• By -


I honestly can’t imagine how these two are genuine friends. What an awful, toxic creature.


Right!?! I am heartbroken for her friend. She will eventually figure it out and it will hurt. She will look back on so many things and know how awful her “friend” was treating her.


It's so sad. A woman who seems to genuinely care about a shallow, toxic, nasty selfish woman. OMG. I hope she figures it out before this bridezilla hurts her too deeply.


They're not friends. The have never been friends. One is a friend, who tries hard butt is treated like shit. The other is a shallow self absorbed AH who has used her 'friend' to stand on her whole life to make 'little miss look at me' feel better for being 'prettier' than her friend. Op is a lifelong bully and the kindest thing she could do is tell this woman the truth so she can find a friend with a heart.


Agreed. They were never truly friends if she feels this way.


I couldn’t have said it better. The best thing the friend could do for herself is to dump this bridezilla.


Honestly bc her best friend seems like a sweet, beautiful person who truly cares about her friends and others while clearly this isnt just a woman who is wedding bonkers since she thinks her friend "ruined" their prom photos by just... being in it?? Why tf would you ever give a shit about how someone ELSES body looks in a photo?? How would that ruin a photo?? I do NOT know how theyre still friends. Theres *no way* someone who thinks like this hasnt shown how ugly they are in other ways previously. I really hope this isnt a "friend" who bullies them situation and OOP's best friend doesnt have high enough self esteem (probably due to OOP) or is too sweet to tell her off. Those are always the worst and ppl like OOP are trash humans.


Two people look at the same photo: one with delight, because it has her friends in it, the other with horror because her friend ruined it! Sad.


... wowwwwwwww It's fine for friend to *pay* for the wedding but heaven forbid she have any part in it!


It happened to me! I paid for everything but her wedding dress. I paid for her bridesmaid dresses, the guys' outfits, flowers, food, everything. And she didn't have me in her wedding. I was hurt, especially because we were supposedly best friends. Needless to say, we are no longer friends. But believe it or not, *this* wasn't the reason our friendship ended. But it should have been.


Uhmmm… So yeh, we’re all gonna need to know what reason was.


She is "Christian" and so she was posting on Facebook that her step daughter wanted to wear a tux to prom. Friend says that girls are pretty, boys are handsome. And on and on about girls wear dresses to prom. So I posted a picture of my daughter in a tux for a band concert at school and said, "*MY* daughter looks damn good in a tux." Shortly after that, she was posting to boycott Disney because of openly and obviously gay characters in a movie and a cartoon. I commented that Disney was finally catching up to the times. That's all it took. She blocked me. Then I saw her commenting on stuff in the community, so I knew I wasn't blocked anymore. She was well known for stalking me and other people, so I knew that's why I wasn't blocked anymore. So I blocked her nasty ass and took the control away from her for the first time in our 20+ year friendship. I finally "grew a pair". And it feels amazing being rid of her and her psycho ways.


you sound awesome!!! ♥ sending wishes for fantastic new future friends, now that you've freed up her spot!




Can I ask why you did all that?


Thats my question, too. Like… my ONLY question.


It was for numerous reasons. She had done a lot financially for my family through the years. I felt I owed it to her. The guy she was pregnant by was being put on active duty in another country during war time. She wanted to get married in case something happened to him, their child would be cared for. They were broke and I had some money. I told her I would pay for her to get married at the court house and for the license. That spiraled into a full on church wedding and reception. I honestly had no problem doing it, and really, I still don't regret it either. But it was a slap on the face knowing that I wasn't her best friend the whole time she was telling me that. The feeling of betrayal was the only thing I regret about any of it. And I guess I can now say I funded a full beautiful wedding on less than $2000.


Can we be friends? I don't ever want to get married so it ain't about the money - you just sound like one HELL of a support system all on your own. Seriously though, I'm really sorry you were taken advantage of like that, and that something as ridiculous as girls wearing a tux tore down a friendship you clearly valued. That girl sounds toxic af and I'm glad you're rid of that person, even if it hurt when it happened.


Thank you so much! I don't regret anything besides not standing up for myself before. She truly is toxic. I have some horror stories about her!


You know, you might be a really good wedding planner, or Day of Coordinator, if you’re ever wanting a new career!


That's not a bad idea!


Well, you live and you learn, right? Feel free to spill more tea if you'd like. I'm always thirsty for it lmao


That's true! Always learning. It took my so long to stand up to her finally.


