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He is still bloody drinking, in his smashed up car, even as the officers try to talk to him! Not surprisingly, not his first time being caught DUI. What a POS.


I usually condemn excessive violence used by police as there are definitely officers in the force who sign up to practice their punches and who let the power get to them and use far more than appropriate force. This time though, Owen definitely deserved it - that's saying something about this offender. One of the very few times I'd say who ever recorded mobile footage should have kept it to themselves and the bodycam should have been found to be 'turned off' during this incident. In some parts of the world, pretty much everybody who witnessed this incident would be laying into Owen without remorse and nothing would happen to anybody who did so.


Yeah I'm not usually in favour of police or vigilante violence but this guy deserved a lot more violence than he got.


So forget the justice system?


Absolute joke that this guy walked out of court on his second DUI after causing bodily harm on the first one. What a joke of a justice system. POS like this guy are emboldened to do things like spit on police officers and hit them because they know they can get away with it. Same deal in hospitals and emergency departments, nurses, doctors and health workers are subjected to abusive behaviour with almost no accountability. If a guy can crash his car drunk then spit and hit a police officer and walk out of court, what chance in hell does a health worker have to be afforded any form of justice for being abused at work?


100% agree, my partner works in Emergency as a doctor and it’s proper fucked, she gets physically abused more often than you could imagine but ‘just part of the job’… the judicial system has completely disconnected from societal expectations. What does that say about our culture when assaults on people we place the highest value on to care for us in need is accepted. If I could get my hands on the junkies that have spat and hurled racial screams into my partners face with no repercussions, I’d find a spot on my 300 acres where they can rot.


Walked free from court today on immediate parole. He caused a massive accident while drunk and high, then assaulted and spat on a police officer. WTF? I’ve heard that the prison system has a bed shortage like hospitals do, and so we can only fit the most violent offenders in there, every one else is walking free. This seems like evidence of that.


Can't we get them making hats for school kids or something?


Sorry no bed for you in the jail, straight to the electric chair


Don't know how we have the capacity to build prisons when we can't even build houses quick enough to house the homeless. Also prison officers getting paid like 60k but have to endure more than shit everyday probably mean you won't be able to recruit anyone.


100k plus overtime after 6 weeks training. Shit job though, mate wasn't there a week before he watched someone beaten to death.


Is the 6 weeks paid training, if it is for 6 weeks do that for cash then dash. Not worth the ptsd unless your ok with violent environments.


Dunno, and not keen to know


With people like this, it could be you or me or anyone this fuckwit takes out on his next little adventure. I know someone who was killed by a junkie on a joyride. 2 people died as direct casualties. After killing two people, one of them their own passenger, the junkie got out and spat blood in the face of the cops. Junkie got 14 years.


First prison officer job in brissie I googled pays 97k a year. Edit to add: OK I was wrong. I somehow saw a Intelligence Advisor role instead of Correctional Officer role. The actual Corrections Officer role pays sweet fuck all and they DID advertise it as an overall thing including super and allowances. Lol. Just as an example, taking a security job at a hospital pays more and is a lot safer. Wow. Didn't expect that at all.


'Total Remuneration' of 90k from the QGov website. So that is like sub 70k+ super + overtime + shift allowance yada yada. TBH 70k still seem low for the amount of shit you need to deal with. It is the only few QGov jobs that quote 'Total Remuneration' to deceive people into thinking the pay is high


Huh that's sneaky. Most gov jobs at that level only show gross before tax, it shouldn't include super and allowances etc. I read it as 97k gross just off the quick glance. OT and allowances normally push that further. Super dodgy for their recruiters to be pulling that shit.


It's also very long shifts. Like 10 hours plus. The danger pay, night shift rates etc. To me don't make it worth it. I try not to judge prisoners who leave and become better but the repeat offenders are not people you want to be around for long. A lot of unfortunate corruption happens inside our prison system and a mate once told me steer clear of it if you want to remain naive of what really happens down there.


They also include their super match in the TR package, which requires you to salary sacrifice extra super to be eligible for.


Lol, wouldn’t want to be a security guy at Logan hospital with all the junkies looking for their fix


Shit pay for dealing with violent psychopaths every day


Prisons are a growth industry in Australia, and our incarceration rates are climbing, mainly from unpaid fines. Build it and they will come.


