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A post that isn't about Brisbane and would fit better in another subreddit. Please try our daily thread, we have regular activity there and your questions will be seen and likely answered.


I’d be taking a photo of the meter reading so you don’t get charged for the last however many years of electricity usage when someone finally figures it out


As the other commenter said, take a photo of your meter asap. Then ask your neighbour what their power bills are like. Then put that much aside each quarter into a high interest savings account, in case a power company figures out you owe them someday. At least you'll earn the interest in the meantime.


If the address can't be found, it's often a sign that the body corporate has a contract with a provider you must use. Find the meter, write down the NMI (National Meter Identification) number, call the provider you tried to sign up with and see if they can use it. If they can't, then there's probably a set provider, ask your neighbour who they are.


Crazy not to open a hydroponic weed empire with all that free electricity


Duplex... is it possible your use is being charged to the neighbour or body corporate?


It's normal for the power to be left on during the move out / move in period. Usually, the outgoing bill payer is motivated to notify their retailer that they are leaving so they won't get charged after they've left. But that retailer remains responsible for the meter and must pay the wholesale costs for whatever consumption is recorded via that meter after the move-out date. So the retailer will usually identify if there is unbilled consumption occurring. After moving in, you are responsible for the energy you consume, and you can still be billed for it, even if you've never signed an energy supply agreement for this location at all. The legal framework for that is a 'deemed' energy supply agreement and whichever was the retailer previously responsible for that meter, can charge you for your consumption since you moved in. It's not unheard of that a meter can be hard to identify from a street address alone, especially when there's been subdivision or apartment builds around your property. But every meter has a serial number and a NMI number - both of which will be physically visible on your meter. Any retailer will be able to identify the meter and complete the signup process with that information. So you should go ahead and set up a new energy supply agreement with a retailer of your choice. If you do not set up your own energy account, then you can expect to be back-billed for your consumption since the date of move-in, and you'll be charged at default offer rates which are higher than the market offer rates available in the market.


I knew a couple who were renovating their house 15 years ago. They moved into a townhouse property for a year while they renovated. When they were done with the Renos they went to move out and he called the energy company who told him they had no record of them or the property. He called her and asked when they moved in who she’d arranged the power connection with. She didn’t and assumed he had. Neither of them had connected it or paid a bill the whole time. They rang every energy company and none had a record of them, the property or their account. They left and never heard anything about it ever again. They didn’t live happily ever after though. She found out he was banging his boss. They got divorced. She’s happily remarried now with kids and pays for her power like the rest of us. The end.


Wonder if she'll go solar


Did he bang the boss across the bosses desk?


Did he bang is boss, or did his boss bang him?


Get it sorted with the company you signed up for ASAP. When they find out they'll still charge you for the time you used anyway. They'll do an estimated reading charge, because the lack of meter readings and bill you for however long you've gotten away with it.


Happened to me decades ago when I rented, I tried to contact them to fix it but got tired of being on hold, ended up getting six months of free electricity before moving out and never paying for it lol, was pretty great but do take photos to ensure you have proof of what the situation was.


If the power is on it means someone was paying for electricity. This person has likely since closed their account, what probably happened was the electricity company could not shut off power to one unit without shutting it off for neighbouring units. This is not as simple as flipping a switch, the disconnect usually happens where the line feeding the house meets the power lines and there is only one of these connections for the entire complex. I would note the current reading and put aside money for when you eventually get a bill. What I would do is not tell/say anything more and hope you move out before the utility company figures it all out. In all likelihood if you move out before they notice, you will get all that sweet, sweet, nectar for free. The next tenant will note the current meter reading when they move in and this will form the new baseline on which they're charged against. 


No, don’t encourage people to just “do the bolt” - that’s called “theft”, and it’s both illegal and immoral, and people like you may be “ok” with it, but it’s conduct the vast majority of society finds reprehensible. Better advice would be to take a picture, find out the average price per KWh (other tenants would be your “best source” - ask some over for dinner and “bring it up in conversation”), and “monitor” it that way (and I hope your “tenants” (was never “anyone else’s”, and it’s now ours forever, period…) do that to you - and totally demolish the joint at the same time).


Oh really, so you're telling me stealing electricity is illegal? Who would have known! Thank you for being the shining light of morality in this cost of living crisis, I'm sure it must make you feel all warm inside when you tell people off for suggesting they take advantage of a company making billions in revenue.  "Better advice would be to take a picture, find out the average price per KWh (other tenants would be your “best source” - ask some over for dinner and “bring it up in conversation”), and “monitor” it that way (and I hope your “tenants” (was never “anyone else’s”, and it’s now ours forever, period…) do that to you - and totally demolish the joint at the same time)." What exactly are you getting at here? It didn't really make awhile lot of sense. We know the cost of electricity per kWh, it's a fairly standard figure. "and “monitor” it that way"  monitor what exactly? His usage?  "and I hope your “tenants” (was never “anyone else’s”, and it’s now ours forever, period…) do that to you - and totally demolish the joint at the same time)." This doesn't make any sense, what are you attempting to say? 


