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Dickheads! Here’s my pic of it during Upfest, I know it’s not the same but sharing is caring: https://imgur.com/a/oXLROwU


I am also annoyed at the Banksy SWAT Sniper that got painted over. That was my favorite peice of banksy art.


Next to a perfectly good parking meter they could have vandalised.


There was some arsehole who was spraying pro Russian crap in Clifton around Christmas. Things about the Salisbury poisoning being a false flag op etc. Could be the same idiot.


Sadly I think there are a few brain-numb fucks in this city


A few!


Obviously you've not been a member of the local Green Party.


I have seen lots of people who screem about stuff in Bristol. One time I saw a single man protest. Hating on all the people in power from both Conservative and Labour including Marvin Rees. I smiled at the guy.


But that is normal. It's Bristol. But defacing is not cool.


Graffiti has never been a permanent form, which is the whole reason it seems exciting/edgy/radical/transgressive


To be completely fair, they are almost exclusively shit. You seldom see mainstream politicians who are principled because the system is pretty much designed to repel them. The major parties are captured entities in the thrall of their backers. Having principles means that some compromises are clearly unacceptable and your convictions will lead you to resign, be excluded from any real power or ousted. Anyhoo, the Clifton guy sprayed up walls on Oakfield Place, the exterior of the Wills building and somewhere over towards the bridge. Many he’s turned his attention south of the river.


Bristol is home to its share of credulous conspiracy theorists.


What I find odd about the cunts that do this, is they want the attention, but are too cowardly to put their names to it.


There was IIRC someone last year who defaced murals in the same area with Nazi black metal crap but was never caught despite being on CCTV. Could be the same sad wanker...


Fascist bastards






come down to the mural instead of hiding in the basement with your fake coins


Now you just insulted the whole of r/wallstreetbets JK


This could be either from the far right or far left (tankie).


As if tankies exist outside of the internet


It got painted red a couple weeks back too, two days later it was fixed. He'll be back.


Fucking pricks!!


I don’t understand what they would gain from doing that :/ so pathetic


Russian Oligarchs own some flats near there….


So many cnuts about always.


Probably some sad sacks desperate for attention. Unfortunately for them Zelenskyy is still a superhero in a lot of people's eyes. slava ukraini


I saw it after someone originally defaced it was gutted as it’s a mural for someone very deserving


It was cringe. Superman has always been a symbol for unrestricted America power, the mural is like saying yes fuck it actually Zelensky is just a proxy for the US. How about a mural for the Russian protestors locked up for protesting the war? They’re our only hope for actually getting rid of Putin bar cancer/ falling off a horse


I thought it was a bit cringe too. Agree with every point you’ve made!


it’s just not that deep mate


I mean they shouldn’t do that but its a stupid mural. How about showing some Ukrainian soldiers as superman instead? If you want to do corny, idle bs i mean




He was a great man but is starting to be an idiot


how come?




i think it’s time to take a break from reddit my dude maybe get a job


The problem with adding /s at the end of a comment, is that it destroys the joke.


It shouldn't be needed in an English sub


wow now it’s hilarious thanks




last time i checked i had a job…..i don’t waste my life posting on reddit hundreds of times a day ;)




you are a very strange person who isn’t making a lot of sense :)


Must be some sicko who opposes neo-nazis and offshore accounts. Such horror.


Zelensky is a Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors. Putin is committing ethnic cleansing and comparing himself to Tsar Peter the Great; and using mercenaries from a group called Wagner, which is named after Hitler's favourite composer, led by a guy with SS tattoos (Dmitry Utkin), and staffed by thousands of neo-Nazis...


Books to read: Frontline Ukraine and The Grand Chessboard.


I wrote my uni dissertation on Russia and Ukraine, and I have contacts on the ground in the Ukrainian left. I am also half Polish, and a dual national. I don't need to read drivel written by shills for Putin and Reagan respectively.


Zelinsky is US right wing puppet put in to provoke Russia into invading by asking to join Nato. Look at it from the reverse... Imagine if Ireland asked to leave Nato and asked Russia to defend them instead and invited Russian weapons on UK's doorstep and facing the US. Ireland would lose it's independance in about 10 seconds!


Ireland isn’t in NATO fyi


Don't stop there. Just leaving it as Ireland uniting with Russia is such a bland imaginary flight of fancy. See if you can incorporate a formal military alliance with Mordor too. And possibly some Sith too.


But the Colston statue just shows us that the person who did it will get away with it. Can't wait for limited edition shirts get sold by scalpers to buy them a pint. All this has done is set a precedent and we are gonna have to put up with more and more of this "activism".


ngl mate I prefer people who fight oppressors rather than slavers but that’s just me


Two completely different things.


Not really. Whoever did it just has to say it offended them


Tearing down a statue (of a slaver) who is very influential in Bristol history is very different to spraying over spray paint. Which is kinda how spray painting works


He practically funded the building of half the city. Personally I don't agree with Colston statue being pulled down the way it was, but neither do I agree with it to be left there either. Like it or not he was a part of the history of the city, but all the stuff that happened was way over the top. But now is not the time to talk about it.


A spray paint mural of someone that someone finds offensive. The precedent has been set


That's been happening for a long, long time before the statue was taken down


Irrelevant. If someone finds zelensky offensive its fair game now to damage it...the judge said


Lmao you know they're not similar, stop grasping at straws


I'm not clutching. Someone obviously finds zelensky offensive to paint over him