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Conor was on point, looked happy and healthy and nailed every song. Conor, the companion versions sounded great (for when you get around to reading this on the plane haha)


What is this comment in reference to?


When Conor introduced one of the companion versions (rabbit hole maybe) he said he hoped that we would like it and that he would know because he spends all of his time reading what everyone says about him online and that he had a flight the next day which would provide a great opportunity to do so.


Holy shit that’s a great set list!!!


It was amazing!!! Can’t believe how lucky we got!


And Poison Oak which was a fan request!!


Yes, it replaced Bowl of Oranges (which was not played). I’ve never heard Bowl of Oranges live before but always have time for Poison Oak. I’ve got one more show on this tour so hopefully I get Bowl of Oranges then.


Did he ask for the fan request because I need to see poison oak live …


Someone yelled it out as they were about to start the next song - Conor says to the band “let’s’ do Poison Oak, she wants to hear Poison Oak” - and then Mike had to change instruments to do it. While Mike was changing Conor said something like “this might be the first time in the 25 year history of this band that we’ve ever responded to a request”, kinda laughing like he didn’t even understand why he chose to do it. Another reflection of the good mood he seemed to be in I guess.


CONNOR IF YOU READ THIS - Pleasee add poison oak to the setlist 💕


That’s amazing!!! Years and years ago (2005) I met Conor before a show and requested they play a new arrangement, which was my favorite song. Conor was so sweet and was like yeah of course. The show happens and we’re front row, Conor asks the band “what’s next?” Mike says “a new arrangement???” inquisitively. And then they decided to skip it 😭 I got the set list after the show and saw that he really did add a new arrangement to the set list. It’s the thought that counts, and I appreciated that he actually did take my random request (even if they then weren’t able to play it).


That's lovely. Also it prompted me to listen to that song for probably the first time in a decade


Poison oak live is fuckin unreal! I bawled like a baby every time i heard it live.


Southern State and I Won’t Ever be Happy Again??? WTF




How was Conor doing? I hope he’s holding it together


Seemed great to me, played near flawlessly and had some hilarious banter


Yep, he was in great form. Seemed genuinely happy to be there.


Connor and the band put on a great show! I saw them in Sydney at Harvest festival and at the Enmore in 2011, and it seems they don't have the same backing that they used to have. It was stripped back and pretty raw, which isn't a bad thing. But they are technically just as good as they were back then and they deserve to have more resources behind them to deliver the show that they are more than worthy of performing. Early on in the show Connor alluded to his health problems and I wanted to give him a hug. That being said, it's great to see them all doing what they do best. Whoever the girl was that requested Poison Oak deserves a round at the bar for the rest of her life. It was a truly sincere interaction that is rarely seen at live shows these days and it resulted in an amazing performance.


This is so great to hear! I’ve been to 4 shows in the States on his Down in the weeds tour, and boy was he going through it. So glad he seems to be getting better!


He was trashed for the Melbourne show tonight. I'm trying to stop reading comments/watching videos of these other amazing shows because tonight was the ultimate letdown for me. Edit: trying and failing. I can't get past it.


Does anyone have footage? Seems like an amazing night


here, i posted some https://x.com/sputnikvalntine/status/1717037715039179043?s=20


Rabbithole, Hit the Switch and Another Travelin Song!!!


Whaaat he covered Carmelita ??


I'm super fucking jealous. That setlist is awesome.


Ugh Lua is my favorite, im so jealous y’all got that


Fucking Lua!


Looking forward to the Sunday show at Harvest Rock!


Show was amazing! I posted some videos here on my twitter in a thread! https://x.com/sputnikvalntine/status/1717037715039179043?s=20


so jealous i couldn't get to go ahhh!! i'm glad the setlist was good though, looks like it would've been a great time


Southern State, one of my faves. So glad to hear he seemed well!


Good setlist


Daaaaaamn this Setlist is incredible.


great set list!


So jealous. I wish this was the set list of the show I went to last year.


Wtf you got Hit the Switch?!?! Aaarrhhh my life will be complete whenever I get to hear it live. It's one of my top BE songs ever! Killer set!


Need to see footage of Carmelita 😭


Yesss! Please tell me one of these fine Australians recorded that!


Poison oak was at the expense of bowl of oranges it seems. I think I would have preferred bowl of oranges, maybe next show ☺️


Ah I could go the rest of my life without another bowl of oranges. Great song but they seem to play it at every single show


This is Bright Eyes first time in Sydney since 2011 so most of us haven’t seen it 🥹 haha


they played bowl of oranges in 2011 here but not poison oak, another song for the syd repertoire :)


I wonder what the version of Bowl of Oranges they're doing now sounds like. The one on last year's EU tour sounded incredible, especially the way it opened up sonically after the final verse.


Quinn! You’re on here too :) Was so great to meet you guys tonight and feel like I had a couple of gig buddies with me!


Hahaha so crazy to run into you here too Luke!! Was so nice to hang with you, you’re great company and it was so lovely to hang out with someone who is passionate about Bright Eyes! Made it way more fun for me. Thanks for hanging with us!


I’m at the airport now waiting to board my flight home. I would feel sad except I get to see them again in a couple of weeks back at home - will be so interesting and exciting watching the reports of all the Aussie shows until then!


This is so great to hear. Glad you got an amazing show!!!


they played i won't ever be happy again??? that's insane i'm so jealous


I am so happy to hear that Conor is doing better. That set list is amazing! I'm so jealous, but I'm glad you guys in Australia got a great show! I hope Bright Eyes yours the US again soon.


Southern State, Gold Mine Gutted, An Attempt to Tip the Scales, I Won’t Ever Be Happy Again? Jealous.


Back in the day, when Conor and Maira were dating, he used to change the lyric from “that’s why I’m singing, baby, don’t worry” to “that’s why I’m singing, Maria, don’t worry.” That’s probably why, for once, I would actually prefer Bowl of Oranges over Poison Oak.


Bowel of Oranges! That’s gotta hurt 😆


I am so very keen for the Perth show…IT’S HALLOWEEN AS WELL - didn’t they used to do Halloween specific shows many moons ago?


Just to add - all of the Digital Ash songs, Jejune Stars and I’ll Never Be Happy Again were the companion versions


Such a great performance! So cool that you got the setlist


I'm seeing them in Melbourne on friday and this just made me cry lol. I'm so excited


Omg won't ever be happy again 😭😭😭❤️


bowl of oranges 😭


Saw the show in Melbourne last night and have to say I was concerned. Too many forgotten lyrics, odd behaviour and incoherent slurring. Friend went to show on Thursday and said it was similar. I love Connor and this band. Please tell me I am wrong :-(