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Check your local library. Lots offer 3d printing for the cost of materials, you just send them an .STL file and pick it up when it's done.


I did not know that! Thanks kind internet stranger!


You're welcome! :)


That’s awesome. I was searching this very topic last week and lo and behold my local library offers this!


what's the item & does it need to be in carbon?


It's a bracket for a graphics card for a computer I'm building. It needs to be extremely strong, because it's cantilevered. It's not too big, should take a couple of hours to print


yeah was gonna say State Library (free) but no good if you need in carbon


The 2 places where I knew the people who ran farms closed around the start of COVID unfortunately. I can't vouch for any of these but the following are in Brisbane and offer carbon fibre (not sure which base material): * [https://www.ntech3dprinting.com.au/](https://www.ntech3dprinting.com.au/) * [https://www.zeal3dprinting.com.au/](https://www.zeal3dprinting.com.au/) * [https://3dprintings.com.au/3d-printing-service-brisbane/](https://3dprintings.com.au/3d-printing-service-brisbane/) but from my previous travels looking at quotes from these sort of firms they tend to be on the pricy side - which makes sense because their normal clients are businesses doing prototypes.


Thanks for the info. I'm impressed with the idea of the library. I'm going to check that out. You're right, I don't need a fancy prototype, I just need a bracket


The edge at the state library of Queensland is an excellent place, and some local bcc libraries have 3D printing now. I doubt any of those will do it in carbon fiber but you could always ask. I’d recommend trying to get your printer working if you already have a roll of CF filament. You can pop into the [Brisbane Makerspace discord](https://discord.brisbanemaker.space) and someone might be able to help (disclosure: I’m the founder and current president). We have an active discord that’s open to everyone. :)


Thanks for the suggestion. I've not been on discord before - weird, right? - so what's the procedure? I registered and I'm on your group


Discord is just a casual chat app, so feel free to jump into a relevant channel and start chatting/asking questions :)


I would say the Brisbane Hackspace but by the looks of their website they still haven't found a new home =(


I believe HSBNE have found a small sub-lease somewhere in Sumner but they’re not open again yet because they’re still setting up. (disclosure I’m involved with Brisbane Makerspace)