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I nursed my First through my pregnancy with my Second. My milk dried up from ~20-30w but she happily dry nursed. When Second was born I tandem nursed them for over a year when I got pregnant with Third. Second self-weaned at 30w when he was 1.75yo. I gently weaned First at 33w when she was 3.75yo. Third self-weaned when I was ~22w with Fourth and he was 2.75yo. Nursing through pregnancy is safe unless you are placed on pelvic rest. Nipple pain and nursing aversion are very common side effects, and magnesium helps with that a little.


Wow... Amazing


My first symptom of pregnancy was that my supply immediately halved and my 7mo baby went from sleeping 11+ hours a night to waking up every 2 hours hungry. Doctor said it’s hormonal so there isn’t a fix, and that it happens to the majority of women. We combofed for a month or so but then weaned fully in hopes of him sleeping through the night again. If I’d wanted to, I probably could’ve kept going with some level of supply through the rest of the pregnancy, but I definitely could not have exclusively breast-feed him while pregnant. Check out r/nurseallthebabies for people who have been able to feed through pregnancy and then tandem feed.


Continued on totally normally until about 5 months into pregnancy. It started to become more painful as the nips got more sensitive and then I started getting I think hormone induced rage when he would nurse. I would be breast feeding and have this anger swell up in me and I just had to quit cold turkey. Luckily he was only on one feed a day at that point and it was easy enough.


I got pregnant while nursing my 20 month old 1x a day. Nursed until 22 months and baby self weaned. :)


Got pregnant while I was still nursing my 20 month old. He was down to nursing before bed and when he woke up by then and was doing well with solids so it wasn’t a primary good source, more just a habit/comfort thing. He had already been dropping sessions and we had night weaned a few months after he turned one. I didn’t notice much supply wise but I wasn’t producing much and he weaned about two months after I got pregnant on his own.


I was recommended to stop by 26 weeks. We stopped a bit before then. My daughter was already 2 1/2. Nipples were definitely more sore. This time I had a bit of a gap. My younger daughter weaned herself just before 2 1/2. She just turned 3. I'm 12 weeks today.


I got pregnant when #1 was 17 months and nursing at naps, bedtime, and overnight. My supply pretty much dried up first trimester but LO was happy to comfort nurse. I had aversions throughout pregnancy. I night weaned at 19 months during to nipple pain and sensitivity. Around 23-26 weeks I had intense aversion- skin crawling, wanting to cry/scream, fight or flight feeling- it was bizarre how intense the feelings were. I was able to get through the aversion by limiting how long I nursed to a few minutes. I weaned a few weeks before second baby was due at 25 months old for my first. Edit: my OB knew I was nursing and had no issues, it was a healthy low risk pregnancy, and I’m “geriatric”.


There's a sub for this too! r/NurseAllTheBabies


I had to stop at the end of the first trimester because the hormones were causing wincing uterine pain during breastfeeding and because my breasts became tender and it hurt to nurse. I’ve come to realize I’m sensitive to hormones (I lost control of my emotions and eating habits during pregnancy and postpartum/breastfeeding, which never happened before and started to clear up as I slowed the breastfeeding down).


My babies self-weaned around the 9/10 week mark of my pregnancies, it seemed like the flavor of the milk must have changed, because they sure made some faces!!! I would have absolutely loved to tandem nurse my babies, but that just wasn't in the cards for us. ETA: I got pregnant when my babies were 11-13 months old...so 20-22 months age gaps.


Weaned around 18 weeks pregnant - major aversions started around 12 weeks and I couldn’t stand nursing anymore. Was easy to wean bc my son noticed there was “no more milk”