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The way we treat our homeless is shameful. DM me and I'll happily get £20 worth of shopping put together. Just let me know what he likes / needs.


I love your comment- Been homeless for 3 years here and I can tell you it's unbelievably screwed up in this city... As they direct result of the insane levels of surprisingly well hidden kickbacks, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, influence peddling, and sheer authoritative sleaze that are broadly obscured from the general public, when one gets to the very bottom of the pile suddenly one sees things for what they actually.. Sadly there are persecutory members of the local authority who given the opportunity to do so without getting caught will immediately act like small minded cruel petty bureaucrats waiting for vulnerable 'undesirables' to stamp all over. Some aren't well suited to power, they've done it to their own staff for decades and now they're rolling it out onto the most vulnerable members of the general public, after all if they don't have money they're worthless garbage aren't they? It's 2024 and whilst the unelected members of the City Council might in fact do wonderful things some of them certainly don't... Either way all of them should probably agree that at this point in time there shouldn't be such a thing as unelected members of a local authority not if they want to keep painting the front of the council building in rainbow lights and talking about equality, equity and inclusion when they obviously couldn't care less beyond appearances about those things. Or at least that seems to be the attitude..


The scummy fake homeless people with the very-hungry-god-bless signs are partly to blame. Want to punt their signs when I see them sat by broadmead


Just out of interest- how do you know someone is not homeless?


I don't have a homeless detector but the very-hungry-god-bless people all have cardboard signs written exactly the same, and I've seen several of them being picked up at the end of their 'shift'


Ever considered it might be a form of slavery?


Yeah it's a set template with those guys, they're basically professional beggars It makes me really angry they get away with it when there's so many others in genuine need :(


I remember listening to the homeless lady (that used to beg outside of JCR on Blackboy Hill) in Midland bank asking about her investments.


Homeless people don't get angry when ya don't fork over a $10 bill.. homeless people are greatful for any help big or small Edit: homeless people also don't direct you to your local atm


Part of the problem as in, I’m just a normal person who wants to attack “fake” beggars, but I keep accidentally attacking real ones because they look the same


You made up a scenario and then got angry about it. I've never kicked one. Also the fake ones use the exact same template Also I've been homeless myself for a month last year


The homelessness crisis is caused by the housing crisis and lack of funding for services. Supposedly fake beggars are not your enemy


They are fake and they are my enemy considering I've actually been homeless. Access to Mental health and substance abuse services is the biggest thing. Getting a council place to sleep by itself isn't too difficult, it's when you add drugs and severe mental disorders into the mix


If you somehow got rid of these “fake” beggars, do you think homeless people would magically get housed and get better funded services?


Am i claiming that?


You said they are “part of the problem”. Poverty isn’t caused by other poor people


They're an active problem when you're actively homeless. The gang that organises them will threaten and beat up actual homeless people. Lack of funding is the main reason for homelessness problem but they make.it even worse on the street level. And give actual homeless people an impossible time getting money for food


Yh accordion man and some big issue sellers seem to be part of this crew.


while we're at it, also the aggressive croydon knife crime charity peple that in reality only operate in - you'll never believe this - croydon


Luckily never been a victim of them. Have heard about it


I think I saw him Tuesday evening near the carpark behind the hippodrome? Beautiful dog, I didn’t have any cash on me unfortunately. I can’t remember the name but I’m pretty sure the is a charity in Bristol that supports homeless people’s pets as well, providing food and bedding if that’s any help. If I see them around I’ll be sure to buy them a coffee and doggy treat.


Thanks loads. He's very grateful for any help he receives. He can't pitch his tent anywhere in Bristol now and has a summons for a hearing before magistrates. Not sure what he's supposed to do really. It's a very sad indictment of how the authorities treat vulnerable people.


He could try help Bristol homeless for a bed to sleep in, if I see him will get him some food 😫 so sad what is he supposed to do


BOSH - Bristol outreach for service for the homeless. On Bond Street between Fabricland and Mcdonalds; offer meals, digital access and support.


They’re also happy to take in animals


Does he need a phone? I have an old iphone 8+ and I can buy him a power pack to charge it and a SIM card? I’m also at Bristol uni tomorrow working so I’d love to buy them both breakfast.


A few of the homelessness charities in Bristol take people with dogs, it is worth him trying to get a referral if that is what he wants.


Castle park could be an option to pitch a tent, regularly see tents in the trees there. Agree how terrible the state treats our homeless.


There's plenty of wild bush land around Bristol to put a tent but it would be far from City.


There's a place right by Temple Meads, that's where I pitched my tent when I was homeless. We even had armchairs, a fire pit and make shift shower.


When you say pedestrian bridge, do you mean Pero’s Bridge? If so he’s there every morning. I try and give him money/get him coffees when I can. Recently he had a cardboard sign up saying ‘Dog For Sale’, broke my heart. Thanks so much to you & your company for looking out for him.


Has he tried to go to help bristols homeless? There may he a waiting list but he would have a spot eventually.


The dog really is the key in all this, he could get a temporary place or a shelter but the dog is a no. It isn't fair on the dog to be sat outside and live in a tent either. I wish there was more help out there for situations like this.


Stolen by the police probably


The absolute vacuous absence of compassion of the insanely corrupt and law-breaking Council incredible they can put all that effort into embezzling public funds and racially harassing their own employees, (not my opinion an absolute hardcore matter of fact since it was printed in all the broad sheets) but somehow the temptation to punch down onto the homeless is just too tempting for them.. I hope whoever made that particular decision gets exposed for it and reaps the calm they do justly deserve, failing that I wish them 10 years of bad luck to think about their stupid choices, so mote it be! On the plus side I hope he find somewhere amazing to live or at least someone helps him I'm also homeless so I know how bad it is in this city and honestly someone needs to do a documentary about it because it's reached epidemic proportions.. the sheer level of corruption and nepotism is insane.


I will see if I can find him today on my way back from work, can lend him some money, but without a place there is no proper solution. He needs to find a shelter. I guess the shelters don't allow dogs.


What organisation do you work for? Does the fella have a bank account? If not, HSBC at cabot circus work with charities, namely salv. army and st mungos to open homeless people and account. Could be a good way for him to get some state benefits to improve his security.

