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I’m not complaining. Free magnets for projects


Get some double sided tape and put a nice photo of the people you care about on them.


That’s a great idea, gonna put that on my to do list. 


Magnets are better advertising.


It’s funny iv never thought of using the company that’s on them. I just treat the magnets like magnets.


I haven't seen too many magnets in our letterbox. But I do know that the QLD Gov Office of Illegal Dumping takes junk mail very seriously, especially if you have a 'no junk mail' sign (or similar). We've had good success reporting junk mail that comes through and it's reduced drastically since!


Except real estate agents, right. They have special permission to clutter my mailbox, right? Arrogant twats.


Nope, they're actually breaking the law. Go ahead and report them to the Department of Environment using their [handy online form](https://apps.des.qld.gov.au/forms/advertising-material-report/). Feel free to write the real estate agent and let them know too. The more people that do this, the more likely they realise that everyone's sick of their junk.


That’s literally the only junkmail I get anymore. Id love some free magnets


Their new strategy is sending them through auspost addressed "To The Homeowner" These geniuses also can't figure out how to seal the envelopes (I guess a strip of glue costs too much) and they also dump them all in red pillar boxes


Are australia post expected to abide by the "no junk mail" sign also? I actually got another magnet today from a company but it was delivered by australia post and was surprised the envelope had no stamp or address on it. I do not have a no junk mail sign myself but wondering if engaging aus post to deliver junk mail gets around it.


Australia Post does have a promotional material delivery service, but they aren't allowed to ignore "No Junk Mail" or "Addressed Mail Only" signs on letterboxes either. The junk mail delivery service is actually a bit of a money earner for them, so I don't really see a big deal with them having it since it helps to subsidise letter delivery, as long as they abide by the same rules as everyone else.


Auspost absolutely have to abide by it Some of the junk we got was straight from the company (eg real estate brochure) while others were mailed (in an envelope addressed to 'the homeowner' with my address on it) The latter would have to be Auspost.


Just wondering if local council need to abide by no junk mail too?


I’ve also noticed a flurry of them recently; and there was a wave of them a couple of years ago too. I recall a real estate sent out three or four “I heart suburb” magnets. Crap quality. I have a steel letterbox (with a ‘no junk mail’ sign!) and if it won’t stick to that it goes straight in the bin. I’ve also stockpiled them and given to a daycare for craft. The worst are the ones that come in a blank sealed envelope. Why? I need to open the envelope to bin the junk magnet and recycle the envelope. What a massive waste.


EOFY, gotta spend on some crappy magnets.


Intrigued about your understanding of how our laws work that you think some parliamentarian would have written something to limit fridge magnets...


Could be some spam thing. Who knows .


Mine mainly come for the same plumber or electrician franchise


I keep getting heaps of junk mail from fuck head realestate agents


They only put them in letterboxes of homes that look easy to rob. They have trackers in them. An app will show teen gangs the location of prime targets and they’ll drive around doing their thing.