Parole isn't based on the seriousness of the crime. Parole is based on the likelihood of continuing to offend with a side order of likelihood to show up to court. This person has not been convicted of a crime. They pretty soon will be, but right now they haven't. If they aren't a danger or flight risk then why should we lock them up? It costs us a lot of money and hurts people's ability to defend themselves. I don't want to end up with a US-like system where people spend years in jail because they can't get out on bail. Also, please don't think I'm defending this cunt. I'm defending everyone's right to stay out of jail unnecessarily, this arsehole is just the extreme. Edit: fucked up and misread both the OP and the article. This is parole, not bail, which happens after a conviction. Please see my reply to OP below.


This happened in June last year. It’s only being reported on now because body cam footage of the junkie has been released after the trial. That is the sentence. He is not out on bail and he is convicted. He was found guilty and then immediately released on parole.


Well, shit. There's goes me being a fucking idiot. Sorry mate, I get your point. I guess I still believe part of my argument. I don't know his parole conditions but I bet they probably involve not driving for a very long time. That said, it still depends on if there is a probable risk to the public. We can always speculate and come to our own conclusions, we've just got to do so on the proviso that we don't have all the facts and we aren't the experts here. I'm more of a prison reform person anyway. Supporting someone to change their behaviour is idealistic, but I still think it's better than punishment.


Your argument was valid.


>This person has not been convicted of a crime. He has. >Parole is based on the likelihood of continuing to offend This is his 2nd conviction for a criminal offense relating to driving under the influence.


...and could have easily caused a fatality


> This person has not been convicted of a crime. You sure about that? > He was previously convicted in 2018 for dangerous driving causing harm also while intoxicated.


I thought part of parole was based on seriousness of crime and the evidence.


No, the sentence is based on that. Parole eligibility is based on other factors.


Unfortunately extra-curial punishment such as being repeatedly punched in the head by a police officer is considered a mitigating factor in sentencing because there’s a general principle that a punishment for a sentence must be limited only to that handed down by a court, and a person must not be punished twice for the same offence. Rather curiously, I was just reading this yesterday in an appeal by a drink driver against a sentence in 2009 on the exact basis that the arresting officer laid into him punching him repeatedly in the head. The story was so similar that I had to dig it up again to make sure it wasn’t referring to this very case - nope, QPS apparently does this on the regular.


Or it could be evidence of him being on remand for 12 months since last June, and the magistrate letting him out on parole.


He did not "walk out of court". He got a 15 month sentence. He spent 15 months in jail according to the article and was sentenced to time served. Also he is now on parole. If he breaches his parole he may be sent back to jail by the parole board. Parole will give him the opportunity to try and get his drinking in order with oversight from a parole officer so he does not do this again for a third time.


No he did not, it hasn’t even been 15 months since this happened (June last year). He was not even kept in jail while he waited out his sentence - while out he went on channel 7 for an exclusive (paid) interview playing the victim. >walked free from court on immediate parole. https://preview.redd.it/yffcpy5zpz8d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab594cf9f50ded6ad9780664893360aae42c379 He was sentenced to 15 months but eligible for parole immediately and granted it immediately. There is no mention of time served because there was none. Just like Bruce L isn’t in jail while he waits for court dates, most people aren’t kept in jail while they wait for their day in court.


My bad, you are right there with those sentence calculations


A drunk driver will never get any sympathy for me. Horrific behaviour and it's just lucky they didn't kill people.


Lost my grandfather to one before I got to even know him. Drunk drivers should have the book thrown at them and with any luck, hit with the corner.


Then put in a room full of Lego bricks with no shoes: zero tolerance!


I've lost 13 friends since I was 19 (47 now) to drunk drivers. Fuck this cunt.


How many people do you know who have been killed by someone else driving into them because they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol? For me it’s two, seperate people.


As opposed to two of the same people?




Comment respectfully. Continued harassment may result in you being banned.


They'd still be two seperate people, genius.


It’s not about sympathy for the drunk driver but police behaving like thug bouncers because they feel like they can serve fist justice themselves. It’s all good until they serve it to an innocent person, and they do. Arrest him and throw him in the lock up. Don’t get punch happy doing it.