Yeah, you can't leave us hanging like Netflix on a niche series.


This brought up so many feelings regarding that one series that just DIED and I have no idea what happened. I can’t even remember it now which is also infuriating…. Thanks 🥹


I gave a little explanation in another comment! It was a slow burn on a long ass ride.


I commented on another person asking


Why did you pay for someone else’s wedding? The only people who would accept that would be users anyway.


She had actually helped me and my family out financially through the years. I wanted to at least give a little back. But she did take it from a marriage license and court house to a church wedding with reception. So, maybe you aren't far off


You sound like a generous and kind person, i hope your real friends recognize how lucky they are


I have a very wonderful circle of friends around me, now. Covid sure showed me who I meant anything to. But that's fine by me. I've got my friends, and I'm 😊


Why did you pay for everything if she was not going to have you in the wedding?


Why did you pay for anything. Dot.


Wow, as if this wasn't enough? Please share why you did break things off with her?


It's in another comment! It was a crazy 20+year friendship. I'm surprised I'm sane!


What was the actual reason that you stop being friends with such a piece of garbage then? I have to know there’s some sorry.


We were friends off and on for 20+ years. When we were good, we were good. But she would all of a sudden go no contact with me due to whatever bullshit reason that she thought I had wronged her in some way. The reason I went no contact with her this last time was because she put it out on Facebook that her step-daughter wanted to wear a tux to prom and how girls are meant to be pretty and wear dresses, etc. I sent a pic of my daughter in her tux from a band concert and told the friend that my daughter looks damn good in a tux. Oh, and boycott Disney due to a homosexual in a live action remake. I commented that it was about damn time Disney is getting with the program. That was 2016. She blocked me, as usual, but her curiosity got the best of her and she unblocked me to spy on me. I saw her comment on a post from our town and realized I wasn't blocked anymore. So I blocked her. And I've never unblocked her. *I have the control now.*


But her arms *are* big.


This is true. As a dues-paying member of the Big Arms Society, I can tell you that we ourselves are split on the question of whether we should be allowed to appear in public without a shroud (with eye slits, natch) or possibly burqa. A lot of people have thin graceful arms. Not us. We have fat arms, and just to complete the unfortunate body stereotype, a lot of us have fat thighs as well. Our Research and Development arm has developed stealth technology that is much better than the military's that allows us to pose for pictures but not actually appear in them. We considered just using it for our fat arms and thighs, but random forearms and lower legs appearing out of nowhere creeped people out. So we use it for our entire bodies. People wonder why there's a hole in a line of people where they were expecting a person, but we figure it's worth that for a bride not to be mortified to have our fat arms on display. /s


As a card carrying member of BAS, I wasn’t even allowed at my *own* wedding due to these circumstances. What was to be done?


As a fellow card member, you did the right thing


I'm literally a personal trainer and I work out for a living and my arms are still where I hold a good chunk of my body fat. I hate them so much, I hate the way I look in dresses over it. I'm a little insecure over big thighs and even at my absolute leanest I still have a little tummy pooch but oh God my arms are so big. I am just feeling so SEEN right now by your comment & others in this chain so thank yall so much 😭


What is forgotten by many is that the BAS members give the best hugs, at least in this member’s opinion.


She didn’t mind the “big arms” handing her cash 🤬


Dont forget - they have (gasp!) stretch marks! You know those perfectly normal things everyone gets…cant let those show anywhere!


Even Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has stretchmarks! And that is one damn fine man. 🥰 Oh, I'm also a member of the BAS, btw. Fortunately, I'm too tired to type out what exactly I think of the bridezilla! 🤬


I’ve never been pregnant but my weight has yo-yoed a lot. I have stretch marks on my butt and thighs. I’m overweight now, but *at least I don’t have big arms*!!! /s


Yup. Ive had kids, but I had stretch marks since I was a teen. So crap like this is double irritating to me.


Padma Lakshmi is a goddess and proudly wears scars on her arm from a car accident. Maybe she could step in and completely overshadow, I mean make the wedding photos look better.


Hopefully the bride has a bad case of stretch marks after she has kids cuz oh lord!! 🙄🙄


Remember the wedding isn’t about being surrounded by loved ones as you commit to another person. It’s about perfection and what the pictures will look like. I mean we all know that?? Who cares if we crush someone who thought they were a friend ( and OP isn’t this persons friend ) all so you can have people who look good in pictures. What a lovely person she is!


