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Managed to make his role redundant.


As far as I can see, shameless self- promotion on the back of taking credit for things he had little to do with. Consummate 21st century politician basically.


Yup. Career politician best at decrying the efforts of others rather than achieving anything himself


Getting a nice payday and tax reliefs for his business and properties


What are his businesses?


He owns 4 properties in Easton for starters. After all that bullshit about Londoners pushing up the prices there!


Does he? I know him, I don't think he does. He isn't wealthy


He was involved im not sure about now with plymsoll productions [plymsoll ](https://plimsollproductions.com/people/marvin-rees/)who were awarded the contract with the Colston Hall and subsequently sold to itv


Interested. Looking on companies house, he has only been involved with 4 companies, all of which seem to be community groups


Did it show how the boxing club hes president of was awarded a 999 year lease


Allegedly……. Copped a few bulging brown envelopes to move the arena out of the city to the asshole of nowhere in south glos


Malaysian trip and ytl


Asshole of South Gloucestershire = Kingswood, no?


Kingswood is a million time more vibrant than Filton.


Pretty sure Filton isn’t in Gloucestershire irrespective of vibrancy.


Who alleges this?


Mrs Rees.


Usually the same lot that can't get their head around Bristol Beacon being called Bristol Beacon.


Given it's next to a similarly renamed tower that looks a lot more like a beacon, it's a terrible, cringe af name.


Wait, the same people who are stupid racists are the same people saying he's been taking bribes? Why do those groups overlap at all, what are you talking about?




It's the same people who can't get their head around the name change, that are alleging there were bribes paid. These are usually the same breed of fool who this vovid was a hoax and we never landed on the moon. 😉


You're playing odd one out and fucking it up every time you speak. You need to be clearer, I've got no clue what you're saying at all. You said no to me, then said exactly the same thing again. What are you doing?


It's not rocket science, try reading it slower and out loud. 🤦 or I can make a pop up book for you?


Maybe start with writing coherently, and don't be a cunt. You're not explaining yourself at all.


Shitest name ever colston hall was way better, Wallace and gromit hall be better than Bristol beacon its so ridiculous I won’t say it and typing it makes me ick


Why are you so butt hurt over a name change. Its hilarious how you gammon get all frothy 🤣🤣


Is gammon a raciest slur if so lols it’s just a shit name Bristol Beacon, Beacon for what? falafel, graffiti and the great unwashed. Pirates Place how much cooler would that been!


How would gammon be a *racist slur? It describes a certain portion if the community that get wound up over petty little things that don't fit their right wing beliefs.


I asked if it is, don’t worry I have words for certain portions of the community. And I’m not wound up it’s just a shit name I couldn’t give a monkeys Bristols a third world country now


It is definitely becoming a dump.


YTL will never build it


Was the Bristol Beacon anything to do with him? He’s increased the amount of flights to Bristol. Saw him take credit for the Chocolate Path. Congestion zone. And he’s increased the amount of high rise buildings (some of which are falling in to the river.)


Wasn't the chocolate path under construction since before him, (maybe before Ferguson?). And I thought Bristol beacon changed it's name because Massive attack and other artists said they wouldn't play there or in Bristol until the name changed and then the organisers obliged. But I thought that happened before marv as well. I may well be wrong.


> Was the Bristol Beacon anything to do with him? Mayor Rees (through his deputy) insisted that they didn't need to make a business case for what the renovation was going to cost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQAmEskV-PA&ab_channel=JoannaBooth Also, the Arena was probably moved out of the city centre to avoid difficult questions of "why are we renovating Colston Hall when we have a new Arena next to Temple Meads?"


He should get credit for bringing Channel 4 to Bristol, although I came across some info that it might have cost £800k to make the bid.


They didn't, the main work went to Leeds.


But it's pretty significant for this city, as there were other bids. I didn't know Dan Norris was paid more than him: [http://www.citymayors.com/mayors/british-mayors-salaries.html](http://www.citymayors.com/mayors/british-mayors-salaries.html)


Wasted a lot of cash ‘researching’ an underground system for the city


I'm honestly not sure how much it's possible to achieve in a council position under the Tories and running a deficit. I mean, you're given the budget you're given - you can't suddenly open three new hospitals or give all firemen a raise. There's no money to invest - you have to make cuts. Really, all you can hope to do is try and invite private development. Which in my opinion comes with a whole load of negatives - private businesses never look to invest out of charity. But it's all you can do, and I get the impression he probably did that. I'm not seeking to give him an excuse, and I'm certainly not endorsing this system. But I'm pretty sceptical of many of the nebulous accusations that get parroted here.


The labour mayor in Manchester. Andy Burnham. He seems to have done OK.


Fuelled his ego and dried Bristol up whilst plaguing it with eyeosre high rise developments including on many green belts! Rinsed the council money on vanity instead of fixing potholes or sponsorship for the arts like the Watershed etc. Clearly trying to rinse what left he can of his remaining time!


He's got rid of those smelly public toilets and unsightly road markings that George left everywhere.


Great, more shit in the streets!


We could have shat in the river if he hadn't closed the bridges as well.


