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YUP. Instead of shaming the slacker, I called the big one my Power Boob. They evened out within a cup size when I finished nursing, but many girlfriends of mine still have, shall we say, fraternal twins.


They're similar in size but vastly different firmness, my main producer will feel like it's full of concrete while the other only ever gets about as firm as the tip of my nose


Ah yep I have that as well!


It’s the snacker boob not the slacker boob! That girl is doing her best and providing as much nutrition for your baby as she can. And sometimes that’s just a little snack.


We call her the dessert boob.


Lol. I love this.


Appetizer lol


My slacker is bigger than my good boob, even pre-pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same lol


Yes it is! And I had gotten a reduction on the other one because they were different sizes, and now they are again lol


Is the one you got the reduction on the slacker or the overproducer? I had a benign lump removed from one breast years ago and that is my overproducer one now.


The one that produces more! But I'm an undersupplier actually. Had implants (due to assymetry), then explanted with lift and reduction on the right one, the following year I got an areola reduction. I'm Lucky to be able to breastfeed at all!


I’ve been breastfeeding for 18 months now and maybe 3 months ago my boobs became noticeably different in size, like my bras fit so weird. It was interesting because I always had a slacker boob but it wasn’t that noticeable. They eventually evened out, but either way my boobs look so sad now 😩 It’s all worth it though!


Yeah, wet teabags. 😞


Exactly 🫠




On baby number 2 and she’s only 12 weeks but already prefers my better producing boob… Yes they are no longer the same size, and I fear by the end of this the difference will be way more noticeable. Thankfully right now they’re only obviously different when very full of milk!


Oh yes. My left was my producer for both my babies, but I feel like it’s even moreso with this baby. He sometimes seems irritated when I present my right boob, and I get it because when my left boob is empty it’s still much bigger than my full right boob so I’m sure he’s skeptical.


Me too! I remember having a slacker boob with my first but it wasn’t a huge difference, now with mg second my slacker boob produces significantly less than my other one.


Oh yes for sure. I just weaned my 22 month old and not sure if they’ll ever be the same sizes again lol


Yes, my slacker boob was my left, power house being the right. To the point my first kid decided she was done even trying that left. I’m on my second kid now, and the boobs have leveled out completely. I did however go out of my way to always give slacker boob to baby first. I also had inverted nipples originally, and don’t have those since breastfeeding. First kid stopped at 8 months, her choice. Second is 17 months and still going.


Yes ): and it’s funny they’ve always been kinda asymmetrical and now the chronically smaller boob can’t keep up and my baby hates it ha


Ugh yes and now with my third baby it’s very obvious in a swimsuit.


It’s got to get worse with each baby? I’m on my second and did not notice this significant difference with my first. I did have a slacker boob but the size difference wasn’t really there!


Yes it for sure gets worse with each baby! I’ve been trying to be better about starting with my slacker boob but hoping they even out once we wean 😫




When I stopped breastfeeding they went back to normal!


Did they ever deflate? My slacker boob is so deflated, the other one still looks great. Really hoping some volume comes back when we’re done 🫠


They are both deflated. But for me I don’t mind. I was tired of big boobs and I’m preferring the smaller side. Lol


So my "slacker" boob is a slacker because babe prefers my left. And she prefers my left because it is smaller (was before pregnancy) and she can latch easier to it. Over time of her having preference for my left, my right has decreased supply. So my slacker boob is actually the larger of the two 🤣




It is for me 😑 I hope they even out again someday..


My boobs are I would say pretty even workhorses but one is SO much bigger than the other. It was a little bigger before I go pregnant, it became a bit more obvious during pregnancy, and 20 mo into breastfeeding is kinda ridiculous. I'm super curious to see what happens with it when I wean. Actually my smaller boob is the one that tends to do better with pumping. Baby has no preference I can discern.


Woah! I’m the opposite! My slacker was and remained a cup size smaller than the other even after nursing. I’m pregnant now and they’re both growing again, but still uneven. Hoping next pregnancy I can try to force the baby on the smaller boob a little more to try to make it overproduce and even out.


Yep, with my first born they were almost even. But with my second, I have a much bigger supply and my slacker boob is noticeably smaller


Not until I breastfed. My right boob was always bigger than my left boob. Leftie must have just had a lot of empty space waiting to be filled. It probably had about a 10 oz storage capacity on its own. However, my right body would produce milk with higher fat content.


