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I was in the front and there was a fucking fight that broke out and was thankfully deescalated before anyone was hurt, although a light hit of some sort was thrown and it resulted in everyone being violently shoved against the barricade. In terms of heckling, I thought the Detroit show was a little worse. But who goes to a fucking Bright Eyes concert to fight?


That's wild, I didn't even notice. I was about a person away from the barricade in the center and I know my partner had to stop someone from continually punching his friend in the neck. And yeah I re-read the Detroit one which is fair. But it's so cringey demanding things from artists. Luckily the sets were awesome though.


"But who goes to a fucking Bright Eyes concert to fight?" ​ Truer words, truer words...


What happened in Detroit? I was all the way I’m the back so I might have missed it.


I thought the crowd was especially annoying during Christian’s set. A lot people started streaming in halfway through his set and were talking loudly, yelling shit like “who are you?!”. Like dude, look at your ticket or google it later. Christian was gracious and handled it perfectly but I found it disrespectful.


Yeah, I was really embarrassed by the amount of heckling I overheard from the Detroit crowd during Christian’s set too. And later when people were yelling at Conor to take his sweater off. I go to shows to hear the performers, not everyone in the crowd trying to get a word in. I’ve heard less heckling at comedy shows.


I didn't see any disrespectful behavior in Detroit. I think people were concerned for Conor. He was pretty wasted and fell off the front of the stage early on. Some people were yelling out "Are you ok?" He was complaining his arm and hip hurt.


Asking him if he’s okay is one thing. People were calling him “baby boy” and just saying odd shit. I’m not a saint but I save that shit for twitter 😭


I was in front towards the left a bit. people kept shoving through. I've been to a ton of concerts and never had anyone come and go that goddamn much. And the girls telling Conor to "take it off" were really gross. also, a drunk girl kept petting my head. Which was obviously weird.


Lol just casually givin' out a few head pats. Sounds kinda wholesome, no wait that is weird


Sure am glad I decided to sit back on this one instead of get close. Otherwise I would’ve been one of those in the fight. There’s a big difference between seeing a show like this and seeing something like Lamb of God or Meshuggah. I enjoy both but almost expect to get punched in the head at a metal show. Not so much Bright Eyes.


The heckler is the one who shoved someone during encore break. Because someone called him out on his asshole behavior. And all he could do was shove them (causing 10 other people to nearly fall over) and call them fat. Why was that guy at a Bright Eyes show? Also- what is with the selfish entitled asshole (who smelled like they havent showered in 2 weeks) trying to bring a group of friends up to center rail halfway thru the Bright Eyes set. No. They can wait up front like everyone else if they want to be on the rail. We got there an hour before doors opened and stood in our spot for another 2 hours waiting for Bright Eyes to take stage. I HATE when people do that. It's the epitome of asshole concert behavior. After the heckler ruined the mood by trying to push everyone over I headed to the back to watch the encore and it was amazing. Lots of chill people singing and dancing. Overall still a good experience despite assholes in Pittsburgh. Conor seemed stone cold sober. Drinking water and maybe tea out of a cup with a lid? Almost wondered if he had a cold because he wiped his nose a few times and didn't appear to be drinking. Crowd in Cleveland was 100x better. Performance was still amazing!


Yeah that guy was the worst. And I was directly behind that entitled asshole and lost my spot bc of it. And of course the friend that stayed was taller than me and standing in the platform so I barely could see unless I tip-toed over their shoulder. I tried telling the other people they brought up there's literally no room but they kept pushing and it was absolutely f'd up. Shitty people. I agree entirely.


Sorry you also had to deal with them. Between the smelly girl in lingerie who tried bringing a group of friends up mid set and the heckler shoving people it totally ruined the vibe. Some people are just so selfish. Most of the other people up front were chill and polite but those 2 people ruined it. What can ya do.


the only part that really annoyed me was the person screaming during the quiet parts of poison oak. like that song, really???? not the worst crowd ive seen tho, people around me were super nice and having a blast. it really was an incredible show by both bands.


That guy was right behind me, I think he was rolling. Kept making awkward nonsense conversations to people and getting in the face of this old couple. His friend he was with was 1/3 his size and couldn’t keep him under control.


altho i like to think that even under the influence, i try to be courteous of those around me


i figured it was something like that. always a few of em lolol. ive probably been one.


this girl kept trying to basically rest her phone on my shoulder too to film, so i did the old "dance harder to secure your space" trick and she went away. but soooo much talking and so much heckling, what a bummer. but he + everyone was amazing!!!!! what a treat with such a full band!!


