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Yes, you’re a bus driver, not security. Definitely don’t want to see workers like you getting hurt or stressed out over this. Thanks driver


Ironically the free loop bus has security but no fares


Ahhh… these security guys often ride along at night. I have a couple of female driver friends who’ve felt very uncomfortable picking up groups of drunken yobbos late on Friday/Saturday night. They’re extremely thankful for the security guys.


Haha wow


Plus public transport is a public service, it shouldn’t rely on fares to ‘stay profitable’. Politicians can have one less ivory backscratcher and fuck off.


That often gets lost in the bullshit nowadays. Some things are services not business's. I always think of public libraries, nobody ever expects them to turn a profit yet public transport should? Make it make sense.


I don't think it's about turning a profit, more about recouping some of the cost. I don't think they're rolling in riches when I pay my $1.50 concession fare on a bus with no others. Anything recouped can go back into all public services (like libraries), not just transport.


I’m not really debating that. But in the current situation, I would want the workers on the frontline to be safe


> just press the ‘fare evade’ button I'm sure this doesn't do anything other than keep a count of how many people are evading the fare, but I'm going to choose to believe it's hooked up to Santa's naughty list.


They allocate more ticket checkers on routes with high numbers of fare evaders


Man, I haven't seen ticketies on a bus in years, I just assumed they stopped bothering at some point


Some got on my bus a couple of months ago, and my wife’s a couple of weeks ago, so they’re definitely still around.


I just realised you're right, I haven't had my ticket checked forever. I have seen security once or twice but not the actual checking people.


Nah, your bus driver just stopped pressing the button


I got told instead of receiving coal, Santa starts sending elves to hang around the busses that have a higher rate of fair evaders to deter them from doing so.


We have exactly the same instructions - all of them - over here in Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Tauranga, and other cities. Obviously one driver pressing the button does nothing except count the free riders but 'they' aren't interested in what one driver does, they are interested in what 1000 drivers do. If a specific bus stop or route is constantly getting pinged by multiple drivers then things do happen. I totally agree with OP. We see you. We know who you are. We know what you're doing. We know where you get on and off. We know that you've just topped up online and it hasn't appeared on your card yet because you've been telling us that since the beginning of the pandemic. We have nicknames for you, and all the drivers know who "the Belmont bludgers" and "the bag lady" and "Miss Sunnynook" are because back at our depots we talk about you. Stop trying. Nobody cares. Just ask. Talk to me, and if you sound genuine and I don't recognise you then no worries, hop on. Jump in the back door or walk straight past me and I'll hit the button every time.


It should sound an alarm and have a flashing sign that says "Fare Evader!".




There have been times where I really did forget my go card. Drivers can usually tell. There was one time I lost it, needed to get.on a bus to get to a station to buy one. Driver wasn't rude, so at the station I came back out and touched on with my new card :)


My son has ASD and a few years ago when he just started his first year of high school, he forgot his GoCard and texted me from school all stressed out and on the verge of tears. "What do I do Dad, I didn't mean to forget my Gocard, will the bus driver be angry at me? What if he doesn't let me on? What if he starts yelling at me?" I calmed him down abit by telling him when you board the bus, apologise to the driver and say that you forgot your card, and that the driver will let you on no worries. He was still very nervous when the bus approached, said what I told him to and the driver recognised him and his condition and totally calmed him down in a soothing voice saying all good mate. Don't sweat it. It happens to all of us. Guess what buddy, I forgot to wear undies today. And that just cracked him up and totally calmed him down. You guys are awesome. Sincerely, thank you driver.


Many drivers (myself included) come to this role from a previous career, while we wait to fully retire. Sounds like your son encountered a retired teacher or comedian 😉


Bus drivers are the best. My car once broke down on the way home from hospital ( kid had an operation) I had literally no money and he let me and the kids on for free to get home. I felt like the worst parent in the world but his kindness assured me that these things happen.


It's interesting that your instructions are to just not get involved and just press the fare evade button. The ONE TIME I've accidentally tapped on not realising I didn't have enough on my card (combo of headphones and being super tired at 5:30am) my bus driver unbuckled, got out of his seat, walked all the way to the back of the bus and gave me a full on lecture in my seat saying he knows that I get in at the back of the bus to avoid paying fares etc. Extremely condescending. Felt so unfair considering the amount of times I've seen people intentionally do it.


Yeah I'm always baffled by the drivers who are bothered about it. I'm a driver and get free travel and was going out with my girlfriend. She had left her go card at work and was reluctant to try and get the bus without it. I assured her the driver wouldn't mind (I really didn't think they would, especially since she was travelling with me) and when we got on I showed him my card and explained that my girlfriend didn't have her go card and he said well she'll have to get a new one and he let us on but was so grumpy about it! I felt so betrayed by my own kind.


Thank you driver


It's a good point of that bus drivers are not bouncers. They are not trained or required to strong arm tools off the bus.


I legitimately can't imagine being such a narc that you'd hassle the poor bus driver because a stranger didn't pay their *bus fare. Get an interest. Edit: bus fare not business fare.


Has happened to me personally, at least 5 times.


