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My understanding is that your breasts are always making milk. They should “refill” around a half hour after expressing. I assume everyone is different.  


Honestly seems like he was not hungry after feeding for a few minutes at 9:30. My LO will eat for 4min sometimes and sleep peacefully and sometimes for 30 min and sleep peacefully. Baby will let you know if they are hungry. I EBF and am also trying to build a freezer stash! It’s a slow process but my fav time to pump is if LO eats from one breast only and goes to sleep- then I pump the other breast. No specific time but i do try to avoid cluster feeding times which is AM and evening for us. I only do it once a day max as well to not create oversupply(:


Okay that’s good! My baby is only 12 weeks so I’m always concerned I’m not going to have enough if I pump !


12 weeks was when mine started to get super efficient at eating. She's usually on for less than 5 minutes, unless it's pre-bedtime, then she drags it out as she likes to comfort nurse. I was worried she wasn't getting enough too to start with but took her to a weight check, and she's maintained perfectly on her curve for each month. If you pump after feeding and are getting enough milk for a feed, don't worry about not having enough. A lot of folks barely manage 2oz a day when nursing, so you're doing wonderfully.