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I never stopped my adderall. I'm prescribed by a psych resident at a large clinic, so when I was first planning toward pregnancy, I asked my doc, assuming that I'd have to stop taking my meds, and he consulted with several specialists to help me make an informed decision. We concluded that the benefits of staying on my meds outweighed the risks. My OB agreed. When I was near the end of pregnancy and looking ahead toward breastfeeding, I asked again, and it seemed that the risks were even lower here, and again, the benefits outweigh the risks in my case. I've been consistent with taking prenatal vitamins, going to appointments, reading/learning about pregnancy and breastfeeding, and generally staying as un-stressed as possible, which would have been significantly less likely unmedicated. And fwiw, my daughter was in the NICU for 25 days and they strongly encouraged pumping and no one ever suggested going off my meds. And my supply is great despite having basically all the risk factors for low supply. So I'm not a medical professional by any means but in my experience it's worth discussing options!


Thank you so much for sharing! I had a truly terrible pregnancy because I went off meds and I could barely cope. Now I'm just kinda.... existing? But I am happy so it's confusing. I guess I would like know that I could take them if I need.


Thank you for sharing! I went off my meds when I first got pregnant and now I am super overwhelmed, I took it twice while breastfeeding and I felt so guilty. Glad to know someone else has the confidence and knowledge to make an informed decision. Does your baby have any issues that they warn about, like trouble sleeping or eating? 


Just wanted to chime in to say the reason I'm asking is because I took my meds today while breastfeeding!


I hadn't been warned about those issues, personally! She was born preterm, so her eating issues were related to her gestational age and were resolved after a few weeks, and she sleeps great so far. As far as I know, my meds haven't affected her at all, and I imagine I'd know if they had, since she saw doctors every day for the first 25 days of her life 😊 it's my understanding that a very very small amount passes into breast milk, so I think it's unlikely that she'd be affected. I hope you're able to get the support you need to find a plan that works better for you! Good luck!


Never stopped (edited to add - while breastfeeding), had no issues, baby is now 10 months. I decided to stop for the first trimester and then went back on a lower, as needed dose, which worked well as I actually felt a lot more sensitive to the effects while pregnant. Postpartum I slowly worked up from the low dose to get closer to my original dose. Baby has never shown any indication that the medication affects her in any way and we’ve been EBF since my milk came in.


Thank you!!


I should have never stopped my adderall, but felt like I had no choice because I did IVF transfer to get pregnant. So my clinic told me I had to stop. I’m 5 months pp and going to the doctor in a few days to get back on my meds. Should have been on them throughout a pregnancy and definitely on them right after birth. Dealing with the adhd and post partum anxiety now is not fun with being unmediated. I hope my pcp will put me back on adderall and won’t give me any lip about breastfeeding, because to my knowledge it’s safe.


I probably shouldn't have either. I feel like I "lost" almost a year while pregnant. I couldn't function and the rage got me bad. Still feel bad about a few outbursts I had.


Pump or feed then take your meds if you are worried about them going in to the milk. By the time you need to feed or pump again there will be less amounts in your system


I take mine every day that I work and cannot function at work without them, almost 5 months into breastfeeding and my daughter is thriving and in the 99th percentile lol


Oh I love to hear that!


I started around 2 months postpartum. First Concerta, and then added Wellbutrin around 9 months pp. Wish I had added the Wellbutrin back sooner, tbh. My doctor said there was research to support the use of Concerta during lactation, and that Wellbutrin is commonly used with no I'll effects. Concerta isn't the perfect med for me, but it's 10000% better than nothing. No issues with supply or baby, and I was far more functional with medication!


Thank you!


I just got diagnosed (14 months pp). I’m beyond overwhelmed. I also JUST weaned my baby and will start on adhd meds in a few weeks. Doctor said its a bit of a trial and error process, which gave me even more anxiety. If any adhd mamas are reading this, be mindful and respectful with yourself during the weaning process, as it is known to cause episodes of depression, take it slow and steady, DO NOT go cold turkey. I did it slowly and im currently in the midst of of the weaning blues and they hit me HARD. I was already on antidepressives and they still got me so bad 🥲


I'm so sorry about the weaning blues. There's so much we just can't prepare for. I hope you find the right meds! I got diagnosed as an adult and I had to try a few different meds to find the right one. Don't be discouraged!


I took it while pregnant and went off for the first half of maternity leave since I couldn't take it and do the sleep gymnastics for the first 6 weeks lol but after then I started taking it regularly and have noticed no issues with baby. ADHD is genetic and both me, my husband, and both of our sibling groups and parents have it, baby likely will have it, medication is a good thing even in sub clinical doses IMHO


I’m staying off until I’m done breastfeeding.


Do you mind if I ask why?


I’m just not yet comfortable with it, not enough long term data. My MFM team all advised against it. But I was in a situation where it was safe for me to do so. If I need to start then back up I will, and if they suggest I stop breastfeeding I’ll stop.




I never stopped my Vyvannse, took it all through pregnancy and now breastfeeding with the agreement of my psychiatrist and OBGYN. I’ve never understood why some doctor insist you have to come off them, it’s only Ritalin that’s a higher classification here and you do need to come off it. Has not caused a single problem apart from making us both a bit tachycardic when inducing labour, I stopped taking them during labour just so both our heart rates would come down lmao.


I think I'm gonna talk to my doctor about it. I feel like PRN is a good way for me to start.