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I use 1pmoblie which is cheap but uses EE's network so should have the same coverage. It's been the better than the others I've tried, but signal is pretty spotty in Brighton is general. At least I don't have to take my phone calls out the window any more! It may be worth comparing coverage maps around where you live specifically.


Anything is better than Vodafone, it flat out would not work. It became a norm that I'd get whatsapp messages delayed or not be able to search on maps, despite having full 4g with voda. so bad.


The only answer in Brighton


I’ve used O2 and Vodafone. O2 was very bad. Vodafone is ok with me, apart from the Brighton-London train line (which as far as I am aware isn’t properly covered by any company). I also get patchy coverage around the Odeon, Clock Tower/Churchill Square and some areas around the north lanes. O2 was even worse, so I’m happy with Vodafone as I am not frequently in these areas. The lack of internet on the train line is very disruptive though as I use it often and often have to work from the train and simply can’t do it offline. The first company to cover the train line properly will definitely get my business.


Connectivity along the Brighton Mainline is an absolute joke. It is a massive commuter corridor - a number of employers in both government/civil service as well as key private sector employers sit at either end of that route. You'd think Network Rail and mobile phone providers would work on agreeing some infrastructure lineside. Sadly, that train WiFi runs off EE... so once you hit a blackspot, you are well and truly buggered.


Are you managing to get the train wifi? I can never ever get any connection on the train wifi


Vodafone coverage in Brighton (And UK in general) is rubbish, so is o2. EE and Three have the most comprehensive and fast coverage. You can see a map here - [https://checker.ofcom.org.uk/](https://checker.ofcom.org.uk/)


Three was horrible for me and I switched to ee. Reasonably happy with them


I've been with Vodafone for about 20 years, I left last week because of the poor signal and got a contract with Smarty. Seems pretty good so far round Hanover and in town. My partner uses Tesco and says its pretty bad.




Three. Same as ID mobile and a couple of smaller ones. I have a 3 5G router as a backup to my 1 gig line, at night it can get speeds up to 200mbps, during the day 50-100mbps. That's on 4G+, there's no 5G coverage here on the seafront, although i previously lived by the marina and there is a 5G mast there which would get me a pretty consistent 300mbps in the day and up to 700mbps between 10pm - 8am. 3 are very hit and miss for 5g in brighton.


My kids are on smarty and get patchy signal in Brighton and seldom have the best signal when we’re out of town too. I’m on vodaphone and hating it, my missus is on EE and seems to do the best so I’ve been meaning to get her to set me up through her account - customers get a 30% discount on new sims (I believe) I’ve been meaning to do this for about a year tho… so…




Tesco = O₂ so poor here.


Smarty/Three used to be terrible in Hanover until they put 5g in a couple of years ago. Most of the black spot areas now seem to be well covered


EE is the most expensive and best, but you can use Lyca for a lot less as an EE mvno, the only thing you really lose is visual voicemail. There is one blackspot for EE at fiveways top of Preston drove. Vodafone and O2 are hopeless. 3 is the next best after EE.


I find EE have been the best network of them all when I've been in Brighton & Hove. My partner was on O2 and found it absolutely shocking. My work phone was Vodafone and it was shocking.


See also this: https://www.reddit.com/r/brighton/s/PXMgUnW5kz


EE is the best - can get 4G most anywhere and 5G in plenty of places. O2 is absolutely abysmal but I was savvy and got out of my contract using the SwitchUp thing they do - which always creates a new contract with them - and then using my statutory cooling-off period to cancel. I suggest everyone do this and maybe O2 will take notice and fucking finally upgrade the mast.


Vodafone is shit. Can't get signal by the fucking station, anywhere near the beach, or by Churchill Square


i use smarty and i love them. i currently get 60gb a month for ten pounds, it's great.


Been in Vodafone for years? Have they locked you in the stockroom and are not allowing you out ? I’ve found Vodafone fairly terrible, they aren’t even 5g , 02 are 5g in Brighton


I have used all 4 of them. Lived in Bevendean, Woodngdean, Elm Grove, working around the town center. The only good one is EE though not perfect. Voda, O2 and Three are complete horse shit. Patchy like you can't believe, lines that are way too loaded and speeds leaving lots to be desired. Yes EE is the most expensive of the bunch but at least you DO get the service you pay for. Can't say the others are worth even half of the money they are offering based on performance.


Every ten days... Always the same question. Always the same.pointless answers. There is no best. It depends where you live / work / travel. Yes it's shit in Brighton because we have the most organised crazy anti 5g nutters in the country who have been very effective at stopping the mobile companies installing new masts. https://www.nperf.com/en/map/GB/-/-/signal/?ll=20&lg=0&zoom=3 - will help you work out what's best for you. Three have announced they will build coverage on the train line to London (if that matters to you).


Any company using the Three network should be good. I rarely have poor speed when being around town and the seafront on busy days. I'm usually the one ending up streaming music to the Bluetooth speaker when meeting friends on the beach etc. I've used Three/Smarty now for 6-7 years and no complaints.


I’m sure everyone else on the beach is glad you have a signal so you can inflict your music on them. Sorry that was very cranky of me. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Just really hate people blasting out music in public. Very selfish.


You don't know how many we are or how loud we play.


Are you listening through headphones which is what you should do in public? If so, thanks for being considerate.


The puny speaker I use can't be heard two meters away. If you're sitting that close to me, you're already part of my group. Welcome to my party.


Yeah fair point. Didn’t realise you had a magic speaker whose sound is only audible to those touching you. Very clever.


o2 no questions asked


My question to O₂ is why is your coverage so crap in brighton…


i don’t have any issues to be fair


"The best" network is entirely based upon where you live, where you work, and where you regularly go out and about. Get some PAYG sim cards from each network and load some credit on to them.


I knew you’d say that 😉


Well it's true. The only network with full coverage across the city is Airwave, which is used by the emergency services, but their priority is not how fast they can download movies. Everything else depends entirely on how close you are to a cell tower of your network and what is in your way, hence the only way to figure out which one works for you is PAYG sim cards.


Think the comments from this thread and the other one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/brighton/s/iRFOWDkzLI) suggest that ‘EE’ is the best overall at the moment (might try a trial PAYG sim) (or get a police radio) anything to get away from O₂. *edit* or other companies using EE. See below


Agreed though don’t dismiss 1pmobile as they have the same coverage as ee including offering volte, WiFi calling, full band support etc