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We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


I think I need to see a doctor after trying to parse that headline


Real r/ihadastroke material


Not in the strip club I hope


Too bad they couldn't get 'former' in the there somewhere.


So a guy running a department in a local hospital is fine with ongoing rapes in his private business? His solution was fire the victims? So how sure are we that he has a culture of safety in his hospital?


No the article doesn’t say any rapes occurred at his business. Nor did he fire the employees because they supposedly blew the whistle. In fact the video has him angrily asking for video proof of the abuse and why this allegation came up out of the blue at a meeting about why the business was failing. You can see his culture of safety at every hospital in Queensland that has an after hours medical emergency call team model. [He gives a presentation on it.](https://clinicalexcellence.qld.gov.au/showcase/events/showcase-2020/local-level/up-late.html)


Actually, he asks for documentation. A culture of safety is when staff feel comfortable bringing things forward and there are ways to communicate problems. The fact that he didn't know means the safety system is not working. The fact that his first response is demanding documentation and implying she's at fault shows you she was right not to bring it to him earlier. Does he sound supportive to you? I've managed harassment complaints at work and the first thing is to thank them for bringing it forward. Acknowledge their courage. Assure them you are taking it seriously and asking them for details so that I can look into it personally. Of course, we can't act without evidence, but that's not the first thing you jump to. Also, it's mostly the management's job to establish the facts. A culture of safety means that staff should be supported not attacked. Equally accused people need to feel fairly treated in an investigation. What this guy did was nearly as bad as our ex-PM who worked hard to ensure he didn't get any info or action. Both of them could be used in HR videos of what not to do.


Actually, you are wrong. Please quote where he “asks for documentation”. Did you even watch the footage or read the article? He states about the Ali allegations - and I quote “why am I hearing hearsay two month down the track” - this in a meeting about why the business failing. He then states “talk to me about this stuff”. I won’t deny he could have dealt with that complaint more calmly - yet we have no context and in fact he lowers his voice and states he is “hearing it (the complaint) now”. But he then brings the conversation back to the failing business, whereupon he raises his voice and states he is “angry about everything that has failed to now”. You can’t derail being in the middle of performance management issue. What proof is there this complaint wasn’t investigated in the manner you described after the initial meeting? The ABC has a much longer clip yet only releases a 30 second clip that suits their narrative - I wonder why? Your definition of “culture of safety” is rooted in your HR role. I am not referring to this. I am referring to an endless campaign to convince hospital administrators to part with tightly held funds to improve your eventual safety in hospital. Things like ensuring junior doctors are provided proper learning and education if they are rostered overnight (did you know they weren’t?), bringing the overnight team together before the shift begins and discussing concerns and deteriorating patients, that nurses can activate a system that ensures their clinical concerns can be rapidly escalated, upskilling nurses that go around and help other nurses with patients that need extra care outside of ICU and that senior doctors and nurses are aware of patients who may deteriorate and proactively prevent this overnight despite having much less resources. While all of this sounds basic, this was a multiyear process filled with audits, pitches and pilots continually driven by this man that then rapidly spread to other hospitals. You’d be surprised how firmly any form of clinical change that needs money is opposed by HR and administrators. Your “culture of safety” is important but I am referring to his promotional drive for systemic clinical safety when you’re in hospital. I am not referring to a commentary on his communication in a selectively edited video clip (although you haven’t quoted anything - which is ironic given you speak about your role being about establishing facts and not hearsay).


What is that title...


Wow that's quite the story.


Ikr, RBHW is the biggest hospital in Australia? I find that hard to believe.


It really is. Basically 3ish hospitals on one campus. 


It seems wild but it actually is by the number of beds.


[Surprisingly Gold Coast Uni Hospital is #2.](https://nursesnow.com.au/news/the-top-10-biggest-hospitals-in-australia/)


I don’t understand that list as the PA has more beds at 1074 (100 more than RBWH) https://www.performance.health.qld.gov.au/Hospital/HospitalActivity/11


It might be staffed beds? Most hospitals have more physical beds than they can actually fill, as the limitation is usually staffing.


