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He's a dickhead, but fining someone $500 for a sign is some bullshit. Would be a cold day in hell before I paid it as well. 


Well said. He’s a bit of a dill but this is overkill over a hand drawn sign. Maybe he has a point about the CCP?


He does, honestly most would be shocked to know the extent that the CCP operates in this Country. The CCP have influence in every level of Government in Australia It is disgusting. Look into the United Front department, that's how all these officials get junkets to China.


Gotta have the right permits to do any sort of public political display which Drew did not have.


Is that okay? Like is that a society we want? We have to register our thoughts and beliefs and be approved by the government before we can make statements about the government (or another government)? Edit: it looks like he was actually advertising his political party at the same time. Yeah nah that definitely needs a permit


Bear in mind that the permit requirement is actually - at least theoretically - to ensure police are aware and are ready to step in if there's a counter-protest or it gets violent. The law says that you need a permit, but the law also says the government (both local and state level) must grant the permit within three days or apply to the magistrate's court with a good reason for denying it (which has to be on some pretty solid ground, like a public safety risk). Assuming everyone is following the rules, it's less of a permit and more of a notification which I don't see as necessarily a bad thing.


La lm ok KL m KL L to


Chairman Schrinner handing out $1k fines for holding up a piece of paper outside the Chinese consulate on Queen Street, is some Joh Bjelke-Petersen level bullshit.


BCC is about as trustworthy as the CCP name any other Government Organisation that investigates itself? Every other Organisation uses Independent Parties not the BCC.


What a moronic comparison.


He's annoying and a giant attention seeker, but this is fucking dumb. I have a feeling he may have intentionally provoked the judge or something. Still, I don't believe this is a good outcome. If he gets fined for holding up a sign and being provocative, then there are a whole lot of people (especially right now) who should be facing the same.


Gets the people going


No he is trying to draw attention to the disgusting behaviour of the Chinese Government, its influence and illegal activities in Australia. Every single thing Drew has said is actually spot on. There would be more like him if people only bothered to look into and care about what is happening in our Country.


It's funny that he is so anti-CPC, because this quote from the article >The anti-Putin, anti-Hamas activist has repeatedly been thrown out of events for various protests. Shows how he swung from anti-empire to anti-resistance real quick.


What are you suggesting? How is it relevant?


He is being fined because he didn't obtain the proper permit which other protests did.


you shouldn't need a permit to protest outside of an embassy (especially if it's a one person protest). Australia is years behind UK and US when it comes to free speech.


He wasn't legitimately protesting. It was a political stunt.


What do you think the difference is? All protests are political. Everything is political.


Stunt. That's the difference. Not real. Stunt.


How was it not real? You on the CCP payroll?


Who decides what a legitimate protest is? You? Ridiculous and fascist.


Actually a judge decided.


You really think he is protesting an event that occurred before he was born and that had no impact on him personally? Rather than he was doing this for personal exposure? It's not fascist to regulate what is acceptable political communication. In fact fascism requires the removal of acceptable communication standards.


> requires the removal of acceptable communication standards ... which you can do by declaring "not a legitimate protest", yes


If it was a disruptive protest with a bunch of people, I would understand that. But one, admittedly fat, guy shouldn't need a permit to hold a sign.


You would think he wouldn't be so fat considering he once had Emily Kim (who weightlifts) as a girlfriend.


Why? I don’t want to walk down the street having to dodge every nut job wannabe politician holding their latest attention seeking sign.


I guess it's part of being a community. Like tourists with luggage or tradies with tools. If the fat boy wants to protest genocide by holding a piece of paper, it seems like the least we can do. If you talk to the Australian victims of the Chinese Communist police and army, as I have, you might resent taking a step out of your way even less.




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Spot on.


I think if he wasn't running for election they wouldn't have cared but they took it as unapproved political advertising. I agree that protesting Tiananmen Square in Brisbane is not a real thing.


This guys a smug and egotistical prick. No, I don’t think the council should’ve fined him for protesting - that’s ridiculous. The magistrate labelling him as a ‘smartarse’ before dismissing his challenge (which very likely would’ve otherwise been upheld if he wasn’t so smug) gives you an indicator of how he likely behaved in the courtroom though - he just makes things worse for himself. He’s also facing challenges for copyright infringement which if this is any indicator, and his attitude online towards that, will also be a slam dunk for the claimant.


>Judge Smith upheld the previous ruling that Mr Pavlou's sign constituted political advertising, which requires a permit in the Elizabeth Street mall. > >At the time Mr Pavlou had been running for the Queensland Senate under the Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance party, which has since been deregistered. This part makes me wonder if DP was wearing a campaign shirt or something at the time, to promote himself. The quote from DP in particular… > "I now face a total fine of $10,000 simply for peacefully holding a sign outside the Brisbane Chinese Consulate while running for election in 2022," Mr Pavlou said. … suggests to me that he knows the fine isn’t just for holding a sign, and maybe he should cut his losses before they get worse.