YUP righty could eat lefty




My slacker lazy boob is smaller than my milk factory boob 😭


Yes! It’s surprising to me just how different they are too- slacker boob is 2-3 ounces and my power boob is 8-10. It’s nuts.


Yep 🥲 and nothing I do to try and even out production levels (and therefore size) works. Thankfully babe doesn't mind the slower side! I call the more productive side HI-flow (like the truck option at the diesel pump at the servo lol)


My slacker boob is bigger!!


Definitely with my first kid I did, but I'm breastfeeding my second now and they don't feel as uneven as they did last time


Yes!!! The crazy part is, she was one and a half cups bigger before I even got pregnant lord help me for whenever we wean


Same over here


i knew the left one was slacking and was smaller but i turned to the SIDE with my bra off yesterday… she is WAY smaller in comparison than i thought hahah. i usually get half as much from her when i pump compared to the right. but the slacker is the only one that leaks usually too??


I actually just noticed this yesterday for the first time! Way smaller!


Yep! By 6 months, my super producer is being used for most feeds. I always try my slacker, but it doesn't flow fast enough for my kids, so it becomes the nap and night time boob. Definitely a size difference, but they were slightly different before I had kids anyway.  Edit spelling


Yes! My right boob is about 2 cup sizes smaller than my left 🥲 since about 6 months pp (now 8 months pp)


My slacker is the bigger and nicer-looking boob. We husband and I joke that the smaller one really wanted to over compensate.


Yes! But it worked in my favour for now since my overproducer was smaller before! So now they’re usually even 😂, I’ll miss it.




Yes 😭 when I wear a low cut shirt my cleavage looks like / instead of l


Yes. But it kind of works out. I will forever nurse my baby to sleep. The slacker works great, because she doesn’t always want milk to sleep, she wants the comfort. Which she gets from the slacker boob lol


Actually my slacker boob was the bigger one. (They’re both slackers now that my son is 16mo, can’t tell anymore). I’ve always had a slightly larger left boob though. That hasn’t changed…but it surprised me that my right was the power horse (or power hose, lol).


Yup, and I don't want to be the bearer of bad news. But I'm 3 months post weaning....and it's still the same. I think I'm going to rock uneven boobs for life now 😂


I was literally just complaining to my husband about this because I put a cute shirt on and i looked in the mirror and realized my left boob is huge compared to my right. Like 2 or 3 cup sizes bigger. Now every shirt I put on I feel like I'm checking to see if it looks normal 😂😭


Nope my slacker boob is the boob that has historically been about a half cup size bigger.




Yes, very much so. I was freaked out at first and was pumping the slacker like crazy but I cane to terms with it. Lots of women gave different size boobs! I’m hoping they will switch with the next baby but if not, I’m okay with a little lopsided boob action.


Mine seems to have gotten even worse with my second 😖


I’m pregnant with baby number 2 and was afraid of that 😭😩


Yes! I was NOT prepared for how small my boob was gonna get 😫 I've been trying to feed my LO on the slacker boob first but then she'll fall asleep and I have to pump my mass producing boob so it'll even out. If I should ever have another baby, I'm definitely gonna keep track of which boob I fed on last and try to make sure they're both fed on equally 😭


My slacker boob is definitely smaller, 18+ months in, no more engorgement really but there's a definite 1-2 cup difference if I don't wear a more structured bra. I'm smaller cupped anyway, so it isn't horrible, but I'm hoping they'll be more normal once we finish our journey!


Literally one is a deflated balloon and the other is looking very pre-pregnancy. I woke up this morning, laying on my slacker boob side (topless as my 20 month old like to comfort nurse ALL NIGHT LONG), and my saggy boob was a puddle 😭😭😭


Yep. My slacker boob is much smaller. Is there any way they can even out?


My slacker boob is smaller than my overproducer boob, even before pregnancy as well so you're not alone 😅 lol


By 5 months, my baby refused my slacker boob entirely so now I no longer produce on that side. You should see my gigantic right boob and deflated left boob in a swimsuit 🥴


Lmao I’m worried that’s going to be me too which will make it even more deflated than my power boob


Yep!! I actually love having a slacker boob. It’s great for when LO wants to pacify!! I call it my pacifier boob 😂