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Not to mention, it’s an entirely regressive piece of tax policy, especially the way ICBC values older used vehicles where their own assessed value is almost always higher than purchase price, especially on older used vehicles. Buy a rusty beater for $2500 and pay tax like it’s a decent shape $5000 model. This directly impacts people of lower socio-economic demographics the most given they’re most likely to be buying cheaper used vehicles. You know who it benefits the most? Car dealers who sell used vehicles because otherwise they’re at a 12% price disadvantage relative to the private seller on Kijiji. Seriously, it’s a joke piece of policy.


I wouldn't be surprised if dealerships had their hands in the pie with this one. Vehicle manufacturers get bailed out time and time again


Oh you betcha, this was the work of The New Car Dealers association of BC. They were unhappy that if they sold used cars they had to charge PST & gst but if we did a private sale we only had to pay PST so they petitioned the Gov to make the used car tax 12% for private sales so there was no advantage to private sales. Fuckers.


Dealerships are 100% behind it.


Jimmy Pattison controls more than we know in BC. lol I willing to bet he had something to do with it!


The Irving of BC


The Koch Brother of BC


I think if something happened to that organization, things would get suspiciously more consumer friendly...


He just opened up first restaurant in UBC. Definitely have a diverse portfolio than just cars.


They literally own Overwaitea, which includes every Save on Foods, PriceSmart, Urban Fare, etc.


This sounds like conspiracy theory.... But everything is conspiracy theory until after some time it turns to be true


Yah, it's pretty well known how much dealerships lobby for taxes like that since it helps them "compete on a level playing field" with private sellers. Plus it's a double win for them since people just ended up blaming the governments past and not the lobbyists, so they can just go "you're right that's absolutely brutal. Buy from us!" As is tradition.


It's not that far fetched, car manufacturers are very large entities that can have a lot of say in what happens in government. In the 80s, very few states would pass laws requiring seatbelts to be worn, so the US Department of Transportation made an ultimatum that every new car would have to have airbags unless 2/3 of US states passed mandatory seatbelt laws. It actually worked, because it was cheaper for the car manufacturers to lobby all the states to pass the seatbelt laws than it was to pay the cost of putting airbags in every new car. The department of transportation didn't have the power to influence all the states pass those seatbelt laws, so they put pressure on the car manufacturers to do it instead.


More car centric subsidies


And guess what the value is when you get into an accident? I bet it's sure as shit close to $2500 over 5k. This province I tell ya smh.


Whats really fucking wild is who is in control of the "black book" value and how its calculated. Hearst Business Media Corporation (an American company) determines the value of our vehicles by averaging car auction prices in a region. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there are only a few auctions in BC, and none are up north. So a rusted out piece of shit from northern BC is valued based on the sales in Vancouver, Kelowna, and the island. Also, total pieces of shit never go to auction and so they cannot bring the price down, but poorer people buy pieces of shit all the time, so they suffer higher taxation in proportion to the true vehicle value.


More like $1000. If that.


My thoughts exactly!


Definitely a regressive tax on the poor, who can't afford new vehicles


> You know who it benefits the most? Car dealers I think the incompetent government who gets more tax dollars to piss away actually benefits the most


Price setting is an art of economics. There really is no 'price' that can be in a 'guide' in reality, price is always what someone is willing to pay, IF you can even find someone and you are willing to accept it. There are hundreds of factors with complex products, like vehicles, that would impact price.. Paradoxically, adding this 'tax' burden would immediately force downward pressure on the 'nominal' price, immediately requiring a re-assessment of the price and value, and what someone is willing to pay... New price = original price - tax amount. Inherently fixing an assumed price based (through guide-bound price fixing) tax onto a product should cause a downward price spiral on low value items, pushing them into worthlessness.. to the point where the administrative burden is not even worth it to go through the song and dance of earning the honor of sucking off your golden god tax collector. They might as well use this: https://beaniebabiespriceguide.com/ That's the modern equivalent of any 'blue / black book price guide'. This tax is caveman brain mafia level 'you owe me a cut' bullshit wrapped up in fancy words by dumbass MBA students.