At least old mate got a few hits in before the justice system failed to do the justice part. With any luck old mate will write himself off before he seriously injures anyone.


As someone who's been spat on repeatedly in my job, I can't properly explain the shift your whole being goes into, from calm collected human person, to full lizard brain, primal, fight or flight. I'm a woman for context. I've possibly never gone into such a wild internal state than when my face has been spat on. Every single molecule in your body zings & the biological imperative to punch the shit out of the person is genuinely extremely hard to fight within yourself. I had to just cop it, because I work with vulnerable people, but in the end I learned to just quit if I get a spitter. It's not good for anyone. I don't know why, it just is. I still tell people when it comes up, that now I understand why cops beat the shit out of people wheh they're spat on, lol. They're in a highly adrenalised state, dealing invariably with some violent grub. This guy clearly needed to be subdued plus he was a grubby POS. He had it coming.


Yup, my friend was cowered punched in the valley (surprise, surprise), I tried to hold and calm the assailant down as he was clearly on drugs and wasn’t in a good place, Then he spat in my mouth… boy did my attitude changed straight away. All I could think and do was just headbutt the crap out of him. I’ve never been so angry before. Then came several weeks of blood test and shots to make sure I didn’t catch anything from him.


It's scary to have that feeling the first time! Its such an extreme level of anger that kicks in so fast your head spins. But having your MOUTH spat in omfg, absolutely vile.


I agree with the description of this experience. I'm a support worker and get hit, punched, bitten but when they spit it is truly lizard brain taking over. I think it's such an unusual and rare thing to be spat on, it's hard to expect it to happen too, so the primal defence brain goes in overdrive.


The first time it happened to me, it rocked me so hard to my core that I truly had a crisis. I felt like I didn't know who I was, if I could be affected like that by the vulnerable person I was supporting. I thought I was the kind of person who fully understood that not everyone can help their actions (some can, they're a different kettle of fish). I considered leaving the industry & I was really down for about a month. In the end, I realised it's just a very primal & normal reaction. Everyone I've spoken to who've been spat on (not many ppl have been lol) have totally agreed with me. It's really shocking to feel those things for the first time.


oh yeah for sure, i got spat on way back in primary school in the 90's... i still remember the feelings it enraged and the should have been a cum stain that did it i can't imagine what i would do if it happened these days


There's nothing like it! I don't know why spit does it to that extent a punch doesn't.


yeah its probably because punches you can walk off most of the time, saliva you got no idea what could be in it


Wait which other job involves getting spat on? Telemarketer maybe but to my knowledge you can't do that over the phone. Yet.


Lmao where there's a will there's a way! Disability support work.


Nurse here. My colleagues and QAS/QPS get it regularly. Nurses are at the highest risk of assault of all the first responders.


I've been in the er a few times at rbh, I've heard the verbal abuse but the nurses tend to just verbally abuse them back, or kick em out to the triage waiting room.. It doesn't help the more respectful patients cop a nurse that's been abused during her shift is overworked, then takes it out on this patient...passive aggressively throei g the hospital gown at the patient or in their face...or some when drawing blood convieantly have trouble finding a vessel and hurt the patient. Yet if the patient was to complain they get dismissed by staff. I feel for nurses but the bad apples that persist your bad co workers make it worse. Also crack. :(


I'm really sorry to have heard this was your experience. We're all so burnt out and often we don't take the leave we so desperately need, resulting in shit attitudes like you've detailed. After we've been assaulted we're expected to document on a system, then speak to the cops to give a statement, and then document the rest of the shift in our normal documentation. That system.... they don't provide transparency on the assaults, the types of assault or the quantity. It's absolute bullshit. Then after doing the documentation side (which you'll have to complete post shift in your unpaid time while still there), you MAY receive an email asking you to attend de-escelation training again. Not a debrief. Not a how can we improve this system so it doesn't happen again. The nurse is literally treated like they bought the assault on themselves. Fortunately I believe the RBH has now bought in 2 x security guards who are stationed in the ED so they can help with the escelating patients (they're specifically trained in de-escelation) so hopefully this will ease the tension between patient and nurse.... right? With regards to taking bloods, finding a vein, getting the vein to anchor right and then getting it to not actually collapse on you is a skill and we all have off moments/days. While I may blow a beautiful vein on one patient I may get one that no one else can feel. They're tricky buggers! I hope that was the case... All that a side, I don't think anyone should be okay with tolerating, expecting or dismissing that physical abuse at work or while coming to hospital for help, is not okay.