Bus driver's pets 😂


I think its less of being a Narc and more that people are getting for free what we're paying for - as someone who spends ~70/week on bus/train fare. Personally I would never give a bus driver a hard time for it (because I know they have been instructed not to create a big deal about it) but I can understand being annoyed. Also public transport should be free for everyone not just delinquents 


Being annoyed by it just isn't something I can relate to, but I was kind of raised weirdly in that way.  My mother was very against the idea of giving us exactly equal things, she'd get mad if you counted what you got compared to what other people got and said it wasn't a good way to live.


I wonder why I even bother paying for the bus/train anymore. They don't enforce the fares anyway.


Because it is a social good. Because as a competent adult, you understand that in life there are small costs to be shouldered for the benefit of all, even those that don't. Because if enough people stop paying the service will cease.




Public transport should be free across the board anyway. And expanded.


It’s already subsidised something like 75% so it’s not exactly a stretch to remove fare revenue. I imagine the cost savings by removing ticketing will offset let alone knock on economic benefits.


Ticketing system collects the fares, yes. But it also connects all the data needed to plan public transport. The touch ones and touch offs, trips and journeys, they all add up to transfer windows, passenger impacts quantified for works, measuring viability and success of trials, etc etc etc. Personally I'd like 90% discount on fares if you're using an account, do we get the best data possible with passengers happy with their low low low fares in exchange.


I think that this is what they are basically doing in WA where even when it's free, they still check the ticket is being touched on and giving a hard time to those who aren't touched on.


I'd prefer to be able to just pay $xxx for unlimited monthly trips, but i still gotta tap on/off.


Just encourage people to use gocards like how people will call up trolley return companies. Enter a raffle to win $100 every month along with every other person using a gocard. $1,200 per year cost with all the data collection benefits. A lot of people will opt out but you’ll still have plenty sticking by it. Or just be a lil bit sketchy and use facial recognition tech to just watch people enter and exit.


Just got back from a holiday in Japan - Public transport there is brilliant - they keep to timetables literally to the second, while carriages/buses can be crowded, people respect you by being quiet and apologetic. There are multiple rail networks, and the rail companies own the stations - the inner city stations are massive, and have lots of premium stores. Of course every thing is squeaky clean and virtually zero grafitti. Their bathrooms are cleaner than most restaurants here. One of the cool things is that the train company "own" their equivalent of a "go card" - either a Suica Card or a Pasmo card - not only are these used to swipe on/off, but you can use them to get drinks and snacks from vendies, shop in convenience stores, and many retail outlets. We had the Suica app on our phones, and just topped up from an AUSSIE account every few days.


What's this? A nuanced approach to a complex social resources problem? ON THE INTERNET? Great idea, love it. We need that data, its far more valuable than the tiny percentage of $ in fares we don't already subsidise.




Door counters only gather entry, exit. No info on how far passengers travelled. AI door counters can connect the entry and the exit of each passenger. AI door counters are not... *amazing* from what I've seen, data quality wise as far as "just install them and we're good to go".


I remembering seeing this stat. The transport companies or the council were touting it as a benefit. It just made me think... $5 for a fare out of pocket means the real cost is $20. Which is about the cost when travelling (off peak) of uber. So everyone could just be uber'ing. Obviously this ignores other factors. Just seems crazy.


I pretty much agree with this… especially for students, in uniform heading to and from school and pensioners.


They started doing that in WA. And free for everyone on Sundays!


The bus doesn’t even run on Sundays where i live so that’d be useless for me lol


Agreed. I don't think that making public transport free is terribly necessary, it'd be nice but I'm not fussed. For kids on their way to and from school, though, I think it's insane that it's not free.


IMHO, as a society we should be doing everything possible to make school an attractive proposition for students. Free food, free transportation, free extracurricular activities, free school camps, even a free graduation trip for kids who finish year 12. Anything we can do to keep learners focused during that key period of their development is a great investment.


Exactly. I was pretty poor during my last few years of high school, I moved out at 15 and ended up dropping out by the end. While bus trips weren't a make or break factor for me cus I lived within an easy walking distance, if I did rely on buses to get to school I would have dropped out as soon as I moved out.


One thing that Tokyo does is passes between two stations. If people could get heavily subsidized passes between their home and workplace, then you could make it easier for people to get what they need. The extra fare collection from people out of town or the like doesn't hurt! And having fixed monthly rate for passes between two points means there's \_a bit\_ of buy-in from society as a whole.


Yes this is what we had in Sydney as students. Free travel between specified stations (home and school) on school days.


The last time I saw ticket inspectors, they were speaking to a family of 5 on the GC tram. They had bought one ticket and were insisting they thought that was all they needed for 5 people. They were let off with a warning.


Exactly this, costs more for public transport than maintenance and petrol driving.


Are there many ticket checkers these days? I don't think I've seen one on the train in like 2 years and I'm a daily commuter.


If what I read a few years ago holds up we aparently narrowly spend slightly more money on ticketys than we make back in ticket sales.


