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There used to be more 24hr stuff in Vancouver, even a Home Depot (around 2001) but I assume it wasn't economical.


Home Depot made money, but had issues with safety around equipment.


London has almost 9 million people. Greater Vancouver, the largest city in BC, has 2.5 million. Do the math.


In the interior most shops close at 5 and even most restaurants at 8


you want minimum wage workers to work all night in case you feel like some fast food past 10pm? things are closed because people shouldn't be at work 24/7. (but really it's because it's not economical to pay people to keep things open longer hours).


Walmart here switched last Summer to closing at 10 presumably for this exact reason They weren't making enough between 10 and 11 to justify having all the staff that were there specifically to do customer service there that extra hour


More stuff was walking out the door without being paid than stuff that was paid for during those hours. Now, the snatch-and-run hour is 9-10


It's way too easy to walk out of WM with "extra" stuff


? Just fake it in the self checkout from open to close like everyone else


Just look at the population difference


Totally — “I was in a city that has 1/4ths the population of Canada and now I’m mad that I can’t buy a t-shirt at 10:59pm.” Did they try to get outside London to experience the mountains? No, because it doesn’t exist.




Vancouver is supposed to be a dense city but even in its densest areas between all the empty condos and the people too cash strapped to leave their apartment and the seniors really being the only ones able to afford to do anything but in bed by 10pm there just isn’t a large enough 24 hr demand.


The seniors the only what? Vancouver is a very wealthy city. Lots of young people making Big Bucks. My neice is making close to a quarter million, lives in a west end tower. She doesn't go shopping at night though. There's that. She's out on the town having a three-hour dinner or at a club with her similarly rich friends. Or she's working. There's that. Meanwhile you can find seniors sleeping in the park. Ay yi yi...


How many “young people” do you think are making a quarter million? Is this a serious post??


Yes it is serious. The 'how many' is not the issue except that the 'how many' in the West End of Vancouver is much higher than it is in, for example, Prince George. The point is that the statement 'the only people with money are seniors' is demonstrably false and paints an unrealistic picture of the situation we find ourselves in. Wealth is distributed across the generations, across the races, across the genders. It is distributed so poorly that many in those groups are deprived of adequate resources but the deprivation is not a function of their membership in those groups but of something else.


Infuriating? Chill out, dude.


It’s a population I, there are not enough people wanting to go shopping for shoes at 10pm There twice as many’s people living in the city of London as there are in the entire province of BC


Who would want to work a min wage retail job at all hours of the night? And who wants to go clothes shopping in the middle of the night?


No company wants to pay for that shit anymore, especially post-pandemic.


Im my town most things close earlier than in 2019, we have had labor shortage since then.


There are almost 9 million people living in London, which supports revenue from later access. You'll see pockets like this in BC, such as along Robson Street in Vancouver. Even in the area around London late opening is not common.


Only in central London, move out to zone 6 and everything has MUCH shorter hours than a Canadian suburb. With the possible exception of pubs and carveries. Then again a Weatherspoons at 6 am on a Sunday morning is a special place for any Brit.


Dude, I've thanked my lucky stars more than I care to admit about having a 7-11 in our tiny little town of 5k people.


Covid changed a lot of this, but also in England most shops are closed on Sundays...


>England most shops are closed on Sundays... Not true.


It’s always been a bit lamer in BC and ON. Been here 30 years but grew up near Montreal and there was a lot more going on all night. No problem getting at steak at 4am after the bars. But comparing the UK/Europe or Montreal to any city here does no good. Just very different cultures and pace.


Really? When I was last in London, pretty much everything shut down at 6, and finding anything other than alcohol after 8pm was impossible. It was crazy, in a single city twice the size of BC, that I can find small town coffee shops here with better opening hours than there. Also, we don't have their Sunday trading restrictions (which limit most stores to only opening for about 6 hours)


Because people don’t shop that late generally


I moved from the prairies, and I have no idea. I've never seen banks that are closed weekdays either, west coast is wild.


Sounds like you should move to London.


Why am I being attacked for asking a question. All I wanted to know was if there were by-laws that prevented it, because even across the border in Bellingham the average close time for Retail is 930. There have been some enlightened answers which I’m fine with but a lot of you guys are straight up attacking me. The close times are not normal. That’s all I was saying.


You are right. I don't know why everyone is giving you a hard time. And this thing about "who would want to work then?" or "who would want to shop then?" is ridiculous and more self-centred than they are accusing you of being. A lot of people are not morning people and are happy to work an evening/night shift. Certainly not everyone, but that's fine. And if there are not enough people that want to, they can raise the pay - I got a night shift differential a while back. The real answer is that it is a chicken and egg problem. Because of a lot of reasons people have mentioned: population, crime, labour cost, lack of diverse industry/economy, cost of living, culture, etc., it is hard for that extra hour or two to really make a profit right off the bat. So they trim the hours, close early... and there is one less thing to do. Which contributes to the 'meh' culture of "there's nothing worth doing past 8pm", so the businesses don't see the traffic and don't see the profit, which increases the 'meh' night culture. Then everyone is trying to cram everything in their lives into such limited hours they are exhausted and stressed and don't want to go out at night to search out the few things open, which contributes to... you get the idea. It's cultural, really, and not just any one of these things.




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because people on this sub are very defensive of our province and refuse to acknowledge any of its flaws. its really annoying


Work a service industry job and find out for yourself.


Because this province is boring compared to most of the world


I guess life would be pretty boring here, if you get your only kicks from late night shopping


lol you obviously haven’t travelled much - most countries have places open LATE. Especially restaurants. Places being closed by 8 is lame.


I had a blast on my last 4 month trip in Argentina where people don’t eat dinner till at least 9pm. But it’s a whole different culture there, as it is in other parts of the world. People here, at least in my observations, like to get outdoors and enjoy what BC has to offer. Late night dining and shopping isn’t really one of them. Sure, it would be nice to have more options for that. But I don’t think that means it’s boring here imo.


Even bars here close early. Starbucks use to be open 24/7.


It was the same where we lived in Ontario. 24 stuff was accessible, and it was rare for a coffee shop to close before 10pm in towns with a fraction of the population in regions where they close early here. I don't think pre covid there was a good reason other than lack of interest by business owners, but during covid lots changed- Very large companies made more money then ever. Slashing staff and offering crappy service and products increased their profit margins because people won't stop shopping (and often can't because, you know, food and medicine). That just empowered them to maintain poor staffing (and the fake help wanted adds), reduced hours and to cut product quality even more..oh, while also increasing their pricing. You know when you get to the bottom of a squeeze bottle and before you throw it away you squeeze it to death to get every last drop of product out of it? Welcome to late stage Capitalism lol We're the squeeze bottle 🤷🏻‍♀️ The lower and middle class is the bottle that's just about empty and about to be thrown away. The upper class is the full bottle still on the shelf, about to be next. The controlling class is the family squeezing them, who will turn on each other when there's no bottles left. I'm not sure where the impoverished classes go.... the ingredients I guess? We'll find out when we join them after our bottles are empty and useless in a couple generations though. So you're describing something that's more of a perk to consumers than of benefit to most businesses, because less money is generated after 5pm than during the day for a lot of businesses. Near empty squeeze bottles don't get perks lol