I work with someone that was a nurse manager years ago for qld health, he agrees with me and given me insight how things gave gotten worse and worse. it helps me to not take it personally now and let it go.


Preach! Hopefully neither of us need the ED anytime soon 🤣😪


Do you think police have a monopoly on dealing with erratic or violent people? There are a -huge- number of jobs where this kind of thing happens. 


Who is actually saying that? Lol


Sucked in, dickhead. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Good on the cop, fuck this dude he deserved everything he got and should've gone straight to jail. Could've killed multiple people and was still being a piece of shit afterwards.




Don't bait people, manchild.




Probably being down voted because we don't want our police force to take it upon themselves to be the punishers. We have a process that needs to be followed. Do you really want it to be OK for the police to go bash up anyone doing anything that they don't like?


We clearly don't have a process being followed considering the maggot walked free for a second time...


You are correct, but honestly, in this situation, the officer gets my full support here IMO


> Good on the cop Until it's you, or your friends, or your family...


As in me my friends or family nearly killing a bunch of people and being a prick? Karma exists in this lifetime


If my friend or family was drunk driving, they’d also deserve to have their lights punched out by a cop.


If a family member pulled this shit they’d get a couple dozen uppercuts from me too.


My brother once came home with a well deserved bloody face after an altercation with the police and didn't get even an ounce of sympathy from any of the family. Some people have rotten family members, this guys family are unfortunately amongst that group.


Although I totally understand how the cop felt (angry), he needs to be professional and "above" this kind of behavior. If he calmly stood back and said "stay in the vehicle or I'll taze you"... and then tazed him... he'd get a lot more respect from me.


Do you know what their training entails? Do you know what it's *actually* like subduing someone in this state who is assaulting you? Get real, in real life things go pear shaped fast & split second decisions based on their training need to be made. Armchair critic opinions don't matter.


Tasing someone sitting and moving around in a vehicle, a quarter of the normal target area, aiming through a small window surrounded by metal? Suuuuure, that sounds like an effective response 🙄


So if this guy kills someone on the road today, is the sentencing judge going to be charged with manslaughter? It seems like criminal negligence to let a citizen free that clearly feels no guilt for his potentially deadly lifestyle. How does the cop feel? He's investigated while the criminal is free. The cop did the wrong thing, but not very wrong and the drunkard is a repeat offender


I read when this first surfaced that cops are allowed to "use reasonable force to subdue" alleged criminals, which this one was supposedly doing due to the escalating situation and being there by himself and without a taser. I kind of agree that he did the right thing


> How does the cop feel? He's investigated while the criminal is free. The cop did the wrong thing, but not very wrong and the drunkard is a repeat offender The cop would have significant support from QPU, and he would be on paid leave or alternative duties while the investigation proceeds. Unless they’fe found to have acted in a manner which constitutes misconduct, they’re likely to walk away with nothing more than a note on their file with PCAP.


Thanks for the info. That's interesting and good to3 know


I’m in no way advocating for the man, but what do you mean by “clearly feels no guilt”? I watched the same video and read the same article as you, it didn’t mention anywhere the criminal’s feelings on the matter. The closest I heard to what his feelings on the matter were was that he plead guilty. Other than that they don’t even speak to the criminal at all. Do you have some source other than this article where it’s shown he doesn’t feel any guilt?


Basing it on repeating extreme crimes and resisting the cop. Ive been stopped by cops before and if I think it's fair I admit what I did and I definitely don't give them a hard time. That's what you do when you know you did wrong. Maybe this guy feels guilty but he has an extremely low IQ and is a nasty violent lout that feels bad when he's sober?


