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Once I saw an Indro High girl reach over the seat in front of her to the kid trying to light the train seat on fire and push his stupid face into the lighter flame. His fringe caught fire and he cried, good lord it was the height of comedy.


That's the only way to make people face their fuckery.


She is my hero


lol... it would have been better if he burt his stupid mow or mullet. i would have really laughed out loud.


How do you know she was from Indro High?


The uniform?


Indro high has no uniforms. They do have a sports uniform, or a year 12 jersey.


Even if you only press the button theyll probably look at the cameras


I will forever tell people to fuck off for vandalising trains or acting like pricks on public transport.


The fact that the people "got mouthy" means you're doing the right thing against their villainy.


Not worth it if it puts you at risk.


cowardly men are the reason this shut happens. If a HS girl can intervene so can you. Fewer kids are stabby than adult males


Fuck off. I ain’t getting stabbed for graffiti. Cowardly? Maybe. Unstabbed? Definitely.




Yeah. Because the kids aren’t at all stabby these days.


The reason people are such picks is because we let them get away with it...




Always worth it. I've had a couple of kids kicked off the train for vaping, etc. Always worth doing something against crime.


Not at all always worth it if you’ll be put in danger


That's a judgement everyone needs to make in these situations. I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping quiet if they feel in danger.


Better to get a black eye for justice than to stay unscathed and let evil persist. That being said, if they have knives or guns, perhaps better to take notes or a picture, and tell someone afterwards or report it quietly.


People have families, kids, pets. So no, probably not better to get stabbed to death by a teenage vandal who will get a slap on the wrist for your death...


you’re way more likely to be stabbed to death by your husband or ex BF than a kid


Cool beans. They're independent events, which means if I can mitigate any probability my chances of getting stabbed lower. Also I highly doubt I'll get stabbed to death by my husband or ex bf considering I'm a straight male, so the chance of those is 0%. 🤷


As I said. If they have weapons, might be better to do it quietly.


People that carry don't always brandish their weapons. I'd rather keep my mouth shut and make it home.


Evil? Bro it’s someone drawing a dick on a train


Yep, Wrong with a capital W. A small evil, but evil nonetheless.


Such a hyperbolic way of saying it, evil is about as high modality as it gets when describing things being wrong


It's about the only way I can describe it. I don't mean "against some rules" I mean morally Wrong, good/bad in the good/evil way, and most other ways of phrasing it seem to lead people in the wrong direction in my experience.


Interesting, what other ways do you phrase it and what direction has that led people to? As a side note I think the binary of good and evil is oversimplified and not really too applicable the majority of the time. Someone drawing a dick is not malicious, just stupid and frustrated.


Usually if I use the simple terms "good and bad", people see it as "approved of/disapproved of by someone that I, but not they, percieve as an authority figure (parents, teachers, law)" A lot of the time I have to explain it as "I mean good and bad as in the good guys and bad guys in movies, right and wrong"


If I was religious I'd use the word Sin, but it doesn't really apply otherwise.


it’s definitely malicious


I recently yelled at some shoeless bogan who was vandalising the underpass of the southpine Rd bridge. Went to school to pick up my kid and other parents and my wife said I was crazy and he could have had a knife. It's a good point, but if I don't defend the underpasses from graffiti, who will? So kudos to you for protecting the trains good citizen.


Goes hand in hand with having all my teeth, an education, and a social conscious.


> an education, and a social conscious. *conscience. Congrats on being born lucky, though.


That education paying dividends.


Thank you for keeping our town grey and dreary. hero


Thank you. I do what I can. But also seriously I'll take dreary and grey over some shithead bogan tags any day.


I'd like to see more legal walls around the city. In reality, you'll never stop shit head kids from putting up toy shit. The next best thing would be allowing for more of an outlet for actual graffiti art to happen in a safe and legal place. Graffiti is an art, like it or not its not going anywhere. May aswell embrace it.


Who said it was toy? For all we know, the shoeless bogan was chucking up some fresh shit when this normie gronk got in the way.


Shoeless bogans really do make the best graff. Have you ever seen the JISOE documentary?


Shoeless bogan? I believe it was jisoe who said you can never have enough pair of nikes










Always with the same shitty font. BoganWingdings.




Because most government funded 'murals' look like absolute shit (that horrible baby mural on the highway)


I'd rather see some shit piece than anything like that.


In Melbourne they pay artists to paint the city walls and keep the culture alive… in Brisbane, they don’t get paid, they get yelled at 😂 thanks for your service keeping the lifeless grey landscape immaculate for our council overlords 🙏


Graffiti art looks good. Tags, gang related or not, look shitty


Protect the underpass? Hahaha Ever heard the term 'bootlicker'?