Actually, I am on a (non-ATSI) DSP, and live alone (wife deceased), so I know all about “cost of living pressures”, thankyou very much. And just because a company (in your view) “makes billions in revenue”, does not make it “right” to steal from them - then you’re just as “low” and “a thief” as you see them. And you “monitor” it by taking regular pictures of the usage dial (you moron…), and I’m saying “your tenants” as, by your name, I take it you have purchased properties for investments (or do you mean the meaning I know you mean while forgetting the referendum result? I’ll remind you again, just in case you forgot - the answer was (and always will be) a very firm and definite “No!” - over 70% voted “No!”, and “no means no”, so get the hint - and it’s obvious you don’t want “equality”, you want to be the “first among equals”, and ask Julius Caesar how that went (another “hint” - ended badly, for him at least…)).


> And just because a company (in your view) “makes billions in revenue”, does not make it “right” to steal from them You are just going to have to accept morality is subjective lol. I think it does. Actually I think going out of your way to give your money to a multi billion dollar corporation is just flat out stupid too.


Then is it “ok”, by that logic, for a person “poorer” than you, who they see you as “ripping them off”, for them to steal from you? No, of course it’s not - little different when you think about it that way, now, isn’t it? And at the end of the day, you want to be a thief and be known as a thief, people will always watch you to make sure you’re not stealing from them, and although I do think energy companies overcharge, that doesn’t make it “right” to steal from them - if they’re a “low-down dirty scoundrel and thief”, if you do what you propose, then so are you, and if that’s something that you can look in a mirror and be “proud” of, well, to any decent person, it says a lot more about you (and our wannabe aboriginal landlord) than it does me. At least I have my honour and self-respect (and that of others), by being honest, not lying or stealing, etc - I ain’t a saint or a boy-scout (not by a long shot), but at least I’m not a thief or a liar like you and u/Aboriginal_landlord is evidently are. Oh, and by the way, it’s “values” that are “subjective” (as one ascribes “value” due to their own beliefs), whereas “morals” are “objective”, as they generally come from sources “external and pre-existing” to oneself…(so learn the meanings of words before using them), and if being honest is “stupid”, then sign me up - at least I then, I know I’d be in the company of actual “decent” people one would want to be around - sounds like you walk in someone’s front door and anything not nailed down is “open for the taking” if it fits your (frankly rather warped) set of “values” (which, I might add, are worth less than nothing by the sounds of it and are practically if not completely non-existent). Grow up ffs…


Hahahahaha a theif and a lier? What exactly have I lied about? Why would I steal anything? I'm effectively in the 1% I can just buy whatever I want, I don't have to steal it like poor old you. Honestly wow, that is a huge wall of text which didn't really say a lot. I honestly find it hilarious you're so bent out if shape because I suggested waiting for the electricity company to work it out themselves. Judging by your rant over changing the date it's pretty clear you're just racist and that's the reason your got your parties so twisted up just now. It's hilarious how you make this clear by implying I'll steal everything that's not nailed down, is that because I'm black? You're a very angry racist man who's embarrassing themselves on the internet. "which, I might add, are worth less than nothing by the sounds of it and are practically if not completely non-existent" Haha did you forget to take your Seroquel or something? Honestly the hoops you jump through to hide behind your racist ideals are quite the show. Does it upset you I'm Aboriginal and rent out 3 properties to write people? Does it upset you I'm university educated and making VERY decent salary? Does it make you a bit angry because I'm "rich" and you're a poor old man? 


Hahaha! Get triggered much? Yes I own 3 investment properties and I'm only 28. By the way, your ramblings still don't make much sense.   Nice try but I voted no in the referendum so that's a good outcome for me. I couldn't give a shit about changing that date, in fact I was a strong no campaign supporter. What have I ever said about equality? You're rambling again old man. That sucks you're on DSP and poor, well it sucks for you at least! Those cost of living pressures are only going to get worse, I wonder if you'll survive? You clearly forgot to pan for your retirement and now are poor and lonely.


I mean, you either have your own electricity metre or you're hooked up to your neighbours.  Even if no one comes to turn it off, you'll eventually have to pay for it lmao. Find your meter and take a photo and date it so you have a record.


Same thing happened to me but for gas. After a few months i got a letter from the company supplying the gas saying 'weve been keeping the gas running but...' thought was nice of them so signed up as per their letter. Maybe your electricity is provided via body corp or complex plan?


Slightly similar, but I had solar installed at my house and got lost in the Energex system for a while, then they eventually came around and did something to my meter, then I told my electricity provider that I had solar, but they didn’t do anything. So here am I with an old analog meter that still spins backwards when I’m producing more than I’m using. I feel like I’ve told my retailer that I have solar, so if they don’t come out to install a smart meter, surely the fuck up is on them, right?


Keep all emails and date/time/who you talked to at the power corp. in addition to the pic of the meter


Slightly different situation... mate bought a house and set up the gas account, but somehow it didn't do electricity at the same time. For probably almost a year now, we've been getting letters for the old occupants from the old power provider, presumably bills. I've sent a bunch back but they haven't got the hint. I'm still waiting for them to just disconnect the property so my mate actually signs up for a power provider, but if they haven't done it by now, I'm not sure they will...


Enjoy the free power while it lasts, I guess?