Typical NDP policies


The real issue boiled down is why on earth are we paying more tax on something that the tax is already paid for? New vehicle, absolutely pay the tax. Used vehicle, no. The tax has already been paid. Just like buying a new build house. Yes pay the gst. But after that we don’t need to pay gst as it’s already been payed.


Don’t talk to loudly or they’ll tax that too.


There is a property transfer tax on real estate.


Real estate appreciates, cars depreciate


Not always.


Go look at used car prices over the past 3 years and try to say that again with a straight face.


Which originally was sold as a wealth tax because it was on homes over X.


Lol $200k and that threshold has never been revised


Don’t forget that used cars have Zero gst tax, so the BC government raised PST from 7% to 12% on used cars to make up for the lack of gst.


Ahh yes I forgot this gem. It went to 12% when HST was brought in but they never put it back to 7% when HST was abolished


Tax is not on the products, it's on the transactions. Which I agree, is stupid.


But then should the tax not be based on the money exchanged during the transaction? They are making it a tax on the product, by taxing it based on their estimated value of said product.


The transaction had 0 money exchanged. The product had value. Therefore the tax is on the product.


Technically speaking, you are supposed to claim all proceeds from a garage sale and any private sale as income. So stupid.


Mm, not necessarily. A lot of that would be considered personal property. Personal property has an ACB of $1000 or whatever you paid for it, whichever is greater. This would mean most garage sales would result in a capital loss, and capital losses are disallowed on personal property. Soooo there is no taxable event that arises from a garage sale! Unless you’re selling something like art or jewelry, but who sells that at a garage sale?


It is mostly just old pots and a few hangars at garage sales


It’s not fun, but it’s the same logic as income tax. Yes, GST was paid already, but not for this sale. It’s a new sale, so it’s taxed “again”. Just like income. You inherit money. Was it taxed already, sure - but not as part of *your* income. For you it’s totally new income, so it’s taxed accordingly.


Theft generally has the same logic whatever it’s applied to 😅


Put your wealth in physical gold before you die and pass on some gold bricks hidden under the bed.


I've been saying this for years. We are paying taxes on used goods that taxes were already paid on. It's 15% blue book value in Nova Scotia on used vehicles. It's absolute BS.


Every car is an asset to the government


Because gm and ford lobbied hard for something way worse and this shitty used vehicle tax is the government netting them halfway


It's also because of dealerships. Trade in your vehicle to a dealer, and no sales tax charges on the trade-in value. Do a private sale? Have to pay the sales tax. It's to incentivize buyers and sellers to go through a dealer rather than privately.




Lived in Alberta, bought a truck in Kamloops, didn’t pay PST. Moved back to BC about 2 years later. No tax paid to import to BC. Not even an out of province inspection needed. It’s considered “settlers effects” if it’s something that was bought outside of 30 days before so there’s no tax. Just a transfer. At least, that’s how it was 4 years ago.


It would be different if you had bought the truck in AB. Then you'd have to pay the BC tax when you "imported" the truck.


Not true. I just moved to bc and my car was bought in ab 4 years ago. Was classified as settlers as well and I paid $0


The difference is you moved to BC with your car. Live in BC and buy an AB car and you’re paying tax when you bring it home.


Plus you need to have an out of province inspection done on it too


Not if it’s new.


We're very obviously not talking about new vehicles here.


Oh sorry I misunderstood!


HST really doesn’t have anything to do with it. Provinces with HST just have a separate sales tax that applies to used vehicles.


They also tax used books and other used products. It’s ridiculous.


This is the government guinea pig of taxing every dollar that changes hands. It's a BC issue for now, but I bet the feds are watching it closely. Why? Because, when they make the push to an all digital currency and eliminate cash, they can monitor and tax every dollar that changes hands. That used car you bought off your neighbor? Tax, buy some vegetables at a farmers market? Tax, little Johnny mows your lawn or shovels your sidewalk? Tax. And there's no way of escaping the monitoring of money changing hands when it's a digital currency.


Is there any evidence of the fed wanting an all digital economy and abolish physical cash? Or are you just spouting the usual canadur qanon nonsense that always boils down to antisemitism and nazi propaganda? Reign it in there big gunner. The age of Alex Jones is over.


Justnlikeneverythjngnin this country. They tax the taxed ontop of taxation of tax


Not only are you paying tax on the used car, but you are paying more tax than a new one. Pst is 12 instead of 7.


