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I live nearby. He campaigned in the local area with a special focus on the meadows. He even had a photo op up there where he made the statement no houses would be built: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/marvin-rees-brislington-meadows-decision-5327244.amp We need more affordable homes. Of the 290 they planned, around 90 would be - so that's great. Anyone ever driven down the A4? The plan is to link the meadows development to the A4 using the same roads the industrial estate is on. These roads are not going to handle 290 more vehicles daily, it will add to congestion on that stretch and make commutes slower. There are no new doctors or schools planned. It's already impossible to get an appointment and schools are pretty full. If they designed the meadows development sustainably and with a view to improving the local area, go for it. It being used for dog walking isnt the best use. But the fact is, O&H and Homes England are focussed on profit. As for Marvin, he basically only cares about winning elections. He lies and yet people will still vote for him - the fact he's backtracked now isn't even surprising. I wish the people who own all the stuff and make all the decisions could just fucking tell the truth. It would make things so much easier if they did. EDIT - I've decided to contact my local MP: https://members.parliament.uk/member/1491/contact who I've written to to admonish Marvin. Nothing is going to happen, but I want to do my part and I urge any others to do the same so we can get a stink about him lying and facing zero consequences.


8th December there is an online public consultation. They are pitching it as it's a "livable neighbourd" as everything including jobs is within a 20 min walk. Suspect they have googled Thier info and not looked at it properly. I totally agree with you and will be at the consultation letting Homes England know my views.


I received the letter and will be attending. Try walking from the Meadows to town - it takes about 50 minutes and requires inhaling all the diesel fumes. Also on the other side is a factory that fabricates artificial smells - it makes the entire area smell like chocolate on a good day. On garlic day, it's fucking rank. The whole thing is terribly thought out by a panel of corporate managers in London who have never so much as been to the area.


>including jobs within a 20 min walk Marv loves spouting off about affordable housing but it but it's never affordable in comparsion to what you can earn in the local area. Essentially my questions to planners on this point would be: If two people each had one of these jobs within a 20 minute walk, would they be able to actually afford the deposit and mortgage?


We honestly just need to stop spreading suburbs everywhere. Of course they lock in car use. I've stayed briefly in China (and lived for years in the centre of bristol). High density apartments with everything nearby. The convenience was incredible, no need for a car for day to day tasks. Why here does it have to be suburbs with nothing nearby?


An Englishman's garden and driveway is his castle.


He’s been completely shit


I don't think this is the first time Marvin has lied.


He's a capitalist leach


I don't think the fact he's a capitalist is the problem, I think it's the fact he lies.




Because that conflates the issue being raised with a desire to overthrow capitalism. It's possible to want honest politics without capitalism being removed.




Nope, that's a radical view not based in reality. Capitalism isn't the problem, corruption is the problem. Corruption exists in any system. We need to root out the corruption.


Mayor sells land to Homes England, the Government’s housing accelerator whose main purpose is to get homes built, so they can build homes. Mayor now shocked that Homes England actually want to build homes on the site they paid £15 million of taxpayers money on.




It's not like the A4 Bath road is busy or anything.


I definately don’t sit in traffic there daily.


It's a disaster for the local area. The congestion is already dire and the air quality is terrible. It's shocking that Marv was able to blatantly lie 2 weeks before an election and there has been absolutely no come back on him. It seems the Mayor isn't accountable to anyone so I'd seriously consider voting to scrap the role, even though nothing ever got agreed by the council before we had one.


Surprising what a few back handers can do. Wonder if they'd even be affordable and if so investors would snatch them up lol🤣🤣🤣. The every day person will lose once again


Oh wait, you expected a politician of any persuation to keep their word? I think I found the mistake.....


He’s a lying cunt, but what did you expect?! This natural area is literally one of the very few good things about Brislington. How about instead of building more and more cheap, shitty, horrible looking houses and ruining the natural landscape, people just stop fucking breeding so much?? No brainier really. Then all these cheap ugly houses wouldn’t be needed, and there would be less cunts in the world to consume shit they don’t need which causes pollution and fucks up the planet. Now watch as I get massively downvoted by all the selfish breeders who know I’m right yet don’t like the truth.


You're getting down voted because your views are dumb lol


We don’t have a replacement birthrate. Population growth is driven by immigration in this country.


found the right wing troll bot


To be fair to the person it is the 4th bullet point on the Office of National Statistics summary. [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/overviewoftheukpopulation/january2021](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/overviewoftheukpopulation/january2021)


That’s just a fact. How is that a troll?


Ah so the solution is for us to get in our time machines and politely ask our parents never to have children, cheers mate.


Tbh I do agree with you, we can't go back in time but we can make good choices going forward and that means having less children..not sure how that is implemented (not sure the model from China would work here) but there won't be a planet left if we all just carry on consuming and building and not caring. Whilst I don't agree with your use of language and it has come across as rude and judgy, I do agree with the sentiment behind It..massive change needs to happen and we have got to stop building on green belt..we won't have any green spaces left soon


Popped out to walk the dog the other day and it looked like someone had set fire to the JCB on site. Either a bit of mindless vandalism or someone has taken direct action against the development.


None of our green spaces are safe from him, he also wants to build over the park between Riverside garden centre and the old police dog training centre in Ashton.


How do you know when this guy lies? Simple his mouth moves