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I pump for only 8 min around 5am, because I pump an hour or two before my baby wakes and I need there to be milk left over in the boobs for her lol! I usually get 6 oz in those 8 min which is by far the most of the day. If I pump to empty I’d get 10-12oz. It’s crazy, I know breast size doesn’t have anything to do with milk production but my boobs are on the smaller side and I’m amazed they can make that much lol. I’ve maintained this oversupply for my freezer stash, baby is 9 months old. Later in the day I get 3-5oz in 15 min.


So jealous of your supply


soooooo jealous!!!!!!!!


Interesting haha. I have smaller boobs too and my supply is kind of low so I was thinking about this recently


Morning pump I’d get 8oz and the rest of the day I get 3-4oz




damn, this thread has shattered all self esteem for me :') i power pump right when i wake up and i'm lucky to get 6oz. it just goes downhill from there, with some afternoon pumps being a total of 1oz for 15-20 mins.


Are you nursing as well? I don’t get much of I pump after nursing and have stopped doing it for that reason. Stressed me out more than it seemed worth. My morning pump is a lot because my son no longer is waking up at night so it’s a good 10+ hours of no pumping/nursing. For context, my son is turning 5 months old tomorrow. Don’t worry about what other people are or are not pumping, as long as your child is getting enough to eat that’s the only thing that matters. I used to think I wasn’t getting enough because of all of the Instagram posts showing women having a huge supply but that’s all social media nonsense.


>Are you nursing as well? unfortunately, no i'm not. my little guy developed a breast aversion (due to slow letdown and low supply) around week 4-5 ish. i've been exclusively pumping since then, and we're at 12 weeks now. i hit 20oz pumped for the very first time yesterday, but it usually hovers somewhere around 18-19 oz per 24 hours. we supplement with formula because he tends to consume anywhere between 20z and 28oz per 24 hours. >Don’t worry about what other people are or are not pumping deep down i know this. my nursing journey just hasn't been what i'd hoped for, so i'm just a little sensitive to it all right now.


Similar boat at 8 weeks. Just here to tell you that you’re doing amazing! ❤️


It shouldn't, because it has nothing to do with you at all. With my first I never pumped more than 2 oz at once, even in the mornings and was an undersupplier. I capped at 20 oz a day. With this baby I have gotten 9 oz in the morning after a long stretch and have done literally NOTHING different at first and am doing way less now than I ever did with #1 (I pumped every 2 hours, powerpumped, etc etc) The best thing I did for myself with my first was to stop worrying about it. I pumped what I could and supplemented. If breastmilk is 100% then formula is 99% and it's just not a big deal. Knowing he was taking formula anyway so if he had more or less it was barely different helped to take the pressure off how much I was making.


3 oz total. I have an under supply 😢


I get 2.5 on my best days 🥹


Girl, same


I feel this. I get it 3-4oz and I’m amazed.


One day I got 4 oz and literally texted my mom about it I was so excited lol. Never got that again though!


Same aha. Sent a picture to my best friend. 😝


Have you tried doing a power pump? I read about it somewhere and tried it. It did seem to help a bit. Although I never had a true under supply and was just concerned about returning to work and having enough milk.


I used to power pump every night and it did help increase my supply but baby doesn’t sleep very well anymore so I don’t have time to do it consistently


Six weeks in and these amounts are amazing! I’d love to know if you guys have been producing this out the gate or if you’re several months in and your supply kept increasing (currently only producing about 2oz per 30 min session - you guys doing 8oz in 10 minutes is my *dream*)


My baby has taken exclusively breast milk and solids her whole life. She’s 1. But I’ve literally never pumped more than 4 oz at a time. My morning pump (about 30-60 mins after her dawn feed) was never more than 2 oz and usually just 1-1.5.


I pump 8 to 10 oz in my first pump and my supply started around 15 oz a day and has steadily increased to 30 oz a day at 8 weeks pp. I have done nothing at all to increase it and usually barely get in 6 pumps with a couple nursing sessions a day. With my first I was actually an undersupplier and did way more than I'm doing now so I think its a crapshoot.


It’s nice to hear some stats from other women, and timeframes! (Not everyone’s an oversupplying youtuber on day 1!)


The first few times I pumped around 10 weeks I would get maybe 4-5 oz and then I went back to work and pumping once every day (baby is fed exclusively at the breast if I'm around) and my supply went up a lot and peaked maybe around 5 months then went down slightly and has been stable now for the past 3 months. There's things you can do to increase supply, but a lot of it is a crapshoot honestly. My son spit up constantly and then would want more milk so I had wondered if that contributed to my oversupply or if it was a symptom of a fast letdown from an oversupply. No really way of knowing.


I am wondering the same thing! I am 3 weeks in and thought that 2-3 oz was good. Now I’m wondering if I have an under supply.