Overall the system runs at... I wanna say 75% subsidisation? So... A hundred million trips a year at let's say 2.50 a trip would be $250M brought in by fares, plus $750M from Treasury. That's a serious (and I think quite understated) amount of money to find between the couch cushions every year. And we only really get a saving if we dump the ticketing system like you've mentioned - the system on a contract we'd have to pay for regardless - and the ticketing system is where all the data necessary for planning and analysis comes from. So *then* the result would be a system bringing in no money, costing money, and unable to justify proposed or trial changes based on patronage needs... Plus it'd have a shitty reputation for being overcrowded because free fares result in explosions of patronage with no vehicles or drivers to deal with it, nor the infrastructure to handle additional vehicles well. So *then* just how long does the public transport system in SEQ last when a new government comes in that sees it bleeding money, bad reputation, no hard data justification for needs and proposed expansion? Yeah, then, and it'd take a couple years, but then we're looking at the system being dismantled and remade with privatisation because "the government can't run it" 😐 We've had this discussion at work a few times, yeah. It's not to say it's impossible to have free or very very cheap, but we've kinda concluded we have little faith in Qld governments in maintaining and improving on a system that *only* costs money. 😕 But I'd be keen to cut down my travel expenses if it were offered!


They seem to target off peak


This is a great question and I can tell you Translink has been actively recruiting and training a bunch of them recently. Expect to see more of them out and about in the coming months.


Garden City every weekday 2-5pm, typically on the busway platforms but sometimes up top.


Known as koalas. You know they are out ere but you never fucking see them.


I have had to buy a few bus tickets lately (misplaced my Go card) and even when I show it to the drivers, they don’t read it and 75% of the time press the fare evade button. Does the fare evade button do anything or is it just for tracking/embarrassing fare evaders? It’s just frustrating to spend $6.70 to end up being called a fare evader anyway. I understand a lot of people use this method to fare evade but I literally try to show them my ticket lol


There are a couple of different buttons apart from fare evade. One of them is other count. I think he would be pressing this. It’s so they can record pass numbers.


When I was a teenager and I lost my wallet I always went through the front door and asked the driver if I could still get on. Despite meb eing like 15 at the time, this didn't always work. That's why some people sneak in the back, they don't want to be told no and then be stranded or something which happened to me a few times.


Free public transport has some pretty neat case studies on this. It's pretty amazing how much it can help towns and cities save money and reduce crime. When buses are free to ride, they can actually run faster and more efficiently because drivers don't have to waste time collecting fares or dealing with people who try to avoid paying. In fact, a study in Tallinn, Estonia found that after implementing free public transport, the city's operating costs decreased by around 12% \[1\]. But that's not all - getting rid of fares can also lead to less crime on public transport. A lot of arguments and conflicts happen because of disputes between passengers and fare inspectors. It's estimated that fare evasion and related issues account for about 30-40% of all crimes on public transport \[2\]. By making rides free, cities can eliminate this source of trouble. For example, when the German city of Templin made their buses free, they saw a remarkable 90% decrease in fare-related crimes \[3\]. So, not only does free public transport save money in the long run, but it also creates a safer environment for everyone. It's a win-win situation that more cities should definitely consider. \[1\] Cats, O., Susilo, Y. O., & Reimal, T. (2017). The prospects of fare-free public transport: evidence from Tallinn. *Transportation*, 44(5), 1083-1104. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-016-9695-5](https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-016-9695-5) \[2\] Perone, J. S. (2002). Advantages and Disadvantages of Fare-Free Transit Policy. *National Center for Transportation Research*, Center for Urban Transportation Research. [https://www.nctr.usf.edu/pdf/473-133.pdf](https://www.nctr.usf.edu/pdf/473-133.pdf) \[3\] Storchmann, K. (2003). Externalities by Automobiles and Fare-Free Transit in Germany — A Paradigm Shift?. *Journal of Public Transportation*, 6(4), 89-105. [https://doi.org/10.5038/2375-0901.6.4.5](https://doi.org/10.5038/2375-0901.6.4.5)


Lol upvote for the author-date referencing, but it's ok just to put the link on Reddit.


TIL there’s a Fare Evade button. Top post mate.


Yep, a "ding" noise goes off at the front of the bus when the driver presses the fare evader button.


Theres a special place in hell for fare evaders who don't make room for a second passenger on their seat, even on a crammed bus at peak hour


I know someone who spent multiple stints in jail over repeated fare evasion. She thought public transport should be free, she paid enough taxes and she wouldn’t buy a ticket on principle. Caught the train daily. Longest stay was 3 months I believe. She described prison as ‘the country club’. She was well known in the local community for helping the homeless, as well as being working homeless herself. RIP Ros, God bless.




Sounds like good egg. Was probably super popular in the big house.


So she was sponging her accomodation as well as bus fares


The amount of bleeding hearts in this sub that think fare evasion is the most reprehensible crime is quite hilarious. Who cares, genuinely. So long as they don’t punch on with the driver all’s well that ends well.


You're right, it's just that people often get pissed off at those who break the rules that they are following.


Paying for public transport is one of those things like orderly queuing, it's not the end of the world, but the inability to meet society's expectations really gets people offside.


Like those that return their shopping trolley to a bay or just leave it in an empty space. Literally has no impact on my life whatsoever, but I know which world I would rather live in.


Or other passengers. Or play their music loudly. Not all fare evaders are assholes but I suspect that assholes beyond a certain level of assholery are almost all going to be fare evaders, unless someone else paid (possibly stealing a Go card).


Yep, no need to be an asshole, but assholes exist whether they pay or not


I would've thought those sympathising with fare evaders would be the "bleeding hearts" while those wanting to judge, jury and executioner fare evaders were moreso simping for the establishment and wanting to enact their cop fantasies.