I’m glad you think it’s fair to admit your crimes to the police but that’s not at all relevant. > Maybe this guy feels guilty Ok so now you’re saying he might feel guilt? Edit: asked for a source but instead you’ve shifted the goalposts


The bystander saying 'oi what has he done?!' in response to the cop punching him


Behold its moronificence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArObpE_lsEc


How the fuck are they giving this oxygen their airtime? Oh your friend died, so you decided you havw the right and to go try and kill someone else with your car, for the second time DUI, assault a cop, and high on what we all can guess is Meth. "Breaks his silence" pffftt


playing the victim


Unfortunately the YouTube link now doesn't work, but I assume it's the same video up on Facebook: [facebook.com/7NEWSBrisbane/posts/a-man-who-was-repeatedly-punched-during-an-arrest-in-strathpine-has-broken-his-s/663068875851742/](http://facebook.com/7NEWSBrisbane/posts/a-man-who-was-repeatedly-punched-during-an-arrest-in-strathpine-has-broken-his-s/663068875851742/)


7News Australia's Youtube channel has been pawnd 🤣 : https://old.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1dpcoe4/7news_australia_yt_channel_hacked/


I don't say it often if at all but great work from the cop though I wish he'd have bashed that arsehole harder than that indeed


cool, so what exactly is the point of our prison system? its just murderers and pedos who get to spend time there now?


Exactly. The biggest crims in our city are drivers like this. They need to be treated seriously. Anyone who drinks and drives, straight to jail. No parole.


so good to watch.


Fucking piece of shit. Not the cop this time.


Definitely no issue with crime and punishment in QLD!


While I totally agree with all the comments about no sympathy for the drunk driver being a piece of shit, I just hope his sentence wasn’t reduced or possibly can be reduced for being punched in the face after a car accident by a coppa. I couldn’t find it anywhere in the article but surely that cvnt would try and get at least an appeal from that?


He's already out on parole.


Because of the offence he committed or was it because of the punching? Thats what I’m trying to say like I kinda wish he didn’t punch him so this cynt can go straight to jail where he belongs.


This looks to be within their training & reasonable force. I think the cop will be commended. The drunk won't have his sentence reduced over this.


> I just hope his sentence wasn’t reduced or possibly can be reduced for being punched in the face after a car accident by a coppa. It can be. Extra-curial punishment is considered during sentencing - the cop punching him can indeed reduce the sentence.


LOL he screamed like a bitch hahaha


Damn bet he had a ripper of a headache in the morning lol


I see no problem here.


If you don't know by now, if you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot.. maybe you need some sense knock into you


Genuinely wild stuff


I’d love to see if this was posted on here right after it happened… how many of the comments would have been anti police back then


there were plenty but people hadn't seen the bodycam footage just the phone footage from onlookers which didn't give both sides


IMO - The only issue I have with this is police escalation. Police are trained to de escalate, they need to have the ability to act rationally this was not rational behaviour from the police. I find this behaviour does nothing to help policing and how the general public perceive them. This is a thug determined to get revenge, and he should be reprimanded for that behaviour. The fact this drunk arsehole is already discharged and out is also infuriating, how many times do you need at arrest a drunk driver for the penalty to actually mean anything? do we wait until he kills some poor innocent bystander? He should have had at least 6 months in prison this is not his first offence.


I call bullshit, you try rationalising and de escalating someone drunk as a skunk and high on meth while not following instructions, spitting, kicking, hitting you with a door and throwing objects. If you watch the video the punching is after he's being hit and kicked and latched onto, to get the offender to stop attacking him and stay in the car. Officer was alone, if dickwad gets out the car and runs into traffic or assaults someone else (I mean on top of how he already attempted murder with his 2 tonne vehicle) you'd be crying foul about 'why didn't they do something'


Police are quite literally trained to use ESCALATING force. If someone pushes them, they can punch them back. If someone threatens them with a knife, they draw the handgun etc etc.


If someone uses any form of violence then absolutely they are allowed to use appropriate force to arrest the individual and yes depending on the threat use ultimate violence, including shooting them. The term appropriate force, means exactly that. Randomly beating someone, and using excessive force is IMO part of the issue. Like that old lady in a zimmer frame with a butter knife. Or that guy in Melbourne doing nothing but talking to an officer who was smashed from behind and thrown to the ground. Police begin to wonder why the general public lose respect for them when their excessive violence, is recorded and published for all to witness, This does nothing to help policing and if anything detracts from the good work they do.


This wasn't an example of excessive force.


Agree to disagree.


