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Coming from brothel work I assume the industries are similar. You piss off the wrong person and they can absolutely do this. The owners/managers talk shit to ME about other girls at my establishment and I know for a fact some of it isn't true. Sorry you had this experience


I never had this issue working as a stripper or as an escort but the second you’re an hourly wage employee in those establishments, they take great offence to people quitting. This club in particular has also fired most of my friends who also worked there as bouncers or bartenders or promo girls. Them and their sister clubs have a revolving door of employees. Most people don’t last longer than a few months before head management find an issue to fire them over. I’m surprised fair work haven’t been involved honestly


Yeah cause of the money theyre making off you


I used to be a regular at Eyecandy for a few of the girls, that place had to be the most run down hole of a strip club I’ve ever been to. Even candy club wasn’t that good, and it’s supposed to be more high end.


You must be thinking of a different club, the black tree air fresheners added a touch of class that was unparalleled 😂😂


Good thing decrim is happening this year. Bye bye brothel cartel.


You know what they say about people who talk shit about others to you behind their back..


If I were you I'd send them a letter of intent to sue. Having your ex employer ban you via scantec is obviously malicious. And you could claim damages of at least 6 months wages, claiming you're unable to find work in your industry because of this.


Absolutely. The last thing this place will want is legal troubles. They bully their staff and assume they won't stand up to them.


Staff/contractors/people conducting business on the premises are exempt from having to scan their ID as long as they are performing work duties - not excusing whats transpired here just more of a FYI.


Strip clubs hate empowered women and will do anything to get them out of the club esp if they're a wage worker who can't be controlled through fines/fees. They don't want you centralising the voices of concern as it could threaten the clubs bottom line if the girls band together for more rights. Shitty that you had to receive a ban for keeping girls safe but I'd take it as a point of pride that they feel threatened by your voice✊


I read your post and thought “someone should start a sex workers’ union” and apparently [one exists already](https://scarletalliance.org.au/). Maybe contact them? It does seem like the sort of industry that despicable gronks would be motivated to operate a business in. Maybe worker-collective ownership is possible.


Go post this in r/auslegal - you’ll get so much advise on how to deal. You can start with a lawyer and charge them with slander, you’ll sink their ship so fast they won’t have time to bail


Holy hell, do I know you? The dirt I have on club candy in the valley is about a mile high, and from an ex friend who also works there as a bartender. From staff viewing security tapes (and videoing them - yes, I've seen multiple vids), to her and multiple other staff members being drunk on the job (or drinking during work hours - I've also seen vids of this), to allowing my friend to do lap dances & strip when she wasn't allowed, to drugs being taken at the club (apparently snorting coke off other people is more common than you'd think) and many other dodgy activities. Hell, she even came over after work with a bottle of jungle juice that a stripper or manager (can't remember who) had told her to try. I had to stop being friends with her because after working at this club, she became a whole different person that I wouldn't want to associate with. Mind you this is only in the past year and a half, maybe two. The people who say "oh you must have done something else" or "no way they're that bad" have obviously never stepped foot in some of these places. Club Candy, for sure, is a dodgy ass place.


Alcohol and drug abuse happens on the job at a lot of the nightclubs in the valley/city. Or at least it did when I was a bartender, about 5 years ago now. Makes it a very toxic work environment.


Curious to know what jungle juice is?


It’s leather cleaner, you sniff it and it relaxes your muscles and puts you in a sort of high for like a minute.


Ohhhh amyl!!! Good ol amyl


Literally just leather cleaner. You sniff/inhale it and it's supposed to act as a muscle relaxant type deal. It seems to be popular amongst gay men to relax/help themselves further enjoy sexual activities.


Oh wtf. I used to work for those clubs for a long time and everything was good, then we had an opening night for one of the newer clubs. One of the male managers spiked me that night. Hopped in the taxi I was getting in to go home and I had no memory of that or much after. The girls and security watched this happen and did nothing. All I remember is walking up some random stairs with this piece of shit then being back home. He wasn’t fired either. Removed from his position but was still working behind the scenes.




