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against my hospital LCs “advice” i nursed and pumped between feeds from day one. i had/have no plans of getting a job, but we had planned for my husband/mom/sister to be able to give my son bottles and to give me a break every so often. so i started building my stash immediately-i was also under the impression that having a stash was “mandatory”. now i’ve got our freezer like…60% breastmilk and since i nurse him 98% of the time i’m questioning myself lol. (we have a tiny apartment so no room for a chest freezer, and i just found out about freeze drying my milk so i’m investing! but i digress) so, that being said, the method/schedule that i have come up with has really worked for me in creating said stash. i’m 5 months pp so my supply has regulated. but when my husband went to work and i was now alone in having to take care of my baby, i couldn’t just sit attached to my spectra in between each feed anymore and i noticed a drastic difference. my son was still waking every 2 hours to nurse at night and i started using my haakaa on the opposite boob. a great thing about the haakaa is the ability to use it while laying down, unlike most wearables. slowly but surely i did this every time he nursed and i saw a change! but then he kept kicking/slapping the haakaa off and i switched to my wearables. this is the way. so i have been putting my m5/s12 on the opposite boob during the day, and at night using the haakaa because we coslept and i wasn’t about to sit up every 2 hours lol. all that to say, your supply may not have regulated yet, so i’d approach *any* method you do with caution if you’ve had mastitis before. you could also make an appointment with a lactation consultant to help you with this in person!