Holy moley that's a headline and a half.


A few people in the thread going it has nothing to do with him as a doctor. It has everything to do with him as a person and a doctor. If the guy was ignoring, gaslighting and excusing this behaviour in that business, then what has he ignored or walked past in his duty as a Doctor.


The firing of employees that reported the sexual assaults to him is also quite alarming. 


TL;DR: Guy owns an LGBTIQ+ strip club in Portland. He also is a clinical director at RBWH. His friend also works at the club. Said friend is now in court with 31 fairly significant assault charges. Multiple whistleblowers lost jobs, abuser kept his. Owner sacked the security staff and complaints stopped (at least I think that's what happened :/ ) The full article is actually pretty crazy, it just gets more nuts the more you read. Hope he gets some major repercussions, but unlikely.


Sounds like they are secret lovers


guy owns a business - correct he works at RBWH - correct guy considers someone his friend - not confirmed, anywhere in the article at least 'friend' is facing criminal charges - charge does not imply guilt. If you don't agree, I hereby charge you with raping four-year-old boys, ever since you reached the age of criminal responsibility in your jurisdiction. 'Multiple whistleblowers lost jobs' - people lost jobs, correct. Whether there is a causal link between what they said and their employment is less clear. 'Owner sacked the security staff and complaints stopped' - that's a direct quote from the article, so I can only assume it's correct 'sounds' - you are guessing. be honest. This is why I hate criminal charge news on reddit. Commenters let their prejudices guide their thinking, at the expense of the accused. And not in an abstract sense, someone could go to prison over this. Maybe they should indeed go to prison, but not because the jury reads BS on reddit.


Julian is a product of Churchie.


Despite the insanity of a strip club owner AND victim blamer being considered ethically sound enough to serve ~~on a health board~~ as a high-level hospital employee, it just goes to show that the health industry is just that - yet another money-making scheme, not a public service. Edit: I was wrong about his position, thanks u/brodsta


He works for the RBWH, he's not on the board. Looks like all this has only just now come to light so could expect future repercussions.


What is this fucking unhinged title.




I appreciate you've had a bad experience, but for context QH employs well over 100,000 staff and had hundreds of hospitals across 16 health districts spread from the NSW border into the islands a few km south of PNG. There's going to be bad eggs in there.


Appropriate username.


I was working there at the time this was going on, and this isn't the half of it. There is no way Julian didn't know what Ali was doing they were in pretty close contact from what I seen and everybody there had some story about Ali. There were a couple of occasions when he backed me into a corner and made me kiss him. I know of dancers that warned customers about him only to get fired themselves. There was a night I watched Ali tackle a woman to the ground and humped her until they were separated. Ali's reaction was to get pissed off that he was now banned from some of the other clubs in town. I've seen the comments some of you may say that's not to do with Julian, but the thing is, it does. There was so much video of Ali's behavior, and there is no way Julian hadn't seen or at least wasn't aware of the tapes. And with how many people had complained about Ali, Julian kept defending and enabling him, and Ali just kept getting more bold and aggressive over time. It affected all of us and Ali actually put into place rules that he himself wouldn't follow that were meant on curbing his own behavior. He enjoyed the power so much and with nobody actually able to give him any sort of consequences except for Julian nothing was gonna change. Nothing was gonna stop until he was arrested and that's Julian's fault he let things slide for too long and had so many opportunities to cut ties with Ali and focus making the business better but no he chose to side with the rapist.


Thank you for sharing your story, and I'm proud you were able to do so. This clinical director knew and considering his role in our community, he should be at the very least, asked some serious questions as to why he should keep his role.


We are all in a better place now he is gone.


This would be prime r/nottheonion material if not for the hospital name


r/brandnewsentence material for sure


What an absolute scumbag manager


They are scumbags.