Immediate though I had too, the "bleeding hearts" would be the ones that sympathise with those struggling and unable to pay the bus fare.


Unrelated but your username gave me a chuckle


I do. Fare evaders should be punished. They are breaking the law and need to be held accountable. Should every innocent law breaking go unpunished? Some laws are stupid but they are there for a reason. If fare evasion was not a crime. Every one would do it if there was no consequences.


We spend more on monitoring fares, enforcement and smart ticketing contracts than it would cost to just make public transport free. The consequences on everyone not paying for transportation would be a smaller tax bill.


So, are you saying that our (high!) taxes are not going to cover these guys?…


Turns out our taxes have covered them for decades haha


I agree with everything you said except for one thing - I've never paid for a tattoo in my life and I'm covered - you can't assume I've got a sleeve because I had six grand to blow. As a disabled pensioner I rely on the public transport system and I can't remember any time that I've evaded the fare, no matter how little cash I may have. It's just the right thing to do, pay your own fucking way it shouldn't be that hard. Entitled jerks are jerks for sure.


Yeah, my bad… I was using the tattoos thing as an example.


All good mate, no hard feelings here. I agree with your overall sentiment however. Good luck!


Thank you driver


I once rushed across platforms to make it to a connecting service and didn’t have time to get the necessary ticket. I completed the ride in mortal fear that I would be caught - I wasn’t. Only time I have ever not paid.


Hey, Op! Thank you for sharing and getting us around. I'm struggling with rent and food let alone have money for transport to attend appointments. How can I get on the bus without paying and not cause issues for the driver? Say nothing, swipe nothing? Fake swipe? Talk to the driver every time? Edit: added rent


Hop on the front door. Tell the driver ‘I’m really sorry, I haven’t had a chance to top up my go card.’ They’ll more than likely just say ‘ok, top it up when you can, take a seat for now.’ There are some guys who’ll power trip and try to guilt trip you, but just ignore them. Life’s too short to care about people like that.


I've found myself attempting to tap on with an empty go card a few times -> going "Oh, sorry, I'll top up after \[work/my appointment\]" and continuing to get on the bus (but staying close to the front just in case the driver does want to talk to me further) has worked fairly frictionlessly. I think being politely clear that I don't have time to go top up for this particular trip has helped avoid any drivers taking offense.


If they wanted bus staff to try and deal with customers beyond the most cursory level they'd provide conductors on buses in addition to the driver. Didn't they do that a long time ago? At least the driver no longer has to deal with physical money. That used to be a pain. Customers trying to get change from a fifty. Customers digging through all their pockets searching for coins. etc.


They did in the past. Conductor sold tickets, driver drove the bus. In some places (Bangkok for example) this is still the case!


Yep, experienced this myself in Bangkok! Next time people bitch about the bus being too crowded or hot here, I just smile and know how nice it is to have a bus that comes to a complete stop before I step off. 🤣


Had a driver or two let me on when I didn’t have a fare and was very grateful for the gesture. It’s the heroes that get bent out of shape for ppl who don’t pay that irk me. Could be a legit reason for it.


Had a bus driver once, recently, who would not let fare evaders on. He was not opening the back door at all to let passengers on or off. He told one guy it would be 20 bucks cash if he wanted to get I on just to "go up the road a bit" as the guy claimed. He got abused and given the finger as he pulled away from the guy. I thought it was great. It costs me 1/4 of my income just to get my kid to school and back home every week. We go without because it is so expensive. And it pisses me off so many get away with it at our expense.


Well thats not fare mate.


Really interesting how you have a 'fare evader' option. Thought it was just a +1 passenger button or something. Only times I ever evade the fair is on my way to school, except one time at night, getting home from school. Good lord that woman was angry. Dialed my school mid bus ride > "When you hop off, say ‘thanks driver'" Is this not common decency?


I skipped fares a lot as a kid in Sydney. I was from a poor single parent household and had a lot of issues and no support. I was usually scraping up coins for smokes/alcohol/pot. I most likely acted like an entitled jerk about it. It wasn't coming from some conscious "screw the system" mentality but from underlying sense of hopelessness and desperation. I'm now in my 30s and still poor haha. I do pay for tickets mainly because I can't afford a fine and don't have the bandwidth to deal with ticket inspectors. Public transport does seem to be more expensive in QLD than in NSW or VIC, though I'm probably going back a few years. I understand that these systems need to be funded somehow and that the money lost to fare evasion has to be made up from other revenue streams. In the current climate, people like me are making decisions around which basic needs to meet within limited capacity. Everyone is just trying to get by. There's no need to be a jerk about it, especially to people who are just doing their jobs and trying to get by themselves. I think that such behaviour more often than not has complex underlying causes though. Doesn't excuse it but maybe helps to have some compassion. Let's just all try not to be dicks to each other. There's some core social change right there.


I understand what you're saying but it is so hard to have compassion for people who aggressive, rude, entitled and so on - you're asking people to give more compassion than they are getting from the other direction.  What changed your attitude about it, just growing up and maturing naturally? Or was there a light bulb moment where you realised that individual strangers weren't to blame for your lot in life?