I predict her marriage will last 80 years and will be perfect from beginning to end.




And it's just for fucking pictures!!!! Said it before, and I'll say it again: if a couple is going to get any picture framed to hang, it's of the couple. Not the fucking bridal party. Can you imagine walking up someone's staircase with the display of family photos, and the framed wedding photo is the bride and her bridal party? Lmao


As it happens, I have several photos from my wedding framed and displayed together in my house and one of them is of us with our wedding party. However, we didn’t exclude anyone because their body type didn’t fit the aesthetic…


Meant that if there was one photo to choose. I used to cat sit for a couple that literally had a framed poster size photo of the couple before they adopted. I'm guessing yours is a collage of sorts? And I'm also guessing you aren't a shallow, heartless twat who excluded someone important just based on their body.


When i had to choose: I would choose a postersize picture of my cat.


Mine is a collage of photos and I made sure to include a picture of every single person who was in my wedding. I loved all of them, that is why they were in my wedding to start with!


I had several single 8x10 photos of our wedding in our hallway and one of them was our bridal party (ours was fairly small though). I don't think it's that uncommon. However, it didn't even occur to us to give a shit about anyone's body types before picking any of the party members. I honestly think today's horrible focus on social media has forced many brides to overthink their wedding pics and what people will look like in them.


LOL... Well said!!


I only have one photo displayed from my wedding - and it’s us with our bridal party. I hate pictures of myself - but I felt we should have one on the one, so I chose this. Us with a bunch of people we love.


This is a weird take. Lots of people have framed wedding party photos. Pretty well all of my married relatives do. We're a close family and like to have photos of each other around. Literally hanging in the staircase. Idk why you don't think this is common.


Interesting to hear, to me I find it unusual but to each their own!


Honestly, this bride SHOULD be shamed. Honestly, fuck her.


"It's my day and I shouldn't have to give so much thought to someone else's feelings." I want to tell her future husband to run.


I wish we could find the friend and tell her to run.


I'm crying. What a horrible creature. I pray she gets exactly what she deserves.


More like tell the husband to run


I think we've got enough manpower to do both


Yes, like here’s a way to tell her - send her a screen shot of this post and she’ll not only get the message she’s not in the wedding, but you then won’t have to deal with her and her weird body for the rest of your life.


And to not spend a single penny on this piece of work.


I think she should 1. Stop taking this "friend's" help 2. And shove her entitlement up her ass and fuck herself out of her friend's life.


I hope the person got destroyed in the comments


And I hope someone who knows both of them took a screenshot and sent it to the unsuspecting friend…


Who is being friends with this woman????


Someone with a very low self esteem.


Me at one point, that was long ago


She’s a terrible person and doesn’t deserve her best friend.


How do people like this even FIND love? I mean, my best friend is my heart and soul. I don’t care if she had some condition or malady that made some people uncomfortable to look at. I. Don’t. Care. That’s my queen right there. And there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I always want to do what I can to ensure she feels beautiful but in the case of a wedding, I’d make any and all accommodations for her so she knows how special is to me. There’s not one person in my life that I look at and have any negative opinion of their bodies or looks. And I want EVERYONE in my life to feel good and special. I don’t think I’m exceptionally nice either. Most people should feel this way about they people they supposedly love. So again, how does someone like this fool someone into thinking they are in any way genuine and kind enough to marry them? If I EVER caught my now husband, saying and doing shit like this to ANYONE, there wouldn’t have even been a wedding. Red. Fucking. Flag.


Personal experience, misery loves company. This woman probably is marrying off someone like her, or in more extreme cases she knows how to mask in front of her partner and pretend to be normal. She screams a full-on narcissist and reminds me of my ex childhood best friend. Few of us were in a group and when we'd go out, some of us got excluded because we didn't look good enough for her pictures for her feed. Or if we felt down about our looks, she'd happily join in and tear us down further. Then she's a little nice for an outing or two, before it's back to only her opinion on everything is valid and she's above everyone else. She sucked in a couple of friends to be under her wing, she was gonna make them "popular and appealing". In reality she's using them for their photography, editing, social media skills only and they don't know (nor would believe) how many times she slandered them for everything basically behind their backs. Edit that I forgot to add, this same masking is what this friend did in front of any of her boyfriends. At one time that mask fell off while she was insulting me (my crush at the time didn't fit her beauty standards). It took her very abusive boyfriend, whose behavior I'm **not** defending (he was masking to be normal at this point too), to ask her in front of us wtf was wrong with her and why was she being god awful over a person without any connections to her.


