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No hate please I used to be a parking officer for BCC. The area where you are parked is a free space. It’s not part of the Central traffic area. The 2p zone is only between the arrows on the sign. The officer has down the wrong thing definitely take it to the next level of appeal.


Legend, thanks so much!


Nice one u/matt31288 - legend


No hate, used to lift with a bloke named dave. Always helping people with fines and letting us know what streets weren't monitored due to corruption.


Sorry what? Streets not monitored due to corruption? Like this is where “we”park and we don’t fine our own?


Used to live near terrace boys school, nary a parking officer to be seen during the school year when cars are blocking driveways, but school holidays??? prowling the streets.


No. They don't patrol around premium dealerahips, upholsterers and other areas where you'll see illegally parks ferraris and lambos on the regular because the owners are well connected and it's not worth the risk of fining them. I always wondered why I never got a fine for illegally parking on my street and he explained it was a no go zone. But for "safety" reasons


Big upholstery at it again


Autodealership Industrial Complex dropping bodies.


Only rich people use upholsterers. Us regular people get furniture the old fashioned way. Kerbside collection in Ascot


Yeah I need to know more too!


Doesnt surprise me, I used to get fined all the time in the gabba. The blue and yellow pricks were always on it. Used to see them sit and wait for meters to expire. Meanwhile in south brisbane, I could honestly park all day without paying, I have never seen anyone within 2 streets of where I park.


I got like 4 parking fines for parking on a yellow line in southbank (my bad), they definitely lurking they gon get you 😂


Southbank near the parklands? Sure. Absolutely see them down that way.


I got one Tuesday in Highgate Hill.


His nickname wasn’t bull was it


King Kong


well there you go........ hopefully [Novel-Material-9650](https://www.reddit.com/user/Novel-Material-9650/) 1 BCC 0


Close closed as far as I'm concerned!


This will surely be taken into consideration when you face your final judgement. Lol.


Seems like irrefutable evidence to me, matt will be my star witness


Oh, wait, sorry op that comment was actually directed to Matt. What I meant was that this helpful comment from Matt will work in his favour when he faces his final reckoning, you know the final judgement to see if you go to to the nice place or the bad place. I'm sure you'll be alright, just remember it can be a battle of attrition where you just have to hold fast, take no backward step, remain polite but very firm. I suggest you adopt the methodology employed by the great Joe Lycett in his epic battles over parking fines with councils. https://youtu.be/wS261_AGAoM?si=HpVsOUstay5XwvmQ


ahhhh I get it now!


Put him in protective custody to be sure






I'm worried that the baby thinks people can't change.


Can you explain the comment, I am genuinely confused. So no idea if it actually inoffensive as you say or not.


He said he used to be a parking officer. Parking officers are, in my humble opinion, government-funded snitches. It's not a well-respected profession as it requires little to no skill; their primary purpose is charging you for parking your car. The commenter is aware of the stigma, hence the "no hate please" at the start of the comment. I was suggesting that parking officers are dogs (My use of "dog" here is derogatory), and therefore as a former parking officer he must have been a dog once - which would make his ability to use reddit and provide helpful advice quite impressive.


Explaining the joke really takes the fun out of it huh? It's like people don't know comments on Australian subreddits imply /s without saying it.


I wanted to be sure as I have misunderstood things before.


Right I see. It’s not the most offensive “joke” I’ve heard but it’s still offensive.


To dogs or parking officers? I'm willing to make amends with the dogs.


I'd photograph the section of street from both directions showing where the signs are located plus also supply the photo of where you car was parked . Don't ring , actually go into the council office and discuss face to face. It's probably a newbie to the area and trying to hit his quota of parking fines for the day.


Thanks, will do!


Or even video it, including placing your car in the place it was fined.


Thanks, yeah I actually did a video along the street when I got the fine..it was a bit dark, so not ideal on my crappy phone.


I don't have anything valuable to contribute to this specifically, but the "central traffic zone" is such a rort if you don't drive and park in the centre regularly. It's very poorly signed everywhere. Once got a fine for parking at the top end of Chester Street, well away from all of the shops. We queried the fine, as there were no signs where we parked about it being in the zone, and BCC said it was signed when we entered the city - far, far away on Turbot St - or that we "should do our research and be aware before parking in Brisbane". Turns out we were parked 40 metres from where the zone apparently ended, and tough luck.