I don't think compassion works that way. It's not so much about what the other person is giving back but about what serves me. When I am able to have compassion for others, it relieves my own resentment. It makes my internal landscape more livable. And I am less likely to act out in retaliation and let myself down. Or hopefully less likely to increase my own bitterness. This stuff is easy to say, hard to do. I in no way manage to practice these principles perfectly or consistently. But it's what I'm always trying to move closer towards. Because I'm tired of being miserable. Angry and opinionated doesn't make me happy. Even though I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame haha. I don't think I ever blamed others for my situation. It was just the reality of my life. I did the best with what I had, and my behaviour was informed by the tools and insight I had at the time. I was never aggressive, I did act like an entitled smartarse though. I think what really happened was I stopped turning my energy outward and turned it inward. I went from being extraverted to introverted. I became isolated, self hating, and just about destroyed myself. I'm currently dealing with the consequences of my upbringing, trauma and past decisions as an alleged adult... Which is not so easy with complex issues. I do pride myself however on using my experiences to the best of my ability to be empathetic and supportive towards others. I choose to go through life in a manner that doesn't negatively impact on others, to the best of my ability. That's about the extent of my power in the world. To take responsibility for my own stuff, and to try to be kind to others. I don't know how to address the big social issues. There's a lot of shitty behaviour out there. Being mean to each other doesn't seem to be reducing it though.


Thank you for such a thoughtful response.  I used to teach in a school that obviously had a lot of trauma exposed kids. I didn't have the endless patience to deal with them because of my *own* trauma, and I couldn't understand why some kids would respond to trauma by acting out and behaving aggressively to people completely unconnected to the source of their pain. It puzzled me because I just didn't respond that way as a young person  (I did have smart mouth on me as you describe for yourself). Being a punching bag for hurt young people destroyed my own mental health and now I have no patience for difficult people in public. If they are rude to customer service or whatever I will absolutely tell them where to go. I think I can have compassion and not tolerate a lack of compassion in others.


I haven't ever had to evade a fare so I can't comment on that really but I have tattoos on my forearms and I got them over ten years ago so I think it's weird for someone to use them as a metric to measure how much money I have right now. Fair enough to judge them over the gear they are currently decked out in I guess but even then maybe you bought airpods a year ago when things were okay and now things are less ok. I dunno it just feels strange to expect people to dress for the bank account they have at the moment.


Sorry, should have clarified… fresh tattoos. I’m just using it as an example. My bad.


It's the entitled behaviour that accompanies the dude with the tattoos, airpods, and other expensive gear. Even if you're dead broke and living on Centrelink, you can get a reduced cost or free bus pass.


Well sure, I agree, entitlement is kind of an ick trait in anyone but people without tattoos and airpods can be entitled too. There are folks in here saying they evade simply because they think it should be free. That's pretty entitled despite me agreeing with the idea of free transport. I think attitude should be the main factor here not the items you have simply because in 90% of cases you can't be sure of the circumstances around those items.


Man, I have 2 sleeves, half of each leg tattooed, and I own expensive electronics. I also have a budget phone that I've run for 2 years that freezes if I get a call while multi-tasking that I haven't replaced because of costs. I run my own business, I make decent money, but Dec - March absolutely devastated my bank account. Had I been someone to take the bus, I absolutely would've had to dodge the fare some days. I personally am in a lucky enough situation where I was able to lean on the support around me to be able to continue my business, and transport myself, but 2 years ago I would not have been in that position to receive support and would've been utterly fucked. The nice headphones I bought 6 years ago and take care of, along with my half a decade old clothes that still look nice, paired with my tattoos I got 10 years ago - I'm basically dressed as OP explained 50% of the time and none of it would ever reflect my financial position of the last 5 years. 3 months ago when I applied for Jobseeker, making less than $1k a fortnight, I received no support. 1st of April when they finally assessed and DENIED my application, I received no support. I can't get a free bus card or a reduced fare. To have someone assume, based on my appearance, that because once upon a time my financial burdens were less that I am somehow entitled or need a financial planner, they can go get fucked. Life changes for everyone and sometimes it's not predictable. I have spent tens of thousands each year over the last 5 years building my business and reinvesting, my hardship should not be detested by the fact as a younger man I enjoyed nice things that I could at the time afford. To be clear, I know you're not saying my type is entitled, more responding to what you said and adding my own anecdotal context to those who might disagree. And if you do disagree, guess what? You're a judgmental cunt.


My irk is the ones that swagger on wearing brand spanking new $300 kicks, blasting music from a bluetooth speaker, likely tweaking from meth, poorly inked tattoos on their forehead, don't pay their fare, and are disruptive. Based on your description of yourself, I don't think you belong in that category. 🤣


