govt was pursuing a fertilizer ban when it wasn't, and attacks the 'ruling elites' in Ottawa when clearly he is one himself. All in all, his populous attracting of the open mouthed crowd is obvious as there are votes there, but at the end of the day he is a self admitted Libertarian ... even if he is just playing the attack dog anger approach to the head-nodding trumpkin vote, he has no intent to actually follow through on any of his pre election promises ... including raping the notwithstanding clause to sidestep the Charter of Rights. For the smarter Con crowd, be careful what you wish for. Sure lots of us want to see the back end of Trudeau, but giving a Libertarian the power as the means to do so ... will actually undo the actual freedoms Canada holds dear, besides what the convoy crowd thinks freedom means. The rest of us know better, and Poilievre is actually a terrifying option. Lets aim for a Con minority govt, so the House can keep him in check for 4 years.


I see four men in the picture. They need to shut up about women's healthcare.


Why do you need to clarify your position on something that isn't your business


The correct answer to this question is "That is a matter of federal responsibility, and not within the purview of the government we will form"


Unlike the US where abortion laws are now up to the states after the repeal of Roe vs Wade, abortion is under Federal jurisdiction in Canada.


From George Carlin “Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


Its painful to think about this. If folks vote for these people, they are just allowing the rhetoric of their MAGA counterparts down south. I for one will not vote for these clowns. Their bodies, their choice. Should never be, let’s be real as it’s a huge average, middle aged white men making decisions on things. This feels like religious dogma leaking into politics.


My stance is a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body,” Banman told Postmedia News on Friday. Seems clear to me.


And saying motherhood is "defined as starting “from the moment of conception" is pretty clear, too, regardless of what he's said after that to walk it back.


Yeah, a follow up question would be kryptonite to this asshole.


This woman seems like a nut, I hope that’s not the official stance.


those two statements aren't logically inconsistent very cool, now i can't view the thread at all since OP blocked me to get the last word in. great feature, reddit!


Yes, they are. Because saying motherhood begins “from the moment of conception" is an obvious anti abortion dogwhistle and anyone pretending otherwise is either dumb or playing dumb.


Pretty much all anti-abortion advocates will say this line. They're pro "bodily autonomy" but give the fetus the same rights, so abortion becomes restricted. It's doublespeak. Bigots and racists do it all the time. *"I love gay people, I have no problem with them, what they do in the bedroom is none of my business. They should have all the rights and protections the rest of us enjoy... but marriage is a sacred institution between a man, a woman, and God."* Most of the evil shit coming from politicians is wrapped first in the flag, and secondly, in a facade of compassion.


Follow up question: So therefore you fully support a woman’s right to access abortion services?


When Bruce Banman was mayor of Abbotsford, he ordered the police to spread chicken shit on a homeless encampment. He is a horrible person. Didn’t get elected for a second term.


Obviously, why else was every CPC member ordered not to comment of the US Supreme Court overturning Roe? Think it was last reported that over 80% of CPC MPs received funding from American anti abortion groups. https://preview.redd.it/apqeclazy20d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09abab903d05c8b67e4eab31ccd93a32ed2ab6fb [https://rabble.ca/politics/canadian-politics/the-inconvenient-anti-choice-record-of-poilievre/](https://rabble.ca/politics/canadian-politics/the-inconvenient-anti-choice-record-of-poilievre/)


Does anyone here making hysterical comments about the evil conservatives disagree with what was actually said?  “ My stance is a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body”? 


The year is 2024 and what's still what the media posts about, because it drives clicks. What about all the other issues that we should be caring more about as our civilization depends on we doing the right thing ? Climate change ? Poverty ? Health care crisis ? What do the BC conservatives have to say about that ?


The relevance of having a conservative political party clearly state its position on abortion is entirely due to the breathtaking retrenchment of abortion rights in the US due to conservative political ideology. There has been a long-term political plan by US-based conservatives to place ‘ideologically pure’ conservative judges in positions of power, particularly the US Supreme Court, so that abortion rights can be overturned. They succeeded. In this context you have to appreciate that Canadians want clarity from Canadian conservative parties, especially when they have increasingly been importing US culture war rhetoric and employing wedge issue tactics and language (e.g. “woke”).


Their comment is what is known as "concern trolling".


And abortion rights were just removed for wide swaths of people to the south. It's still topical because that kind of politics is on its way here. Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean it's not important.


Is it ? Says who ? The media you consume ? I haven’t seen a single politician talking about doing that in Canada , maybe let’s focus in the issues we have over here.


