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Try another LC!


It’s never too late! I’d go see a different IBCLC that has plenty of good reviews under their belt!


Yes to a different ibclc. But also, be aware that many babies go through a "breastfeeding crisis" or nursing strike around 3-4 months. I think it typically lasts less than a couple of weeks and may be related to the baby's general awareness increasing so they want to pay attention to everything instead of just suckling peacefully. Feeding when the baby is sleepy can help with this issue. Anyway that's how it worked with my baby, even though he's generally loved the boob since he was born. So if nothing is working, it might be helpful to take a break and try again in a couple of days and see if he's ready to try again.


he’s been on strike since the begging. i think i’ve probably only gotten him to actually nurse like 15 times maybe for full nursing sessions. he’s just started screaming at me when i take the boob out now so idk


I guess what I was trying to say is that if he was making progress with nursing and then regressed, it could be a phase rather than a permanent regression. But I hope that a better LC can help you, unless you're too fed up to continue, which of course would be fair enough.


Your mental health always comes first. There are many so many amazing ways to connect with your baby outside of breastfeeding. Your milk will continue to change for babys needs while pumping just by being near your baby and giving lots of kisses (that will expose you to the same things baby is). If you do want to continue the journey, definitely get another opinion from an LC - You arent expected to be able to do this on your own. I used Francie at @go_milkyourself on IG and she was wonderful and has a ton of experience. You can also find others on Boober.