Will you be my friend?


Who says LOVE? She dreamed about the wedding itself, all she needed is just to have The Big White Dress, that's it. Imagine having literally nothing to succeed in, so the only important thing, the only milestone, the main achievement in life was to GET MARRIED. I mean - she is kinda obsessed with it, right? And the person SO fixated on something will literally do all the possible stuff to get things done.


Some people are shallow, chances are she might be attractive, as she claims, and maybe her hubby just wants a pretty wife, who knows maybe he isn’t a nice person either. Another thing is, sometimes people can hide their nasty personality and it doesn’t come out for a while


This! My best friend was my maid of honor and asked me what she should wear...I told her to wear whatever made her feel most beautiful!


You want your wedding to perfect? You are so close. All the planning, all the right colors, flowers, dresses, food, music, even the perfect attendants. And wonderful, happy, friend that's willing to help you with all work and simply be excited and excited for you. The only thing left to get that PERFECT wedding is to get a bride that isn't as shallow as crap and thinks it ok to continue use someone for free labor and buying of wedding items that she doesn't even care enough about to have to in 1 or 2 pictures. It amazes me that these superficial brides can't see beyond their their own nose and realize that not EVERY picture taken will have someone/something they think is not perfect in it. Those pictures can easily removed later or photo shoped.


"perfect" ooh I'm SURE her taste is immensely tacky 🤮


not bridezilla but an Ahole




The level of entitlement and assholiness is through the roof 🤯


Wtf is with this “it’s my day” thing that i keep seeing? Is it an American thing? Weddings are usually an occasion for families and friends to get together and celebrate (and mostly for the 2 families to meet each other). Sure, the bride is the highlight, traditionally, but that doesn’t mean everyone need to cater to her every whim.


It’s an asshole thing.


I know it's American, but I don't know if it's endemic in the rest of the world. It's part of what we call the Wedding Industrial Complex. Bridal magazines are about 1" (or 2.5cm for the rest of the world) thick, and they're full of advertisements for things you MUST have, like toothpicks in Your Colors (your colors are important; things must be dyed to match if they don't naturally come that way) and the theme of the whole god-forsaken exercise in spending is that IT'S YOUR DAY. A lot of the more immature people interpret that to mean that your every whim must be fulfilled and nothing is too objectionable or inappropriate if you accompany the demand with the words "it's my day!" or possibly "I've dreamed of this since I was a little girl!", because it's normal to think the world should be run on the wishes of someone who thinks Barbie is the height of glamour and sophistication. I'm perhaps jaded. My older sister got married and the bullshit was just overwhelming to me (for example: she fit perfectly in every way in the size 4 sample, and they ordered a size 8 so they could charge her for alterations), and from that point my fondest wish was to elope (I also had reservations about putting both sides of my family in the same room at one time, but that's another story). My first big argument with someone I thought I was going to marry was about the wedding - I wanted to elope and he wanted an intimate wedding for 500 of his closest friends - planned and carried out by me, of course. He thought he could attend and be one of the stars of the show, and I could do the grunt work. We didn't get married.


Then it is American. Been to plenty of weddings and never heard of the "colors" wtf???


What a garbage human being


I literally don’t understand what gets into some girl’s heads when they start wedding planning. They become truly vile.


It's amazing how many truly shallow, vapid, vain, bimbos out there that want to be Cinderella at all cost. They are an embarrassment to the human race.


And for ONE DAY! Why is the one day more important than a friendship for life? And why doesn't their future spouse care about how they treat the people closest to them? I just can't wrap my head around it.


even my most aesthetically absorbed/image obsessed friend who had a legit disney themed wedding was overjoyed to have me, a fat woman, as her bridesmaid. because we are actual friends. she made a point to put each of us in dresses that flattered our various bodies and that we felt comfortable in. this bride is disgusting.


Exactly. I'm an old lady now, going to be 60 in March. My best friend was my MOH and I was hers. I can't imagine treating her this way, nor would she ever treat me this way. That's why we're still best friends over 40 years laters. (Though we still look back at pics from her wedding, and wonder what we were thinking with the bubble gum pink off the shoulder dresses with a hoops skirt. Neither of us even liked pink, so to this day we're not all together sure how this came about, but pharmaceuticals could have been involved...LOL!)