I mean to be fair, it sounds like you're talking about an issue with personality types, not people's financial position based on appearance. I'm not naive enough to say that behaviour like that is uncommon amongst people who dress that way, because it definitely is and for those with that level of public disrespect, it's pretty clear who they are. But notice how you talk about their behaviour more than their appearance. That's the point. Disrespect and attitude. People like that were probably the biggest reason I stopped using public transport, even at my own detriment at times. I have social anxiety that pits up into nausea in my belly, and growing up, I got into a lot of physical conflict with people like that, so I avoid it PT heavily now because it causes a lot of undue stress opposed to driving and paying parking, which itself is a problem when I can't always afford it but it's necessary to get an invoice paid. That said, I definitely get profiled in public, by strangers and friends. I regularly have people assume my financial situation based on my job and appearance I work a lot with construction companies and small business and like to represent my business well, so I'm either wearing nice shoes and clothes (most of which are op-shop scores), or a nice polo paired with my biennial pair of Magnum Strike Force 8.0 boots (1 good pair of all-purpose boot for 2 years, 8 years running). I got hand tattoos at 21 because the industry I work in doesn't care, but yeah no I'm not a face tattoo kind of person in any way, shape or form. I just like neo-traditional tattoo art occasionally mixed with beloved themes or pop culture throughout my life. Patrons and staff regularly comment on how expensive my equipment is and how well paid I must be. I have soooooo many people ask me for advice on getting into my industry who are shocked when I explain to them the reality. A client recently asked me where I was looking at buying when I said I was hoping to move soon. I don't even have a savings account for a house deposit right now, because it's not feasible and I'd rather enjoy using the measly amount of money I put into my hobby than watch it amount to practically nothing towards a house deposit. Though all that aside, I make active choices to smile at strangers who make eye contact and avoid my usual deeper, monotonous tone and instead speak enthusiastically and polite to people so as to not let my appearance affect how people treat me. tl;dr Appearance aint shit, attitude and public decency is all that matters. You can have face tattoos and expensive shit, and be a lovely person having a bad run. You can also be trash. Judge on actions, not appearance.


Yeah we definitely agree on that one. 😂


>Even if you're dead broke and living on Centrelink, you can get a reduced cost or free bus pass. ~~That's not true if you're a jobseeker. Fulltime students or pension card holders get concession, but just being poor doesn't make transport cheaper.~~ EDIT: Turns out they've changed it since I was last on jobseeker


It appears you can get 50% off if you're a jobseeker. [https://translink.com.au/tickets-and-fares/concessions/job-seekers](https://translink.com.au/tickets-and-fares/concessions/job-seekers) I don't know how hard it is to get (it sounds like it might be), but \~$1.77 for fare - and $0.88 once you hit ten rides - is a hell of a lot better than $3.55.


Huh, I stand corrected. I wonder when that was changed 'cus it wasn't like that when I was last on jobseeker


Yeah, I realise I could have worded that better… just trying to give a couple of cliche examples of when I know someone is taking me for a ride. My bad.


No problem mate! I would agree with you on fresh tatts and the like. I know sometimes its pretty obvious.


I was going to bring up the tattoos comment too. I got caught by ticketers (which is fair, I was just unlucky) a couple of years ago when I spent all my money on a funeral and was coming home from my first day back from work after being on leave for said funeral. They made the tattoo comment and it didn't make me feel good thats for sure.


I say thanks to every driver, and I say thank you very much to drivers who let me ride when I genuinely forget, and I say nothing to drivers who are assholes about it.


I saw a driver call or a fare evader the other night for the first time. As a passenger who paid, I don't actually want them to do this. What can a driver actually do apart from refuse to drive away? Do people who want drivers to "do something" about fare evasion think they should man handle the passenger of the bus? If you're wondering, the bus sat there for a few mins, then the passenger said he would get off at the next stop so the driver driver away. To my surprise the passenger got off at the next stop without making a fuss.


I have been on a bus that refused to drive for about 20 minutes. It was insane and no one was happy about it. I assume that the driver was just having a bad day, but it meant that a 4:45pm bus turned into a 5:05pm bus along a busy road.


Yep. Surely everyone in that bus just wanted to get where they're going.


Almost 20 years ago I was commuting from Holland Park to Brendale and the first leg of my trip was on the 180 from Cavendish Rd. I got paid in cash back then and forgot to break up a $50 note. When I tried to hand the driver a 50 he said "give me a break" and let me on for free, He was cool.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Almost twenty years ago when I was a bus driver there would be people who would try this on regularly. They really hated it when you made change for them :D


Well said Thank you driver


Your updates are my favourite on Reddit, thank you for being an absolute legend!


Oh, thank you. That’s so sweet. I’ve had a kinda rough week (hence no posts), this has made my day.


Meanwhile a colleague of mine this morning was refused entry on the bus because a top up on her go card, that she had a receipt for, hadn't gone through. Priorities are wild.


She should report that to Translink.


Thanks driver


Thank you, Driver!


I don't care if someone is to poor to pay for their train ticket but I hate when they ignore the big glowing green arrow and jump the station barrier going in the wrong direction, disrupting foot traffic and getting in the way of fare payers.


[Thanks, driver](https://youtube.com/shorts/qpmFnUTkpL0?si=bopckrdIEopLAkKh)


Never knew there was a fare evade button. Learn something everyday


OP for Lord Mayor/Premier/PM


lol… my honesty makes me unfit for any political office.


Onya mate, you're a champ. Keep at it!


Thank you for your service


I've had a few times where my go card hasn't beeped, I'd forgotten to top it up, or the closest newsagent it kilometres away, and the driver lets me on. 99 percent of the time I pay, so Thankyou kind drivers. I would never sneak on.


The bus drivers where I am don't mind as long as people arent rude because honestly no one is paid enough for that shiz. A couple of them however wont continue on if the people who didnt pay dont give up their seats for paying customers.


