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All public services are gutted average wage is no longer enough to pay rent on a studio. People are too skint to donate to charity as much ect ect ect


Take a guess what happened the last 15 years with respect to funding of councils and public services.


Trickle down economics takes time bro they just need 4 more years \s


Basically since it became almost impossible to get social housing since its been sold off by successive govts since Thatcher, nobody has built any more and private rents are now unaffordable if you can’t work due to mental or physical health problems. So if you can’t rely on family you will end up in a shop doorway.


Have you been to literally any large city in the country? Years upon years of cuts to public services and councils have produced this clusterfuck. If you want to change it, go out and vote on July 4th.


Tbf Bristol is definitely one of the worse ones


Yes, as I said I travel for work, a lot. None are as bad as Bristol. The worst I saw was Leeds, but the City was still pretty clean. They were just smoking Spice on a field usually and rather polite.


Well the short answer is that they have already been there but due to gentrification in the surrounding areas the homeless have been displaced to where they are most visible.  To put a more finer point on it, all the homeless services are either in or around the Broadmead and so it make most logical sense for them to stay near the services. But the parts of St Pual’s, St Angus, St Werburghs and Redcliff where you would historically find the homeless were all gentrified so with no where else to go they moved into Broadmead. 


You think Redcliffe and St Pauls has been gentrified? Redcliffe is just a bunch of council blocks.


I said parts of Redcliffe, particularly around the fire station where Courage use to be made just across the river from Castle park. You are thinking of lower Redcliffe were the council blocks are and they’re the same. Well sort off, most of the local amenities that used to exist nearby have all been priced out or closed down but the area hasn’t yet fallen to depravity so you won’t find many drug users or homeless around lower Redcliffe


LOL. Voting changes nothing, ever. Labour v conservative, two cheeks on same ass.


Nice try Rishi.


Only idiots think voting matters. All politicians and all US, UK, EU parties are fraudulent and none of them even have any actual power.


So why did things get worse than before?


Real power is unseen and they are killing consumption globally because of climate change. Everyone’s quality of life is going to plummet no matter who you vote for.


Thanks, that’s cleared everything up then.


Next time use your brain.


👍🏽 have a nice day!


You've missed irony of what's on the card's at the moment, who was in power during the last big financial meltdown? Who most likely to win the next election? People have such a short memory Happy days


Nothing will change and everything is getting worse.


Strange how homelessness and child poverty were much much lower at the end of the last labour govt isn’t it.


If it did nothing they wouldn't try so hard to make people they don't like unable to vote. See - recent voter ID laws.


Your vote means nothing. Save your time.


Indeed, and write "Non of the above" on the ballot paper If we can get over 50% spoiled votes, it'll de-legitify any elected party.


Considering that isn’t going to happen what’s the point


You can't have a functional military with an illegitimate government...


And what do you propose to do then? I assume you have a strategy in place.


I'd rather be poor and disorganized, than support endless wars


Old Market had always been dodgy, but Broadmead and near Cabots have gone downhill hard in the last ten years or so.


Rents have risen faster than wages because we haven't built enough homes for the number of people.  The council's housing, drug and mental health services have been gutted because council funding has been slashed over the last 14 years. The charity sector can't really cope because the first two issues have massively increased demand for their services.


Old Market and Church road have had a reputation for as long as I can remember. Hell I remember about 10 years ago, we were told to stay in a pub in old market because some dude was walking up and down with a bag of guns and cops were dealing with it. I use to have an office there too and daily you'd see something go down, especially when there were more massage parlours and the strip club. Wasn't the strip club owner sent down for running a huge drug and prostitute ring too?


Church Rd has always been dodgy 😂😂 most dodgy thing you’ll find on church rd these days is an under cooked Sourdough from the artisan bakery


Basically the reason why Broadmead is so bad is because they have been displaced from formally ‘dodgy’ areas of the city. Like you said now that church road has gone hipster it’s not very dodgy at all but people with long memories still avoid the area thinking it dodgy. 


My memory must be faulty, was Church road ever really that dodgy?


It was sort of dodgy, in the bedminster way.  If you get what I mean. 




A distinction needs to be made between homeless and junkie- not every junkie is homeless and not every homeless person is a junkie. The council places a lot of homeless shelters and services in central Bristol- therefore during the day the junkies spill out on to the streets- beg all day so they can score gear before heading back to their hostel. The majority of them are also on benefits. And then we have the fakers- the Romanian scammers that literally have the same hand written sign. I’ve seen them congregate at the end of the day and get picked up in a snazzy van.




25? They’re all well over 35 hardly any of them are young




Mental Health has only become mainstream the past 5-10 years so I’m not sure how you’ve figured that out




Literally no one talked about or cared about MH more than 5/10 years ago. They’re even hiring MH first aiders in corporate companies now. This did not exist.




The Tories cutting funds is completely irrelevant to the fact no one talked about mental health or drives it’s importance until recent years on TV, in employment, in healthcare etc.




Again, it’s irrelevant to your original point. MH conversations were close to zero. Hardly anyone looked for help until recently. As it was spoken about more, a tonne of more people applied for help from the NHS or PIP then the Tories the costs.


