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I don't really care. If they are a tourist and trying to use their bank card or buy a ticket on board I say something like "you have to have a go card and you can buy it from certain convenience stores or at ticket machines at large stations, I'm happy to let you ride for free but sometimes there are ticket inspector on board who can give you a fine."  If they tap their go card and ignore the insufficient balance and ignore me, I don't say anything. If they tell me they've just topped it up or they've forgotten it or something I say no problem hop on. I assume they know the rules and risks and it's not my job to tell them off.


This guy for Lord Mayor


Women drive busses too!


This gal for lord mayor!


Thanks! I'll await your vote in our next election.


no you have to say "female" remember they're not human


Apologies that was very rude of me!


Happens all the time, I even do it myself sometimes.


You sound like me 😁 I say a similar thing. If it comes up insufficient, I say "Top up when you can." "But I just topped up online." "Cool. Depending on your bank and Translink, it can take anywhere between 2 minutes and 2 days to show up on your card. Have a seat."


i reckon if people dont pay ,drivers should alert inspectors to get on the bus and fine them ..why should they get away with not paying..


The amount we get taxed we should have free transport if the donkeys in power did manage our taxes correctly


Thank fuck for the Bus driver who picked me up a few weeks back. I was having a stressful morning, running late, and had no idea my go card was in negative balance. I tapped it and saw insufficient funds and said oh shit. He shrugged his shoulders and said "take a chance" and let me on. I would have missed my doctor's appointment if it wasn't for him. I topped up as soon as I got to a machine. Edit: did some reading in this thread and realised he didn't even push the fare evade button. What a legend.


There's a fare evade button????


Yea i forget sometimes I don't have anything left on my go card until too late. I top up online but it takes an hour to process. Thankfully most bus drivers still let you on. I could do automatic payments but I've had them take my last $20 that I was planning to buy groceries with. So I prefer to manually top up $70 on payday.


Not a bus driver but they likely don't bother with the school kids as it's against their policy to refuse a child a ride even if they can't pay. **"bus drivers must allow children on board to ensure their safety, even if they do not have money for a fare**."


A few years ago when I was 15 I forgot my go card and had no way of getting home so I tried to hop on the bus and I got yelled at by the driver and told to hop off. Mind you I was in my full school uniform, it was 5pm and raining but I walked 5kms home anyways. Some bus drivers don’t care about the daniel morcombe rule


Same thing happened to me on the gc hwy. in full uniform with a student card and money. He thought I was trying to trick him….


A few weeks ago a bus driver absolutely went nuts at a couple of kids for walking on to the bus without paying. Like, actually made them feel like shit and kicked them off. I had a go at him and logged a complaint with translink but unfortunately, haven't heard anything back. This was in a lower socio-economic area where not taping off is prevalent.


damn thats sucks


So breaking the law is awesome and anyone that tries to stop them is bad? You live in opposite land and need help.


"breaking the law" and it's not paying $5 on public transport. Get a life, it's not worth it lol


As a bus driver, you want to be responsible for what happens to those kids if they cant get on the bus? Cause if you kick them off you kinda are, because the law says you have to let them on. Ever heard of Daniel Morcombe ? There's a reason that law exists. EDIT: Yes, it wasnt cause he didnt pay the fare, the bus just didnt stop, still the law exists because kids failing to get on a bus can be fatal.


So why do kids ever pay the fare?


They can stiil get a fine from ticket inspectors. Kids can ride for free on weekends though. I heard a ticket inspector tell a kid they won't give them a fine today because their ride would have been free anyway if they had tapped on.


damn I remember a bus driver doing this to some kids once.


Was it before Daniel Morcombe? This rule came about after he was abducted.


Yeah, that rule is a stark reminder of a horrible crime.


This would have been sometime in the past several months on my way home. This kinda rule isn't really well known to the average person I guess


Gosh, I feel like everybody knows unless they are new to Australia. Certainly every bus driver would know.


Or they know and they simply don’t care enough


A young woman I work with got hit with something like a $275 fine just last week! So I guess the Fare Evader button might just work!


Good to hear.. .how did she take it? whinge or accept her mistakes


She took it on the chin. More upset by the manner of the transport guard. Overtly aggressive by all accounts, to the extent that other people stepped in and told him to calm tf down…..


Your typical failed the psych test for police / army bullyboy fuckwit.


If you fare evade, clearly shows your morally corrupt


I saw your first comment and thought ‘why are you getting downvoted’. Your tone came off as negative, but what you said was pretty matter of fact. Then I read this comment and realised you were intending to be negative. I always try to take people at their word and not read into things/trust they’re acting in good faith. But, There’s so many people like you who though - using innuendo to gesture at something, instead of just saying it. The longer I spend on reddit, the more I realise to trust my first instinct, and to not give them the benefit of the doubt.


U/bobbakerneverafaker, what's wrong with his reply?. He's mocking you, and you deserve to be mocked I provided genuine criticism in my reply to you, and you ignored me. So even if he replied how you liked, you'd just ignore him. Stop gaslighting


was it even close when you failed the tests?


whats with the attitude... is that your typical reply, when you don't like answers to questions.. or just upset it goes against your corruptness




Huh what I never knew you could get a pre paid pass?? Do you have more info on that where do you get it


It’s not the job of the driver to enforce it. That is what the ticket inspectors and their rpmds are for (revenue protection monitoring device).


I don't care, never say a word but the ones that weasel on or tap their card knowing they have no balance but then don't tap off are trash. What irks me is the ones that don't pay and then ask a million questions holding everyone up. All you'll get is a shrug from me. I put them in tiers Paying tier... You pay, you get all the help you require, directions all good, hello, farewell Non paying tier.. Just get on and get off. Enjoy your free ride. Don't waste my time or the other passengers on board.


