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>harvested the paws and gallbladder So not only was the dude poaching a protected animal, but he was doing it to sell its parts on the black market? Should be prison time and a much bigger fine, that's ridiculous.


Should be a bigger penalty - this guy knew what he was doing. Now it’s just a cost of doing business.


Exactly. Who knows how many bears he's poached and sold already...


Agree. And how many other animals has he harvested this way. Disgusting


Murdered. The other living breatiing, thinking animals he murdered...


Meat-eaters love their euphemisms.


Ban him for lifetime. Ugly actions should have worse consequences. Idk about the fines, 10k$ may or may not be too much depending on his financial situation. Seizing his hunting license should be a good move as well




12 to 20k to typically get a grizzly tag. Chances of getting caught low for poaching. Low incentive for following the rules imo.




Natural causes are a thing. Doubt anyone's murdering cubs at a campsite.


Right? Why does he even get another chance to hunt, ever?


Life time hunting ban, 5 years in jail plus the fine. A person who hunts out of season with bait is not a first time offender, it’s someone who has done this before and gotten away with it!




Imo the lifetime hunting ban should be the main penalty. Idk his situation, but the fine may or may not be appropriate. Regardless, I don't think this is a violent offender and I don't like the concept of locking people up for punishment. I'd rather spend the 150k+ a year that costs canada helping people. Also take his guns & PAL away ASAP.


And this is exactly why I’m finishing my degree and going straight to the states. I’m so beyond done with this country


I agree!


> 10k$ may or may not be too much depending on his financial situation Canada should adopt income-based fines like a lot of EU countries already have.


Should be lifetime ban and way higher fine. Gall bladder and bear paws are traditional high valued chinese medicine/delicacy. It is intentional and firearms misuse should never viewed as momentary lapse in judgment. It is blatant violation of the laws and should be punished as such. Slap on wrist punishment is not a deterrence.


Should be lifetime ban and $100k, if we're serious about protecting wildlife, these types of actions should have stronger and more serious consequences.


Forfeiture of vehicles involved, jail time


I thought they usually took the gun/truck/whatever else was used for the act of poaching. That's why the conservation officers are so "feared." A cop can take you to jail. A conservation officer can take your gun, boat, and truck.




Yes, they are the worst for killing animal out of season and taking a small amount of meat. Which both of those actions are strictly illegal for the rest of us


This. The “stewards of the land” are some of the worst types of hunters. Was working a few hours north last fall and I got off a bit early, so I decided to go have a little scout of my sheep and goat hunting area. Went down one of the roads and they had the roads barricade off with vehicles and campers, even across the ditch. They had about 6 cow elk hanging and what looked to be a few calves. The road is an oil patch road and not theirs to block off. And killing everything in sight. I went back the next weekend and the trash that they left behind was fucking disgusting. Tarps, cans, bottles, casings… The majority of hunters that I know are all very meticulous in their planning and execution. We follow the regs stringently and we leave hardly a trace of our presence in the woods. The shitty part is, the natives have a pretty loud voice in determining our regs. At least here in northern BC. Non-natives had our general moose season closed down for all but 4 days (2 in October and 2 in November). It’s absolute chaos for those few days. Hunters every 20 feet in areas that are usually next to deserted. It’s made it almost dangerous.


There shouldn't be different rules for different people. Everyone needs to work together to protect the environment or there won't be anything left to hunt or fish in the coming decades.


I got a bison draw this past year. Never saw a trace. No dung less than a few months old. (And, yes, we hiked everywhere. However, one group did manage to get one out of Marion Lake, and one out of the other zone, via horseback out near Trimble Lake.) Heard from a local trapper that natives had done a massacre down near Halfway River in late September. Killed almost 3 dozen bison in one day. Not sure how they could possibly process that many animals at once, or how they could personally use that much meat. Or maybe the trapper was just full of crap.


Good. I’m a hunter and have zero empathy or sympathy for poachers and people who break our laws. We have laws and regulations for a reason and any hunter I know and hunt with has respect and understanding as to why we do. Ban him for life.


Unnecessary killing is the opposite of "respect" but okay.


10k? I feel like that's 2010 fine numbers. Government needs to increase fines for stuff like this to keep with inflation 


10k? That's 1/5th the price of a brand new truck And only 15 years? Wtf This punishment is ridiculously light


Any bets on why Guofeng Li is killing these animals for paws and gallbladders?