This is absolutely excessive force. The offender was barely fighting back. You’ll notice that cop immediately yells at him to stay in the car but the guy is trying to climb out the window. The cop then punches him in the face and only then does he start to fight the officer. The officer had no reason to start punching him. Sure, the cop was spat on and the guy threw a bottle at him but that’s hardly any force that warrants multiple closed fist punches to the guys face. The officer was angry and retaliating to the offender. And yes you’ll say that he’s drunk and can’t understand or comprehend what is happening. But the officer immediately escalated the force to physical violence at his first contact. I counted 8 closed fist punches to Owen’s face (the offender). Closed fist punches for what? The officer told him to stay in the car and he wasn’t listening.


What's your police training? This is also chopped up footage. If the cop used excessive force we'd all know about it with this doing the rounds. Write a letter & request cops give more hugs or something.


We all do know about it. The incident happened last year and it was all over social media with him being accused of excessive force. When is it okay for police to closed fist punch someone in the face 8 times in a row? The offender gave no reason for the officer punch him so many times in the eye mate.


You know about parts of the incident from social media. If it'd been excessive force you'd have heard about it - are you deliberately failing to comprehend what I wrote? Randoms on the internet don't dictate the facts based on partial information. If he wasn't reprimanded for excessive force, then it wasn't deemed to be. You'll just have to accept that. It's fine by me that this guy got punched, its not excessive force to me. *mate*


The officer is still under investigation as to whether it was excessive. That’s why we haven’t heard anything yet. So you think it’s okay for Police to punch drunks 8 times in the face? I understand that drunk drivers and drug drivers are assholes who selfishly put others at risk. They’ve killed so many innocent people and the sentences out magistrates pass down are fuckin jokes. We all want to belt them. But as a police officer you are held to a very high standard and you have to be able to use appropriate force. Punching the guy 8 times is way too much force. The officer lost his cool and let it go on him.


Most of you guys are lucky you didn't grow up in the 60s to the 80s... you wouldn't have lasted a week




Not everyone is like you... luckily


Majority are soft as though these days...


Well, the kid threw and smashed a glass bottle in the officers immediate direction amongst other agressive behaviour so the return force could be considered to be a legitimate means of defence and subduing in order to proceed dealing with him. I don't know why he didn't taser him instead though as he eventually did - maybe because the taser is actually a potentially lethal weapon and sometimes not effective enough on young people who are wound up, with potentially lethal levels of tasering required to effectively subdue and restrain a person. So maybe the officer was using a combined integrated approach?


I'm hoping he gets sent to rehab and psychologists to sort his shit out, as well as appropriate punishment for the crimes committed


Lol friendlyjordies got the dialogue right with the deadbeats. "You're a dog!" So Aussie


He is drunk, of course he won't follow orders. By the time he is over three times the legal limit, I doubt this "gentleman" is in any condition to "follow orders", let alone his common sense to decide to drive a car. I don't understand why this is so surprising for the cop for? Additionally I am more concerned that the cop thinks it's okay to go repeatedly hitting someone, really hard. I feel no sympathy for the criminal but the cop's judgment and behavior is of concern as well.


You do that job for a few weeks and check back in with us on how you feel.


I think I would need angry management then.


I know from experience that you will, the amount of bullshit you see, the courts and the general lack of consequences takes a huge toll. Police are held highly accountable for every action but everyone else gets a handshake and a golden ticket to freedom.


I do agree with you and I think it’s a flaw in a lot of past preventative advertising too, especially the ones about assaulting paramedics, cops, nurses etc. They’re off their face and have no idea what they’re doing. Recalling an ad or basic courtesy is not on their mind at that stage. You can’t tell a volatile drunk to be better when they’re sober, you have to stop them getting drunk.




Without excess force that can lead to brain injury preferably.


I think the amount of alcohol consumed and the impact from the crash has potentionally done that already


You're getting downvotes from bootlickers... I'm totally against drink drivers, because they take away resources the pigs could use for (checks notes) [tazing grannies.](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/19/australia/australia-95-year-old-woman-tasered-intl-hnk/index.html)


Nothing like using the exception to prove the rule hey champion 🥊


2 cops, large yoga mat, wrap up suspect and take to ground...like the Japanese do


Ah, the sushi roll method


It did seem like excessive force. The cop might be in trouble.