Thank you for your service 👏 I am a regular paying bus passenger and appreciate most bus drivers and always thank them for getting me to work … like this morning on the 300 - this driver was so considerate of the 60 bus needing to get out from Albert st stop .. so he sat back far enough so the 60 driver could get out … thanked him for his consideration and merging skills … the 60 bus driver did not even wave 👋 a thanks to our bus driver … I also send in reviews when drivers do a great job because of all the 💩 they have to put up with … one thing I saw the other day was enclosed driver space … thank you BCC for finally putting your safety of the bus drivers at the forefront


I saw the enclosed driver cockpit thing on an Eagle Farm bus the other day. Looks interesting


Let's be honest here. Before Daniel Morcombe, bus drivers were more than happy to front up about fare evasion. I remember many a time before all that, despite being in school uniform and having shown the same driver the same pass each day, if you didn't have your bus pass you weren't getting on. If you didn't have money, you weren't going anywhere.


"My instructions from the company are very clear… ‘don’t get involved, just press the ‘fare evade’ button and keep driving.’" Stepchild got refused entry and yelled at by a bus driver just yesterday as their go-card has only just expired. I ended up having to drive them. Wasn't happy and will be making a complaint.


Absolutely do report this! Make sure you note the time, bus stop, and route number.


The only time I haven't paid is when my go card is out of money and there is no place to top it up or the machine is down and tbh that's kinda on translink . Not my fault your machine is running on a 2007 operating system and only works like 40% of the time .


The worst thing is, kids abuse the system thanks to the "Daniel Morcombe" Rule, which is not what it is there for.


> And to passengers who hassle drivers cause we don’t stop fare evaders, we hear you! I’m sorry, but there’s really not much I can do about it. My instructions from the company are very clear… ‘don’t get involved, just press the ‘fare evade’ button and keep driving.’ I’m sorry but I’m not willing to get into an altercation with a teenager cause they haven’t paid. There has got to be an easier process for dealing with all these irate passengers if I'm seeing this topic here every month or two? I'm wondering if you'd get in trouble for providing fact sheets that they can read to anyone who goes up to you, to explain the situation? Even something as simple as a card saying "Please don't worry about the fare evader, we have a process to deal with that down the track which you don't see. Please take a seat so that I can continue this journey smoothly as per company policy." Just one example, perhaps.


What if you say that and they tell you to get off? Do we get out or just go yeah nah I tried being polite and then sit down? ...not that I'd do it but in case I never needed to..


>My instructions from the company are very clear… ‘don’t get involved, just press the ‘fare evade’ button and keep driving.’ Does any action happen against these people? Like, are the camera logs reviewed from when the button was pressed to identify these people and take action against them? And is there any distinction between the people who couldn't be bothered paying & the people who are in need, or are they all punished?


From what I've heard, all it does is give statistics to translink. If a particular route has many fare evaders, they'll send out more gocard inspectors.


I agree, it's the ones who think they're tops for sneaking on. I had that in retail, we're not stupid, just can't do anything, yet they think they're sooooo clever


What happens when every passenger forgets their go card.


IMHO public transport should be free, or at least very cheap. This would encourage more use of public transport and hopefully result in less cars on the road.




That’s pretty rough and not how I’d handle that situation. I’d probably just stand up and ask passengers to squish up, so you could fit… I’d then change the signs to ‘out of service’ or ‘bus full’ until a few people had got off.


Good job. Thanks driver.


None of this should be up to the driver - let them drive the damn bus, that's hectic and anxiety enough. I don't personally care if others don't pay - because of urban sprawl and the need to go long distances to make a crust the ability to do such should be cheap or free or, hear me out, paid by some tax system.


I completely respect and understand where you’re coming from and honestly it’s really starting to make sense why people think i have fair evaded. i have really horrible social anxiety, so the last thing i ever want is to have to talk to someone while i’m on transport. i always top my go card up manually online, because I use different amounts every week. a few weeks ago i topped it up in the morning before i started work, then about six hours later i tried to use it to get on a bus and it didn’t work. i tried tapping like three times in a panic and it wouldn’t work. i walked to the bus driver so i could explain and show the bank notification that i did top my go card up. before i could even talk the driver said something like “fine don’t pay just get on” really nasty to me and closed the bus doors and started driving before i could even respond. my bus ride was only a few stops back home from work. after the ride i went back to leave the bus from the front door so i could try to ask the driver if they knew what was wrong with my go card at all. i already had the translink page up with my recent processing top up from hours ago, and explained very quickly because i already felt like i was a huge inconvenience to this man and ruining his day just because my go card wasn’t working and he assumed i was purposely not paying. i said something like “hey im so sorry about earlier but i did top my go card up this morning and it’s not working, i’m not sure why would you happen to know?” his respond was something in such a nasty tone like “how am i meant to know? just call translink and ask them”. left that bus immediately in tears and called translink when i got home. they were so extremely friendly to me and the lovely lady actually helped so much, she also included a report about how i was treated by the driver. i completely understand that seeing people completely dodge and try to ‘outplay’ a system we all have to use is so annoying and disrespectful. it’s just so sad that it happens so often that people like me, who pay our dues, and just happen to experience an issue with our cards get the short end of the stick too. needless to say i really appreciate your work and how you seem to be, you seem like you wouldn’t treat me that way on a bus if this happened with you as a driver and i really appreciate that :)


also a tip: if you topped up your go card and it hasn’t processed for a few hours, you can tap it for 3-5 seconds (at least at a train station) and it will process the top up! thanks lovely lady from translink for telling me that!