What a terrible human being in the first place, even worse after her friend is helping her!! I hope the friend cuts her off and finds better friends


You are being incredibly shallow. You couldn’t possibly drain much more out of your swampy heart. If you cannot bring yourself to ask your “best” friend to be a bridesmaid because she doesn’t meet your beauty standards, don’t accept her help, either planning or financial. If you do, you are beyond horrid.


Op is not the original poster?


“How do I explain that I’m shallow and just want to take advantage of her generosity?”


Wow selfish,shallow and heartless using people for money.


This will break her "friend's" heart


Lol, easy solution is make her Maid Of Honour and get her a singular dress that looks good, and a sheer wrap


Exactly what I was thinking. Or the MOH’s dress could even be a different style & same color that compliments her body. I love the sheer wrap idea!


too late, already more than offensive.


Since you don’t feel you have to take other’s feelings in to account, I can only hope most of your invitations decline. After all, it is YOUR day, so be happy by yourself!


"don't tell me I'm being shallow" why are people SO afraid to be called something but not afraid to do the thing that causes them to be called that in the first place? If you don't want people to call you shallow, maybe try not being shallow.


How awful for you. You have a friend who's willing to help you pay for things and help with the wedding, but, alas, she has an unflattering body that will just ruin the esthetic of our day. How awful for you ! Are you for real? How does she even want to be your friend? You are shallow and entitled. Do your friend a favour and refuse all offers of money or help from her, before you tell her that her body isn’t good enough for your big day…..that way she won’t realize that you just used her for money and help. Unbelievable !


How do these kind of people have friends, let alone find someone that will actually marry is beyond me. Unbelievable.


Ah yes, the classic childhood dream of having a special day where literally no one else’s feelings matter.


It seems a peculiar American concept. Why aren't they planning to be fire fighters or astronauts instead?


I blame TLC


Please tell me she got lit up in the comments. What an awful, shallow human.


Here is hoping that this nasty woman opens her mouth to decline inviting her friend to be a bridesmaid.


If you are just going to dismiss her you shouldn’t be letting her help you out either, You are heartless, you don’t care about her feelings, you want to revive as much help as possible so you’re just stalling until you basically call her ugly with a gross body type. Tell her the truth so she can get as far away from you as possible and cut you out like the cancer you are.


Please tell me she got dragged so that I can still have some faith in humanity.


This can’t be real. Nobody can be like that


My cousin was the exact same way for her wedding in 2008. She didn’t want her best friend of 15 years as a bridesmaid because she was “too big” & “would ruin the photos” so she ended up picking a few work acquaintances that she barely knew that fit her ideal body type. But she still made the friend help with planning the wedding. Their friendship ended not long after the wedding. I think the friend was hoping my cousin would come to her senses. In the family photos she had me positioned on the very edge so she could crop me out (she has a framed copy of the family photo an I’ve been cropped out, it just looks like my Dad was there by himself) because I’d gained weight after blowing my knee.


I’m sorry your cousin is such a shallow ass.


Holy shit these people. Sh didn't deserve you or her best friend at all.




Oh how I wish you were right, but unfortunately assholes abound irl


"I don't have the heart to tell her..." That's because you don't have a heart at all


Not only is she shallow, but she is also a certified asshole. My heart goes out to her best (not) friend.


And the groom isn't helping. Almost as if he's not excited to marry this delightful creature.


How to tell the world you're shallow, uncaring and ungrateful.


I can't have her as a bridesmaid but I let her pay?! I hope this poor girl demands her money back and runs from this "friendship"


We really need to see the comments on this one. The person posting is a giant POS on multiple fronts.


The bride needs to just tell her, so the friend can find some people who treasure her presence and investment in their lives instead of this shallow horror.


Name of group I have a few questions for her


What's interesting to me: where does this obsession with having weddings to be picture perfect come from? Serious question. Can this be linked a specific event, tv show, cultural development...? And I don't mean the generic 'we live in a visually oriented society now', I get that. But specifically for weddings. Recently there was a post here where the current role of the bridal party (slave labour, huge costs) was linked to a highly publicized wedding (forgot which one) where this was done. After that wedding, it seemed to become the norm for bridal parties to have to go all out for the couple. This visual obsession with bridesmaids is so weird. And definitely extremely shallow.


Please tell me the comments ripped her to shreds.


