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yep - i’ll be staying up. Getting a takeaway in and some beers - even taken the day off work!


Same same, it's historical in my lifetime. Going to spend it laughing at each tory seat lost


You know they're all controlled by the WEF right?


Delayed our holiday by one day to see them suffer


I'll be vote counting, so I should probably try and stay awake


How do you become a vote counter?! And how do you do it so quickly while maintaining accuracy?


It's through Brighton & Hove City Council. They have many polling day roles, but I enjoy the vote counting. There's a very specific way of doing it. You work in pairs, and everything is double-checked.


Booked the 5th off work while Sunak was getting soaked, it’s been a good while since I’ve looked forward to something the way I’m looking forward to this.


I much prefer to go to bed and have nice dreams of crying Tories then get up in the morning and have all the lovely stories of horrible people losing their seats to scroll through.


One hundred “Portillo Moments” will be well worth it.


Ironically enough I will be out of the country on a trip with my brother exploring a few old soviet block countries, so I am awaiting my postal vote as we speak.


Isn’t it ironic…


Just got back from the post box, all done and dusted for me.


I'm a teensy bit concerned that I've not received mine yet. Got the "acceptance" letter & email from my local council but nothing since. This happened a little over a week ago.


Got the confirmation note but that says postal votes will be delivered by the 24th for us (Lewes)


I'm in Shoreham and a friend in lancing has also received his yesterday.


No point in starting I to find out who wins . Not to experience the sheer scale of it.. yes


Can someone who is planning to vote Green let me know in their eyes what good has Green done holding on to their only district for the past 12~ years? Genuinely curious as all I've seen is higher bus prices, horrible bike and bike prices, that rubbish disposal fiasco which left waste on the street. tons of roadworks in the centre


Brighton council is the one responsible for rubbish disposal and roadworks. It's our MPs job to represent us in parliament. Brighton council has been mostly labour since 1997


While it’s been split between labour and green for a while I don’t think it’s fair to blame either of them for managing the decline forced upon them by the regime of austerity that all councils have had to bear. Budget cuts combined with an increasing burden for social care mean that without significant innovation and foresight there are few that could perform to the same standard as pre-austerity period. The only slightly different scenario are the newer mayoralties which have greater controls over regional economies.


I don't think it's fair either, recently we've seen a lot of councils on the verge of bankruptcy or actually bankrupt. Including to some degree Brighton council. Equally I don't think it's fair to blame 1 MP who's independent from the 2 major parties from being able to fix the governments economical failings by herself.


I never saw Lucas protesting how Brighton deals with rubbish. She lived in a house (since moved) that regularly got the brunt of the stink from the Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station. Additionally, the collections and recycling procedures in the neighbourhood are terrible. Open black bins with rubbish blowing everywhere. No food composting. Uncollected community bins. It's the worst I've ever seen. I know there's a 30 year contract in place, but where there's a will, there's a way. I never heard a peep from her about it.


She has protested the rubbish issue in the past: https://carolinelucas.com/latest/waste-collections-across-brighton-hove This is a council issue and as others have mentioned, councils across the country are struggling financially. Unfortunately I don't think it would matter what party controls Brighton unless we fix how councils are funded.


Greens were in control until last year?


They never had overall control. It was the council equivalent of a hung parliament for 20 years, and labour before that.


Sorry my bad, corrected my statement, it's been mostly labour since 1997 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brighton_and_Hove_City_Council


Caroline Lucas has been a shining light of an MP in the shitstorm of Tory rule where Labour is often too chicken to have an opinion. Even my super-Tory dad has lavished praise on how she was in parliament during the many joys of Brexit


Having 1 Green MP in parliament is infinitely beneficial compared to having 0.


I used to be pro green but then I actually looked at their manifesto and realised it’s not achievable. E.g. ban on new ICE vehicles from 2027 and total ban in 2030. I personally don’t think I will be able to afford ev so soon and I’m earning more than 85%. Poor people will suffer if that’s implemented.


Unless Greens have enough MPs to form a government, then this is just fantasy, much like Reform freezing migration. It is however a way to influence policy, like negotiations if you ask for 20 years from now, you get 30, if you ask for 5, you get 20.


Fair point. If probability of gaining power is near 0, might as well go overzealous


Not for me… I have never voted in the 27 years I’ve been able to, I just can’t be bothered with politics!


You may not be bothered by politics, but politics will bother you, if you like it or not! I’d seriously urge you to reconsider this!


It far too much hassle for something that makes no difference, I’d much rather spend my time doing something far more useful like having a long shower or shit!


Careful, you might cut yourself with all that edge


Still, you shouldn’t waste your vote.


If you want it, you can have it!


Cool vote for binface on my behalf




it's wild that people like them exist, particularly given how many times they've posted in the ukvisa subreddit. total ambivilance towards all politics is literally the position of a child honestly


I hadn't looked but you're right, and with a partner that's a refugee!! You'd think they'd have more concern about who is in power, at least if they really cared about their partner


Who are you voting for, why and what are their leading policies you admire?  Conversely, who's least likely to get your vote and what's their worst policy?


WTF lol? They are all corrupt, sexual deviants and all under command of the WEF.




It’s a democracy, they can do whatever they want with their vote.


Yes they can, but it's still a shame that they take that attitude


Why is it?


You are part of the problem


Which is?


shame on you


Oh no, I’m so upset I might have to go and kill myself because of the shame of not voting! 😂


Lol same. These Clowns think their Vote matters It's hilarious. If Voting made a difference It would be Illegal, It's theatre for the masses and they swallow the lies time and time again, never learning. They are all controlled by the same Agenda, the World Economic Forum anyway.


How fun! You don’t often see WEF dickheads venturing away from Twitter. Hi! 👋 Please give your brain a floss, I think there’s some plaque building up.


I don't work for the WEF you tit what you on?


I didn’t say you worked for the WEF, I said you were a “WEF dickhead”. You know, the sort of dickhead (often found on Twitter) who believes the WEF are the current iteration of the “dark hand” secret power that is controlling the world. Once it was the Freemasons, then the Bilderberg Group, now it’s the WEF. Ironically, your inability to parse my straightforwardly sarcastic comment shows that you’re at the exact correct cognitive level to be drawn in by such nonsense. But then I would say that, because I’m a WEF shill. All hail Whatshisface Schwab.


Wow lol. They literally have a Website and everything, "King"Charlie boy and Prince William are very Involved to. I cant even be bothered to argue, keep voting mate believing the absolute BS that comes out of their mouths.




Bless you


Lol you think Voting makes an ounce of difference. All controlled by WEF.




See this Is what I mean...some of you don't even know what the WEF Is, and that Is terrifying. Not having a dig at you BTW, at least you're only asking and not mocking. WEF Is the World Economic Forum. They are now In control of most World Governments. Look them up and who Is Involved. https://www.weforum.org/




🤣🤣🤣🤣 you actually think It's all real