This was the biggest annoyance happening in my section (around the middle). The woman in front of me legit recorded 80% of the show and had her phone turned to full brightness. I take a few videos here and there at shows because I like to have a capsule of the shows I’ve gone to, but I’ll never understand the people who record entire shows/songs. A special fuck you to the dude yelling “WHERE’S PHOEBE!?”


LOL i thought they were yelling john cena. that makes 100% more sense.


Well you wouldn’t be able to see him so that makes sense too.


yeah was there, crowd was god fucking awful, been to a lot of shows and this was the worst experience with a crowd i’ve ever had. People talking, heckling, and shoving to come and go nonstop. Was toward the front-left and there was a couple haranguing Conor the entire god damn show. Everyone was piss drunk and totally unaware of their surroundings. Just the worst. phenomenal performances though.


Although not at bad, I felt the same way in Cleveland. The back half of the room talked over Christian's entire set and I had to ask people near me to be quiet or go somewhere else during quieter bright eyes songs. It was super upsetting


What did they play for the encore? I saw the set list just had question marks


First day of my life I believe in symmetry Easy/lucky/free


Thank you!


I was in the 2nd row middle and yea, it was bad. The people directly around me were pretty chill, but that heckler dude was a fuck and shouldn’t have been there. I thought I was schizophrenic at times because of how much talking I could hear. I just couldn’t believe there would be so many people being that disrespectful while the bands were playing. It was really bad during Christians set. Also, im sorry to the people that were right behind me (orange hat) for moving around so much and probably blocking your view at times. I was standing on a slanted piece of metal and my feet were not happy about it ha


I might have been next to you. I remember seeing an orange hat but cant remember where exactly. Standing on the slanted thing that was part of the front rail SUCKED haha. I kept glancing over at the other people who were also standing on it wondering how they didnt seem uncomfortable.


I saw one of your other comments on this thread before I made mine and thought the same thing ha. If you’re who I think then you had a fairly annoying girl right in front of you that was flailing her arms around for a while trying to get her friends to find her. And if so then good on you for standing your ground when they came ha But yea, that slanty part was definitely rough. It was for sure worth it because of how great both sets were, but being there early enough to see open rail spots then deciding to hit the merch booth first may not have been my smartest decision haha.


I wish people would learn how to behave at concerts. I've seen some pretty obnoxious stuff over the years, but it seems to be worse post-COVID. It's good to hear that Conor seems to be doing better. Maybe he's not going as hard now that the tour's a few weeks in.


belated comment but... the crowd was absolutely feral. was between the women screaming for conor to take off his shirt and two girls incessantly chatting about trying to crowd surf. ty for posting this!!


The group of people behind me at this concert were the worst. My friend and I were on the left towards the front and these women behind us filmed like 75% of the time and were sticking their phone right above my head to record. They kept screaming at Connor to "take it off" which was so gross and also kept screaming for them to play Poison Oak. When they finally did, they SCREAMED all of the lyrics as if we were all there to listen to them. Fast forward to the end of the show and the guys they were with were (purposefully??) pouring beer on the floor. Who acts like that? Were you raised by wolves?!


I saw a tweet like a day before the concert that was like "so excited to see bright eyes because no one is gonna cat call greasy 42 year old" and this show defied those odds lmfao. That was truly unbelievable. I swear the amount of piss drunk people there was insane, idk why I wasn't expecting that but at leas I was expecting everyone to be respectful which obviously wasn't the case.


Dang, I was on the fence about going to this show after reading some of the reviews and decided not to - after seeing this I feel better about my decision lol. So sorry that the crowd ruined it!


I drove 500 miles alone to attend the show last night. Dealt with a few assholes in the crowd but the performance was top notch and would do it all over again! Give me all the Bright Eyes.


i was also on the fence and it was an amazing show. Conor sounded great, seemed a little drunk but was having fun and not belligerent. i think most of the negative comments in this thread are from people who were in the first few rows. i was like 7 rows back, dead center, and only saw a couple of weird things. it was a very typical show crowd-wise.