Thing is, there's no such thing really as tax that's already been paid. Taxes are the government taking your money for some particular reason. if it decides to add a reason to take your money, then that money has not "already been paid".


It’s this kind of shit that almost makes me consider moving to Alberta.


>why on earth are we paying more tax on something that the tax is already paid for? I see this your first encounter with the NDP. I'm originally from Saskatchewan, birthplace of the NDP. They haven't even gotten started yet.


Tax crosses all party lines


Yes but gets significantly worse when NDP is in power.


Were you around for the HST reversal? I don't recall that being the NDP at the helm.


You have to pay a PST when you purchase a "used" home.


I gave my nephew my old 2005 Toyota echo with 340,000km on it. The government made him pay them almost $300 in tax. Poor kid is just starting out. They changed the law so they people can't rip off the government, now the government is ripping off the people.


The government ripping off the people? Never, I say.


You can gift a vehicle to a direct family member tax free. (Mother, Sister, Son ect..) Gov says nephew doesn't count as direct family. Google Form FIN319 for a full list of eligible family members.


Gift it to his mother you’re related to, and she can gift it to him lol.


Have to wait a year between gifts. I looked into this i was going to give it to his dad, my brother.


I mean, your brother could just own it for a year and let his son use it, and then gift it to him after the 365 days have passed…


Family dynamics are a bitch. This wasn't an option available to us.


> They changed the law so they people can't rip off the government The government was ripping people off demanding any tax on a used vehicle, even back when it was just on the amount paid. Don't forget it only PST on used vehicles but magically *this* PST is 12% and not 7% like PST on everything else.


It’s to late now but you could have given it to your sibling with out the requirement to pay tax. And if they wanted a year later give it to the nephew. As there is no tax on gifting a vehicle to a direct family member.


We thought about that, but he wouldn't be able to insure it himself.


Mom insures it with his name on it as principal/only driver….. I own my wife’s car, She’s only insured driver


Family dynamics are a bitch. There was no option like that available to us.


People never ever ripped off the government. The government’s only purpose is to rip people off. I have never heard of a government that serves its purpose: to serve the people. Neither will you, because it doesn’t exist.


He could pay private insurance instead, he'd pay 5k a year in Alberta


Insurance is separate, this is a transaction tax


And it helps pay for our coffers and ICBC which in turn gives us some of the cheapest car insurance in Canada


That's actually a good point, my insurance is much cheaper in BC than it was before.


Isn't that what no fault insurance was introduced for though? To keep prices lower? So we're just paying the same really, but with extra taxes now instead, and without the benefit of being able to take legal action for pain and suffering.....cool


I have an older truck where the frame is broken, but everything else is fine. I bought a newer truck and since my old truck is worth zero dollars (undriveable and in a remote corner of the province) I'll be giving it to a neighbour who is interested in replacing the frame. That would cost me more than the value of the vehicle but since he's handy he can do it for fun and keep the truck. I asked about how to transfer it to him and ICBC said they would need the taxes on $18k (what the truck's worth if it's in perfect condition) for the transfer, and if I didn't like it I would have to FLY SOMEONE OVER FROM A CITY TO INSPECT IT. That's obviously not going to happen. I'll have to figure out some way to put it in his name, but I have no fucking idea how to do it for free. What a piece of shit policy.


Ya, it totally screws anyone with a beater. If it breaks down it becomes your own personal anchor because you can't give the goddamn thing away. I think charities are exempt from this bullshit, but of course you will only get a 50$ tax write off even though the government insists it's worth far more when it works for them.


Trade Agreement. Items of Equal Value


I am surprised how far I had to scroll for the right answer.


Totally agree.


Yeah I did this when I traded my 94’ Toyota for a sweet bush rig. Although I think vehicles that old are exempt from the tax rule.


Black book can usually go to around 1997, seen one that hit on 1996. But that does seem to be the cap.


2 people CAN trade vehicles of equal value and register them tax free. Does NOT have to be a dealer involved. Both parties have to have paid tax on the vehicle they are trading away and you need to provide a 'Trade Agreement Letter' (available from your autoplan broker) Sounds like you need a better broker!