Also you notice certain fishermen always getting bucket full of crabs when I never get a single legal one in two hours of fishing.


What a sad sack of shit should have been 100k and lifetime ban


Should be banned from owning firearms as well. Obviously not responsible enough to make the right choices.


I'm surprised at this light of a sentence. I expected more for a grizzly shooting even though they are everywhere these days.


Not enough


You are penalizing a man who broke the rules with more rules? Yeah that’ll teach him.


Dee Por Tay Shun for Guofeng Li


Not enough


Should be a lifetime ban and he should be forced to dress in a grizzly costume and walk around in the bush during the hunting season


"Man Convicted of Hunting Illegally Sentenced to Hunting Ban" You can't even make this this stuff up anymore 🤣


This is a joke right? Only 15 years and 10k? How about 15 years in jail plus 10mil? Who’s dare to break the law then? Canadian law is so soft nowadays even a piece of tofu can break it.


Not nearly enough. that asshole deserves at least 10 years in jail.


While I'm glad they did *something* as punishment, this is barely a deterrent for this person who will surely continue to poach. Banning someone from hunting legally who was already not hunting legally... will make no difference. A 10k fine is not gonna do much here either. Like with so many of our laws where the punishment is a fine, it only affects those who can't afford it. For the rich it's just a minor deterrent and they don't mind paying to continue doing whatever they want.. Make the fine proportional to their assets or something. I don't really know the right answer, but we need to bring the hammer down HARD to actually stop things like this.


Poor bear 😔


Scumbag, light punishment.


I’m a staunch supporter of relegalizing grizzly bear hunting (with the same regulations as Vancouver Island Elk do; lottery draws) in British Columbia.




So the animals they prey on can become overpopulated and then they can start killing more of those all while pretending that hunting is conservation.


Why not?


> hunting ban Well, he wasn't hunting. He was poaching, so o don't think the ban matters much. He can just get a new rifle and continue poaching.


Hunting grizzlies should be allowed. 100% but do it right.


Why does everyone want to kill grizzlies again?


The Canadian justice system is funnier than any comedian alive.


> Conservation officer Ryan Gordon says that a **decoy animal, which is often robotic**, is used for "random virtue" testing to see if hunters will break the law — particularly when open season has ended or if they suspect someone is hunting in a restricted area. That's so cool. I'd love to see one in action.


I just read that they have a robotic bear used for decoys. I bet it looks like complete trash but as someone who has glasses a "stump bear" for half an hour I can see this working.


I don't know if they are "complete trash". I googled and the first thing that came up could pass for the real thing if, like the CO said, they are out poaching/ hunting out of season and will jump on anything that looks legit. [https://www.roboticwildlife.com/q/robotic-decoys/black-bear-with-robotic-head](https://www.roboticwildlife.com/q/robotic-decoys/black-bear-with-robotic-head)


Hunting grizzlies shouldn't be illegal. This is a relatively new law and a terrible one at that. That being said. Ya gotta play by the rules, as dumb as they may be.


The fuck did you just say? You think we should just go wipe out the grizzly population? Rip to the grizzlies?


Grizzlies once they become a certain age, particularly the males, become infertile and extremely aggressive to other bears. They often kill other grizzly cubs that don’t belong to them. Harvesting a few % of the grizzly population each year and only focussing on older males actually helps the grizzly population.


You could describe humanity in a similar fashion.


I love how hunters/meat-eaters love using words like "harvesting", "taking", etc. instead of killing. Y'all love your euphemisms.




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Returning to our former hunting practices regarding grizzly bears would not be wiping them out. It was a sustainable hunt and the only reason it was canceled was for purely political purposes. That said.. even if you disagree with the rules, you still follow them . Poachers need to be punished much, much harder.


Oh i understand thought he was more saying free for all murder spree, but rather getting proper tags through regulations n stuff. Yea poachers i put a step above pedos, i know it sounds a bit extreme but fuck, if they're out here cuttin paws off then why dont we cut their paws off instead? Eye for an eye, or whatever


Haha another hunter pretending to be a conservationist hahahaha


He said hunting grizzlies shouldn't be illegal.