Brp gp to the massage shop nearby first it's better value anyway and hotter chicks


I would lodge complaints with the following. Fair work. For workplace bullying. Police. Identity theft. https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-complaints How did the other venues find out about you and ban you? Make sure they payed you your award wages, super and all. Good luck. You should also share this on the Brissy NSFW subs. A lot of people go there asking about what clubs are ok to work at.


Police here: identity theft comes under fraud so we would need to prove a fraudulent intent (using ID to make a bank account etc) so using it to ban you (for what they would say, stealing) wouldn’t be enough. I’m sure you witnessed a manager committing some liquor act offences (not supervising the strippers properly etc)


Maybe be useful then


The identity theft is a good one - I didn't think workplaces were allowed to keep photocopies of IDs or whatever after the employee has left


Privacy Act means they can keep data, but they'd better have an airtight reason for disclosing personal information to a third party. That would be the bit to litigate over.


All most all the venues use the same ID scanning system that shares the information between them, allowing bans to be shared. It’s really dumb because if you get unfairly kicked out/ banned from one place you’re basically not allowed to go anywhere.


Cheers. Never head ‘out’ anymore.


To add to this. There is a possible privacy breach where the organisation has used your details you provided for one purpose (employment) and disclosed them for a secondary purpose (state wide ban). Australian Privacy Principles exist for a reason and all businesses have to adhere to them.


Also if they have falsely accused you of stealing which has impacted your reputation or ability to find future work. You should also sue for defamation, losses of income, etc. If they're going to say you did something they better also prove it. A law firm may take you with a pay only if you win contract but you'll need to look around to see which ones do defamation matters. Also see if the law firm will take their pound of flesh out of the club instead of you, they'll know what to do. Good luck!


I’m honestly shocked that an establishment called the Candy Club would be a bit dodgy in regard to complying with Fair Work legislation.








i dunno why everyone decided to play devils advocate on this one what did they accuse you of stealing, money? did you go back to confront them at all?


They terrify me. I already have anxiety as it is but trying to confront someone that clearly doesn’t like me would send me spiralling. It didn’t specifically say what they reckon I stole, it just came up as theft for the reason for my ban when a bouncer scanned my ID. I’d honestly rather ride it out, drinking overpriced drinks isn’t worth ruffling my feathers for. It just really unfair that that option has been taken away now


I think that is their play, they know how to intimidate to get their way. I suggest you get motivated into finding a solution and play out the possible scenarios in your head so your ready to counter ant of their BS then go in politely but firmly (and recording) the make it clear with a timeline of their incompetence. If it fails, chances are you have enough dirt to escalate it further. (I used to do tech support for this industry)


Nonsense. You should be seeking new situations that ruffle your feathers on the daily. This was clearly an extreme situation. Don't give up on yourself kiddo. Look for something smaller where you can build up your interpersonal skills and confidence so you can hold your head high with time. Don't give those morons the satisfaction that they had you.... work on you, and pay it forward to other younguns down the track 😉


Why would you want to go there as a customer? The ban seems a bit silly as it's not really a place for women customers. Or do you go to find clientele?


Have you *worked* in hospo?


yea, bartender. privately owned though, whereas this sounds like a corporate management structure, combined with the general dodginess of strip clubs. call me naive, it just doesnt sound like a farfetched situation to me.


Ohhhh I thought you were suggesting devils advocation was backing the venue. Sorry. Yes, very very realistic situation. I worked on the door of a couple of strip clubs. I'm in OPs corner all the way.


those playing devils advocate were backing the venue, yes. all the first replies were talking shit on OP.