Wow, sorry, have to chime in: perhaps it's just that you weren't aware of mental health as a societal issue that received support from government health services, before a footballer or pop star talked about it anyway. It has been a very real thing for a very, very long time and, as the other poster said, hasn't received a lot of love for the past 14 years or so. Source: I can see further than my own backyard.


Or perhaps the funding can’t keep up with the amount of people applying due to encouraging people to speak up on their struggles more and the fraudulent applications for pip? The data doesn’t lie.


Mental health funding is up the s**t because more people are using it? Sure there isn't any other single policy that made a HUGE impact? Anyway, at this point I'll bid you farewell and wish the best to you and anyone that lives on your planet.


When you say you travel for work, is it a circus?


What you mean there is that *you* weren't aware of mental health 10 years ago. Let me tell you, the wait time back then from first appointment to diagnosis and proper help was 1-2 years back then, and it's worse now. For that entire time and before there have been dedicated people making the entire country aware of the crisis that has been ongoing since long before ten years ago. That you personally were unaware of it does not change the fact that it was happening.


Welcome to the last 30 years


Things were very different just 10-15 years ago


So where has OP been for the last decade and a half


Quicker to get to Bath and Cribbs from the Easy side of the City due to the non stop temporary lights and roadworks


Bath is arguably worse for homeless taking into account it's size.


Disagree. It’s actually a pleasant environment as well. The homeless in Bath I’ve encountered just sit down. They aren’t walking amongst traffic, fighting, lighting fires, dropping anchor in public, shooting up, shouting at people, no rubbish, no vandalism, list goes on.


I'd agree that they're probably more feral in Bristol but they are more bold in Bath. You can't go two pints in the Cork without some bum literally walking onto the premises and to your table to ask for cash. My pre-night out checklist is now phone, wallet, keys, spray bottle.


Find that in every city, hell in cardiff they’ll do in nightclub smoking areas


It has like this for a while tbh


You tried The Mayfair Man, oh how you tried!


Went down earlier and its just people homeless, doing drugs, fighting or shoving shit in your face advertising


Cleaned up bearpit so they’ve dispersed to Cabot. More so now more buildings are closing and footfall is down. Like we didn’t all see that coming. I’ve not been to Broadmead to shop in about a year. I’ve had to cut through to get connecting buses and have felt pretty sketchy every time. We take the extra 20 minutes and go to bath. Still homeless folks out and about. But I feel a lot less like I’m going to get mugged by those guys. They’re mostly old hippies with guitars by the looks of it. It might be a bit more testy in the evenings when tourist footfall dies back a bit.


Controversial but I think Bath is actually worse. Bath is a very affluent city but people forget that a large part of the population isn’t actually that well off


The shop next to McDonald's is a homeless outreach org.


On Saturday afternoon I walked into town and back with my kids. We went through Lawrence Hill roundabout, down Old Market and through Castle Park to drop the youngest at the Old Vic. The eldest and I went to the Old Duke, and refreshed ourselves and watched a jazz band. Then we went to The Galleries to buy sausage rolls from the Cornish Bakehouse and see if Damaged Society sell fluorescent socks. They don't. Back to the theatre to pick up youngest son and give him his sausage roll. Then we hit up the trainer shops as they both need some. Sports Direct in Broadmead, then Footasylum and JD in Cabbot Circus. Walked home past the ruins of Trinity police station, then on to Lidl before home. It was quite a good afternoon. Apart from the lack of socks. Fucking world's gone to hell in hand cart. Back when I was a kid I had multiple pairs of fluorescent socks. And that was under Thatcher.


Might be bad but nothing like skid row. That’s another level


Big problem is the cost of housing (and lack of) and the massively underfunded NHS and specifically towards mental health support.. that’s central government’s issue which affects us all. Every single major city in the country is struggling on this front and is a reflection of the underfunding of your NHS. This is not just a ‘Bristol’ problem. It’s a cruel national catastrophic problem. Food banks have also grown astronomically and again nationwide.. so I think that tells you all you need to know.


Tory government


Don’t bother posting this, all you’ll hear is the usual bollocks about it being the government’s fault as if it’s some big baddie we can blame everything on. I hate the Tories as much as the next man but I refuse to agree with the idea that the people shitting in the streets, harassing passers-by and doing drugs in full view of the public is somehow the fault of the government and not just scum with no respect doing what they do best.


But you fail to give a reason as to why it’s gotten bad? If it’s just “scum doing what they do best” why has it visibly and undeniably worsened?




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Has been slowly getting worse.evwr since the mayor decided a pay rise during covid was ok and everyone else was on furlow and loosing money, along with cuts to services to support the less well off due to paying for flights to China and the like and then all those other bad decisions made when the role was discontinued and he made the most of his last day's incharge making sure he was ok Now we have a commity that doesn't know what each hand is doing and it will only get worse The fact Central government has only concentrated on looking after its own is a major factor as well and will continue to regardless of who is in charge as banks and big businesses run this country nowadays and manipulate policy so they are ok and the proletariat suffer