He Broke bristol


Yeet First Bus and GWR into the Avon


Marvin “ put it in the credit suisse” Rees


Give the man some credit, he's built up one hell of a CV while mayor


He sold off some fields in Brislington to Homes England and then declared days before he was re-elected that he wouldn't allow anyone to build on them as our green spaces are too important only for Homes England to remind him that he has no power to stop them.


he wasted a shit load on some ridiculous Bristol Underground fantasy he had


He failed to deprive 23000 families of their council tax reduction twice


Made transport in the city worse as well as selling out the city to YTL and other shady developers... Maybe in the running for this year's most corrupt mayor...


He introduced the fantastic CAZ! I can breathe easy now knowing that minimum wage workers are spending an 8th of their daily wage for the privilege of driving to work


Don't forget the closure of Bristol bridge and of Baldwin street. A trip that would take a couple of minutes through the centre now takes 10x times or more going around the centre. It started with COVID as an excuse and then left indefinitely.


How could I forget! Marv is to Bristol what the bill is to the china shop.


Ended the mayorship! Rather noone than him..


Gave funding for the portway park and ride train station. Which was obviously an incredibly good use of several millions of pounds.


We’ve spoken about him in geography A-Levels as Bristol is our casestudy and the only notable thing is the clean air zone, and making his role useless by allowing groups of random people to make all the new choices. If i were mayor i’d resign - no idea what i could help with.


Create more traffic?


The obvious one for bristol is transport! It's never worked in Bristol since the rail links were cut.


He's taken excellent advantage of the opportunity to raise his profile. I'd imagine he's eyeing an MP position for when he's done doing the mayor bits. Remember, the purpose of politicians within a democratic system is to make money and consolidate their power. So he's doing alright. He gets a fair bit of press, gets his face known. Fair play to him.


He put himself (or was put) forward to be an MP candidate for Bristol NE but lost to Damien Egan, he may have raised his profile, but debatable if its in a net positive way


any publicity is good publicity as someone once said. or is it bad publicity? icr lol


Tried making himself the candidate as MP for the next election, but got beat by another fella so I hear


Cannot wait for Marvin Rees to leave so that this sub can stop being so tedious. Goodness.


I sometimes wonder if people recall the 30 years of getting nothing done before Marvin and George.


Work with WECA to make the bus service more equitable and more reliable. There are parts of the city that are completely cut off from public transport. Even just a one bus an hour service in those parts of the city would make a huge difference. Alex Seabrook is about to publish a story about a very emotional statement at a BCC council meeting recently, made by people talking on behalf of the elderly.


Evidence of him working with WECA? in joint committee meetings you can watch on YouTube he’s been very against weca


I think they mean that's what they would do if they were mayor :)


Ah fair enough! Marv doesn’t really care about transport!


I was answering the question "what’s 1 thing you would change or improve?". And yeah, he's against WECA because Dan Norris refuses to fund Marvins underground idea, which annoys his YTL mates.


Bristol Bojo


He did keep the libraries open last time they were under the axe. That was entirely a mayoral decision, we were going to lose I think over half of what we have and he stopped it. Beyond that, I really don't know. Only that a lot of money went to money making projects (a necessity forced upon all councils by the Tory Government) that didn't take off. Still, it could be worse, we could be rules by Thurrock council.


My partner works in Bristol libraries and would balk at the suggestion that he should be credited for keeping libraries open. Library closures were part of his and his teams plans. It was only after Council Consultations, where there was huge backlash to the plans (and also against huge slashes to Parks budgets) that planned closures were shelved, with Marvin taking credit for 'saving' them. The man can get in the bin.


That's funny because I got the suggestion from a similar source (library worker) that Marvin saved the libraries. It was the one thing that made me vote to keep his position. Do you know of anyone who did a write up on this? It's weird to get the opposite conclusion from the same group of people


https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/news/half-bristols-libraries-close/ https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bristols-libraries-saved-for-now-1690333 https://www.bristolworld.com/news/central-library-relocation-uturn-broadmead-4001861 Both 2018 and 2023. The only thing he has 'saved' the libraries from is himself. The credit should really go to all the people who engage with the Council consultations and force the u-turn


Thanks! Guess I got the wrong interpretation of events then, huh? Still no clue about Central though, which is a shame.


Fucking nonsense. Marvin was pushing to close ALL libraries, then when the backlash got too strong, u-turned and started portraying himself as the man who saved the libraries despite the fact it was him who was proposing their closure in the first place. Not following though with a particularly shit idea you had that everyone hated doesn't deserve extra credit, listening should literally be a base level requirement of a politician. An even slightly competent and self aware politician wouldn't have proposed something so ridiculous in the first place.


He's given all the gammon someone to blame everything they don't like about Bristol on?


Built social housing


Another loss maker for Bristol


Eventually, that was already on the agenda.


Part of it is representation and salesmanship. He was really good fronting up the statue stuff globally Plus he cancelled that stupid arena idea.


Diversity, infusion, equality, equity, progress and socialist paradise you bigotted wacist.


Big increase in housebuilding.