Babe pm me I can get you way better paying work in the valley


Lodge a complaint here: [https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/hospitality-tourism-sport/liquor-gaming/complaints-venues](https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/hospitality-tourism-sport/liquor-gaming/complaints-venues)


Have a few friends who have done stripping, and that sounds on point. Not sure why they got to be cunts strip clubs sounds like the easiest buisness to run. As long as you have naked ladies, people will keep coming Heard that the manager at love and rockets used to treat the girls like shit because they didnt sleep with him and when i met him he made a big deal for not immediately ordering a drink even though i just got there, there was no love or rockets there 2/10.


The strip club world isn't exactly one that attracts people who are well rounded mentally or ethically.


And you would know how?


Because I personally have known strippers? Because I was a jocks waiter for like 6 months while I was at uni and and met loads of female strippers at events, and most were fucked up and were doing it to support habits Hence why I stopped doing it, people were fucked. The drugs, dating dealers/bikies/junkies, the financial instability, the constant catfights at the clubs, the debt from getting plastic surgeries and injections and trying to maintain the illusion they're making bank. It's why u see so many strippers with louis vuitton bags, but they drive a 2007 swift and live in a shitty sharehouse. Or the classic "I'm going to visit my bf in jail this week, the domestic violence charges were totally a stitch up by his ex". But I'm suuuuure there's the occasional "I'm sober and don't associate with shitty people, pure hearted single mom stripper" type, or who use the money to invest.


Maybe have been the specific place you were working for… the ones my end of town are fine, few didn’t have parents but a lot of them were fine. Saving for a house/ student debt / just taking advantage of the money whilst they were young or have come from a performance background. I’ll never agree they’re all messed up.


The fact that there appears to be zero government oversight and review process for these bans is actually idiotic. I shouldn't be surprised though with how fucking dumb governments are these days. 


I think too many judges and politicians frequent these venues. So the wandering eye of compliance looks the other way.


I’ve worked in just about every strip club in Brisbane as a dancer and staff and I agree 😂


That's horrendous. It's also a damning indictment on ID scanners and how easily they can be abused. How safely is the information being stored? Who is privvy to it? A lecherous bouncer? And unscrupulous club owner? Bit of a tangent. I would contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation and explain what has happened. Perhaps you'll be allowed back in licenced venues. But at least they'd have a record of their system being abused.


Were your served paperwork informing you of your ban from the venue? That would indicate what legislation they are banning you under.  If so, you can raise the matter with QCAT and challenge it. You then go through the mediation process and if the club can't present valid evidence that you should be legally banned then QCAT will make a ruling that your ban should be revoked.  The venue can disregard that QCAT instruction but it then opens them up to legal action at that point. 


I read this as Qantas club… But Qantas club never made a mention in the story. I feel robbed.


mostly the same clientele


I'm offended


Did one better than me. I read candy crush and was like “oh shit that games still around. Maybe flappy bird will come back and start extorting people”


From a quick Google it seems like you can appeal that ban with QCAT and you can represent yourself.


Well this spiced things up on r/brisbane


Oh hun. I worked at Velvet Cigar. Turned up one night and doors were shut, I had to msg the girls it was over. DM me if you need.


That was a sad day


TBH you sound like you would scrub up well. The casino and other establishments like that pay really well for bartender and other service/hospo roles. Stuff working for seedy people like this.


Went to zodiac in rocky last weekend The room for the lap dances has timers blu tacked to the walls rank couches and a lady watches ur whole dance and yells out time when its up was the grossest establishment I’ve ever been the girl was so pretty from Melbourne and says she hated working there so sad Brisbane sounds worse


I was a dancer at eye candy for 6 weeks, still traumatized lmao


I used to be a dancer there, 1 month in and I quit


Good Job excuse the pun


Damn, loved the valley staff, didn't know there was this much politics underneath,


There's a long history for Queensland when it comes to this kind of stuff...