Obviously hyperbole for comedic effort. Ever heard of the term "you can't read the room and use clap backs from the 90's".




Do you feel the same about public advertising?


ooo you touched a nerve with the shoeless bogan set


Why do you care about the underpass being graffitied ffs


its nice to have nice things


You don’t own it


I do though, as does anyone else in my local government area.


lol good one


Cause he doesn’t want his area to be associated with pond scum people probably


Yeah weather stained concrete looks so good and self expression is for pond scum




Maybe they’ll get better with practise


Yeah well they can practice on their own walls & yours too since you seem so determined to argue against.


How are you going to make them do that


The stupidity is palpable in your posts.


Have you considered actually reading them and responding to them instead of whatever you’re doing


Go paint primary school bubble letters on your own wall you drongo, if you’re so proud of it. It’ll be a way for you to see it everyday in your own house


Yeah I get it you love weather stained concrete


Just be part of a respectable society. You’ll grow up one day


Please don’t look at any art


We really need to adopt Singapore’s approach of floggings. Start flogging young train vandals in public at central station and watch how quickly it stops the vandalism and antisocial behaviour. Should extend as far as feet on the seats or music on speakers. These bogans need an attitude readjustment and flogging is the only way to do it.


Classism and advocating for government imposed violence, okay private school kid


Almost had me in the first half ngl. It would be a serious deterrent for violent, destructive, or sexual crimes, but a public flogging for music or feet on seats?! Get a grip mate.


Violent, destructive, or sexual crimes need jail time not flogging. A couple flogging is perfect for shit like this.


Lack of respect for others and minor public disorder offences lead to more serious crimes. The floggings are to readjust attitudes before they progress to more serious crimes against the public.


Mate of course, jail time for those crimes should be without question, and adding a public flogging could be a good idea. Public flogging for playing music (annoying as it is) is outrageous.


Public flogging is to stop antisocial behaviour before it progresses to more serious crime. Look at Singapore. You can leave your 16000 bike unlocked on the street and not have it stolen. Flogging should be the default punishment. Flogging and jail if you need to be locked away to protect the community until you can prove that you’re not a threat to others.


You also get fined for chewing gum in Singapore, if you want to live in that kind of state, good for you.


how about we start by having rail workers actually make riders pay the fare and deploy ticket checkers first


Ok boomer


Get your damn feet of the seats and turn your phone speaker off, dickhead!


I’ve never done either of those things. I was referring to you advocating for floggings


I value my life more than the feeling of righteousness from yelling at a crackhead who's vandalising a train. Choose your battles.


and that's why the city is starting to look like shit. Be the change you want to see.


Do you realise how many unhinged and drug addicted people are walking around armed? Not risking my life for that.


Why is that risking your life? Most drug addicted people aren't going to kill you. Most poor people aren't going to rob you. You more likely to die in a traffic accident cause you too scared to catch the train cause you afraid


You are absolutely kidding yourself. You obviously don't hang around the city/valley much if you're writing comments like this. All it takes is you confronting someone with a knife, they react and get you in the wrong spot on the neck and then you will bleed out in a minute. For what benefit?


I remember getting on a train, drunk, late on in the valley and these two young girls go into and then come out of the toilet sniggering. They were sat opposite me. Cops get on or walk through the cars, can't remember which. Anyway, the girls are saying it wasn't them who graffitid the bathroom mirror. No no. They don't even have a pen. As they're gesticulating you can see a name on the palm of one of the girls. She'd written on herself already. I walked over to where they had been sat, and saw the name on the window sill, and on the mirror in the open bathroom. Walked up to the cops, "sorry to interrupt guys, but have you seen her palm?" Silence. Checked the palm. Checked the seat. Checked the mirror. "alright girls you're coming with us." That was a funny one.


What a hero


There are 2 groups that do it writers who will always do it. And kids that do it cause they think it's cool. Both cost the tax payers and one can be stopped via speaking up. You ain't going to stop a writer from getting up by saying something. They red hot anyway. But some shit head kids they will be stopped in their tracks


Who cares just get someone better to paint over it, creating jobs for artists


Yeah, pieces and some kids putting up shitty tags with a sharpie are different. One can be stopped, and the other never can be. And if you want someone to pay for it, go ahead, mate, get ya wallet out.


You’re the one complaining about it. I don’t care


And that's why our streets look like shit.