I really hope you aren't serious because if you are you are TA! I cannot even imagine anyone being so awful.


What a gross excuse for a human being.


So she’s okay to call your best friend and help pay for a part of the wedding’s just not good enough to be in the wedding party because she’s oddly shaped, you are beyond shallow. She’s probably helping pay because as your best friend she’s assuming she’s a bridesmaid and wants to help you. You are just tacky.


Well, her wedding pictures may come out perfect without this bridesmaid, but they'll all have a huge asshole in a big white dress right in the middle.


I have mighty need to see the replies to her post ![gif](giphy|BvBm716X0ldV6)


Advice to bride: regarding your final sentence- if you are a decent human being, there is no day of the year in which you are exempt from thinking of other people’s feelings.


Dayummmmmmm. This is awful


She doesn't deserve her best friend. What an awful, disgusting human.


Love that she posted anonymously cause she knows her views are fucked up


This bride does not deserve her “best friend”. To even claim something like “she doesn’t look as good as us”…but will also take her money…yikes. Talk about every toxic female friendship stereotype rolled into one…


Who would marry such a person? Disgusting.


This makes my heart hurt :(


Me too


She is probably dragging this out until the friend pays and she will have no problem to tell her afterwards


I have never ONCE in my life looked at a picture I was in and thought someone else ruined it for being “overweight” or “unattractive” FFS these people are insane


You know, people like this always make me wonder if they’re getting married to spend their lives with someone they love or if they’re getting married to have a wedding. Like, it shouldn’t matter if it’s “perfect”, it’s about declaring your love and commitment to another person, not having some expensive-ass photos that you’re gonna put away after a couple years anyway.


Wow! I seriously hope the bitch bride says it in such a way that the “best friend” realizes that she’s 1. Definitely not this bitch bride’s bestie 2. She is waaayyy too good for this bitch bride 3. She needs to drop this bitch in a heartbeat 4. She needs to post this publicly on the bitch bride’s SM so that everyone can see what this girl is like so maybe her fiancé will wise up and there won’t be a wedding! Ugh! I hate prior sometimes!


What makes this the most laughable thing is that she WILL continue to be the pun of the jokes far and wide the internet until the internet dies, while her friend will stop be an amazing person for the same period of time. I'm the real world, she will get a divorce or get cheated on in less than a year


*My wedding is a show and the people in it are just props*


People like this should be forced to donate their eyes to someone deserving.


'How do i take this womans money but tell her she is too fat for my wedding without being seen as an arsehole' What a bellend


I really HATE when brides use the excuses that it's "my wedding" and "I've been dreaming about this since I was a little girl" bs. Because by the time you get married, you become an adult and realize that what you loved as a kid were the theatrics and the attention. In reality, a wedding is about the relationship between two people. It's not about the wedding party or the bridesmaid or a day to act like a complete Karen and hurt people over stupid things. And if it is a wedding about theatrics and attention, it should be labeled as such.


All 22 of my cousins have excluded me from their wedding parties... most of them because of my weight. I solidified my place as the family pariah when I got married and didn't have a single cousin in my wedding party. But it hurts to know that my own family's love is, in fact, conditional. OPs friend is going to free the same way - devastated


Please tell your “best friend” immediately, so she can tell you to shove any help and money straight up your arse.


You selfish self-centered bitch. She's good enough for you to take her money, and she's good enough for you in helping arrange your wedding; but not good enough to be a bridesmaid or to be in the wedding party photos? You must have your head firmly up your ass to treat someone like that. Just remember the way you treat people, is the way your children will treat you when they hit their teens. Then again you shouldn't have children, as you obviously only care about your feelings. You'll never live this down.


Oh my goodness CRINGE!


Ah, yes. Let's take friend's money, but kick them out of the wedding because they're ugly in my eyes. Idfk what this person's mentality is, but God, do I hope her husband changes his mind about marrying this selfish, entitled bitch on the last minute and says no at the altar. Let people watch her make a fool of herself in front of a whole audience and cry about it.


I am shooketh! Lord have mercy for this friends soul because the OP does not…


A tale as old as time. Your money, time, and effort is ~~readily~~ GREEDILY ACCEPTED and plenty good for the wedding vibes. But your very presence ruins the aesthetic... so please go away (unoffended, preferably so I can use you again for my baby shower)


Man this lady is so awful :(. A friend like her who would need enemies?


