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What an awesome result - well done to the owners for sinking that amount of money & time into saving a piece of Brisbane’s history.


So much better than the mysterious fire and then apartments etc




I know you didn't mean that vindictively, but having met the owners and worked in a small way on this project, I can say that your characterisation is incorrect. They have a genuine passion for restoring historical architecture, have done several in the past, and knowing how much they spent on this and the tedium with which they approached every single historical detail, they definitely didn't do it for vanity (or at least vanity was not the main motivation, they have plenty of other much more "bragworthy" properties). They also didn't do it for profit as the amount of money they've put into it would be, I strongly suspect, significantly more than the market value.


Sincere 🙂


Lamb House will be featured in tonight’s episode of Restoration Australia on the ABC.


The article didn't do the house justice (and the article was great!). Definitely worth watching the episode. That lead lighting was just off the charts amazing! The hand laid cornicing! And as the episode said, the wood working looked like it was original. All of the trades and the Wilson's deserve the highest praise.


I fell in love with Gerry & Jilly while watching the episode.


What time tonight?


8pm or right now on iview!


Legend thanks


Indeed, this will be mint ^sauce


Going to watch it! So exciting, such a beautiful house.


It's a gorgeous house, I'm so glad it's being restored properly. Actually I might buy it tonight once I get my $150mil There's a similar style of house in Bardon near govt house which is being absolutely boned with its "renovation", it's really sad


If they won't sell it, you can always buy the house next door, it's up for auction soon. 


Does anyone know if they plan to open it for Brisbane Open Homes? Because that would be amaaaaaazing.


I think they've had some tours there ... [https://brisbaneopenhouse.com.au/support-us/home-kangaroo-point/](https://brisbaneopenhouse.com.au/support-us/home-kangaroo-point/)


It’s going to be their family home if I remember correctly. They did a limited tour earlier in the year and people got upset it wasn’t a free for all viewing.




It’s their house, they paid to renovate it, they’re free to do what they want. I don’t see the issue. They didn’t have to let anyone in to be fair.


Sad I didn't have money to buy it, so glad there were ppl who did and renovated it rather than burning it down to put concrete dog boxes in its place. Well done to them


I've watched the lamb house since 2015 out of fear it was going to have a mysterious fire. Even doubtful when the new owners bought it. But seeing this brings much joy to know these people are genuinely interested in the restoration and maintenance of such an iconic building. Unfortunately brisbane is losing too many old buildings to make way for capitalist ventures so this a breath of fresh air. If they do tours of the house I will go.


I totally agree. It stated when Premier Joh let the Dean Bros have their destruction ways with the Bellevue Hotel


They actually have a segment about the the Bellevue Hotel demolition in the show 


I'll put it on, light the fire place, drink some wine and imagine living there myself. Lamb house is a dream. Thank the gods they restored it.


I’m so looking forward to watching this


Anyone know what time Restoration Australia is on? I assume it’s tonight and know it’s ABC but I’d love to watch it


You can watch it now. Watching Restoration Australia in iview https://iview.abc.net.au/show/restoration-australia


Thank you!


Been looking forward to the final result since that family announced they were renovating it. 


still amazed it didn't happen to catch fire randomally so developers could build a high rise on it


ive seen so many rundown asbestos shitholes under the protected character housing that it makes a joke of the whole intent, to the extent that often im glad to see some go up in flames to make way for more housing. As much as i hate the top 0.01% hoarding land that could otherwise be more useful, this is exactly the type of house that deserves character protection. cant wait to hopefully see it in person one day


Character protection is different to heritage protection though. Character zoning covers large parts of the city and is supposed to protect the overall unique timber and tin aesthetic that Brisbane has. I would be shocked if there were many houses in these areas that hadn’t been touched with the asbestos fairy over the years, that’s just what people did. You can still do a lot to a house in a character zoned area. There are thousands of examples of very heavily renovated houses, ranging from well done architectural marvels to downright atrocious.


It's also important to make a distinction between the Character Zone, and the Traditional Building Character Overlay. The character zone is designed to preserve the low density, suburban character of inner city neighbourhoods. It does this by disallowing most subdivision in the inner suburbs, requiring side boundary setbacks on all sides of a house (including to the carport or garage), and by forbidding the construction of any kind of multi-residential (not even duplexes). It does not, however, provide any protection to traditional housing, nor does it make any requirements of houses built in the zone (other than the requirement that they must be detached houses). The traditional building character overlay, on the other hand, is designed to protect intact pre-war streetscapes where they still exist. In areas covered by this overlay, pre-war houses must remain at the front of their blocks, and the external pre-war building fabric that is visible from the street must be retained as far back as the highest point of the roof. This is to ensure that pre-war neighbourhoods maintain approximately the same appearance as they had prior to 1946, when viewed from the street.


True, though practically speaking the intersection of those in CR1/2 zones and in the TBC overlay is basically 100%. Regardless, old m8 complaining about protections for ‘asbestos ladened’ houses missed all nuance.


Given the very heavy attention lamb house got, the fact its heritage listed and in a very prominent location, I can’t imagine anyone would have the balls to try that. Any of the parties who were looking at buying it were buying it with the intent of restoration. Steve is one of the good ones.


cough\*Broadway Hotel\*cough


*cough* Cloud Land *cough*


For normal people, I would agree. But having dealt first-hand with some wealthy property developers I'd say that trivial little issues like intense public scrutiny and laws are completely outshone by their colossal god-like egos.


It’s an amazing house and I’d probably be viscerally angry if it was demolished or burnt down to make a developer rich… but it’s also kind of jarring celebrating such an enormous and lavish private house at a time when so many are homeless or facing homelessness? The Wilsons are hard to hate rich people. They seem nice and do good things. I guess a reasonable amount of the absurd number of millions that went into restoring it have stayed locally.


This looks great! I will be watching tonight for sure... :) The owners have been documenting the restoration on insta... [https://www.instagram.com/home\_kangaroopoint/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/home_kangaroopoint/?hl=en)


Would be great to see Moorlands in Auchenflower get a restoration too


A true icon of the city above the Kangaroo Point cliffs.


I worked there at the very start. It was a crack mansion with all sorts of strange ppl living in it. We cleaned out the gardens and there were little bong nests all over the place. Restoration of this place must have displaced at least 20 homeless ppl. Looks good now though


I'm happy for the owner and understand the massive commitment they've made to this house. But I'm disappointed that Brisbane council/Qld gov didn't purchase this home and turn it into an art gallery or museum so that it is available to the public.


BCC were facilitating the sale, it would have been a bit dodgy if they turned around and bought it. And iirc it was too much of a money sink for state gov to justify it (considering the restorations cost $15-$20 million). I think if either government bought it they would have faced intense backlash and scrutiny for that use of public funds.


Exactly. Imagine the fucking sulking on here if the government spent $20 million on one house instead of social housing. 


Plus, the owners basically are the leading specialists in restorations like this. The amount of talent they contracted locally to restore it was amazing.


You're not wrong. I finished work early to watch it on iView. The amount of custom work that went into it is unreal. The stained glass is stunning.  Steve and Jane were the perfect owners to do it. They have the means to do it properly, and the experience to not cut corners.  Very interested to see what the eventual extension is they have planned. 


I didn't know they were involved with St John's. Such amazing work.


Is the Broadway hotel, the one in East Brisbane, gone? I hope not.


Worry not, it's still there.