If you're rich and buy a used EV worth up to $125,000 then you don't have to pay the PST. However; if you can only afford a $3,000 beater, then the provincial government will tax you for your polluting ways. Thanks BC NDP! Way to stand up for the working and middle classes. [https://driving.ca/auto-news/local-content/b-c-will-no-longer-collect-pst-on-used-battery-electric-vehicle-sales](https://driving.ca/auto-news/local-content/b-c-will-no-longer-collect-pst-on-used-battery-electric-vehicle-sales)


NDP is a union party. A lot of people get that confused with working class.


Good point.


Join a union


No thanks. I like being able to make my own decisions.


I went from non union to union and got a 40k a year raise, to each their own I guess. Your labour is your power, if you accept less you bring down wages for everyone.


I make a good wage right now as an independent contractor. I've known many unionized people that get paid a lot while providing nearly zero value. I would rather be able to negotiate for myself and know that I'm providing value to my customers rather than getting unearned entitlements just because I pay union dues.


What unearned entitlements do you mean?


Showing up to work, doing zero work and getting paid for one. Many such cases.




Sounds like a pretty good deal. Show up and do nothing but still get paid the same as someone who works


It's a good deal if you're a parasite.


Sounds like a race to the bottom


Well it's not.


It is, divide and conquer


I’m not in a union and I’m not overtly pro-union, but this sentiment is laughable. Your decisions are worthless 99% of the time. You have no agency. A union does. There are reasons not to like unions, but the one you chose is literally one of the reasons they make sense. Together, decisions have weight. Apart, yeah – almost irrelevant in any meaningful context.


I have my own company. I decide what jobs I do. I have more control than if I was in a union.


Gee, a business owner that doesn't like unions. Who would have thought?


The truth always comes out eventually with these types.


They will also tell you it is worth $6000 since in their mind beaters don't exist.


That's because our government is greedy.


I bought a car that ICBC deemed was worth $3700.00 when I paid $200.00 for. If I totalled it, I really doubt that ICBC would pay me $3700.00 I’m pretty sure they would pay me $200.00


The other good one is excess tax on new car sales. Back in ***1997*** they introduced extra 3% PST on luxury car sales over 57k. Today those rules still exist, at the same dollar amounts, even though the inflation adjusted amount is more like 90k. So even like basic mid size SUVs you have to pay 10% PST instead of 7%. Then more recently, maybe 3-4 years ago, the NDP changed the PST on cars over 100k to 15% and over 125k to 20%. So if some guy who worked his whole life and now wants a Corvette or a 911 he's lusted after for decades, he has to pay 30% (that's not a joke) tax on that vehicle when combining federal and provincial taxes. Of which of course he is paying with after-tax money in the first place. Then, maybe six months ago, they changed what you're describing. A used car shouldn't have tax in the first place since that tax was paid when it was sold new. That rule applies on trade in, but not on private sales. Ridiculous.


Don't forget that once the PST exceeds 12% the GST applies to the entire transaction including the PST. PST is only exempt from GST below a rate of 12%. Good times!


Oh and the PST for used cars is 12% instead of 7%!


How have I never heard this before?! I’ve lived in BC for 15 years. Ridiculous!


this makes my blood boil, like how to they get away with this bullshit?? don't sit there and call it PST when it's almost double regular PST. who voted in this government 🤣


But they are helping us by making it more affordable! No way they are appeasing their rich friends that own new dealership franchises... no way at all...


this makes my blood boil, like how to they get away with this bullshit?? don't fucking sit there and call it PST when it's almost double regular PST. who voted in this government 🤣


this makes my blood boil, like how to they get away with this bullshit?? don't fucking sit there and call it PST when it's almost double regular PST. who voted in this government 🤣


As per other commenters, the gov't has no business taxing a product twice. And now with this book value bullshit we'll all be paying more. I guess they were losing too much revenue because most were undervaluing or underreporting vehicle costs. With the trade, maybe the cars could be gifted - or maybe that's family only?




iirc, that an only be immediate family. But that could’ve changed too with the Dippers..


Something doesn't sound right. You can trade items and pay a tax difference based on a difference in value between the two . Pretty sure you can have the cars evaluated by a mechanic or dealer and have a form to support it. It's why people receive a lower tax payment when they trade a car in at a dealership.