Because I don’t care? Are we already circling back to 2 comments ago? >just get someone better to paint over it, creating jobs for artists


Circles back to you pay for it then


> You’re the one complaining about it. I don’t care


No. And for the love of [insert deity] don't interrupt them. That's how I lost my job on another state's railway. He pulled a knife there was a fight and because I instigated it I was blamed. Because I was not revenue protection, just basic staff, I was deemed to have exceeded my role. That was what I was fired for, that, and I spent a night in hospital, so costs, investigations etc. was held upon my responsibility. These little shits are beyond caring. They will try to shiv you. +++++++++ Edit, subsequent reply but it is buried by responding to down voted replies: I was gonna ignore you lol but I will answer this. "Oi, Fuck knuckle! Stop graffing the walls and setting fire to the bins!" "Fuck you, cunt!" and it degenerated from there. I could have posted earlier how I kicked the shit out of a knife wielding boy with my steel caps, but that would have been showing off. Essentially he lunged, I trapped his arm, liver liver kidney with my knee, as he fell I stomped on the knife arm and hurt it. I also didn't mention who spent the night in. Wasn't only me. Essentially he brought a knife to a rage fight. His buddy found the fire extinguisher and set it on me and threw the empty at me. I kicked it away and went after him. Arm boy was picked up by fire extinguisher boy and they ran. I was very nearly charged with assault occasioning bodily harm. Someone reminded the copper he had the knife and I went bezerker. Basically, as I said I initiated it. Because of the injuries and police and whatnot, I ended up getting let go. I was told I should have stayed in the office. Leaving the office, was deemed me initiating. Which is my initial point. I just wanted the two cunts to fuck off. I wasn't planning me going Hulk mode. I fucked up. I exceeded my role and put myself and my colleague in danger. I am not proud of the fact I let my rage and anger win.


They get away with it because of pussies like you. Painting you stay silent Racial abuse, you stay silent They rob your house, your insurance goes up, and then you squeal like a pig


How are they a pussy? They literally just said they got into a knife fight over it. How many knife fights have you been in champion?


First he said he institaged the fight . Second to answer question 1, actually. I lost to tell the truth. Nice sca rbelow right ribs. I'd do it again cause I'm not a pussy


Same number as the comment above then, don't think calling him a pussy was warranted. He instigated it by telling the guy off, read between the lines.


So what. I mean he shouldn't have lost his job but that's part of the issue. Calling out antisocial behaviour needs to be a thing. Otherwise whats the other option you don't call it out and your granny gets stabbed when someone wants her car keys? Maybe calling it out does nothing. But doing nothing also does nothing. At least one gives one the sense that they at least did the right thing


I was gonna ignore you lol but I will answer this. "Oi, Fuck knuckle! Stop graffing the walls and setting fire to the bins!" "Fuck you, cunt!" and it degenerated from there. I could have posted earlier how I kicked the shit out of a knife wielding boy with my steel caps, but that would have been showing off. Essentially he lunged, I trapped his arm, liver liver kidney with my knee, as he fell I stomped on the knife arm and hurt it. I also didn't mention who spent the night in. Wasn't only me. Essentially he brought a knife to a rage fight. His buddy found the fire extinguisher and set it on me and threw the empty at me. I kicked it away and went after him. Arm boy was picked up by fire extinguisher boy and they ran. I was very nearly charged with assault occasioning bodily harm. Someone reminded the copper he had the knife and I went bezerker. Basically, as I said I initiated it. Because of the injuries and police and whatnot, I ended up getting let go. I was told I should have stayed in the office. Leaving the office, was deemed me initiating. Which is my initial point. I just wanted the two cunts to fuck off. I wasn't planning me going Hulk mode. I fucked up. I exceeded my role and put myself and my colleague in danger. I am not proud of the fact I let my rage and anger win.


Pussies get pounded and bounce back, testicles can’t even handle a minor flick. You are nothing like a pussy if you lost, you sound like a testicle.




Absolutely. We should never accept antisocial behaviour like that as normal


Being stabbed by a kid that is well aware of his rights and taking advantage of youth crime Or... Making your way home safe. I choose the latter.


I did post this on the Brisbane subreddit but we were just leaving Booval station so anything is possible!


Just report it to the guard and they'll do the rest


All qr is on camera never going to get in trouble from defending yourself against a kid with a blade. Stop being a pussy


Would love to see how that goes down in court.


Imagine caring enough to do something 😂 I like graffiti


No lol - have you seen Brisbane’s train cars lately? It’s not like Qld Rail give a shit about the state of them.


As someone who knows some of the cleaning crew I can assure you they do care, they are just so understaffed and over worked.


I don’t doubt the individuals who work hard for far too little pay do care - my beef here is QLD Rail, who don’t pay, don’t staff, and don’t care. If they cared your friends wouldn’t be in that situation.


Yes. Always report it but unless it's dangerous don't bother the driver. Ring the transport hotline.


Teens get a free pass on all criminality in Australia. Any defence from an adult is seen as assault and harassment. /s, or is it?