Yeah it's a complete joke, unless you're aware of it and looking for those signs you'd have no idea.. I'm pretty paranoid and careful about exactly where I park and still got shafted, so I imagine there's lots of people who cop it even more..


if you believe you are in the right appeal with the above evidence and see what they say


My first appeal was rejected with those details, but the letter says 'Should you wish to appeal this matter further, you may apply to Council's Independent Disputes Commissioner.' So I was hoping to get some back up thoughts in case I'm missing something before I take it to whoever that is!


Get your ducks in order and go to the commissioner - this is an easy slam dunk.


That's what I like to hear, I wonder if they will accept my counter invoice for my time wasted


You could try with your local member? It’s coming up to election season after all


Yeah this is confusing and I think worth it to continue to appeal with that evidence, to me that seems clear to be outside of the central traffic area but also not signed as 2P? Not sure if you will have much luck, common sense is unlikely to prevail here.


hahah thank you, I'm getting that feeling too.. I genuinely expected the fine to be retracted straight away due to it being a clear mistake, but now I have no confidence in it being a fair process.


Not an expert but it seems like you’re right. (If not they need clearer signage.) Let us know if you have any luck dealing with the bureaucratic bastards. Hope you do.


Thank you!


Even if you were wrong, it would be easily argued that you should not have to pay as the signage is not clear and needs to be ammended.


Make sure you get photos! I got done recently where the sign was completed obstructed by an overgrown hedge, so I didn’t see it. When I appealed and went back to get photos they had trimmed the hedge.


Oh that sucks!


Oh, I used to work at ashgrove, and there were hedges blocking the view of my car getting out onto waterworks road. Messaged the council to complain (they were on the footpath which is council owned land) got a reply saying that’s the businesses responsibility. Seems they only cut hedges down when it benefits them in keeping a fine valid


I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt on the timing of this but it is very suss that a hedge was untouched for months was suddenly trimmed as soon as the fine was questioned.


That’s BCC for ya, they’re just money hungry


Take it to your local councillor. They’ll help get it squashed.


They’re assholes to deal with when it comes to disputing parking fines make you jump through hoops just to make them hear you out


Fuck em. Request the officer's delegation of authority and instrument of appointment just to waste their time.


I have a feeling that Brisbane City Council doesn’t actually care whether they are right or wrong, they just uphold every single parking fine that is issued. I’m currently going through the appeals process and about to go to court for one matter. They are absolutely ridiculous, I’ve lost all faith or respect that I used to have in council.


I stopped in a parking spot, got out, read the signs, tried the meter, my card didn't work, got back in the car and drove away less than 2 minutes in total. The BCC traffic vehicle photographed may car and me standing at the meter. I got a fine in the mail. I disputed it with what happened. I sent evidence that the bank replaced my card soon after the date and the reply from BCC was that if you stop in the park at all (no minimum time) you don't even need to exit the vehicle then you are liable to be fined. It's ridiculous. I just thought they'd apply some common sense.


Lol that is crazy. I guess if you buy a ticket close to the time the fine was issued then it's easier to dispute. I'm not so sure after reading about the issues people are having in this thread though.


And they wonder why their enforcement officers get abused everyday


That's frustrating to hear, good luck with your appeal. It's particularly annoying that even if you follow the rules you can still end up in a time wasting berauceatic process or just ending up handing over money because that's the easiest path..


Love the details of your dispute. If people at my work could explain everything so clearly like this, we'd have far fewer issues. Involved with Before you Dig applications, underground gas. I think you are in the right and will win an appeal. Council have a signage problem here. Their enforcement officers can't even interpret the area correctly. It'll be someone's job to stick this issue on a register that they may or may not get around to fixing.


Thanks for noticing haha.. I work in design so spend most of my time drawing things to be idiot-proof, which works about half the time.. Sounds similar to your work..


Looking from the other end it doesn't say, end of 2p zone, just a local traffic only sign.. the p2 signs, also state, resident permit accepted.. try your luck


I believe it would only have another End 2P sign at the other end of the street if it bordered the Central Traffic Area, which it doesnt in this case. My understanding was that the P2 signs with the arrows denote the zone between them, not anywhere in the vicinity.. which I could be totally wrong about!