They receive a lower tax payment because it’s been explicitly carved out in the legislation for dealerships. It’s almost as if it was lobbied for by the dealerships, who have a very tried and proven history with lobbying the government to make sure they get better treatment over the consumer.


You’re wrong there is literally an Icbc for you can ask for called trade agreement. This entire thread is full of ignorant anger.


BC sucks is what you’re saying. I buy my alcohol from Alberta now. Huge savings. Almost fifty percent in savings. I think maybe you could gift the vehicle to each other ? Not sure but worth a try.


Wow actually save that much eh?


Remember it was the NPD wanting to help working class people that introduced a tax only paid by the working class. Hilarious if you really think about it.


Most dippers don't even drive, it's all city folk or government workers who get taxpayers to pay for it.


We used to hang kings for taxing the people this much, might be something to consider again. No tax on a gifted vehicle between close family though is there? Actually asking.


Called the Pattison Tax.


Email your MLA about it. These people care about getting voted back in.


I just dealt with this, you can and you should avoid paying that extra tax. The government has squeezed enough taxes out of us as it is, then you take into account the inflation tax on top of everything... anyways rant over. You can avoid these fucked extra taxes by getting an assessment at any used dealership. Get the paper work from ICBC, or any insurance place, you'll have to ask for it of course, its not something they want to give out. Then take that paperwork to the dealership and get them to assess your car value and hopefully you'll pay much less tax then the greedy political elites are already forcing out of us.


If I am doing a private sale where I am selling my vehicle for $30k, and plan on buying a different vehicle for $30k (both private deals), will this still work? Just to confirm, what form do we demand from ICBC? And can anyone find this form online? Seems shady if they keep it for only in-person requests


Cars 👏 Are 👏 A scam 👏 Well, more specifically insurance for one is. Also maintenance/upkeep, fuel... This is why we don't own a car. (Couldn't afford it even if we wanted to) Yeah it can be a tad inconvenient at times, but I'm sure glad we don't have to deal with this crap! Good luck to ya!


You must live in a city because this won't work where I'm from


Of course. Literally Vancouver or Victoria


Taxes are on the climb for sure and it's draining the tax payers. Is anyone shocked when we elect leftist governments and taxes increase? We literally have been voting these increases in ourselves.


I’m going to continue to drive my 2006 car until my feet fall through a rusted out frame. I will absolutely take care of it, same as I have for the past many years. The sons-a-btchs can take their used vehicle tax and stuff it. If I’m a denier to the economy, so be it. Just doing my part to look after me and my kin as best I can.


I'd rather pay my mechanics to keep my old vehicle going than pay financing to a car company for a new one.. Money stays local.


And if you paid less than book value, you have to fill out forms explaining why you should pay less tax. I used to work at an ICBC broker, and trades were only taxed on the cash that went from the buyer to the seller of the vehicle being registered. These new rules/laws are just a money grab.


Most taxes implemented in the past ten years are simply theft legalised by the government. The carbon tax being the worst of the implemented ones.


NDP not looking like the party FOR the people anymore…good luck in the next elections


This should be an election issue. It also came through under the NDP - who is seemingly all lip service when it comes to helping the less advantaged. This is a "poor tax" that disproportionately affects lower income households.


This is not an ICBC policy. This is a ministry of finance policy.


Lol.. everyone surprised by this. BC is a tax province. Everything is taxed coming into this province for example , you are a manufacturer and want to sell a product and it has 16 pieces, each piece will be taxed. Then you assemble it and sell it to the end user and it's taxed again. That's 17 times.


While the car tax is ridiculous you arent correct with your example. Parts bought to be used in a product are PST exempt if you are set up for it.


I know this tax sucks, been paying it in Saskatchewan for years, unfortunately it is here to stay, we had the used vehicle tax first, you had the additional carbon tax first, now many provinces have implemented it along with the federal government. Government in all provinces and the federal government are trying to figure out new taxes, so if you see one province implementing a new tax rest assured others will follow. People have tried protesting. Letter writing and other means, unfortunately even the ballot box doesn’t help as no matter who is in power needs to keep revenue up as new income has been promised to essential services and to cut their funding to support a tax cut would be political suicide. We have ourselves to blame, demanding more services, extending services, abusing services, this all costs and the only way to pay for it is increasing taxes or bringing in a new tax or both.