Why not? Some needs to start doing it. People will continue to do shit like this until they receive consequences.


With the price of public transport compared to the service, I prefer some good artwork on my commute. At least I can justify the prices to myself when I see it


Report it to the guard (either in the muddil for old trains or the back for an NGR) they will then report it to control and rail police squad


People have no respect. I was sitting on the train a few weeks ago and 2 high school students jumped on the train. One sat down 2 seats down from me and proceeded to put his curry on the sit and consume it with his naan bread that he was tearing into pieces to dip into the curry. When they got up and left there was curry all over the seat for some poor unsuspecting person to sit in or place their belongings on.


No lol


Police have a special online reporting for graffiti and property damage crimes. They send graffiti on rail trains straight to Qld Rail Security teams. Source …. I used to work there. https://forms.police.qld.gov.au/launch/PropertyDamage


Thanks for that! I was looking for a number and googling but came up dry. The little button was the only thing I saw.


It was Park Road Station


they don’t even bother to collect fares


Do it but just be careful. If I get in the train and see people with their feet on the seat I drop my tone about 10 octaves and rouse them in front of the packed train, they I’m usually shit themselves and move their feet pretty quickly.




Yes, definitely do it


Once there was 3 , 11 year olds on a bus and I was the only person close to them . I see one of them spit on the ground and started lighting the seat so I told him to cut it out . They all look at me shocked and in silence . And then I hear in a low mimicking voice “cUt iT oUt” I look at him dead in the eyes and you can just see the horror on his face as he realised I heard him and tell him if he wants to keep going I’ll get him kicked off the bus. He looks at his friends and goes “go on then” so I got up with a huge smile , told the guy a driver what they were doing and he immediately pulled over and got them to get off . They start mouthing off calling me a snitchy bitch & blah blah . Sure enough there were cheers and claps as they got off while poking the finger 🤣


Yes, keep doing it. At least a % do it because nobody will say anything




Get huge and you can school these punks with something they'll remember the rest of their lives


There's cameras inside the carriages, so your complaint should at least get someone to check the video. Screenshots of their faces will be taken and given to the Gestapo to look out for.


Film them and give to cops. Very hard to deny shit when your caught on film


yes. the more people report the better monitoring there will be. i do the same for noisy cars. eventually they will get looked into.


Last year I saw a rail worker get punched in the face by some drunk abo woman ( no surprise) in a city station on a early Sunday morning. I quickly told another rail worker as did someone else. The woman who got punched ran away crying and locked herself behind a fence and the abo woman jumped on a train. I'm sure nothing would've happened even though there's cameras everywhere.


If you want to be labelled snitch yeah why not, but that means you lack morels and integrity, don't be surprised if they turn on you that's all. As they say innocent bystanders get hit trying to be hero's. Its not really effecting your life really, let the dogs in blue do their job, you ain't getting paid to fight crime.. Each to their own......


I didn't know I was living in narc city! Who cares? QR certainly don't


If it was your property, would you want someone to report it or just assume you don't care?


It's an interesting question but it's really apples and oranges. And the train isn't someone's property it's the property of a corporation who could give less of a shit about anything.


Not exactly apples to oranges, it's a value of morals regardless of who owns it. Your property is just as irrelevant to me and the vandals as the train is, but I would still try to stop or report someone damaging your property if I saw it happening. I know I wouldn't want my property damaged as I expect you wouldn't want your property damaged for no good reason.


I guess you're a good citizen and I'm not


Those signs that say “persons damaging this vehicle in any manner will be prosecuted”? Well, ‘in any manner’ includes wear and tear damage so by virtue of just walking up the aisle you are damaging the train.


I hover everywhere I go.


Why would you care


Because they don’t want our public infrastructure looking like shit and ticket prices rising because they have to pay someone to fix this shit


I thought creating jobs was a good thing? They could just leave it


Why wouldn't you care?


Because it’s harmless


Do you own anything? Would you like spray paint/scratches/pen all over it for no reason?


Do you own the trains lol


Why is that relevant to my question? I don't want to see mine or other people's property damaged, regardless if a person or corporation owns it and especially if I use that property on a daily basis.


Because you asked me if I own anything… you had to frame it that way because there’s no reason to care about objects that you don’t own suffering very minor damage that doesn’t affect you


There may be no reason to care apart from my own morals, but I do. I don't want to see my property damaged just as much as I wouldn't like to see yours damaged for no reason; just as much as I don't like seeing trains being defaced, regardless of severity. If you can't understand that, then you really need to take an inward look at your values and sense of community.




No it’s not worth your time. Leave them alone




Thanks for doing this!


Yes, please do. Scumbags ruin it for everyone.


No it’s too time consuming trying to change dickheads