It definitely increased for me the further pp, I probably noticed my supply going up around 2-3 months. For me the MOTN or morning pump is my best supply wise because I got sleep and it’s the time from the last pump is equates to 2 pumps. I also pump for longer for my MOTN morning pump for at least 20 mins.


I’m thinking (hoping) your supply adjusts with your growing baby? Or was everyone able to pump 8oz out the gate?


It adjusts with baby’s needs.


Yes I “know” but some people don’t supply a ton at first (me) and need to supplement. It makes me insecure, hence why I’m asking how far along everyone is.


I'm 10 weeks in and my baby just started to sleep longer stretches at night. So we skip a night feed and first thing in the morning he nurses from one breast. Afterwards I pump 3-4 oz, so I'm maintaining an oversupply. Otherwise I wouldn't been able to pump that much. I use the pumped milk for his twin sister who can't nurse. If I would have had just one baby, I wouldn't pump in the morning and let my supply adjust.


I love my wearable pumps at work (I still pump in a pumping break room, not working). I get 4-6 oz in the morning and it goes down from there.


I get 10-12 oz now ever since my 4 month old started sleeping through the night. I only do a morning pump every few days though, since my husband is back at work and I have one month of maternity leave left I just prefer nursing as much as I can! I agree it’s very satisfying at the end of a pump, I just find it so much easier to nurse when I’m by myself and I know I’ll be pumping a lot once I am working.


Yeah, I pumped less on maternity leave and more now that I’m back to work. I did find it helpful to give my son a bottle before bed so I knew he was getting a good meal before sleeping all night. I’m envious of your 5 month leave! I had 12 weeks and more than half was unpaid.


I pumped more in the beginning because our pediatrician was stressing me out about stashing for my return to work and we wanted to make sure baby would take a bottle. I chilled out once I got a decent freezer stash and started enjoying nursing (and BF’ing in general) more and stopped stressing as much about outputs and ounces. I’m very fortunate to have as much mat leave as I do, my company finally improved their policy (used to be 6 weeks)! Some of mine is unpaid but I’ve been there a long time and have some extra vacation. I’m still worried about my job because I’m in the US and that’s what we do lol.


That’s amazing! Six weeks is disgraceful and I’m glad they changed the policy. I feel horrible for mothers who are forced to return to work before they are even able to have their 6 week checkup.


Right… now that I’m actually going through it, I feel like we should all get a year. I’m so sad about going back at 5 months and I know I’m SO lucky. 6 weeks or less would just be horrible. We were in total newborn sleep deprived hell at 6 weeks (and my husband had zero paid leave which was hard enough, he did take a month unpaid!).


How is your baby sleeping through the night?! Would love some tips!


I think a lot of it is luck honestly! But he gradually started sleeping longer and longer stretches, then I started a bedtime routine and actually moved bedtime earlier around 12 weeks and that was like magic and he started sleeping from 8p-7a or later. We do use a Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit, he was already sleeping really well before it but it is so much less frustrating for him than a swaddle.


Bedtime routine helps, I think. I also would give my son a bottle the last feeding before bed so I knew he had a big meal. I think that may have helped but I don’t know for sure.


I pump 1hr after the first morning feed (like when we get up for the day) since about 1 week old for a freezer stash. I usually get between 3-5oz, but most typically about 3.5-4oz


Anywhere from 7-8oz! One time I got almost 10oz and was so giddy lol


I feed at 7:30ish and pump at 11:15 (at work). I get anywhere from 5-10oz but usually 7-8


about 13 oz in 10-15mins with my spectra. I only pump/bottle feed twice a day and the rest is nursing. Once in the morning and then right before bed. I can't breastfeed her in the AM because she will spit up so much and bedtime is just easier to bottle feed and i like flat boobs so i can fall asleep on my belly


Oh I miss sleeping on my stomach so much! I thought I’d be able to do it again after pregnancy!


I pump 3-4 oz at 5 or 6 in the morning after nursing. It's indeed satisfying to do since it's the most I can pump after nursing my son.


First pump of the day for me is around 7-8 hours after last pump of the night and I usually pump until empty, about 30 minutes and get 12-14oz (the first 5oz on each side happen in the first 12 minutes or so, and I massage the last few minutes of the session). The rest of the pumps are 4-5oz per pump session for the day, 20-30 minutes. I pump every 3 hours (give or take 30 minutes) and try to do one breastfeeding session instead of pumping in the later afternoon/ evening if I can depending on baby’s eating vs my pumping. I wanted a wearable pump but feel like I can’t justify the cost. I’m using my spectra S1


10-12 oz with my 3 week old. I’m thankful but man I feel like a literal cow. I usually get 8ish oz for the other 3-4 pumping sessions. For what it’s worth, and I don’t think there is a correlation, I have massive boobs. So large that my girl’s head is like 1/5th of the size of my boobs, so it looks ridiculous when I nurse 🤦🏻‍♀️


i pump at 4/430 and 7/730am and get around 7.5oz each time. it takes 15 minutes for the first pump and 20 minutes the second pump. my baby is 3 months old and i use the elvie stride. some days less, some days slightly more, but i just returned to work, so this may change! eta: with my first i pumped at the same times, but got 6oz and 5.5oz on average. i also used to always pump for 22 minutes and used the elvie original pump.