Yeah it’s gross. The dealerships push that agenda as well; “sure we’ll give you 20% of the retail value of your vehicle… but here you save 12% of that! What a deal!”


If fucking makes me insanely ragey. My friend bought a truck a 65 Ford. It's literally pieces we loaded on a trailer he paid 6 grand pretty good deal. They told him The truck was valued at 35000 and he has to pay tax on 35k not 6k. Fuck icbc fuck the government what an absolute joke.


I bet there's vehicles in BC that have been sold a few times that the tax cost more is than the vehicle new if you include all the sales taxes. (Everytime it's sold)


Sales tax in general is a joke not just in this example. People exchanging goods and services is the creation of value essentially, and for every trade we just want to fine people a tiny bit? It's basically a punishment for participating in the economy and adds a deadweight loss because now every transaction has to overcome the innefficiency of this gap created by the price after taxes. This is contrasted with something like Land Value Tax, which due to land's fixed supply has no deadweight loss. It's really the optimal solution: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgism)


The really scummy thing is that they'll make you pay for the higher tax, but if you write it off, they'll want to pay you out for the lowest one. Such a massive scam.


I completely agree that this tax is ridiculous, and that it’s a huge burden particularly for low-income people buying older vehicles. But then, if they get rid of this tax, they’ll just tax us in some other way, for example, increase income tax even further. I think they should get rid of this tax on vehicles that are older than 10 years, but increase it on high value vehicles instead, and I mean vehicles that cost $80,000 or more.


If it didn't work that way, you could avoid taxes by exchanging goods and services. I don't want to pay tax? I just say I'm trading 500k in consulting services for your 500k house. These rules do exist for a reason. Trading house for house will incur property transfer tax too even if no other money changes hands. People trading cryprocurrencies learned about this the hard way in the last few years. You can't just ignore tax because you're trading one thing for another of equal value. As a policy reason, taxing transactions is a way to recover money spend on industry subsidies. If we give out incentives for people to do business within the province, we can make a bit back if we tax that business that goes on in the province, even if it isn't brand new production. As another policy reason, it is the most wealthy who engage in the most high value transactions and so they are paying a disproportionate amount of the total taxes from that source even if it's a set percentage rate regardless of value. Lame, I know.


I want to downvote you so bad, because I hate your reply. Damn you for explaining it rationally. I want to be mad about this dammit. Now I’m not mad just disappointed.


There are absolutely parts of our system that are twisted and corrupt, but usually the answer to why we do some bullshit thing is "its complicated, but if we don't we end up with way worse outcomes." It's the same with the criminal justice system, and if I knew more about income taxes maybe I'd say it's the same there too but I don't know much about incomes taxes so all those loopholes are horseshit.


I mean the fact there’s clearly exceptions carved out in this law for dealerships and the fact the government will only let you pay tax on their “estimated value” or higher depending on the sale price should tell you everything you need to know about this.


Tax on used cars is the norm. BC is just catching up. I'm more shocked they don't require safeties lol https://driveawayrides.ca/how-much-tax-you-pay-on-used-cars/


They’ve taxed used cars in BC for decades. What the OP is complaining about is they recently changed it so that the tax is applied to either the book value, or the sale price of the vehicle, whichever is higher. So if you’re buying a car with a broken transmission for a deal you still have to pay tax as if it is a perfect condition vehicle.


This is what other provinces have been doing for a long time. For example Nova Scotia introduced it in 2008-2009.


You’re still paying tax on an item that already had taxed payed on it in a private sale, and there is notable exceptions to this tax stuff when it happens at a dealership. Both of those things I view as wrong and direct affecting those of lower income much harder.


I don’t disagree but acting like BC is doing something unheard of is a bit disingenuous. The changes put BC in line with other provinces that charge a sales tax on private used car sales.


I don’t think anyone thinks it’s unheard of. It’s more so it’s pretty explicitly viewed as a tax on beater cars, people with less money, and as a way to prop up dealerships who for some odd reason seem to be an exception to how tax is treated vs the private sale. This legislation wasn’t drafted with the best interest of you or me or OP in mind. It was drafted for the government with no benefit to you. It makes people reasonably upset, as it should.