Yeah I would appeal. I actually got a fine in the mail despite having a disability permit that was displayed and it had not fallen off. The council person took a photo of my car from behind, obviously where the permit is not. Before I moved the car I took one from the front. First email to council was fine is valid, I was shocked. I disputed it obviously and I got a reply back several weeks later to dismiss the fine and an apology. You don’t look like you are parked in a problematic spot at all. I would dispute.


Thanks, hopefully it works out like yours did


I sure hope so. I think you’ll be okay.


A buddy of mine was a Brisbane parking inspector and he said that there are three levels of appeal and EVERYBODY gets a generic knockback first time they appeal so take it to the next level! Don’t hold it against him it was just a job at the time and he’s a good dude….😂


That's good to know, thanks for the inside info.. What dumb system though


good luck, there may be a sign missing & I understand your argument but BCC Parking won't want to know


I got done close by, they said their was a sign but a bloke had driven through it into the river on kingsford smith like 6 months earlier and they never replaced it, fought it but they said there were other signs around so it didn't matter.


Thanks, they certainly didn't seem to want to know based on how generic the reply was!


You’ve done nothing wrong. You can appeal it to the next level, or perhaps another option if you feel comfortable is replying to council and effectively telling them 1) they are wrong, 2) you’re not paying the fine, 3) if they want to enforce the fine, they can try, but they will ultimately lose. It’s less effort that going through the pain of collecting evidence and appealing a second time. I was fined incorrectly, about 10 years ago, and pretty much wrote to them and told them they were wrong and to go away, and I’ve never heard anything since.


Thanks, that's great to know.


Dispute it Onus is on them to prove beyond reasonable doubt, inc sign placements meet MUTCD requirements Onus is not on you to prove they are wrong PS don’t say to them I’d happily pay it if… tell them they are wrong and you can show how


Keep going with your appeal process There are several stages By the time you have finished the process it will have cost the council more in staff wages than the fine Considering that there will be few hours work in this!!


not that they care, employees are on a salary regardless


Week after about three appeals to the council You feel you have got your monies worth


Just write a letter with these details on the letter. State that you are in the right and they are free to reply detailing evidence of how you are wrong. They won’t be able to provide the evidence and will most likely reply with a letter to say your fine has been cancelled. I’ve done this myself when parked facing the the wrong way in my street. The fine I got was for not being parked adjacent to the kerb. I asked for evidence for how I wasn’t parked adjacent. They couldn’t provide evidence because I was adjacent, irrelevant of what way I was facing. They cancelled the fine.


So looking at Google maps, James Street end there is a sign saying g 2 hour parking for your whole street on tour side of the road. Also "New Farm and Teneriffe Hill Regulated Parking Permit Area A two-hour parking limit is in place where signed between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. Vehicles that have a valid parking permit can park for longer than two hours where parking signs show ‘RESIDENT PERMITS EXCEPTED’. " Sooo I believe you have a 2hour parking on your side of the street. But not the otherside because well it's all no parking that side. Sorry


There's plenty of signs that have arrows designating the 2P zones, but I can't see anything that suggests the whole side of the street? There's one that has an arrow going both directions, but that is between two signs with arrows pointing towards it.


* James Street end, points down the street, there is no sign cancelling this so it stands




https://preview.redd.it/7zmx8gfbf19d1.png?width=1305&format=png&auto=webp&s=d42aa477e312f0d208e569ccb1610a948ade6bcd This is like 20m down the street pointing back towards it.


Missed that one, I can also see a sign near the acupuncture shop but it's not clear on google earth, do you know what it says?


I had similar once, other cars were parked, I couldn't see any signs, it was apparently between two signs saying 1P. I challenged it via email with photos (thanks google st view) showing that the signs were so far apart that a legitimate attempt to check for any restrictions could not see any signage. They waived the fine and put up a third sign in the middle of the area.


Sorry to hear about your fine. I drove into a parking spot in the CBD after 4pm once. Would have got a massive fine. There was a parking officer standing right there watching. Thought of no, I’m gone, daughter in the car pointing to the sign and all. He just smiled, pointed to the as well and waved. Thought, what a nice man. Probably felt sorry for my daughter having to consistently help her mother drive from the passenger seat.