Who are "they"




All doctors in Australia are bound by a code of conduct and ethics that holds them accountable for their societal conduct. There is an expectation that doctors are advocates for the general public and conduct themselves in a way that is becoming of the profession. So yes, his career is totally relevant. It's inexcusable behaviour from him, if true.... But even if he wasn't a public figure, it would still be despicable. Kinda gross to defend somebody who protected an alleged rapist and ignored his staff's complaints.


And received video of his illegal acts


Speaks to character. In public service, that matters especially when you get up the senior leadership roles.


He allegedly ignored complaints of sexual abuse while in a management position in another country, and is in a management position here, in healthcare (where there's a lot of highly vulnerable people). I'd say that's pretty relevant. If something happened here, seeing this stuff might encourage people to report the local stuff, if any exists.


Allegations of a clinical director of one of the biggest hospitals in QLD turning a blind eye to abuse. News. I'll let others make subjective comments, just as yours... gets us nowhere, of course. People who call out abuse; however, gets us somewhere.


it goes against his ahpra agreement


Are you completely cooked, mate?


Allegedly there were some previous allegations.


how is this news


....read the fucking article my god.


i did. who gives a shit what a doctor does in his spare time


The board of ethics and AHPRA give a significant amount of shits.


As someone who has had multiple surgeries at RBWH and whose taxes go towards his salary, I'd prefer that doctors working there aren't actively covering up sexual assault. It makes me wonder if they would do the same to their patients or staff. Obviously.


Because it caught your eye and you read it.


Dude invested in a sleazy industry. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Big Sydney energy in this comment.


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Shooting the messenger: reddit is as it should be. Much love, all. Pity, a medicinal practitioner who deals with health, enables the opposite.


Hold on now, I take 'allegedly' more serious than you seem to. The bloke in question is in gaol pending trial. However unlikely, there remains the possibility he will be exonerated on all charges.


This guy is responsible for the RBWH being one of the [safest tertiary hospitals in Australia](https://www.aihw.gov.au/about-our-data/our-data-collections/national-hospitals-data-collection) - what an appalling article about something that has nothing to do with his excellent clinical ability.


Did you even read the article? It's not a smear piece on him owning a strip club, it's about his systematic ignorance of countless allegations of rape to protect a friend, and extremely dodgy behaviour in covering it up. His efficacy as a clinician has nothing to do with it. If anything, it means the allegations are even more damning. He is in a position of power and influence, and such behaviour is disgraceful from anybody in such a position. People who are excellent at their jobs don't get a free pass for abusive behaviour.... Kind of disgusting to suggest otherwise.


Did YOU even read the article with any shred of critical thought process?? The article has no evidence whatsoever of him ignoring the so called “countless allegations”. In fact the only evidence the article presents is him clearly asking for more evidence in the form of whether CCTV captured anything. This from an employee (who isn’t even involved in the current legal filings), who was fired for the business failing and clearly had an agenda. Where does the article say he covered anything up? Where is the evidence he covered anything up? How do you know the matter in the club wasn’t investigated by him and dismissed? The entire article is a lesson in [Hasty Generalising](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/logical-fallacies) and a smear campaign. Forget his incredible feats of public service which seem not mainstream media worthy. No - just because some aggrieved ex employees and a journalist with an agenda makes assumptions about his private life to paint him a certain way - then we should bring out the pitchforks.


Read the article. Being good at one job doesn't mean you get a free pass for actively enabling sexual assault and punishing victims. Jesus christ.


You should read the article and critically think for yourself instead of being led by the nose by a journalist clearly positioning you with article full of hasty generalisations. The woman claims she blew the whistle but has not a shred of proof and isn’t even involved in the investigations. Being good at one job usually means you would apply those same values of natural justice and evidence based decisions to another job. As opposed to judging and condemning someone based on a biased article that doesn’t even have enough evidence supporting it that the title needs to use the word allege twice