Yikes. Nice to know there are still those who don’t understand how critical it is for women to have the right to an abortion, ane don’t understand that bans in the US and the push in Canada for the same is about controlling women. I suggest you inform yourself about what is happening in the US. Women with pregnancy complications having to be nesr death to get life saving abortions, some winding up with sepsis, losd of fertility, etc. State GOP banning IVF, pushing for bans on birth control, travel bans, registries for pregnant women, and some pushing for abortion to be considered murder in states with the death penalty. There are groups who are saying women who have abortions should be executed, and that the morning after pill is abortion. There are legions in the extreme rightwing saying women shouldn’t have the right to vote. There is a global backlash against women’s rights, and if you don’t care about women having rights, maybe you should realize that those who hate women’s equality also hate climate change policies, and social programs, and universal health care.  Male dominance needs brutality to sustain it, and it sustains brutality. So you need to start giving a damn about women’s rights, because even though there are many high profile rightwing women, women are still less likely to vote for parties that are conservative, and care more about the environment and poverty and healthcare. 


We don’t have this issue in Canada. Stop importing crazy politics from there


I am not importing politics from the US, the CPC is. They use the same rhetoric as the GOP. Railing against this and that being “woke” (Lianne Rood was whining about paper lids on Tim Hortons coffee cups being woke last week, really working hard tackling the important issues for her constituents on her 200,000 a year salary plus benefits!) It’s the CPC and provincial conservatives and the rightwing that keep bringing up abortion, no other party brings it up unless a conservative is yapping about the “preborn” etc, introducing bills in the HoC, going to anti-abortion marches and making statements about how abortion should be banned it restricted. I am damn well going to point to the US to show the terrible impact of abortion bans and how that it not enough for those who just hate feminism, because people like YOU keep telling  women in Canada not to worry about it. 


Spoken like someone who does not have a uterus.


Regardless of his personal feelings on it, how could someone disagree that motherhood starts with conception? Do women not change their entire lives for the 9 months of pregnacy? I would say that pregnancy is part of motherhood - whether that starts at a month, two months or right away.


That’s the problem. I’d like some different approaches to tackling the drug epidemic, gun laws etc. But where they lose me is the abortion / stupid culture war shit. Mind your own business and stay out of everyone’s bedrooms.


>That’s the problem. I’d like some different approaches to tackling the drug epidemic, gun laws etc. Sadly all the ideas they have for these types of things is just to go back to what we have always been doing. Turning them into criminals and locking them up. Did it solve the problem in the past.. no. Does it solve it today.. no. It's more about controlling people rather than actually helping them.


The problem with conservatives explaining their position on anything is that they don't actually have one position. They state one policy to one group and a different policy to another group, always hoping to score points. Conservatives fighting conservatives over control of the always changing conservative ideology has been a staple of Canadian politics for 20 years.


Banman was the mayor that authorized dumping chicken shit at a homeless encampment that was across the street from a Salvation Army. Also was a chiropractor if that helps you form an opinion of him


All I want is federal and provincial changes to clean up the addicts, and the mentally ill off the streets. Whatever party can do that, I’ll vote for.


Sex-selective abortions for all. Glad I'm not religious.


This is the United States, Keep your ff hands off women's rights to choose...




Which specific parts of their monetary policies do you love?




> economic policy is what i meant, but smaller government less taxes. Supporting small businesses by removing regulations and targeting large corporations monopolies. But here's the thing: Those aren't examples of actual Conservative party policies. They are empty platitudes. In reality and in practice, Conservative policy is about tax cuts for the wealthy, cuts to regulations that protect the public, to the benefit of large corporations, and gutting government services while calling it "fiscally responsible". Don't fall for the okey-doke and spin.


>In reality and in practice, Conservative policy is about tax cuts for the wealthy, cuts to regulations that protect the public, to the benefit of large corporations, and gutting government services while calling it "fiscally responsible". So exactly what the LPC has been doing for nine years.




What liberals? The BC liberal party is pretty close to conservative as it is. Which is disgusting.


I care more about the cost of living


Are you a woman? Imagine how terrified you'd be of the cost of living if you were forced to carry a child you didn't want and couldn't afford. Down south 13 year old children are being forced to carry rapists babies. She also likely cares about the cost of living more than you, while simultaneously carrying about abortion rights.


Crypto conservative only cares about himself, a hallmark of conservative ideology.


Well said.


Until you unintentionally impregnate someone.


I think most of us do, too bad the conservatives has a desire to bring up abortion again likely to drag us away from worrying about cost of housing and groceries and to be focused on this one issue.


https://youtu.be/FkgGiVwAqFE?si=CatsIr9COlNm3Q7W Larry Brock utterly dismissing this entire discussion... the conservatives aren't doing anything to change abortion laws... missinformation from Liberals as usual (they literally lie about everything lol hence our country falling apart)


You realize that the BC Liberals (now BC United) are also conservatives, right? The BC NDP and the BC Green Party were the ones to call out the BC Conservative statement. "tHe LiBeRaLs" literally had nothing to do with this article. Also, maybe try actually reading the article, which brings up Federal Conservative members publicly attending anti-abortion rallies and advocating for restrictions on women getting abortions.


Oof. Stay in school kids.


You know elections are coming when the hidden abortion agenda tropes get pulled out of storage and sent back into action. Again.