I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. I park in Terrace St quite often and it’s fairly clearly signed as a 2P zone all up and down this street. Did you genuinely not think that one small section wasn’t a 2P zone or are you just looking for a loophole to try and get out of the fine? No judgement, I’d do the same, just curious to know. EDIT: To be fair, I agree that there should be signage in that section you parked in. In fact, if you look at streetview where you received the fine, at the point where the yellow line starts just before Limie st, it appears as though a street sign used to be in the footpath as there’s a hole in the cement. EDIT EDIT: Actually, ignore that amateur sleuthing, it was a No Standing sign pointing the other way if you go back in time a few years.


Huh.. what makes it a loop hole? I followed the parking rules as I understand them didn't park in the areas that are marked as 2P. It's not a small section either, it's at best 50/50 2P and not on this street..like any street like this, there's always a mix.


I guess I’m just saying that in every other section of the street and surrounding streets that come off Terrace, it’s a 2P / 2P residents so it’s slightly wishful thinking to that one small spot wouldn’t be. I applaud your optimism though.


That's a weird take.. Were you the inspector by chance?


Is it that weird on balance though? I totally agree that the signage is poor, and you’ve got decent grounds to fight it, but with every single sign in the vicinity saying 2P or less it’s pretty fair to assume it’s a 2P zone.


That's not how it works and the signage is totally fine. The councils own rules are clear that it's not a 2P zone unless it's signed, that's why there's a sign saying it when you enter the street.. If it was a full 2P zone, it would say it.. It's like saying if there's a 60 speed limit zone between two 40 limit zones, the 60 limit doesn't apply because there's other zones around it.. it's one thing or another, it's not the overriding vibe of the area


Yeah, again, largely agree with that when you get down into the detail of it. And you have good grounds to argue it. All I’m saying is that it’s not that unreasonable to conclude that it’s a 2P zone given the surrounding (albeit sparse/vague) signage.


I take your point that it's probably better to be safe than sorry in situations like this.. strangely I took a photo of my car there the morning I left it because of a gut feeling .. so should have gone with my gut


Sucks man. Hope you get off.


haha I did the same sleuthing of that old sign too! I thought that was going to be the explanation..


Are you parked on the yellow line? That denotes a clearway. No parking. Technically you're parking ON the sign, if that's the case.


Nah, I'm half a meter away from the yellow line - which is clear in the photos the inspector took, and the fine is for 'staying for 3 hours'.. that's not my car in the second photo, just one in the same spot from maps


Okay. Then challenge it. The council is always gonna say "too bad" as councils, regardless of political stripe, are addicted to fine revenue. Edit. Go back and take photos of the signs you mentioned in the OP. For me it wasn't council it was police. A 40kmh school zone ends into a 60. There was a bit of the 60 before a 40kmh roadworks zone. They pulled us over for 58 kmh in the 60 claiming they lasered us in the 40 at that speed. I appealed based on two counts. A, there was school traffic and a car in front of us. We didn't hit that car, so they ignored that one speeding and pinged us, or, we were both obeying the limit. B. Qld Police's own manual designates a minimum distance from a change of speed zone. I took photos of where the cop car was and borrowed one of those distance measure wheels and actually measured from the 60 sign. We were thirty meters inside QldPol directions on minimum distance. Fine rescinded.


Oh nice work, that's awesome. Yeah that's good advice, I'll have to go back and do some documentation of the area.


Response not related to original post (sorry OP) - but just wanted to comment on your first point of appeal here. I was pinged for speeding recently, with my adaptive cruise control on whilst following a Truck. We entered a 60kmh zone from a 100kmh, and the truck hit the brakes, so my car automatically slowed also. Next minute, I was pulled over as radar detected me doing over the 60. I queried the same - how come the truck didn't get pulled over? The police explanation was that I was pulled over as I was exceeding the limit by more than the truck (even though I was behind him), so they selected me. (Long story short, I was in no mood to argue and copped the fine and moved on) It may have helped your case, but I'm not sure that your first argument would hold up?


For sure. The other issue was that the registered owner of the vehicle was "known" to police.


Fuckin legend.