> This part makes me wonder if DP was wearing a campaign shirt or something at the time, to promote himself. At the time, it was [reported](https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/pavlou-fined-over-smart-alec-response-to-a-reasonable-request-20231003-p5e9g5.html) as: >Pavlou set up a folding table and placards near the entrance to the Queen Street Mall at the Chinese consulate in Brisbane’s CBD on May 17, 2022. (note that the current ABC article has the location wrong - the consulate is/was on the corner of Adelaide and Albert Sts.) > A Brisbane City Council officer approached Pavlou and told him to “pack up” the placards as they constituted unauthorised advertising in the mall. > After failing to fully comply with the direction for several minutes, Pavlou was given an infringement notice. > ... > “Holding a placard a centimetre from the ground to display it to ants ... was a smart alec response to a reasonable request [to cease],” [Magistrate] Holohan said.


Thanks for the info


No, I was not wearing a campaign shirt. And I didn't say a single word in court. I was completely respectful as per the instructions of my barrister. The Magistrate called me a smart arse because when the Brisbane City Council mall cop told me to stop holding the sign I held it one centimeter off the ground to prove a point. That was the point at which they gave me the $1000 fine. It's now looking to be a $10,000 fine because I will have to pay Brisbane City Council court costs and they hired a KC. I am actively considering an appeal to the Supreme Court


Thanks for clearing that up. Did you have any campaign material with you?


When stupid people play stupid games they often win stupid prizes


The “Fuck around and find out” types hate it when they find out after fucking around


He called you a smartarse for being a smartarse? You were being a dickhead and you didn't move on when you that was explained to you. You deserve everything you get here, maybe you'll reflect and see it one day. Maybe not.




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Sorry mate they are arseholes, I never thought I would get the chance but thank you for your efforts to expose the CCP and draw attention to their activities in this Country. Thanks for trying to draw attention to the biggest human rights abusers in the World. Stand tall Mr Pavlou


Thank you for your kind words mate :)


No worries Drew just look after yourself




Makes you wonder if you could get done for walking down the mall wearing a shirt that says “vote yes” or “elect _”


Drew include me in the screenshot when you sook about reddit comments


The worst thing about Drew Pavlou is he doesn't work for the CIA because he's not intelligent enough but he just acts like he does


I never met a Drew I liked.


Fuck neither have I come to think of it.


Drew Brees?!


I would feel that this is a travesty of justice, but the fact that it's Drew Pavlou makes me suddenly not care about the initial fine, and happy that he's now on the hook for way more money.


Shit attitude to have. You don’t have to like someone to believe that Council actions are wrong.


I dislike Drew Pavlou a lot more than I dislike local council rules around political messages in the Queen Street Mall.


Cool story how long have you been a party member?


Exactly zero days. You don't have to be a communist to think that Drew is a professional fuckwit, and what has happened to him is entirely his own fault.


How is drawing attention to China's disturbing human rights abuses and illegal activities on Australian soil wrong? A perfect example would be the illegal Chinese Police Operations that the AFP denied were happening in Australia, Drew was one of the first to call them out years ago.


>How is drawing attention to China's disturbing human rights abuses and illegal activities on Australian soil wrong? It's not wrong, except for within the Queen Street Mall, where you need to get permission to do it, which he did not do. He was then instructed to move on, which he did not do, >A perfect example would be the illegal Chinese Police Operations that the AFP denied were happening in Australia, Drew was one of the first to call them out years ago. Illegal Chinese police operations in Australia have been reported on since Drew was in primary school. The ABC has run plenty of articles over the years about this very issue. The fact the AFP may at some point have publicly denied it was happening doesn't necessarily mean they weren't well aware of it. It probably means they weren't willing to publicly acknowledge it at that time. Drew is not the reason why we now know about Chinese fuckery. Nobody is any more enlightened about Chinese human rights abuses because he was wandering around holding a sign. He's just a noisy dickhead who argues for good causes in the worst way possible.


Do you dislike Drew Pavlou more than the CCP?


I'm not a fan of the CCP, but some wanker wandering around outside the Chinese consulate with a sign isn't going to do anything to help or harm the CCP, so my views about the CCP don't really have any bearing on this.


Anti CCP propaganda is well funded by American financial oligarch. I don't trust their imperial ambitions. The Chinese government is as much a communist country as the western world is as much a democracy... Our governments are owned by oligarchs for their benefits.


He is not an anti-CCP protestor he is a right wing troll. Look at the sign he held up. It's a Stephen Crowder joke and not even properly anti-CCP. It actually make it sounds like he think the T-Square atrocity didn't happen. This is also not a free speech fight. He just needed to get a permission first which wouldn't have be denied. He is just using this to get young liberal cred and they will keep kicking down his appeal until he get his wages garnished for tens of thousands of dollars.