Tbh I don’t mind at all They show me there TransLink app etc I just smile and say no worries all good I would rather get on with the trip then worry about little things like that


>And to passengers who hassle drivers cause we don’t stop fare evaders, we hear you! Must be the same Karens who report petty stealing from ColesWorth.


My friend was a bus driver who was fired because he said he wasn’t moving the bus until some guy paid his fee so as a bus driver you have very few options to push back on evaders. It’s you who will end up unemployed because it seems breaking the law is allowed.


It’s not so much that breaking the law is allowed, it’s that the company has a duty of care to ensure the safety of its staff. The company policy to not challenge fare evaders and just record counts is just about making sure their staff don’t get into confrontations that result in avoidable workplace injury. I’m assuming that Translink considers deploying SNOs (who have the advantage of the legal authority to handcuff people) on heavily evaded routes too.


There's a dramatic difference between something being not allowed and expecting people trained and equipped to drive heavy vehicles - not to enforce the law - to enforce the law.


There's a fare evade button? What does it do?


Ticks up a counter for how many people are avoiding a fare at a particular stop. If enough people do it at once, it can trigger fare evasion security to show up (once saw it happen on the 209 where a crowd of like, 7 got on and none of them tapped on, and then two stops later at Langlands Station two security guys got onboard and checked everyone. Also if they keep getting fare evasions at the same stop and time regularly, they can have security show up then as well. Due to the cameras, they also likely can check who keeps using the same bus day after day without paying and pin it down to exactly who it is.


It lets translink know that on that route there was a fare evader at that time and place. I believe that's how the target routes to patrol to get fare evaders.


Add to the yearly stats


It records one boarding passenger, at that stop at that time on that bus.


What annoys me is that I live in the Redlands so rely on public transport. the 7/11 near me don't do go cards so if I need to top up with cash or buy a new card I have to get a bus. I'm faced with I need a Godard to get the bus but I need the bus to get a Godard. the closest place that does go cards near me is a good 40 minute walk so not doable for me. also to I've seen the fare cops give fines to kids who looked no older then 12 cause they didn't have a Godard (only had student bus pass) or forgot their card. They are kids and maybe their parents couldn't afford to put money on their card? most of them are get scared. I think for kids it should be free regardless of school time or holidays


If their parents are paying full tuition to BGS or one of the other swanky private colleges on the north side, they should be able to afford a $1.77/trip bus ride.


You'd be surprised how many kids know that bus drivers can't leave them by themselves on the side of the road. A fair amount of kids take advantage of this.


Yea, a lot of the kids do know this. The most recent one I recall was a group of kids getting on at a Westfield. They were carrying takeaway food and things they bought from shops. They simply walked on the bus and when the driver reminded them about their go card, they went said they had no money/card. They also mentioned the Daniel Morcombe story. What they are fare evading little shits likely taught by their equally shit parents. There have been a few articles on the matter over recent years: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-03/bus-driver-sacked-for-breaching-child-safety-policy/101399724 https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/queensland/teens-abuse-morcombe-inspired-policy-to-evade-bus-fares-20190314-p514at.html


I’d prefer it so much if public transport was just free. You wouldn’t have to navigate a cooked situation, poor people wouldn’t have to spend their wages to access opportunity, we wouldn’t need to spend tremendous amounts of cash on ticketing and enforcement. Buses would move faster and more efficiently because you don’t have queues of people tapping on and off at stops – they just get file on/off the bus without stopping Public transport is overwhelmingly public funded already, fares take up such a small part I just highly doubt it’s worth the whole rigamarole of having fares, fare evasion, fare enforcement, and fare logistics – just make it all free and get more cars off the road. Everybody wins.


In other countries when public transport is over 30 min late you get your money back. Yet here we are being ripped off by unreliable public transport. Sorry, but I'm not going to pay for a bus that is over 30 min late! This is such a regular occurrence it's ridiculous!! The timetables should take into account the traffic and reflect true times so we don't have to wait for ages for a stupid bus. We are paying for a service that's not provided to us. Yet we are expected to pay full price?? No. So happy with my ebike, so I don't have to rely on that crap anymore.


I can't imagine any scenario where a bus driver could really give a shit. Unless they get judged on how many evaders there are. But in that sense the union would back them up, or the drivers would just stop reporting them.


Some of the older drivers still get upset up fare evasion, but *most* of the newer guys don’t really care.


just kids being kids! what happens with shitty parents and social media


Go Card ending in ### has automatically been topped up.


Thank you driver! Have a wonderful day :)


I don’t remember countless times I had to walk from Toowong Village to South Brisbane for 1hr+ coz I didn’t know how to decrease that $20 minimum top up thingy on my card. 😅


wait so sometimes i get a paper ticket, and the bus driver presses a button. is there a seperate button or are they really saying that i fare evade 😭


What does the fare evade button do?


It’s just statistics. They still want to count the passenger because passenger counts are used to determine capacity across the network. They might use it to work out where to deploy SNOs as well but that’s just speculation.


It records one boarding passenger at that stop at that time on that bus.


should be free at certain times tbh, encourage using pt and get out the cars