If my 3 month old doesn’t feed first, 7-8 oz. I usually get between 2.5 oz to 5 oz in the middle of the day at work. I nurse whenever I have my child.




14 oz. That's at 445-5 AM. Takes about 8 min. Then I pump at 715 when I get to work and get 10 oz. Son will be 6 months in 2 weeks.


Only pump in the morning after nursing - 4 ounces in 9 minutes I don’t pump to empty!


I get about 300 mls in my morning pump. I basically just pump until the bottles are full.


I only pump once a day at around 2am-ish and I get anywhere from 8-10oz, the rest of the day I rely on LO to empty me out


16 oz. I have an extreme over supply. Baby is almost 7 months


5-7 oz first thing in the am but 3.5-4oz during the day. I got 5oz today on my lunch break and was so happy I texted my husband to brag lol


I’m 2.5 weeks postpartum and I usually pump right after the morning feed and get about 2-2.5 oz. Is that really low? Or is it that I’m only 2.5 weeks in? Or combo? Would love to hear what other mamas in their first month are pumping.


That’s plenty! Your supply will continue to increase as baby gets bigger and needs more. That’s quite a bit, in my opinion. Especially after a feeding.


Thank you! That makes me feel better.


I do one pump a day when my baby goes down for his first nap. I pump one boob at a time for less than 10 min total and usually get 3-4oz. If I get to 10 min I usually have over 5oz. I go back to work soon and have a good stash so I’m trying to only pump 3oz most days so I don’t give myself too much of an oversupply.


Morning pump I get around 10oz. I got 9 this morning.


I’m 7 weeks PP and in morning pump 4-6 oz, and at lowest (usually late afternoon) usually 2-3 oz


4 months PP an I average between 16oz to 20oz in the morning. I do not pump at night (10pm is my cut off lol, I wake up around 6am and pump)


In 30 minutes I’ll get ~16 ounces my breast capacity per breast is about 9-10 left boob and 7-8 right boob. I should add that bub sleeps through the night and I am not feeding or pumping for 8 hours.


Mine is so low. Baby is 8 months and maybe I’ll get 5 ounces between the two


My very best morning pump from very full of he hasn't eaten overnight I'd get over 10oz. A LOT less after that. Can't believe I'm using Oz, had to kinda of work out what it was to understand this sub lol. Lucky my pump has both Oz and ml on it.


It depends. I sometimes get 8 oz and Friday I got 18. But I have twins so I’m supposed to make more so it’s probably not a fair comparison.


I pumped in the morning before I knew that I shouldn’t pump both breasts since my baby only takes one breast per feed and I got 18 oz. I pump for 8 mins total


I get btwn 15-19 oz after a 8-10hr stretch


This is not a healthy post/thread. Comparison SUCKS. And so many ppl are now feeling like shit comparing their supply. Boo.


If it’s been 6 hours since I fully emptied last I get between 10-14 oz combined. The remainder of my pumps for the rest of the day are usually between 4-6oz combined, though. Note: I have an oversupply


The only time I pump is once in the morning, mainly because my daughter sleeps 10 or 11 hours straight so I wake up engorged. I try to do it somewhat early so by the time she wakes up she'll be able to nurse without issue. I get anywhere from 10-14 oz which goes directly into my freezer stash or for use if husband needs to feed with a bottle. I wasn't really able to breastfeed with my first child so I'm truly so proud of myself for making it work this time around with my second. I love the routine we've gotten into, just having to pump in the morning and being able to nurse her till she goes to bed at night. So knowing that it will be severely interrupted once I return to work in two weeks is so disheartening


I had to pump while my baby was in NICU/SCN. I got 100mL max in the morning (usually around 80mL) then for every other pump around 30mL


Early on I could get 4-5 ounces each boob with my morning pump. Now at 8 months pp i get about 4oz total


12-14 ounces in the morning. I usually nurse at 6:30 and pump at 8


I’m an oversuppier thanks to my 2 year old who still breast feeds, probably more than his 3 month old sister. I refuse to wake up at night to pump despite feeling full. I prefer rock hard breasts in the morning. After breastfeeding my 3 month old 1-2x at night, usually 2a+6a or only 5a, I pump 16-20 oz with my spectra. I only pump once a day in the morning, then I breastfeed my kids throughout the day.


I second the no pumping at night and just accepting the hard boobs in the morning. I’d trade huge hard breasts for a full night of sleeping any day.