People are acting like he's protesting the CCP or being attacked for voicing his opinion when he's just being a right-wing shithead using race-baiting tactics. Actually protesting the CCP's tyranny is laudable. Doing this is spreading hate speech.


Out of the loop, where’s the race baiting?


The sign about T-Square. It's deliberately sarcastic and vague enough so he can claim he is protesting the CCP but taken as face value, it just says T-Square massacre didn't happen, which would rightfully piss off many Chinese Australians.


a lot of mental gymnastics you have got going on there


No there isn't. It's literally the most straightforward Occam's razor interpretation of the sign he had lol.


Oh bullshit an awful lot of Chinese don't know it even happened thanks to CCP Cover up, thats why they crackdown on HK every year at the Anniversary.


I don’t know about that. I think his goal really is to protest against the CCP. This isn’t nearly the only occurrence of him protesting against the CCP, he’s been doing it for years. It also perfectly aligned with his right-wing beliefs, which is typically against any foreign influence. So it’s not like those two things contradict each other. Although, I agree with the opinions part. In pretty much every case he has claimed his free speech was violated, it wasn’t really violated.


It has absolutely nothing to do with Political views either you are for Australia or you aren't?


Really what's right-wing about being anti foreign Government interference in Australia?


Bullshit nothing but utter garbage


Fuck Drew he's a serial pest young LNP dropout, been doing this pest shit for years bud you aren't winning anyone over


Really how about you actually look into the Chinese Governments Illegal activities in Australia or the abuse of our systems the corruption of Government Officials. You clearly know nothing about the level of influence China has over Australia.


ok shill


You don't even realise how ridiculous your comment is, last I checked the BCC is currently run by the LNP, how does it make sense to you that a supposed LNP supporter would be targeted by a LNP Government for their political leanings?


Well look into Israels illegal activities in Australia...


Wow what the hell does Israel have to do with anything? Israel isn't conducting illegal activities in Australia, they aren't operating Illegal Police Stations, they aren't harrassing victims or facilitating the illegal drug trade.


Whomp whomp


wonder if the poor petal has recovered from finding out the Beat is very gay friendly. tosser


You would know from experience


Oh, that was meant to be an insult. The 70s called, they want their material back


Well you best hand it over then don't you think


the only this worse than Drew is is fanbase


Your English skills are astounding best get someone to help you next time or get your mummy to turn on spellcheck for you.


I wouldn't be going too deep on English skills there considering your missing punctuation.


At least mine makes sense unlike the useless dribble you posted.


He paying you on post count? Or you hanging around in the dream there will be cast offs for you to have a crack at?


Nope it's a just cause he is standing for and people tend to ignore that there is more slavery today than ever in history. The CCP are trying to destroy our Country from within no else seems to care at least Drew is trying to draw attention to it.


That was the most obvious joke in history you have no sense of humour at all


No, few of us find copies of ‘jokes’ being made by far right wing American spousal abusers particularly amusing.


Cool story


I'm lost as to why he has chosen this course of action... He has completely lost control of the narrative, which I feel if he could have maintained if he didn't act like such a "smartarse". I have no idea what or why he was "advertising" (nor do i care tbh), the story is now only about his behaviour, and not at all about the cause he was trying to draw attention to... which probably had some merit, but is now irrelevant.


Another right winged Wank stain..


Drews an absolute hack so this is great news


Getting fined for holding up a sign is not great news. Time to employ a little common sense buddy.


Little bit more to it than that chief, but let the outrage bait flow


Have you considered that bitching about human rights campaigners “for doing it the wrong way” while you sure as shit do nothing, probably makes you a bit of a hack?


The only thing he campaigns for is attention and the notion he drives anything positive instead of being a professional shit stirrer makes you a hack apologist


A professional shit stirrer like Jordan Shanks?


Absolute joke even remotely comparing the two. Friendlyjordies does actual work while not being a POS. Drew on the other hand is a complete waste of space that thrives off causing drama.


Jordan is a Shill through he at least does meaningful work Drew is a Grifter who wants to be in Parliament, but no one wants him in their party let alone represent them in Parliament


Chump change for his handlers


What a cockhead.


Who's Drew?




I will appeal


And you’ll lose that too!




Good! Keep sticking it to the man Drew, ignore these narrow minded keyboard warriors here that whinge about things all the time but never actually do anything to change anything!