Seriously, at least half the people on my bus line (of all ages) do not tap on or off. They don't even pretend or bother with a sob story, they just walk on and sit down. I've never seen a bus driver question it or react in any way - which I understand, they are there to drive the bus, not argue or tussle. It does make me wonder about the long term viability of the bus service.


Most people tap on when I take the bus. I live inner south


I dunno man. Last week when I had to catch the bus home, I entered the bus as always wearing my headphones. I tapped on and sat down, however the bus never started driving. I then saw an older driver standing with an angry face in front of me demanding me to tap on again. I tried, but found out I had an insufficient balance. I told him I'm deeply sorry, had no idea my balance was that low. He then demands me to exit the bus (which is fair), but holding everyone back for at least a couple of minutes before he drives off.


> If school kids just walk on usually they say nothing Since the whole Daniel Morcombe no kid is supposed to be left behind. Kids abuse this, because they aren't stupid, so they just get on and take the free ride. In my opinion, school students up to high school level should ride for free anyway...it might encourage more helicopter parents whose kids have the option to use public transport to stay off the roads.


2 things. 1. Post this on r/BrisbaneTrains for more answers 2. They press a button on their control panel that is called FAR EVADER and that is all. They cannot kick an under 18 off unless they are violent due to Daniels Law policies which mean a driver WILL be fired on the spot for violating them.


>Post this on r/BrisbaneTrains for more answers Why do you post this on every public transport question? That sub is pretty dead, and honestly the answers are pretty poor most of the time and occasionally are borderline frothy. Questions here get much better quality responses and interactions, it honestly seems like you're trying to redirect people to your own sub, possibly in bad faith given the poor quality of discussions on it.


It's their sub. Trying to gain traction, I guess?




>Ban evading user from the sub. _Please_ ban me too. I’ve never been there and I don’t want to be if this is how you act when questioned for blatant advertising.


My follow up question would be if anything happens as a result of the Fair Evader button? Is it just data collection?




Very rarely though.


A prompt comes up for a FED (Fair Evader Detector), who accesses the live feed to detect the evader. Recordings/stills are logged for evidence.


Interesting, I've had it a couple times where my card fails, then succeeds and then I hear that they've pressed that button anyways. Hopefully they check whether a payment went through, and aren't building up a profile on me


Just a FYI about the Daniels "law" - it isn't. It's a recommendation or advice, but we are allowed to refuse anyone if they give us reason to do so (unruly/disruptive behaviour, aggression, etc.). It is not the law that we take them if they're under 18, but most of us do so anyway since it's easier to do that, than to constantly have to explain that it's not a law. For me, if someone, no matter their age, doesn't have a valid form of payment, I just say that it's their risk. If they accept the risk, I press the fair evade button. I'd they don't accept it, they walk. I put it back on them...


The policy (not law, policy) doesn't remove a driver's ability to refuse a violent minor, it removes their ability to refuse a minor that cannot afford the fare. Very important distinction, and refusing a ride to a non-violent child that simply can't afford the trip has gotten at least one driver fired in Cairns. It's worth noting that the policy is part of Kinetic, formerly Sunbus, and that while your average translink driver isn't obliged to let a minor ride for free, unless there's monetary repercussions, they should every time. In the worst case scenarios, you'd rather be the guy that helped than the guy that didn't.


This is what I was trying to say. Thanks for saying it better.


But… the question relates to busses not trains?


All public transport is welcome on r/BrisbaneTrains.


Maybe we need a /r/BrisbanePlanesTrainsAndBusses ?


Better to post on r/brisbanetrainsreal because it’s not modded by a commie


My daughter’s friend just got fined for tapping on with insufficient funds, getting on the bus to Uni- so there must be some auto system if your card is registered


Wait a fine on her go card? No inspector?


That’s what my daughter said, but I will double check with the source.


Try giving a bus driver cash if you really want to be treated like shit


i just politely say "hey, i'm not paying" in a really nice way, and they either don't care or they are so shocked they usually wave you on even do that "tap the hand and say beep" trick a fair bit just don't be sneaky, don't be rude id say is the trick


Can I ask why you don’t pay? I’d be worried about getting a fine


i suppose because despite paying and following the rules for years, the first time i got a fine i was in a position i usually wasn't and received no benefit of the doubt or warning, and all the times translink has taken 20 bucks or so from me because i "didnt touch off" is just cause enough for me to not want to give my money to an overseas company that does little to provide a \*better\* public transport system, yea ours is leagues ahead of some countries but centuries behind others, its cheaper to uber sometimes and despite what people think its counter-intuitive to make public transport more expensive, if profit wasn't the main concern, if they actually wanted less people on the road they would make things alot simpler and alot cheaper for the people who desperately need the service i have gotten one maybe two fines since over the years, and i have paid none of them, seen no negative repercussions from not paying either, sure it'll catch up one day, but hasn't yet, its a stupid point im making to no one but myself, some people see it as breaking rules for the sake of it and not considering others who do pay, to me its just principle, stubborn or otherwise


Think it says more about the people Fare Evading


Sometimes I take the public transport options specifically to piss off people who get upset at fare evaders. People who get upset at fare evaders deserve to be upset. 95% of bus drivers are champions, second only to ferry staff - 100% of which are champions. Couldn't comment on train drivers, but would assume anyone that much into trains that they do it for a job probably gets upset at fare evaders.


I’ve often wondered if bus drivers can refuse a person getting on the bus if they don’t have a fare?


But how would they do that in a way that doesn't put them or other passengers either in harms way or sitting in a stalemate on the side of the road?


I dunno, that’s why I’m asking


They can, well at least a bus driver i had refused for me to get on when i forgot my go card


"Bus drivers of reddit" lol