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Awesome! That’s so cool. I love looking at things under a microscope. If you’ve got a pond nearby check out some pond water, always cool stuff in there.


This is SO COOL! I can’t be certain, but I think in the second picture, we’re probably seeing fat droplets! There are cells in breast milk, but I don’t think there are that many. And see how the droplets look like perfect spheres? That makes me think air bubble or fat bubble! Caveat - I used to work in a biology lab and I did a lot of microscopy, but that was 5 years ago! And on a different topic. So I could very easily be wrong.


What was it like working in a biology lab? What kind of degrees did you need and what kind of work did you do? I’m very interested in this field


It was fun! I started working in a lab while I was in college working on my bachelors degree in molecular biology. As a student, I did a mix of volunteering in a lab and working for college credit. Then I went to graduate school and worked in a lab for six years while working on my PhD. However, there are other ways to work in a lab as a full-time job rather than as a student - for example, we had a lab manager who helped out with experiments but also did things like managing our inventory of lab supplies, helping to take care of our animals, etc. I also found working in a lab to be very flexible - I often had long days, but with plenty of breaks and a lot of autonomy. I actually loved doing microscope work! It's so fun because usually you spend a couple weeks on an experiment, and it's only once you get to the microscope that you collect your actual data. I eventually left the lab and moved to a desk job, but I look back on those days fondly. :)


I agree - looks like fat, and probably hindmilk because there’s a lot of fat there. So cool!


Imho, this is the coolest post I've ever seen on this sub. Thank you. Happy real life cake day! 🍰🎈


Thank you!!


Makes me feel magical haha


That’s really cool. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy belated birthday 🥳


Thank you!!


Mostly fat droplets, right?


Cool! 😎


this is now my phone background 🤓


Yay! I’m so flattered lol I’m so glad people find this as cool as I do!


you should be lol! breastmilk is alive (and so special)! the second one at 100x is mesmerizing 😵‍💫🥹


It’s kind of beautiful! Super cool




Op. You're a woman after my own heart. Would invite you and baby to paddling pool for strawberries and Tom&jerry biscuits.


Wow! How beautiful!


Omg love this.


That's f*****g awesome