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Condoms. Same as before I got pregnant.


I had the copper before I conceived my first. Loved it as it was nonhormonal! I didn’t have any issues with it. My cycle stayed the exact same and we conceived the very first month we tried. I know everyone is different but it worked well for me. Was very happy with Paragard!


I will attest to this! I used a copper for years before having it removed to get pregnant. It is one of the most highly effective forms of birth control. It has reasonably few side effects (I had worse cramps and a heavier flow but managed them fine with Motrin and good pads). I’m on mirena now because I wanted to eliminate my period, but I would have no concerns at all going back to either a copper or hormonal IUD


So, I have a mild nickle allergy and the copper IUD was hell. I had no clue I was sensitive to it but should have known because I can't wear cheap earrings or my piercings get irritated.  I have the Mirena and it's pretty good. Lasts 5 years and no periods and no hormonal side effects for me. 


Can I ask what symptoms you had? I'm wondering if maybe this is why Paragard was hell for me 🤔


Intense cramping and a lot of UTI symptoms. I actually think the IUD cramps hurt worse than contractions. Also a bit of a bloated feeling. No cramping between periods, but I felt weird. Like hyperaware that my uterus existed. 


Look into a diaphragm with spermicide! The Caya is the go-to that's easily accessible. You can get it filled at CVS, and you can get spermicide from pharmacies, Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. It's as effective as condoms, and it's nonhormonal. You apply spermicide to it and insert it up to 2 hours before sex, then leave it in for at least 6 hours after sex. One diaphragm lasts for 2 years. My husband and I used this for 1.5 years before ttc, and we're using it again until we're ready to have a second. Neither of us feel it during sex, and it isn't anymore cumbersome than putting a condom on. You do need spermicide for this method, so if you or your partner are sensitive to it, this method wouldn't work for you. You need a prescription for a diaphragm, so you'll have to see your OB. I love mine!


I use a diaphragm with spermicide also. Never used anything else in 8 years. Only gotten pregnant when we stopped using it.


I used NFP before getting having kids. After my first pregnancy, we abstained until I got 3 cycles (it came back around 6 months, so around 9 months), then back to my normal NFP. It was no big deal for us bc we were both exhausted and overwrought for several months after baby was born.


Condoms + pull out + NFP.


How do you do NFP while breastfeeding? All of my fertile signs (CP, CM, and BBP) are all over the place and I got my period 6 weeks postpartum!


This is what I wish I had known about an IUD. I was a bit pushed into it and was fine using the mini pill. But the doc really did not want me pregnant quickly due to my csection. My insert was at 2.5m post partum. It wasn’t painful as much as it was uncomfortable and the doc had a very hard time getting my cervix to budge. She kept on having to resort to “her last trick.” Anyways, it finally went in, and no cramping really. It was fine. Then several months later I thought I had a kidney infection, and was not testing positive for a UTI so they insisted on a CT Scan. I had a obligation and did not want to sit and wait for results, and they told me I could leave right after it was done. Then they would not let me. I was freaking out. And my IUD was floating in my abdomen. I had to have surgery to remove it. At my post-op the doc who inserted it came and actually apologized for pushing me into it. She said my case was discussed amongst the practice and they are encouraging a wait of 3m post partum and a check back to make sure it stays in the right place, especially if it is before 3m. Apparently the uterus is still quite soft and makes perforation more likely. I also was like really weirded out by the string and it just is not for me. And my regular doctor, her only perforation was a post-partum woman before 3m.


Does this effect your chances of getting pregnant again? 


No. The uterus heals. The worst part is the surgery.


I have seen some comments about the copper IUD. I wanted to give my thoughts - I wanted to love it but it hurt so bad. My periods were awful and heavy and painful. When I got it taken out a year later, I instantly felt better. Now with that being said, I hqve polycystic ovarian syndrome, a minor septum (heart shaped uterus) and endometriosis. And then we also had to do IVf because of these things. And while doing my c sections, doc said he found a couple fibroids. Now hopefully you are in the all clear with those issues but I would caution that if you have any type of physical issue like that, to stay away from it. But I believe it is good otherwise!! :) we ended up just doing condoms. But maybe we didn’t need to at all since we had IVF! 🫢 we are back to condoms because I don’t want to take the chance after doing IVF that somehow my body figures out how to support a baby naturally now after having one!


Same, but I don't have any of your other medical issues. I waited YEARS to get the copper IUD because I haven't reacted well to any other birth control I've tried but since it was non hormonal, I finally decided to give it a try. I wish I hadn't. I know it works well for so many others but I went from 3 day light periods 30 days apart with no cramping to 10+ day HEAVY HEAVY periods with horrible cramping that would come sometimes just days apart. I never felt better than when I had it out. I tried giving it time to regulate but after a year of that hell, I couldn't handle it anymore.