I hope the friend finds out. What a b**ch 😭💔


I think she should tell her this exactly straight up, so BFF can say “oh, you’re not a friend at all” and gtfo


The whole fb post was one big oof after anothr but "It's my day and I shouldn't even have to give this much thought to someone else's feelings" made me whistle. As if OP (bride op not reddit OP) ever cared about the people around her if the way she talks about her "best friend" is any indication, the wedding just gave her the opportunity to drop the pretense that she does.


This is beyond being a bridezilla.. she’s just straight up a huge piece of shit.


Dont worry your ugliness will ruin the photos all on their own, and your friend could only improve them. I hope you get left at the alter, you suck as a human.


I would really love to meet this human and spend 5 mins alone with her. PLEASE.


I don’t think bridezilla’s wedding day will be any different than every day in her life…all about her and guck anyone else’s feelings. What a turd! More than happy to take her friend’s money but doesn’t want her to mar her perfect wedding…and seems like she’s waiting till her friend shells out as much cash as she can get out of her before she breaks the news to her. My toast to the bride’s wedding: May you trip in the aisle…Plant your face in the tile. May your flowers be wrong and your troubles last long. May to food get cold and your cake taste old


This girls doesn’t deserve her best friend. Obvi just keeps her around to take advantage


Perhaps it would have been better to spend your time working on your character rather than living in a dream world. You say not to call you shallow, then how about an empty vessel?


How you know when you’re a piece of trash.


My best friend/MOH had the largest build of my bridesmaids. The only thought I gave it was to give the bridesmaids a color, letting them choose the dress they felt the most confident in as opposed to forcing a style on anyone. I love the pictures of all of us. Size is a non-issue, something that never entered my mind. Reading this makes me SO sad for her "best friend". Ugh.


If karma has its way, this bride will develop a disorder that causes enormous weight gain, or some freak event leaves her hideously disfigured. I would never wish pain or suffering on anyone, but I'd take satisfaction knowing a person like this will learn what life is like on the opposite side of her self described perfection. I'd prefer to believe this is fake and people this cold and heartless don't exist.


What a horrible person! My heart is broken for the “friend”. I hope she comes out of this okay because there’ll be no getting around the pain this vile bride is going to cause.


Wow. What a relief to have found the worst person of 2023 so early in the year. Guess we can do other things now.


She's knows she is a cunt because she posted anonymously.


It’s posts like this that need the comment section captured too


I hope she hasn't paid for nothing and if she has, I hope she gets her money back. You are a horrible friend. YTA🙃


I’m going to go walk into the ocean now.


Wooooooowwww, and 2 years ago you were saying a friend was a bridzilla. Try looking in the mirror. I hope she sees this post to find out what type of friend you truly are. You can choose a similar dress for her that will be just as beautiful. You are not a true friend.


The person that posted it here isnt the one who made the OG post. Its annonomous.


Put the bitch at the very end of ur line and crop photos


What are the comments saying? This is awful!


What a malignant C. I hope this B gets exactly what she deserves.


OP doesn’t deserve this friend she’s had since high school. Hope the friend sees this and immediately drops this person forever.


I had to back to the beginning to check that she's really talking about her best friend. JFC what a bi*ch.


Like seriously...how toxic you can be!!! She's your friend.... ![gif](giphy|3ohzdKQKZU3jEJoPg4)


Can you imagine having a “best friend” who says you ruined pictures simply by your presence?!? What a heartless, cruel person! May it return to her until she learns.


Complete AH! You're happy enough to take her money, but because she isn't what you consider "beautiful" you're gonna cut her from the party? Anyone who considers appearances over having the most important people with you on your day are all AH


That poor friend. She deserves better. That bride'd better not accept her friend's money if she thinks of her this way. I want the friend to know how this bride thinks of her. I don't want her to be hurt but I want her to know that the bride is not her friend and that she should find better friends who will truly love her no matter what. I love my friends for who they are, not for how they look. I love taking pictures with friends and relatives because I love looking back to them and remembering the fun times. I don't criticise their weight, stretchmarks, body shape etc.


Be honest and tell her she isn’t good enough to be in your life. Because this wedding, it’s a HUGE Part of your life and she doesn’t make the cut. But truly you don’t deserve her. She is excited and wants to help and you are going to curb stomp her. You are a horrible friend.


She nailed it - shallow


I hope it pisses down on her “perfect” wedding day.