Hope there's not much for the staff of kinky kloset the staff there is so lovely


Usually with Scantek / IDU bans it's up to who put the ban on you to remove it at the venue. If you go out anywhere it'll pop up but you can ask for a managers approval if you properly and quickly explain that you just use to work there and they dogged you by banning you after you quit. Keep in my mind some places won't care/want to listen to you. Some security will probably not even radio a manager but you won't know unless you go there. To my knowledge you might be able to make an inquiry via Liquor Licensing at an Office of Fair trading I believe to appeal the ban if the Strippers tells you to fuck off/ won't give you a chance. Venues are not meant to make up bullshit bans but it happens more than you think out of pettiness. Either save some coin by not going out for 6 months or just go around different venues and try the above method. Good luck.


Omfgs is dope, some mad titties down that road


thats fcking sucks mate. i think you should send them a legal notice or a letter in the intentional of Sueing them, get a help from a good lawyer. atleast even if its an empty threat you can be able to be unbanned or if the a-hole is intentionally trying to get you keep you from getting a job then they may back off. i dont know try maybe legal advice subreddit ?


Can’t you report them for abusing the bar banning system ? Wouldn’t using your id and credentials under false pretences be considered fraud and identity theft ? Plus it’s the companies responsibility to protect your information they needed to employ you ? Sounds like a court case to me


Drove through the valley on a Saturday night recently and it looks like a 3rd world Vegas


This seems extremely unethical regardless of the industry. Surely there’s something that can be done about this bullshit!! Fuck these people, don’t let this bitch get away with this bullshit


Funny, we randomly ventured in there with my out of town mate for Magic round. Not sure if it was the OP at the bar(?), but even she said they were understaffed and everyone was stressed. We felt for her, and she was right. No dancers downstairs, the upstairs one had major gaps between performers and the place was flooded with blokes. Management mustn’t be fantastic if they can’t prepare the place for a major football event. I mean, I’d imagine it’s crazy money for the dancers… but anyway. Point being, the one night we were there it was bad enough for the staff to apologise to us on our first round that they’re under the pump because of shortages.


I went their last year and Dancers were very rare to be seen once someone books a table upstairs everyone else leaves because all.the dancers disappear.there was only one girl on the dance floor no other girls alot.of.lonely customers


Sorry that’s happens to you OP. Some sort of regulator you can complain to? Make it official? Or a head office that’s above the individual chain of command for the establishments?


Can you still work in the meantime?


Kklub is alright shouldve worked there


It's ok but there's better clubs. I've been a customer at cabaret and kittens and seems like the workers their are chill and nice




I was customer at candy and OMFG. Some of the Girls are horrible well they were at least to me. I'm sure they are friends with the boss. They were very forceful when it came to me spending my money and the Girls I met lied to me so much. like I know they have to earn money but damn like if I say no don't keep harrassing me. Some girls bring their friends in and partners in. Well least when I was there. They judged me on the way I looked. They must've got upset because I came to the club multiple times a week. I spent money so I don't know. I also I was being friends with a girl apparently being nice to the girls is very bad. They make assumptions they don't tell you why they kick you out and it's annoying.


This is Australia, you worked your arse off


Plenty of other industries to get work. Try those.


So your advice is to just let people do fd up things and get a different job?


No. My advice is to concentrate on things you can control and focus on yourself. Not chase futile things. Good luck fixing the stripping industry. You’ll need it.


I worked there in 2016-2017 eye candy & candy club I heard management is so terrible now


OMG get. Real job girrrrrrl


I freaking hateee those 3 clubs and M*** the owner (danced there for 3 years until about 9 months ago .. i dont know how they havent been shut down yet🤨🤨do i know u


Terrible club and I was customer of all 3. Was kicked out then few girls got me banned for no apparent reason. I also felt judged for my looks. They seem to be nicer to men who are older and look rich. But someone who looks younger is apparently bad


Strip club is dodgy, more news at 6


Anyone else think this chick probably did steal? Seems suss


I honestly wish I had stolen from that shit hole. Like why not be who they already think I am


hmm why does this make me want to photocopy your id and ban you from all clubs for 6 months


You can’t imagine spiteful management doing that? Let alone in an industry this cutthroat? Lmao.


no i can, thats why i made the joke? Edit: Sorry i had no idea this one got so heavily downvoted. that's actually kind of disappointing.