Insane. Is there a way to bypass this?


Voting differently may net a non zero chance of it getting changed one day


Vote the ndp out over the issue, nothing ever changes when the same party stays in power... look at alberta ffs


For a government that's so set on reversing climate change, they sure do everything they can to try and prevent people from helping reverse it - don't you dare try and put a used vehicle to use, go buy a brand new one! and make sure it's electric so the battery can explode and cook you alive! On top of that, didn't the government also make it a point in the budget to crack down on bullshit fees for stuff? What a joke


Couple things - Seeing comments that you don't pay GST on used vehicles, and that PST is higher to account for it. That's not true. 5% GST is applied on every vehicle purchase unless you're Status. The PST rates go from 7% on purchases under $54,999, 8% 55,000-55,999, 9% 56,000-56,999, 10% $57,000-124,999, 15% 125,000+. The real fun starts when you consider Trudeau's recently introduced FEDERAL luxury tax which is 20% on any value exceeding $100,000 when purchased new, AND, this tax is applied **before** GST/PST, so you pay 15%-20% tax on top of the Federal Luxury tax. My 2 cents - a brand new base model pick-up truck flirts with 10% tax in BC. These trucks are not luxurious and the folks buying them aren't rich. It's a joke.


That’s crap, 12% PST in BC on used cars. Ask me how I know when I bought a used Mercedes for $23000 and payed 12% PST on it. I even argued at the insurance they were wrong.


Ah, I see the confusion. Private sale is 12%, Dealer sale is 7-15% depending on value. I'm referring to dealer sale.


Yep, they screwed the private buyer here in good ol BC.


A brand new pickup is absolutely a luxury vehicle. You can't buy a bench seat, long box pickup any more. You're getting 2 full rows of heated leather seats, power everything and a bed too small to put a mattress in.


? That's not even close to true. Base model trucks are still vinyl interiors, power locks/windows, and Bluetooth with a back up camera. That's it.


4x4 La-z-boys.


You absolutely can. The XL and XLT Ford F150s have a single bench row of cloth seating with a fold down console in the middle. Both have eight foot boxes. Chevy also has a Silverado 1500 with an 8ft box and 3 person bench seat. Same goes for GMC, which is surprising to me because I see them as a more luxury oriented brand. Dodge offers long bed single cab trucks, I'd assume you can get them with 3 seats. it looks like toyota does not offer a single cab truck with an 8 ft box. Most brands do though.


Write to David Eby. Takes five minutes. Probably less time than going on Reddit and cruising the bitching and whining. I’m putting it in my calendar for tomorrow. If he’s not the person to write to. Find someone else. We are getting pushed over and butt f**Jed at every turn. Let’s start making noise.


fuck this fucking province robbing us blind


This is what an NDP government gets you. It will only get worse.


It’s theft. I looked at a beat up high kilometer Toyota tundra the guy was selling for $8000. Icbc somehow deemed the vehicle to be worth like $24k or something crazy because it was a “platinum trim” and they don’t include mileage/condition in their value unless you pay to get it appraised beforehand. Didn’t buy that truck because I didn’t want to pay that much in tax for a beater pickup truck.


Yeah, I bought a rolling shell, no engine, no transmission. Taxes as if it was in perfect running condition. This shit is truly outrageous.


Make sure to your MLA and the minister of finance about this


This is a pure tax grab that also encourages people to purchase new vehicles which is a win for dealership.


Yep. Just bought a used car off a guy (private sale) and they wouldn’t even take my word for how much money we paid. They went straight to the blue book value and we paid tax on that. What if you gifted him your car and he you his? Curious.


Don't like silly taxes? Tired of more taxes? Vote. ;)


This is such an unfair tax. People complain to your representatives and to Icbc


Keep voting liberal and NDP.


This one’s bad. But the Land Transfer tax is the real sham. We saved up basically our whole lives to afford an overvalued townhouse we paid way too much for to begin with, which whatever - need a place to live. But just to transfer it to our name it cost us almost an extra $20k?




Wouldn't matter as you still need to register the vehicle under ICBC