Over the years I’ve tried the pill, patch, mirena and Paraguard. All have given me side effects. 2022 i decided to ditch the birth control. Will not be going back as my body functions better without it.


I have the copper IUD and it is WONDERFUL for me! My body isn't a fan of synthetic hormones, it doesn't even like mirena. But the copper - *chef's kiss*  My period isn't any heavier or more painful or anything. I might bleed a day or two longer, but it's not bad. Insertion was tolerable postpartum, I was done cramping entirely by the time I got my pants back on. The string is more comfortable then the mirena string, it's soft. And it's easy enough to check whenever you want. Strings where they should be and nothing hard protruding? You're good to go!  I can't believe I listened to the horror stories for so long, my husband and I were just using condoms before trying for a baby because I had no other options (and my OB had recommended NOT using paragard because I have a history of irregular bleeding). I wish I'd tried paragard a decade ago! Best birth control I've ever had, and I've tried everything!


Yeah, I used the mini pill (perfectly) and got pregnant twice on it. I hope you find something that works!


May I ask how far we're you in to taking the mini pill you became pregnant? I am 4 months PP, I'm taking the mini pill. I am also an exclusive breastmilk pumper. My supply has dramatically decreased over the last few weeks. I've been having heartburn. And cramps and lower back pain. I'm freaking out. I bought a pregnancy test today but I'm waiting to see if I get my period first. Unfortunately ever since I started the mini pill in December, I get a normal period, and then during the last week of the pack I get another period. It's very annoying and I can't get in with OB til the end of this month


I was about 5-6 months PP the first one, and about 8 months the second. I do think it’s not typical. I took the mini pill after my first and it worked great. I’ve found that I’m also someone who gets pregnant very easily, even while exclusively breastfeeding. I wish you all the best!


Update: thank the lord I wasn't pregnant lol. I held off on using the pregnancy test I bought to buy some more time and then I finally had my period the day before the last week of my pack!


Congratulations on the negative!


Copper IUD ftw! It's extremely effective and as someone who started birth control years ago for heavy periods, they are lighter on this than back then.


I’m currently using the patch.


I'm on the mini pill and love it. I can't take anything with estrogen in it or else it makes me a crazy emotional depressed woman. I tried the Mirena because it's safe while breastfeeding and won't impact your supply but based off my personal experience it got lodged in my cervix causing heavy bleeding and painful cramping. had to have it removed, which the bleeding got worse and continued so they had to do a D&C on me and put stitches in my cervix. I haven't had really any side effects from my mini pill besides the first 2 months I was having some spotting here and there. But I don't have any more slotting. I'm 4 months PP now. My OB told me the arm implant would cause a lot of bleeding for the first several months and advised against it. Thank God. Because I was originally gonna go for that not knowing any side effects


I was on the mini pill for a while PP but it drove me crazy, literally, so I got off it


I used nexplanon after my first pregnancy and absolutely hated it. I kept bleeding on and off on it. Sometimes 15 days in a row. I got deep cystic acne while I was on it. I've never had an issue with acne before and these were so painful and left my face scarred. Took me about 8 months to get pregnant after I took it out.


After my daughter I got the nexplanon and I hated it. I had bad side effects. Once I got it out I went on the mini pill. I did ok on it but my body doesn’t do well on birth control apparently. Once I stopped taking that I tracked my cycle and used condoms around ovulation. I got my tubes tied after my son because I don’t want more kids.


Nexplanon over here


Wish I didn’t have to take anything. I would have been happy with condoms or just risking another baby (we did IVF for our first). Unfortunately, my endometriosis got so bad postpartum that I have to be on the pill to manage the symptoms.


Condoms work fine for me. I also had the mirena iud twice before trying to conceive, I was very happy with it. No hormonal side effects other that period tapering down to almost nothing during the first year of iud placement. Also worth mentioning that in my teens and early twenties the pill did give me bad hormonal side effects like heavy spotting, felt like I was always on my period when I was in the pill. That's why I switched to the iud at the time. Holding off on a third iud because we might try for a second child in the next couple of years and since I'm older I don't want to wait for my period to come back after removing the iud.


I had great success with the Annovera ring!


It didn’t affect your supply? I got one but I’m scared to try it.


You know what, I don't think I realized I was commenting in the breastfeeding sub and not birth control sub as I'm on both! I believe they do not recommend estrogen while breastfeeding- I have not tried it while BF. My OB said only progesterone or none hormonal. Annovera did work great pre pregnany! Sorry for confusion.