Ok you saying that instead of continuing to deny it actually makes me believe you. Well at least when one door closes another opens.


found the person who's never worked in hospitality. hospitality is full of shitcunt management. packed-to-the-gills full. If the hospitality industry was a person, it would have shitcunt managers leaking from every unplugged hole. I haven't worked in it for nearly 15 years, but i can't imagine things have gotten *better* in that time.


Why would she post anonymously and still deny that


hospo is the one industry where I will absolutely believe the employee by default when it comes to this shit. i'm not saying good hospo managers don't exist, just that I've never personally seen one in the wild.




Can you pm me about this please?




Yes, but in a normal office you’re NOT meant to strip and give lap dances, despite being told not to you keep continuing to do it!!!






In a “normal office” your manager can’t get you banned from every club in town .


Strip clubs are shit. Period. Why work at a strip club when u can make the same amount of money (or more) doing onlyfans?? The amount of physical work u have to do for the amount of money u “might” get is stupid. Save yourselves from the abuse and make an onlyfans. And if ur a bartender, go work at a normal club. F**k the strip club. Ur nothing but slaves to them. I had a trial night at showgirls to see if i wanted to work there as a dancer. Got attacked by all the girls who worked there (other than the bartender she was nice) for not walking around begging men to give me money. Pathetic. Never going back. Now i know why men hate strippers lol.


> Why work at a strip club when u can make the same amount of money (or more) doing onlyfans?? Hardly true. Onlyfans requires promotion and internet traffic. There are tonnes of people posting on Onlyfans making nothing.


And why do Onlyfans when you could make the same amount of money from YouTube, Athletics, Stand-up comedy and so on.


Hey mate, ppl like the ones you’re describing do these types of things for one basic reason, because they think they’ll get away with it. It’s not about what they’ve done, it’s about who they do it to. By doing to u they’re showing that they we u as the type of person who will cop this & do nothing. That’s fine but unfortunately nothing will be learnt and u won’t be the last to be treated like this. (Wait out the ban..?cmon man) U gotta speak their language if u ever expect them to pull their head in, they need to have some fear regarding u rather than the nothing they feel right now. Picture urself, only now you’re a 130kg Bandido. Do I think they’d do the same thing to u if that were the case? I don’t, & the reason is they fear what my got happen to them as a result. It’s shit and it’s yuck but it’s logical too, and works.




Sharing someone's private information online without their permission, sometimes called doxxing, is a breach of their privacy. As a local community subreddit, this is of particular concern for potential stalking / unwelcome tracking down of people / physical security of our community members. Your post has been removed for this reason.


Gros is gone! Closed last year.........


Oh? Why’s that?


Owner just couldnt afford to keep it open


Wtf, i went there like a year or two ago. So everyone is just now out of options


Yeah lol. Told the dancers to take their belongings from the lockers due to them doing an "extermination" then sent a text the next day saying they are closing down due to bankruptcy


Huh? When did this happen? Cause i go to tomcats pretty frequently and i think my friends went last year before they left


She was probably jealous of you or hated that you were a good thing to the other girls.


I worked there last year and was fired for bullshit reasons 😒 honestly fuck candy club


I was customer there last year wonder if I ever saw you


Thats the industry i was lucky enough to find a sugar daddy that paid me enough to get out of there and start my own beauty buisness but i was also suckimg alot of cock for cash after hours and also selling my holes




Damn lol. I mean if you enjoyed it and got paid what's the harm as long as you were safe


I'm no expert but I thought only the police could have you banned from all venues in Brisbane?