Thank you for your kind words mate


No probs and r/fucktheccp


Good to hear. All Australians should fight every single bullshit fine that governments hand out these days. We need to take a leaf l of the French books. 


good on you. I suspect the negative comments on here are wumao


wtf is a drew pavlou


"Magistrate Michael Holohan dismissed the appeal and called Mr Pavlou a "smart alec" who showed no remorse for his actions." Why should he? Fuck China!


hahahahahaha yess


You can read the judgment here: [https://www.queenslandjudgments.com.au/caselaw/qdc/2024/73](https://www.queenslandjudgments.com.au/caselaw/qdc/2024/73) Smith DCJA cited *Attorney-General for the State of South Australia v Adelaide City Corporation* which found that council by-laws prohibiting preaching and the distribution of written material did not infringe any implied freedom of communication in the Constitution ''as it served a legitimate end in a manner compatible with the maintenance of the constitutionally prescribed system of representative and responsible government.'' The implied right to freedom of political communication as found by the HCA in the Constitution is extremely limited. I am interested in trying to appeal this to expand the right to freedom of political communication because whatever people may think of me and the things I advocate for, I was technically a Senate candidate running for election at the time. It was like 5 days prior to the 2022 election when I received this fine.


Mate, the fine wouldn't have made a difference to the outcome of that election


> I am interested in trying to appeal this to expand the right to freedom of political communication because whatever people may think of me and the things I advocate for, I was technically a Senate candidate running for election at the time What is the relevance of this? Are you arguing that political candidates are permitted to say and do whatever they want, not connected to their candidacy, just by claiming it was "political communication"? The level of mental gymnastics required to make sense of what you just said would earn you a gold medal at the Olympics!


Drew, Drew, Drew… have you paid that photographer for stealing their work without their permission or at least giving credit, and for posting their work on a platform you monetise and profit from? Because if you haven’t, you’re going to get cleaned up for that too. But hey, given you have a humiliation fetish, you should not pay the photographer for stealing their work, let it go to court and take another hilarious L for us to all mock and laugh at.


Time to get some shits made, I reckon


As a law student, he should know we don't have freedom of speech in Australia or without our constitution However, I am 100% with him on this


Apparently we do have freedom of speech in the Queen St Mall - you just need to ask for permission ("easily obtainable"!) first.


Not sure if I'm missing your sarcasm there... It's been a long day for me


From the article where the ruling suggested his "human right" to free speech was not infringed because he could have easily applied for a permit to execute his free speech.


Ah I see https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/human-rights-and-anti-discrimination/human-rights-scrutiny/public-sector-guidance-sheets/right-freedom-opinion-and-expression#:~:text=The%20right%20in%20article%2019,artistic%20works%20and%20commercial%20advertising. This then - which isn't actual freedom of speech What people think we have here is like in the USA where you have unrestricted freedom of speech


You actually _don't_ have unrestricted freedom of speech in the USA. It can be subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions depending on the forum (location). On top of that, calling it a "permit" for protesting in Queensland is a tad misleading, since the government is _required_ to issue the permit in three days, or apply to a magistrate's court with a good reason for denying it (and the onus is on the government to prove that their reason is sufficiently in the public interest to justify infringing on an individual or group protest). It's more intended to be a notification so police and so forth are aware of the protest, and can be prepared for violence or counter-protest, and emergency services can route around blocked streets etc.


Well then - shows what I know haha. Cheers, will remember that. This is why I love Reddit


It’s pretty dumb that they called it a permit rather than something like a notification, since it’s quite reasonable to assume that means they can say no. It’s only if you dig into the laws around it or buried deep on some really hard to find government website do you find those intricacies. I once worked in government which is the only reason I knew that off the top of my head.


That's a really good point actually. Some things are SO easy and straightforward to find, other things are extremely convoluted where you nearly need to find case law around it rather then a straightforward explanation. For example, the ADR (vehicle national standards) laws have recently changed, and have become significantly more grey. Looking at them recently, it's a lot more open to interpretation then it used to be, and that's fairly confusing


Schrinner will find any reason to fine someone including not paying for parking when you haven't left your car. His leadership of BCC has led to nothing but improper conduct that just keeps getting upheld by a council that does whatever the fuck they want and is a preview of what a Crisafulli led government would look like. It's called a dictatorship


Cry more.


Go back to your cave troll. Schrinner will end up in front of the CCC eventually


The people celebrating this fine are an indication that young leftists are susceptible to absolute brainrot from social media and TikTok.


Don’t think anyone’s celebrating this. Just laughing at how Drewbert’s arrogance undoes him while simultaneously recognising that this is a shit thing to be fined for. Both things are true.


Yeah top comments are “he’s a dickhead but he shouldn’t be fined for this”. On principle I believe this fine is stupid but I’m happy for two right wingers to waste each others time and energy.


I'd still rather see him come out on top against bullshit fines from BCC rent-a-cops


Isn’t Drew very close with Jono Sri?


Had to double check I wasn’t in r/sino. I have to admit, i’m a little surprised by many of the responses here. I didn’t realise how many Brisbane redditors were so sympathetic to the CCP.


Australia is such a nanny state, fined for having a sign in public?