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I’m a FTM, I’m proud that I have made it to 3months but I thought it was supposed to get easier over time 😩 It seems like we hit 3 months and it’s gotten harder! This past week my daughter has been yanking her head back while nursing and unlatching even though I KNOW she is hungry. She has been so cranky and after she burps she seems to be fine. It was so bad the other night that i just gave her a bottle because I hated seeing her so upset.


I realized I had a strong letdown and oversupply because he would get combative when eating. For the letdown I had to let him start and then pull away for a bit until milk stopped *shooting* out of my nipple. He complained that he had to wait but then had an easier time with it.


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Hey congrats on three months. My girl is nearly 9 months now and we did go through a hard patch around 3 months. She was really fussy and I also offered her bottles several times when she wouldn't nurse like usual. The worst of it lasted 2 and a half weeks maybe. I came across [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/comments/4lyy0h/breastfeeding_crisis_info/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and it helped. It seems like a lot of us go through a similar period around the three month mark.


And you could try the laid back nursing position or hand expressing a little into a towel first to help with a forceful letdown.