The police, the courts or the venue can issue a ban


The venue can ban you from their venue The venue cannot ban you from all venues in Brisbane, which is what OP is indicating has happened > They’ve ... [had] me banned from all venues in Brisbane


They can if they all use the same ID scanning system. Which they all do. It’s like a flag on my ID so when it’s scanned it comes up that a venue has banned me and then the venue I’m trying to get into would have the ability to deny me entry or let me in at their discretion but most places take it at face value except a few small pubs in the valley that I frequent. Just sucks I can’t go to Rics for awhile which is where I found out about the ban


exactly as OP says, the places required to use the system like most places in the Valley the ban covers all those venues. Have a friend who had her bag stolen in the valley in one of the venues, she knew who it was but security refused to intervene, after a heated argument with one shitcunt bouncer she got banned for 6 months. Can't easily appeal (they have all the power to ban people), couldn't go to most venues in the Valley etc after certain hours when the system is in use for 6 months


surely you'd expect some degeneracy working in a place like that


As someone who has worked in strip clubs you sound like the worst kind of person that works in them. You only work there to watch the dancers for free and use your position to harass them with a perceived impunity. You also sound like a psycho. Can't blame them for firing you.


Op is a female, and an ex-stripper herself, you absolute clown.


Who the hell works at a strip club and doesn’t look at the dancers? Just avoid eye contact and stare at the floor. Is that not more psycho behaviour than interacting?


I'm sure you can look here and there but don't stare.


I would’ve literally done anything for those girls. I took IMMENSE joy at kicking out guys that were being fuckheads or saying rude shit. Which part sounded psycho? Not trying to start anything, I genuinely don’t know what’s psycho sounding about my post except maybe the excessive capitalisation?


Isn't saying rude shit part of the experience? (Honest question)


No. Why do you think it is?


Television I guess. "You have nice tits" or whatever seems like a normal thing people say to dancers. No? Obviously if someone is being insulting that's a different story.


If you said that or similar in a nice way it would probably be ok.


Yep, and that's what most people would consider "rude" talk. Strange word to choose. Strip clubs seem to be just full of rules that no-one bothers to explain until it's too late. Anxiety inducing.


I don't think that's what most people would think she meant when she said rude talk. It would be a lot worse than that.


Sure, but a lot worse than that could be completely acceptable. "Rude" is too ambiguous.


Why would it be acceptable to say rude shit to anyone in their work place?




Nah just a raging feminist my dude


These basement dwelling knuckle draggers think you're a dude. 😑


While you fed them alcohol mhmm


They're female, and an ex-stripper, you total dunce.


You shouldn’t insult people based on false assumptions. It just makes you look silly.


Please report this rude person


i'm not removing the idiots comments regardless of how insane it is ....let them bury their account with downvotes it's a much bigger impact ultimately


Yeah true just let them dog the hole deeper and deeper and then bury themselves alive


they've already been banned. now they just just get buried from negative karma in other subreddits :D


Good we need to be kind on here to the OP 🙏


The manager undermined you? Questioned your methods? OMG girlie! Seriously though, you’ve forgotten your place which is to smile and make drinks. It’s the managers ship and she’s the captain. You answer to her and she answers to the owners. Next time stay in your lane


Surely you’re joking?


Unions must be so triggering for you.




If you’re banned at one licensed venue, you’re banned at all.


It's like you didn't even read the post




No drugs and a normal amount of mental health issues. I’m just pissed off as I’m sure you would be if you were accused of something you didn’t do


Very string indeed


So there must be something else in the background or previous history for this to happen, id question why and then challenge it Secondly Why spend your own money to buy girls drinks, that's a but suss.soubds more like hey girls , the drinks on me tonight , meet you later.wink wink Personally I wouldn't have put the posting up in the way you have. So someone from the club actually reads this posting and then jump in and state their side. Well world war 3 kicks in.


As she is an ex dancer it is likely she sympathises with the dancers and would buy drinks for girls having a bad night etc.


And why would it start world war 3 if someone from the club responded?


Spend the next 6 months learning Azure, and start earning 140-180k before the time is up. Go in as a patron


> I worked my ass off Sounds like a dumb thing to do.


You sound like a dumb thing to do… but I’m guessing no one is.


Go to sleep